The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 09, 1905, Image 4
$H, -."" l pre, . ,. .- 3a-- 'H K IVc " K lv r !'. K k i Ii 1 ' . $-; QuWrte? &9' , COLLARS I Aave a M everjr Qaarwr or an wen. lWS ClTM one .a 8MU)eO,N that perfect JU ahtren ..vniej the well made colter arid f taan.1 M n6st of the QaarUr Cottars are tarn pet) Cluett 25 cents or two for 85 bents iAl CLUSTT Cll ALTON Arrow Alcon Tlic only difference is In tlio quality In nil else they are alko. Cluett, l?eabody & Co. Makers of Cluett and Monarch Shirts Sam Westerf leld Proprlotor of Sam's Cafe Llttlo Gom Hot Whfllosandirino Moalfl and . Lunches. 117-121 North IS Cbarhs B. Gregory (V.orn.'9D Tatsvhon r. tht Coal Wan , . sn4 329 NO. 1044 O STREET 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TraoIc Marks Ocwqnb COPYRIQHT AC. Anyone sending a sketch ana aeaenpuon may qiHOKir aaeecMin pur opinion iree vnetn r an Ihremicm is prooaDiy pat tloos atrtettjr eonMantteJ. mnnlcs oa Patents ; ajreai inta. Pmlenta taken thraaah Mnnn recelre tptetal neUetf, wUhout caartta, In the Scientific American. A handsomely lltatirated weekly. iAHcett elr eolation of any ecleottBo Journal, Terms, o a ream rour mourns, si. voiaDTaii newsa dealers. (York .D.C. n 3S1BroaT. Now Bran oe,nrtlL, wasninoton, J mm liioludeain'trieNW .4011 l asbob Vfew woiDs;feto, New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary EU0? bJ fcAiaaJiWB. Ph,D, LL.D., u. tj. uommiasionor 01 liuucatlon. 2380 Quarto Pates. 56b6 Ulditratlont. Hrwri. Rich Olndtnc. AUo Webstera Collegiate Dictionary with 1U0 !, U00 lUnrtnOkm. Blw iI0)41a. A Special Thin Paper Edition De Luxe PrUUiU from aun pUU urcmUr edition. Ithat llMpcoTeTA4 roonJ coTPr.. Bbttiitu.' FRBBt ."A tea'tln PronuncUtipa, (attract iTesad'eatorUlaiiif. Alio UiotnUl jampUeta. G. & C. MRRAM CO. Publishers, Springfield, Mass. , MIINNJrn BrmnotaOffl ton. ' THb followingr while i" cptDparlBon of tho Yalo man and the HW- Yorlti man, Is of gotioral lntorcat. EfSobloBs 'tno westorn University man trpuldi show up B well In comparison with, tho. western UdsldB ,man: ? ' )X ' YviAm'tmii 'At kn Vnln f onulf tr' Tt Balioy, has bdon collecting for sQvoral years statistics as to "h6w . college man spends his monoy. SomQ.extromo y Intorfistlng-. factflAtq -bt'ovppt.outvin; thp roport wirich Dr. Bailey has just issued, "It is found, for Instance, that tho average yearly oxponso accotint. of a Yale student figures up to Il.tQO. JSomo mod pbhd as much as 3,()0Q for a yrar at Yalo while somo get along on a-i llttlo ub $300. "The average Yalo undergraduate who spends in a year $1,100 divides nifl'manoy about as follows: On tfoc 'osaltlca, tthich includo rent, tultibn, board, clothing, laundry, medical at tendance, traveling, furniture rind: minor expenses, ho spends an average yearly of about $800; on books, peri odicals and stationery he spends $50; on pioa8uro, which includes theaters, pool and billiards, social functions, flowers, music, society dues, chance suppers and athletics, he spends an averago of $200; on tobacco and intox icants, $50. "Compared with the same set of fig ures gained from the expense accounts of unmarried inch of about tho same ago aB college undergraduates, but on salaries in banks, shops and business offices, and who averago $1,000 a year expenditures, a most interesting result Is sh'own. Where tho college man spends 72 per cent of his income for necessities, tho unmarried business man spends .55 per cent. Whore the Yale man spends 18 per cent for pleas ures, tho non-collcgo man on tho same financial piano spends 31 por cont. Th6 average young business man in New York spends 10 per cent of his total lucqmo on wines and cigars, whoro the Yale student spends 4 por cont. Tho commonly accopted dictum that the averago college man is addicted to cafes, as compared with the young man out of college, it evidently does not hold good from these figures. The New York unmarried man "puts twice as much money each year Into drinks and tobacco as tho Yalo man does. The average Yale man Bpehds $28 a year on the theater, whoro tho business man of his own age spends $60. In pool and billiards the New Yorker also spends much more monoy than the Yale man. A curious deduction from the figures collected by Dr. Bailey is .that tho unmarried young -business man in n largo city like Now York spondB his money in much ' the same proportion as tho richer and moro lux urious Yale student." Brown Book. Alumni Organize. University mon, members of the high school fraternity of Phi Lambda Ep sllon, mot Tuesday ovonlng at tho Phi Kappa Pal house and organized an alumni chapter of their fraternity. There are twenty men in school who are mombers of tho high school socie ty, and aro from the Lnicoln High, Kansas 01 ty High, Des Moines High, Omaha High and tho Blees Military Academy. Of these twenty all but one are merabors of Univerelty Greek Let ter Bociotlos. The organization is for social purposes, primarily. The graduate club of the University will fheet this ovenlng wltlt Miss Ber tha Walker tit 53G South 16BT street. Columbia baseball candidates d piece of training apparatus corres-p-onding to a tackling dummy used in football. A baseball suspended from rthe top of tho cage is hung beforo the ba,ttflrh, and w.itji it ho is. taught how to etand pirid how to hit properly. Coach Lander Introduced the device, Lincoln Phone 176. Transfer Co.; b&ggafc. Manicuring at the famous. . - e ChanJn BroB.. Florists. 127 So. 18th. For Furs bco Steele, 143 S. 12th St Elliott's Sultorlum, cleaning, dyeing and. repalrlpg. Prices reasonable. 1186 O street Both phohes. AC &ti.1 ' ' MvwwvBW9wmmmmmwwiMMi TRY A TON Cardiff Coal 00 'I 8tlfctlbrt uamntcd Whitebreast Co. ; . AOTb 'rHONt 3232 BILL 'PrlbMt 22 Crescent Bowling Alleys 1134 N (K)bi)bo66dcdo6oob66oooo The College Man Wmwtbirsuiwm Ii Particular About Hli She THE WALKOVER SHOE la the beat shoe for men's feet Our (Ice b strictly up-to-date. Call and Id as how them. Rogers & Perkins Successors te PtrUtu 4c Sdetson Ce. 1120 O Street uxxxxnimniiiiDnna VOUlR FARXIIE BALLS AND BANQUETS are not a complete euc- cesa without progfama ana menues. Get them printed at ORlFFIN-aREER PRINTINO COMP'Y 116 O Street Pitts Dancing Academy 1132 N BTitKET Class Nighta Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Private Lessons by Appointment. Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done NULJU & MCCOY 1839 O Street DIERKS LUMBElt It COAL CO. BsUPkaaaM AeUsaatk Sf Auto 1202 Bell 147 80UKUP & WOOD Expert Cleaners and Dyers GOAL I 1320 N Street LINCOLN. Nil Vi.jV.Y!f!WV:!F rmaomomjgmmiv- Of iiLiii. . j. JfT W.- .,-rT- fc' r - Fhr tnrsi w m - Utfetfng Stove ... dr Your Money llfiind)d 1 T'K -r .s .i'.-t 1 if laiV' U; V P j j12iLmL2Zm fj i i . ' . It u rt?siii.liiTfyyBrrlt, STREET . , . o A ee s sa4 one fcsp youmS t Pttrtntxt Cteaaln. Prantna;. Dythjf Rjj,biBg M . Rsftttint; ! Ptea CSqA, , 7.. XateiutklTM r-''--"--'IC--"----- STUDENTS ! ' ' i i For first-class Tailoring at low prices, see UnioQ , College Student Tallprj Phones; Automatic 3255, Bell 1209. J j o rn - ii.--.if.. -".i ii. Union College Tailors South Ea-nc Caussja iBaHsiJr ' itlun For something &it$tic and up-to-date try our Platintitns Rates for Studetlts. s . -. . '029 O 8TREKT P4$t daly train Chicago & North the double-track Missouri' River to ing at" Chicago all points East. service via the Western Rallwav;. rAlLwjty frosjh! jntcago.conncct with all lines for The trains of the North-Western Line are most completely equipped for the safety and cbmiorj of patrons. The Best of Everything 7Vets and full Information on application to B. W. McGINNIS, Agent, 1024 O Streot Uilcio & Norlh-Westcra Railway NW480 vr - 9 m r, t 4 BBBK r. 'c '8' aa ,'- I New York I iBostonandl The Eisl I 9 JL m u i J 1 ' m i M fl?;' .! &i--sJv . J