.B.JV -. iBIIBBI VK WMVTV v.. fttm .l?viv" - y..-- ,;,:: .' -" -' '' vf, , : -.. TE b e 9 n i I b Hebrafftan T iir - -'- ' M E'- i K i pT afe . i(. i' Ei c " v fc & Si p$ W ., p I riffjE rO fTAT 1 I no IcflA than the gown I has learned to like the I Quarter Size Collar I The bet arc thr I and the I H "Arrow" Cluiitt Ciialton Arrow Aicom H I C'lurtt, t3c encli, Arrow, lOcearh, H t for tSc r I Cluett, Pcabody & Co. I H Makers of Cluett and Monarch Shirts H Proprietor of Sam Westerf ield Sam's Cafe LltMo Qcm Hot Wafllos and Fine Meala and Lunohee. 117-121 North IS Strt (Continued from page 2.) honor for hor fraternity If sho suc ceeds In putting hor slstors In the of flcos. Tho different societies she con siders In tho samo subjective way, not ns being worthy In themselves of her energy and thought, but merely as be ing a means of pushing forward a member of her fraternity. At class and other olectlons tho fraternity member upholds hor candidates, oven though another girl might bo far more capable of filling the office.. Fraternities do not necessarily bring together congenial students. Most of tho candidates for a fraternity are rushed In their froshman year and know little or nothing of the personnel of tho society they join beforo becom ing a member of It. On tho other hand, tho choice of a candidate for rushing Is the rcaul of mere whim and caprice. I have known girls to confess that the groat majority of their fraternity sis ters were distinctly uncongenial to thorn, and they Joined tho fraternity simply for tho sake of being in one. Again, I havo known true and worthy friendships to be broken up by tho fact that one of several frionds Joined a fratornlty, whoroas tho refit did not. Yet again do I know of many casos vrhero-students are, pre-ventod from as sociating with such other students as they would naturally bo intimato with and whoso friendship would bo a source of satisfaction and Joy to them, from tho fact htat thoy belong to a fraternity and that all their timo for social inter course is dovoted to fraternity sisters. PAULINE D'ESTRESS. New York City. TO CALIFORNIA VIA H. N. TOWN Groceries and Meats Corner 27th and O Streets PHONE 020 Our Motto: "Nothing but tho Best." UNION PACIFIC Every Day From March 1 to May 15r 1905 $25.00 Short Line. Fast Trains. No Delays Be sure your ticket reads over this line. Inquire E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE llMMJ Some Conference Rules. A copy of tho rules adopted and en forced by the colleges of tho Big Nino Conference has beetn received by Pro fessor Chatburn. Tho following are worthy of special mention aB being not generally known to exlBt: 2. No person sliall be admitted to any Inter-collegiate contest who re ceives any gift, ronumoratlon or pay for his services on tho college team. 9. College football teams shall play only with teams representing educa tional Institutions. 11. Athletic committees shall xe qulro each candidate for a team to rep resent the university in inter-collegiate contests to subscribe to a statement that ho Is ollglble under the letter and spirit of the rules adopted. Crescent Bowling Alleys 1114 N STREET Tradc Maims DCStONS CoPVMCUfTS AC. AnroatnsHn totobud4MrtpUeainar S&dSSUSesas& oatfreo. CHdMt fMttfMewtetMt PaUnu Ukea t&roun tmteUd notlc. without ob nnn DO. receive imrve,iaia Scientific Jitterkan. AkMteBnslffitutMtVMUr. Ugg& m-: Aaraontu.IL. Soldbriul nwBdelera. lUHy BU,"- Hew York ftraaah Offioe. m 9 8U Washington. D. C. K9KT - ''Parsifal" Discussed. Mr. Clomont Chase, of Omaha, spoke a: Convocation yesterday on "Parsifal" the magnificent operatic festival which will be produced at the now auditorium In Omaha March 2& and 30. The Met ropolitan Opera Co., said Mr. Chase, Is one of the greatest opera companies In the world and embraces a cast of 225 artists and an orchestra of sixty mu sicians. The opera "Parsifal" was written in the Thirteenth Century by Richard Wagnor, contemporaneous with Dante and other great writers both English and German, who made that age so fruitful for classical pro ductions. Mr. Chase explained in de tail tho story of "Parsifal" and de scribed very vividly the stupendous Btage settings of tho opera. Parsifal will bo presented on wo nights, the first evening in the original German and the second translated in English. Sbe fraternity BuflMno Mtfc aad X Strt IWalkaer Sttkrp, Vropa. Ipiolli RatM for Pratsmttf Daaeaa. TrfTflTTirTT Automatic 1974, BQ 974 Italians , AUfcW 197, Ml t7 "I A. H. GILLI8PIE Phone 1140 1534 O Street XXXXXXXSXXXXXXXXXXXX XXB2SCCT STUDENTS For first-dan Tailoring: at low prices, see Union College Student Tailots. Phones; Automatic 3255, Bell J209. j j J Union College Tailors South EM.-anc Ctfv BuHUej fttnmiiviiin PROS and CONS COMPLCTL DEBATES Eos Our foreign policy, the currency, the tariff, im migration, high liccnie, woman suffrage, penny postage, transportation, tnuts.deoartmcnt itores. municipal ownership o( franchises, government control of telegraph. Beth sldtt of the above and tnany otktr quil rcomnleUlv debated. Directions fororganiilng and conducting a debat ing society, with by-laws and parliamentary rules Price, fti.50 Postpaid. Uoth69 l'ags. QINDS & NOBLE ' 31-33-3S Welt f 3th StTMt. N. Y. CMy ScAUcrt 'mil MUKtrt mi .&. 0 Hlcws chuo M w I Sp Inolu4f In the &er E-dltlon 25,000 NE.W WORDS, fctc. Nw Oaxettr of th Wlsl New lMoraehtoal Dlotlnarv Edited try W.T. n ARUIS, Ph.D.. LL.D., ' TJ. 6. Conunlaeioaor of Education. 2a80 Qaaxto Pae. 5000 lUustratloaa. gwtrUUt Kkh BhiJlnir. AW Webster's Collcgtate Dictionary wit 1118 pt.' UOO IUortratloo. Bin i 7slftdUi" A Special Thla Paper Edition De Luxe Itln4 friM ! rmWdU(, Ilka UmpooTsrsaail rswa oonia. Blw i tK7JH- FREE'ATeattaPronunclatlon," iwtnwt troaadonUrtalahic. AWUluMrtlpmpfcUU. G. O C. HCR1UAM CO. PufclUkars. SrlBfleld. Maes. "Horace" Program. I The BtudontH In the Latlu Depart ment under Dr. Johnson will give a "Horace" program thlB evening at 8 In U 106. The selections will all be taken from tho works of Horace. Three of his Odes will be read in Latin, two translated and a portion of the Car men Saecularo will be given. A part of this work will be sung by two semi choruses, and a part by the combined chorus. The leader;- of the chorus will sing as a solo thtTHrat two strophes. The program Is not confined tothe Latin department, but everybody inter ebted is invited. ,4srtW For something artistic and up-to-date try our Platinums Rates for Students lo29 O STREET Forbes' Stables, livery, cab and, bag gage service, 1126-31 P street. Bell phone, 560. Auto phone 1650. Lincoln Phone 176. Transfer Co.; baggage. Columbia National Rfr s OF LINCOLN, . DaniC Nebraska Capital, $100,000.00 Manicuring at the Famous. Chanin Bros.. Florists, 127 So. 13th. ChatltsB. Gregory tb Coal Man Tttaynoacs 843 , . ana 329 1 . . NO. 1044 O STREET New York Bostonand The East Fast daily 'train service via the Chicago & North- Western Railway. the double-track railway frost tbe Missouri River to Chicago, connect- i ing at Chicago with all lines for all points East. The trains of the North-Western Ike are most completely equipped for the safety and comfort of patrons, t. The Best of Everything Ta,eta and full Information on application to R. W. McOrNNia. Ageat, 1014 O Street Clcao k Nortk. Western Railway NW460 v J J .:! yeti It H I .V t 4j w, .l"-; tr-. ,m ' i s., iv '.;.' i(i b$L,i J' -.r. Ajawi.TT.: TJfn. U' NfflS lA.Lim: V.it...tiVt J