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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1905)
fWSftPS v - :.' 1 t? 15' (f tf it e fl e I) r a 0 It a n ?? Jk v r i ' V kBdlfei . ... 7rBgyupaj to I BUSINESS DIRECTORY 'wf&ijr. loyal DaUeralty Student la ted to patronise these Kebrnakan 1 IE Advertlaem, and to mention the j; tfiagter white 4itag-so. : t : : r t n BAKERY Mrs. Petry. BARBrtBHOPS. Tho Aristo, Green's Palace fend Mogul. BICYCLES-ATHLETIC G00t)8 Si dles, -CHrard: BOOK&Bf ATIONERY Co-op, Lln cpj Book Store, Unl. Book Storo, BJoVn Drug Co. BOOK HOSPITAL-Gillesple. BAftkS Columbia National, First Na- &6nal ;BOOKBINDIi .G Gillespie. I TOLLING ALLEY Crescent fCSINBSS COLLEGE Lincoln Boal- ness College. 'r CANDIES "Woodward Candy Qo. ' "CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. ? CATERER "Tommy," at Rlggs' Drug ' Store. "glGARS Fred A. Powell, Lindsay. CLEANERS AND DYERS Elliott, SouVup & Wo6d. CLOT&UIG Armstrong, Magee & Deemer, tJnland. COAL Gregory, P", p. Smith, White breast. " - ... CONFECTIONERY Maxwell. . DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. - .DANCING SCHOOI-PItts. " blSEASES OF EYE, EAR & THROAT Dr. Woodard. pRTJGOISTS -r, Stelner. Woempfcrfef, ': Brown, Mann, Rector, Harley. . -n DRY GOODS Miller &'Palne, Herpol- 8helraer. - - trie Co. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. ..... FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. ...". : FURRIER Steele. : GROCERIES Keystone, H. N. Town. HABERDASHBRY $2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudge & Guenzel, F. E. Latir. HOTELS Llndell. . JEWELER Tucker, Wolff, E. Flem ing.. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. '. LIVERY Forbes Stables. T .TTMBER Dlerks. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend, Hay den, Kennedy. POOL AND BILLIARDS B. P. Pow ell. FRJNItfO George Bros., New Cen " ary, Ivy Press, Review Press, Grit fln & Greer. RESTAURANTS Weaterfteld, Cam eron, Good Health. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium. SHAMPOOING The Famous. 8HOES Sanderson. SHOE REPAIRING Null arid McCoy. Blue Front Shop. 8HINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. STENOGRAPH ERAffolter. SUITORIUM Weber, , TAILORS Unland, Union College Tttllofrfc, Ludwig, Kadis & Mart. "TYPEWRITER-Remittfetotu WAITERB' BUREAU wTETGrant. f REE COOKING LESSONS In Demonstration Hall (over gas company's office) Tuesday, 10:00 a. m., Wednesday,, 3 :W) p. m., Thursday, Fri day, Saturday evenings, 8:00 p. m., MlsaGena Vawter, Instructor. EHDCOLATESHnNBDNS For Sale Only at Harley's Drug Stpre, 11th and O. '"Bulletin MARCH 15. A. E. Turner gives a recital at con vocation. Y. M. C. A. election of officers, 30 p. m. MARCH 1G. Varsity vb. WHllatn-Jewell, Armory, 8 p. m. MARCH 17. Dr. Pillsbury addresses the Medical Society in M 301. MARCH 17. Senior Prom, Lincoln hotel. MARCH 18. Forest Club, 8 p. m., N 102. MARCH 23. Post-graduate music recital by Miss Alleyne Archibald. APRIL 3. Subject of second junior theme must be submitted to the Department of Rhetoric, U 311. APRIL 8. Junior-Senior reception. APRIL 14. Company B Hop at Fraternity hall. ' ' APRIL 17. Second Junior theme due at 5 .p. m. In U 3ll. Senior Prom Committee meets on Thursday at 11 in U 100. Important. Full attendance urged. Professor A. E. Tunndf, of Wesleyan University will -give, several readings fkt co'nyocation this morning. The annual business meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association will occur this evening at 7:30 in U 106. The annual election of officer will take place at this meeting. A a&ecial notice of the' meeting has been nlatfed ,to,,mc,mbqps gt the association urging them to feel a personal respon sibility in the matter and attend the meeting and do their share In selecting the officers for the ensuing year. . The employment bureau at the Uni versity of 'Chicago has secured $6,000 worth of work for the students this year. Candidates for the degree of bache lor of science at Columbia will not be required1 to offer, any ancient language for entrance or to pursue the study of any ancient language In college. The Freshmen and Sophomores at Michigan' recently engaged in a class scrap which was in the nature of a hair cutting contest. Faculty interfer ence had to be resorted to to que.ll the disturbance Hereafter the degree of Ph. B. will not be conferred1 at the University of Iowa. The degree of A. B. will bo given instead' with a decrease of the amount of Greek formerly required for., that degree. The sudden death of Mrs. Stanford will probably cause all class and uni versity social functions at Stanford University to be given up or postponed for a month.' A movement to raise $2,500,000 for Princeton TJniierBlty to Install -a. sys tem of tutors or preceptors to enable the teaching of students In small groups, has been Inaugurated by the trustees.. For Furs see Steele, 143 S. 12th St. Erie B. Woodward, M. D., diseases of eye, ear and throats 207-8 Rlchardff block. Phone 666. Union Shining Parlors. Shine, 5c. Chairs for ladles. 1018 O street Lincoln Local Express, 1030 N street Both phones. HIGH GRADE I r ft ONEWAY RATES Every day from March 1st to May 15th, 1905, Inclusivo, the Union Pacific will sell one-way tickets from MlBcouri River Territories (Council Bluffs to Kansas City, inclusivo) qb follows: $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lako City. $20.00 to Holena and Butte, Montana. $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchen, Washington. $22.50 to Huntington and Nnmpa, Idaho. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Oro- gon, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco, l.os Angeles and San Diego. Correspondingly low rates to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah, and Idaho points. Through Tourist cars run every day on Union Pacific between Missouri RiVer and1 Pacific Coast; double berth $5.75. For full information call on or address, E. B. Slosson. HffiHOH EVERY SUCCESS HAS ITS OWN GOAL Wt have been very ittcceuftfl la catering to weddings and parties where something EXTRA FINK la wanted. Why can't we furnish you with your Groceries for all occasions? KEYSTONE GROCERY iai South 13th Street Better the merits and advantages offered by the various , railway lines before Chicago, Milwaukee & SI, Paul Ry. . has electric-lighted traini, solid yestibdletV ,.... steam heated, equipped with every modfern ;' safety devicevheavy stetl flrst-clasi road-M and ' ' many other advantages. Write to F. A. NASH, Dinara! Western Agent, 1524 Faman Stmt, OMAHA, NEB. . 1 CIQ fPi LOUISIANA , ; The Missouri Pacific will self tickets on February 7th, , 21st-and March 7th and 21st to many points In Louisiana,' Texas, Arkansas and return at $18.85, good for 21 days. ;' This very low rate includes Galveston, San Antonio, Pert Arthur, and. is much less than one way fare. The Missouri Pacific has two daily trains from Lincoln to Kansas City and St. Louis and all points south, with electric lighted coaches and the best of everything. " , ' CITY "nCKET OFFICE S. W. Corner i2th and O Streets F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A, :-'t' THBRB IS NO Walsh, CtecK or Article el Jewelry VI CANNOT RHP All? - A Tucker, J4frfA4elr 1 135 O 3. Phi, fcbtt (84, Auto I SS4 EW something artistic 'and up-to-date try our Platinums Rates for Students. ..... IO20 O 8TREET STUDENTS The newest and finest Batbst Shop in Nebraska. Paftfci- I laur attention given to fact, neck and scalp massaging J' j 'The Aristo 1206 O St, Burr Block - VOUlR FiiRT'iElS BALLS AND BAN w .' 1-. jit.: -fMV. are not a -.epijitfpletft. sujk ceBs withoULJirpBrnib "ah,tfi nienues. del therri prlriiW;! QR1FFIN-GREER PfytfjtiNtl COjilP'Y 1136 O StiVet y The First National Bank of Lincoln, Neb. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital w'.$ 3p0iQQQ.HV. .. Surplus , . lOOjQOp.QO ' Undivided profits1.. '46,000.00 "8. H. Burriham, Pres. A. J.-Sawyer, Vlre-Presldent-. " H. S! 'Freeman', Cashier. H. Bi Bvantf, AeBt.,CaqhJerv Frank Parks, ABBt.Cashlor. P. R. Easteraay, Auditor. purchasing tickets. Tht 1. . 1 I- )OOOOOOOCXXXXXXXiOOOO(MOOCOO TEXAS, ETC. OIQ flR BBSBSBSBSBsVPHVVsl M"? :.ii, ,t &' twlf X '- HI Ts i 1 j i li 'M $ .' .', ' : j--j . v ... -t