The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 15, 1905, Image 4
tizzzz:z?rriT?.. aw-si: msm&itey.m&krzri:..., ?- : ' -r f-rTT-T- !' i iIujmvj, A Gfoe Dail Tlcbmshan Campus Gleanings v Dolta Dolta Delta entertained Infor mally Saturday evening at the chapter house. TO r 1?' ' Is. 1 jCLM Tt C A LM KTHP J T Ahow Aluikon "J Quarter Size Collars "IlfUST be Quarter Size Collars, that is they miiHt be precisely rijrht and made of stuff which will not shrink. The Cluett and Arrow Col lars arc rightly made of shrunk fabrics. Cluett y 25 cents Arrow, IS cents each or 2 for 25 cents Cluett,-Peabody & Co. Makers of Cluett and Monarch Shirts Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sara's Cafe Little Com Hot Wnfllos and Ft no Moalfl and Lunches. 1 17-121 North IS Strt We have always been known aa the ..STUDENTS' LAUNDRY, Thla aaaton w. ars turnttur out bsttst than var. W. want your buatnaa. YULE BROS HAND LAUNDRY Auto 3754 ISUO Street OO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ijjwra Tradc Marks Designs COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anrono sendtns: a sketch and description may qiUoklr ascertain our opinion free whether an is proc laronuon is proDaoif paienvfie. uommunie tlons strictly oonadentlal. HJUsOMXMC on Patents aont free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patent taken thronsh Munn A ob. recetre lab ntekU aotfea. without ehanre. In the Scientific American. A. handsomely Illustrated woekly. largest cir culation of any aotanMOo journal. Term a. $3 a rear j four months, f L. Sold by all newsdealer. MUNN Co sua New York Branch Ofnoo. (06 V BU Washington. D. C. Prof. Goss spoke in tho chapol this morning at 9 o'clock on "Locomotlvo Performance." O. T. Svmn, '04, is now In tho govern ment Bureau of Forestry, and is locat ed In Washington. Tho missionary committee Is called to meet tomorrow morning at 11 a. ra. In the Y. W. C. A. rooms. The person seen to take pocketbook from locker 125 In tho shop last Wed nesday will return Bamo at onco to lockor or tool loom and avoid being reported. Tho Forest club of tho University will meet March 18 at 8 p. m. in N 102. C. G. Bates will discuss "Pine Ridgo" and C. M. Dunn will give a talk on 'Arbor Lodge" F. E. Donney haB connoted his pa per on "Crown Gall," which is to be published in the State Horticultural re port. It is a summary of tho present knowledgo of this obscure disease. An extended1 paper on tho "Rusts and Smuts of tho Cereals" haa Just been completed by C. A. Jensen, a graduate student in the Department of Botany. It is to be published in the State Agricultural report. The Deparmont of Botany of tho Uni versity has received' an urgent re quest from Washington for another trained botanist to take a good posi tion as an. Investigator. The salary of tho position starts at one thousand dollars a year. Another packet of plants came to Dr. Clements of tho Department of Botany oi. Monday from Tints In Transcancas la for the University Herberium. This makes all told about five hundred ape ries which have been received' from that region. They will be mounted and put In the Herberium at once. The State Geological Survey has re ceived an industrial collection of arti ficial hollow block stone made of ce ment concrete by the Ruohle company, of Kankakee, Illinois. The collection will be displayed in connection with the cement brick and lime brick collec tion received some time ago. Professor Bessey made a careful mi croscopic examination Saturday of the buds on tho peach trees growing on his lot on R street In the city and found all the flowers dead. Ho does not expect to get any peaches from his trees this year. He has not yet exam ined buds from the peach orchards outside of the city. The DiBtrlct Court o fthe Law school held a trial Saturday afternoon. Mc Laln and Sprague were council for the plaintiff In error In the case of Cowan vs. Chase and' Bagley and Jetorson wore council for the defendant In error. Tho regular Monday evening lecture before the law students was not given last night. It is postponed until next Monday evening. Includes In the Now E,dltlon 25,000 NE.W WORDS. Etc. New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary Bdlted by W.T. HAltUIS, Ph.D., LL.D., V. fe. Commissioner of ttducutlon. 2380 Quarto Pates. Nw VUtn. 5000 Illustrations. Itlrh WnJlnir.. AUo Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with UlOpacM. H0 IllnatnUUuu. Sba : 7iKhSHa. A SpscUl Thin Paper Edition De Luxe lrlald from was pUtM aa rgSilar edhica. Ithu llmpeover. and round cornara. Bum i fi)irilH- FREE, "A Test in Pronunciation," Uttraot- IraattdrntorUtalaf. Alao UlaaUatad panphltta. G. 6 C. ME.RRIAM CO. Publishers, Springfield, Mass. Wanted I would like to correspond with some student who will return to the University next fall, In regard to doing work for mo to help pay ex penses. Wlll-you kindly send mo the names of one or two students who might bo Interested. Thanking you In advanco, I am, very truly- yours, C. E. HEAD. Elliott's Sultorlum, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reasonable. 1136 O street Both phones. Forbes' Stables, livery, cab and bag gage service, 1125-31 P street. Bell phone, 550. Auto phono 1550. Lincoln Transfer Co.; baggage. Phone 176. Manicuring at tho Famous. Chanln Bros.. Florists. 127 So. 13th. CALIFORNIA VIA UNION PACIFIC Every Day From March 1 to May 15, 1905 $25.00 Short Line. Fast Trains. No Delays Be sure your ticket reads over this line. Inquire E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent Crescent Bowling Alleys 1134 N STREET The Newest Popular Books The Prospector, by Ralph Connor $1.20 The Masquerader, by K. C. Thurston 1.20 The Law of the Land, by Emerson Hough 1.20 The Simple Life, by Charles Wagner .25 The Clansman, by Thomas Dixon 1.20 at BROWN'S. 127 south Eleventh Sbe fraternity BuilWno Corner 18th and X treats aTamlkaer A sharp, Fropa. tpscfsl Rataa for Pratsrntty Dances. I AutsoaaHc 174, Ball 974 KaaUanca, AntaeaaUc l8l7.BaV4tr A. H. GILLI8PIE Phone 1140 1524 O Street Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done g i i i NULL & McCOY I830 O 49treet Columbia National Rfr a OF LINCOLN, DamC NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 Twenty-one meals for $3. Dormitory Cafe. CbarhsB. Gregory (O.etn.'ti) :j the Coal Man NO. J 044 O STREET New York Boston and The East Fast daily train Chicago Si North the double-track Missouri River to ing at Chicago ail points East. service via the"! Western Raiiwav. railway from tho Chicago, connect wlth all lines for The trains of the North-Westerri Line are most completely equipped for the safety and comfort of patrons. The Best of Everything Tk,e.ts and full information fan application to R. W. McQINNIS, Agent, 1024 O Street Chicago & North-Westera Railway NW460 -i 21 VUl .V-'-W -. ... I f. - fc-r - . .15.x: V lJ3i M - S . .iftM&haUtfcfc rl r- I ! ' . ""IT.1