The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 09, 1905, Image 3
.itmrwjjxp. J. t Wf T?WS!TriJSp. 4 -if. , v ?,' '.'Vfc-r w,r'v-ww6tfwisnR,,'-3w v'? . - Jt f i , f j n v.1! in . i .. i.i r. UoL, S9 " -.-- v v -" X . ' R v mm. v TT f BUSINESS DlntGTDHY bulletin Kverjr loyal UalveriUr StfUUat la j f iVd to Ptront thelo ItafenuDcaa f -A4vartUr, aad- to afantloft' the 1 papar while doing o : i : j : t : -r . . . ...."--.,.........--.... ..-..-... . ... . m BAKERY Mr. Ptry. BARBER SHOPS. Tho Arlato, Qroon'B Palace and Mogul. BldYCLES-ATHLBTIC GOOD0 Sl dloe.n Qlrard. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co. aOQKOIOSPITAIcrCHUeepio. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional B00KBINDI1 . G Glllospie. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent BUSINESS COLLEGE Lincoln Busi ness College. .CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Rlggs' Drug . Store. CIGARS Fred A. Powe.ll, Lindsay. CLBANERS AND DYERS Elliott, Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Mageo & Doomor, Unland. COAL Gregory, P. D. Smith, Whlte broast CONFECTIONERY Maxwell. DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DANCING SCHOOL Pitta. DISEA8ES OF EYE, EAH & THKUAi Dr. Woodard. DRUGGISTS Stelner. Woemponer, Brown, Mann, Rector, Harley. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol , shelmer. trie Ca EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. ..FLORISTS Cbapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzdl, A. flf. Davis, Hardy. FURRIER Steele. GROCERIES Keystone, H. N. Town. HAWERDASHBRY $2.60 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudge & Guenzol, F. E. Lahr. HOTELS Llndoll. JEWELER Tucker, Wolff, E. Flem ing. ' - LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LIVERY Forbes Stables. LUMBER DJorks. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend, Hay den, Kennedy. POOL AND BILLIARDS B. P. Pow ell. PRINTING George Bros., New Con tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, Grif fin & Greer. RESTAURANTS Westerfiold, Cam- oron, Good Health. ROLLER-SKATING Auditorium. SHAMPOOING Tho FamouB. SHOES Sanderson. SHOE, REPAIRING Null and McCoy. . Blue' Front Shop. BHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. STENOGRAPHER Affolter. SUITJQRIUM Wober, i TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig, Kadis & Marx. TYPEWRITER Remington. WAITERS' BUREAU W. D. Grant .- . . . TODAY. Freshmen, II. a. m., Momorial hall. Graduate Club meets with Miss Walkpr. 5S8 South, -16th street Seniors meet, li a. m.. ChomlHtrtf- lecture 'rooA. , Detmtipg Asso'clatlon, 11 a. m., U 110. MARCH 10. GirlB' Baskotball Games; Haskoll Indians vs. Nebraska In the Armory at 8:15 p. m. Medical Society meets In M 301. MARCH 11. The plays "Mr. Bob" and "Miss Civ ilization" by tho Dramatic club. MARCH 13. . Prof. Goss 'speaks to Engineering students. MARCH 17. Senior Prom, Lincoln hotel. APRIL. 3 Subject of second junior theme must be submitted to- tho Department of Rhetoric, U 311. APRIL 14. Company B Hop at Fratornity hall. APRIL 17. Socond Junior theme due at 5 p. m. in U 311. Campus Gleanings A meeting of tho Freshmen class has been called by President Swan for this morning at 11 a. m. in Momorial hall. A squad of thirty-kve men from the Lincoln High are working out on the campus. So far they have done only the running and shot putting work. Frank W. Lehmor. who spent some years in the University and afterwards completed his mining work at Golden, Colo., is ongagqd in mining in southern Mexico. The commissioned officers of the battalion met after drill Tuesday and appointed a committee composed of the four captains and the major to look into and take steps toward eradicating certain existing conditions which ham per tho most effective operation of the military department. TREE COOKING LESSONS In Demonstration Hall (over gas company's offico) Tuesday, 10:00 a. m., Wednesday, 3:00 p. m., Thursday, Fri day, Saturday evenings, -8:00 p. m., MIbs Gona Vawter, Instructor. Dr. G. E. Condra, of the Department of Geology, spoke to the students of Lincoln High School yesterday morn ing in tho Interest of track athletics at that Institution. Dr. Condra coached the athletic teams at tho high school for several years, with tho moBt suc cessful results. Judge C. B. Ietteon of tho supreme ccurt. spoke before tho Law students Monday night. HIb theme was on thq art of presenting a case to the court and was pronounced by the largo num ber of law students present to be a most practical and helpful address. Dr. Pound has arranged, for informal talks' overy Monday evening of this semester. Tho speaker for next Monday has not been announced. Forbes' Stables, llveryi cab and bag gage service, 1125-81 P street. Bell phone, 550. Auto phono 1550. Erie B. Woodward, M. D., diseases of eye, ear and throat 207-8 Richards block. Phono 606. Oyster stew 25 cents at Cameron's new-Restaurant, 119 South 12th. Union Shining Parlors. Shine, 5c. Chairs for ladles. 1018 O street Twenty-one meals for 93. Dormitory Cafe. i i i ' t " - ' ft. - ' Tat v M . fc mm .mW MM Mm Mm Ymmw m Jy rY M w m'fi'YMJmvwJ ' 7 V7SLmMZmfr'w WJmmmtt HIGH GRADE t M ! v, . ' ' . mmm. " .Fk ' mmmwm. " MmT mmmmmmm,Lmmmmmmmmm M. MmT HBBI -' V CALIFORNIA f via m I UNION PACIFIC f m Every Day m, m From March 1 to May 15, 190S , M mmmW mmmA I $25.00 Short Line. Fast Trains. No Delays M Be sure your ticket reads over m L this line. . Inquire km E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent J mmWmiimJlkmm mmWfk'M kmm ummmmmT&iti&'i!&mWm mmmmly-'r1 INrlV xmmmmmrsrn i-"?., .,- nvwiv mMwWW&4$MMM&MiS CATERING AND SERVING For Dances and Parties, seo Thomas W. Coleman, better known as "TOMMY" at Rlggs Drug Store Lady Attendant If Deal rod. Finest Punch furnished for all occa sions at roasonablo prices. SEE MANN, the Druggist For Perfumes and Fountain Pens 1 17 N 11 th Street LINCOLN For Now Suite go to KADIS & MARX FINE TAILORING Snita to order $15 and np; Pants to or der $5 and np. donning and repairing. 1444 O 8TKKET AUTO 2070 THBRBISIfO , Watch, ClocK or Article o! Jnrtlry i f 'i. B CANNOT KBPAt L A. Tucker, Jmxtumlmr MM Iv-PWa. Wilt: iU4 0or MIcrojcoDM. Ulcnlooit. Liboraionr Olaii- Wire. Chtmlcil laniralai. Chsmleilf Ma LtttMt ind f Wlert, flild Olattoa, Projection lopirilnt, Pbolo-Hlcrt Cmrts art ptitf bf IbtlttdlDiLBb- enlorldi tod uow-ii Mp'ttHBMstftln World Cmtmlog Pre Bausch & Lomb Opt Co. kNewYotfc Chlogo Morton Pfmkfurt. C'yj Better Investigate the merits and 4rantftf oHttt6 fcy the VAtkxM nOlway Uncbehtc pttfcIuulniiTfctetf. Th Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. has electaic-lfchted train, tolld votibule t steam heated, equipped with every modem afety device, heavy steel first-class road-bed and many other advantages. Write to F. A. NASH, Gineral Western Agent, 1524 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB, 1 ' 4 "ll 'i u M A r- m -A 'J J ' fr i r$ s i 1 mi EHDCDLATES rfp BDNHnN5 For Sale Only at Harley's Drug Store, 11th and O. )Oocxxxx)oooocxxxx3oooooQQa5a d v.. 1W-T' l-i V. ' i '.' &&j&!i h Ibjfit u;viw . wi?S