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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1905)
OB3BQ K"s x' RV tT J Stnlo Hist Sot IH 4 -3l Vl. IVi iSTd, J03 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MARCH J6, J906. Price 5 Cents Bajlvlftebraeftan ' . t - ft -Nj-4 km. I Si - IS FINAL CONTEST .! Lft Game of Basketball for This Season Tonight. PROM TOMORROW vr 'r'V'p"r'n"n"''"r"rV'p"R"n TpTTn'T'i'T'VT"!"!"' it it BASKETBALL j ' Ft If!' ML VJ i ll id: it it it 5fr n n it it OjM Gamo Expected Vamltr la Some what IlAndloapped. h n n n it n it 'tonight the 'varsity basketball team lines up against the team from Wil liam Jewell College for the lost game oU the season.- The William Jewell tcjtm has played several gamea this year which have proved to their oppon ents that.thqy aro a fast aggregation. Tle 'varsity will end what has been a very successful season with the gamo tofelght. The team has taken two lpig trips and won a majority of the games played on these trips. The first trip was very successful as out of five games played five victories re sumed. Two of these victories were ovbr Minnesota and Nebraska had the pleasure of defeating this team then defeated tor the first time in seven yebre on the Minnesota floor. It was thought the first of the season that return games would be played with Minnesota In Lincoln but arrange tments could not be made satisfactory to, hoth teams, The second trip was with, dastern colleges and; while the team, did not make the Record of the jpreyjous trip they did well considering I the many oddB against which they had to contend1. They won two out of the six games played, but the foams played were the strongest in-' Wisconsin" and Illinois. The team's work at home has been very successful as they have lost but two games out of the five played. TJhV total number of games played this season is sixteen excepting the William Jewell game. Out of the sixteen played ten- were victories, making a percent age of sixty-five. Thoy have scored 563 points to their opponents 483. Tills is a good margin and well worthy of mention. ' Besides the regular gi)no tonight, Manager Beers has secured the Persh ing Rifles to give an exhibition drllL The drill will be concluded with, a spell down for the gqld medal. Those who saw the excellent drill glvea by this company on Charter Day will not miss an opportunity to see It repeated tonight. The 'varsity will be handicapped by the loss of Captain Hoar. The severe illness brought on by the eastern trip taken by the basketball team has made .it practically impossible for Hoar to take any very active part In athletics for the remainder of the school year. Burrusa will be placed at guard in Captain Hoar's position and Krake, who accompanied the team on both of is trips, wl be In at forward. The tickets aro on sale at the Co-op. ' The price- of admission Is 25c and 35c. The following Is the lineup: Nebraska. William Jewell. FORWARDS Krako Bradley Hagenslck Prince CENTER. Moser Burke . GUARDS. Burnish , .... Shoop Bfelli Leadbetter Officials Referee, J. B. Tenlx; Um pire, Dr. Clapp. WILLIAM JEWELL COLLEGE S UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Thursday, Match i 6th, 8 p. m. ARMORY. Successful Program. The Latin club met Tuesday eveniag in Union hall. A splendid audlenco-'ol about a hundred and; fifty waa present. The program consisted of Latin, songs and recitations taken from tho odes' of Horace. Theses were rendored by the members of the Horace classes under the able direction of Dr. Johnson. Ev ery member showed careful and dili gent training. The program was con cluded by the singing of "Lauriger Horatlus," by the audience, The pro gram was greatly enjoyed by all. Glee Club Trip. Contracts have been signed cover ing all but one of the dates arranged by Manager Williams for the Glee ciub trip. The men leavo Wednesday, April 19th and will be on the road nine dfey, returning to Lincoln, Friday, April 28th. Concerts will be given at Crete, Seward, York, Fairbury, Beat rice, Aurora and Grand Island. The terms secured from the various mana gers at towns where the club Is to sing v. ere very satisfactory to the club, and nothing stands in the way of the most successful trip a Nebraska Glee club has taken in recent years. Prof. Turner Reads. Prof. E. F. Turner, of Wesleyan Uni rendered several choice readings at Convocation yesterday. Tlio principle selection was the well known poem of Longfellow, "Robert of Sicily." His second reading was Eugene Sills beau tibul little poem, "Night" Mr. Tur nei then recited James Whitcome Riley's humorous and characteristic poem entitled, "Summer Day." Ho concluded with the pathetic poem of Eugene Field, "Our Two Opinions." Mr. Turner is a very entertaining Bpeaker and his fiequent encores showed thaT his readings were much rerrjoyed by the audience. Chanlu Bros., Florists. 127 So. 13th. Twenty-one meals for $3: Dormitory Cafe, C at ik ai ife 4a tat at kj WtffebjAfeteMBbkbb Senior Prom Lincoln Hotel, Match 17 Walt's Full Orchestra ' TICKETS $2.50. it it it U a n it n it it a n n it n it it it H it it Nona Decided Yet. House Roll 850, the bill for an act to appropriate twenty-five thousand dol lars for the purchase of one-half of block number twenty-flvtf for tho Uni versity, is still in tho hands of the Committee an Finance, Ways and Means In the House. House Roll 9, which was amended before passing tho house so as to cut down the appropriation from one hun dred thousand to twenty thousand dol lars, was read in the senate for the first time yesterday morning. House Roll 250, tho salaries bill, Is still In the hands of tho Finance, Ways and Means committee of tho senate. The bill as it passed the house appro priates three hundred and fifty thous and dollars for University salaries. This amount is about fifty thousand dollars more than tho University has ever been able to secure before. Owing to an agreement between the two houses of the legislature, no bills that have passed one house will be considered in the other until after the seventeenth of this month, so that it la probable that nothing more will be done with the bills that have passed the house and are now in the senate until some time next week, at least. Sombrero Out May 4th. The approximate date on which the Sombrero will be out is announced to be May 4. The work Is steadily pro gressing, nearly all of the material having been written up by this time. The book will go to press in a few days. Already efforts have begun to secure the required number of sub scribers to make the annual a success financially. Contiact blanks have been distributed among-the students which a,re agreements to take one or more books at a rate of $1.50. ThlB Is the season evorybody feels like sittlnglor pictures. Have you had that "feeling?" If not, see what Town send is producing and you will make an apoplntmont Immediately. Studio 22G South 11th street tllAAjA 1 Last Formal Function of the Year to Be of the Best. Mew Schemes of Decoration to De Uaed, ad Other Arrangement Completed, Tomorrow night at tho Lincoln oc curs tho annual Senior Prom. With what resources tho committee could reasonably count on arrangements have been mado which will place the Prom, of '05 abreast with any that havo proceeded. Bosides the uaualj class and University color decorations some novel electrical effects are to bo used. This feature Is somothing quite new in Senior Prom, decorations. Tho fact that tho dance comes on St. Pat rick's day is to bo taken advantage of and some color scheme appropriate to the day will be used In completing the decorations. A short program, con sisting of sixteen regular numbers and no extras, will bo danced. The shorter program was tried at the Junior Prom, but without success for the unavoid able lateness of starting cut the num bers and Intermissions too short. To morrow night, however, dancing will begin promptly at 9:30 and long lntor miBsions and frequent encores will bo possible. Walt's full orchestra -will furnish the miisic and light refresh ments will bo served. R. H. Whlto Is chairman of the Prom, commltteo and J. R. Bender master of ceremonies. The program of dances is as follows: 1. Two-step Gallant Hearts. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. t. 8. y. Waltz Fiom Fantana. Two-step Fraternity Belles. Waltz Rosebuds. Two-step Field Day. Five-step In Days of Old. Two-stop From Woodland. Waltz From ShorGun. Two-step Yankee Land. Waltz i?rom Yankee Consul. Two-step Big Indian Chief. Waltz Queen of Hearts. Two-step Back, Back to Baltl- 10. 11. 12. 13. more. 14. 15. Maid. 1G. Waltz Mormaid. Two-step My San Waltz Ever Thine. Domingo Y. M. C. A. Officers. At the annual business meeting of the University Y. M. C. A. held last evening; In U 10G tho following officers wero elected for tho ensuing year: President, Charles T. Borg; vice pres ident, A. C. Bates; secretary, R. R. Hill; treasurer, L. T. Sldwell. Secretary -Ringker presented the matter of- the raising of finances to the meeting and slips were passed around for those present to subscribe. About one hun dred and twenty dollars was pledged byjhose present at the meeting. President M. J. Brown paid a tribute to the work of the present secretary, J. D. Ringer, emphasizing ' the fact that while Mr. Ringer had never "grum bled" he had nevertheless been a very busy man and had worked faithfully for the benefit of the association mem hers. Oyster stew 25 cents at Cameron's new Restaurant, 119 South 12tb. Manifolding and typewriting. See Ed. Affolterr check room; basement Uni hall. University rates. . 4 V I A i