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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1905)
IMhn w'i ,i i mi win, 'yi, nan wwwimi r, TrrrrT '!'' r.' v1'- -$ - ,yr.:. ;" :; . -. -',;; (Tbe Dailp Aebrafian n rr. i -i ttmmmmmmtkim M i 5 1 v I'vS I A N k v i tfi v III ft. ir . .f.f s thiDll9fi&raskan 'I1 ' i," J "i1 A oOhBolldntlbn of The Heaporian, Vol. 01, Tho Nebraukan, V"ol, 10 Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Published 4a11)r, oxeopt Sunday and Monday, at tbo UnlTonilty of Nobraaka, Lincoln, Neb. by the BejxiMi Publlahlrtg Co ., Board Or DnuoTonn Profwaort 3. 1. Wyer, and 0. B. Richards: H. P. LeavUt John WcHtorcr E. R. Walton. Editor-In Chief Manngvr .. Mn't. Manager Associate Editor Circulator Athletic Awlntant AtlilotJc Nowb Btato Farm Fred A. Bwooley A. O. Sohrelber Fred Naughton A. M Levy Walter E. Standoven STAFF H. A. VanOradol H. L. Swan H. O. Myers A. F. Magdane Editorial Rooms and Buninc Offtco U 211 Post Off loo Station A. Lincoln, Nebr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic 1528 Automatic 2365. Subscription Prico, 12 per year, in advance Entered at tho postofllpe at Lincoln, Neb., an sooond-clniw mail mntter under the net of conKrCiwof March 8, 1870. Individual notioon will be charm-d for at tho rate of 10 contH for enoh insertion. Faculty, "departmental and nnlvorulty bulletins will gladly bo published free, ns heretofore. support th6 me$ us wo should. The financial condition bf tho basketball treasury will pormlt or a largo crowd -witnessing tomorrow's game and then tho strong box will not overflow to any alarming extent. A good crowd at this, the last game of the season, will set things right financially, and1 what's more, It will mako tho team feel that we apprcciato tho excellent record they made for Nebraska. Tho gymnasium should be crowded tomorrow night. Notices and subscriptions may be left at the Daily Nebraskan office, or at the Co-Op. Book Store. Editorial Remarks Professor Richards. The Sombrero Board could not have dedicated' the Sombrero to a more wor thy and' deserving member of the fac ulty than Professor Richards. Profes sor Richards Is an exceptionally pro gressive man and the present high standard of the Nebraska Engineering School Is due for the most part to his great ability and Indefatigable energy. When he came to Nebraska thirteen years ago the Engineering Department was a comparatively unlmpoitant de partment of the University. Through his efforts that school Is now one of the several departments of the Univer sity which award to Nebraska the leadership of western universities. Professor RIchaids' energies have not been confined to the Engineering Department, but nearly every useful phase of University activity has felt ha helpful influence. He Is a man of the University and It Is very fitting that the book of the University should so appreciate him. Ab yet only one game to decide the inter-class basketball championship has been played, and from present in dications this is the only game which will be played. Sometime ago the Sophomore team defeated the Fresh man team, thorcby winning the right to play the winner of the SonlorJun lor game for the championship. But so far no Senior-Junior game has been forthcoming. The Sophomores now say that, In event no other class team Is put In the field to compete with them, within a certain date, they will 'claim the honor. The stand taken by '07, while rather unsatlsfactoty to themselves and to the other classes, is undoubtedly warranted. They have gone to the trouble of developing a good team, have met and defeated the only team with nerve or spirit enough to oppose them, and' now are In a posi tion to take for granted what the Sen iors and Juniors apparently lack tbo proper spirit to fight for, the Inter class championship. This tamely al lowing such an honor to go by default certainly casts anything but glory upon the members of the Senior and Junior classes. '07 deserves all she has earned, and '08 also is to be commended. "The sororities have entered into an agreement whereby their informalu will close at 11:30 p. m. and their an nuals at 1 a. m. The mini. It is with considerable hesitation that we brlng-the above to tho notice of tho sorority girl at Nebraska. Should she, prompted by another spirit of reform, decide to do likewise she would probably carry her decision Into effect, and we'd be s'orry we spoke. Illinois has had her luxuries cut In length, we In- number. Honors are eeli. Tomorrow night brings to a close the basketball season of 1904-05 when the 'vrfrslty meets the five from William Jc well College. Most or the games played by, the team this season have been away from home, and only a few opportunities have been afforded to Communication. From the charges made against the Sombrero committee of the Sophomore class by the minority leader at the class meeting yestetday morning an ex planation will be timely and fitting. The committee wishes to state that If evidence was lacking to convince the members yesterday morning that busi ness economy was employed In getting the rates for Sophomore representation In the Junior Annual the facts are now prepared to corroborate the con tention of the suppoiters of the com mittee. The facts were not at hand yesterday morning but they ate now compiled and we are prepared to show that the representation of the Sopho more class In the Junior Annual Is larger, and tho rates because of the largeness of the representation better, than any class with the exception of the Juniors. SOPHOMORE SOMBRERO COM A seed corn special will start out oer the Union Pacific railroad Wed nesday, March 15. The main line to Kearney will be followed with fre quent utops and all branches north of Columbus and' Grand Island. Professor J. L. Lyon, of the School of Agricul ture, will bo the principle speaker and will be assisted by six other lecturers. This Is the first corn special sent out over the Union Pacific and It Is ex pectodrhat others will follow before corn planting time. A bill recently passed by the Penn sylvania legislature makes hazing a crime. It declares that If any person or persons shall inallclouslv inflict on any person any grievous bodily harm by what i commonly known as hazing, either with or without any woapdn or instrument, while attending or going to or coming from any of the common schools, colleges, universities or any other Institution of learning within this momonwealth, he, she or they shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. "Being convicted, he, she or they shall be sentenced to a fine not ex ceeding $500, or undergo an imprison ment of not more, than six months, or both." Athenaeum. Magec Decmcr Fashions Latest Ideas in Finely Tailored Spring. Suits With a thordugh knowledge of all that is new with facilities for carry ing out any plans that would improve tho makjdng, we present "Kenslhgtdn Suits for the coming Beason, cbnfifont of a stronger claim upon your patron age than ever before. It's simply a matter of knowing their superior points wherein they differ from 'Other makes. Tho demand for them has al most doubled each season and with a much more elaborate display and styles more attractive than ever before we expect even a greater demand this season. Lay aside all prejudice against 'store" clothes come In and nut on the best fitting suit you have ever worn. $18, $20, $22.50 and $25. iff HI TRY A TON OF Cardiff Coal $7.00 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Refunded. For the Heating Stovo WhitAhpAaet rrt w hWfel WUIb Wl STREET AUTO 'PHONE 3232 BELL 'PHONE 234 $$& k ... A HO 6 O i Visiting and Address Cards Programs, Invitations and Correspondence Stationery GEORGE BROS. PRINTERS Fraternity Building We also manufacture Advertising t, Buttons and Mirrors. Telephones: A349. 34 THE UP-TO-DATE Billiard and Pool Parlor No Saloon Attached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, 146 N. Ilth St. E. E. MANN Carries a full line of A. A. WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS And also Repairs Them. PLAY BALL z? w QP 117 North Eloventh Lincoln 1 Wedding Invitations f ' V -. , ,. , .. and Announcements LOOK KOIt TI1K 8JON I6H mm ESS The New Century Printers - 1 1 1 in in 1 1 1 11 in 1241 N STREET : :. : .: AUTO. 16 j6 Wo are sole agents In Lincoln for the celebrated D. & M. Baseball and Athletic Goods Full line of baseball shoes. Special prices on uniforms to clubs. Girard Cycle G'mpy J304 O Street Pitts Dancing Academy 113S N STREET Class Nights Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Private Lessons by Appointment. MRS. J. W. PETRY JWr.r . BAKERY 334 o Ilth Street Bell Phone 604 Auto Phone 2304 J. H wi ii I flT.' ' Uh -ijy . - -'-&: ft.-' miMl L?.3fe1