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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
-r - h -, - TEbe Dalit HeMjuliatt SB J 'I 3 i t I .V n M H gttfyilfWtoasfan J i 4 ,A oonBoUdatlon of TlioHkrpcrlan.'Vol. tft-.ThoNebrftakam, fol, tO Scarlot and Orcam, Vol. i. Pnbllihod dally, oxoept Bundajc and Mondr, t.ttao UnlTcraity of Nebraska, Llnooln, Nob. j tho-Hwiporiah fobltohlngXJo ., BoAno'dr LrmOTOiw ProfoMorp J. I. Wyor, and 0. B. Richard: H. P. Lcayitt John Wwtbror K. R. Waltoo. Kdltor-inOhlof Manatror An'i Managor Amoolato Editor Circulator Frod A. BwooWy A. O. Sohroib Frod Nanghtoo A. M fcovy Waltor E. Standovon STAFF Athli&o ' - - - A. VanOrad Aadstant miotic H. L. Bwm Nw- . H.O.Myera BtntoFarm - A. F. Magdana Editorial Boomi and Boainwa OfflooU 2H Pout Office Station A. Lincoln, Nobr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic 1528 Automatic 2365. Bnbaorlptlon Prloo, 12 per year, In advanoo Entorod at tho postofllco nt Lincoln, Nob,, as ooond-clftBa mall matter under tho not of oongrosa of March 0, 1870. Individual notloon will bo charged for at tho rdto of 10 oonte for oaoh innortlon. FaculfWL departmental and unlvonUty bullotlnB will gladly bo publlahod frod, as horotof Ore Notices and subscriptions may bo loft at tho Dally Nobraskan office, or at tho Co-Op. Book Storo. Editorial Remarks A report has reached uh to the ef fect that the Haskell Indian maidens refused to continue a game of basket ball down In Kansas somowhere be causo a member of the opposing team suld a naughty word. In our pa3t dealings with the Indian braves wi have found that naughty words come ery readily to tho tongue but wlth-ne girls conditions aro of course quite dif ferent. Every effort will be put forth will bo hold, oho' on May lftrffrn quo ouMay 26th. AJthojlgh a raimber"havo announced' tholf Intention, of attend ing both functions yet 1 1b probable that' the regular Pah Holl attendance will bo practically cut In half. Both factions assort their Intention oj giving as swell u dance as possible but with tho. receipts cut In -two and the expense for each dance as much or more than usual, It is evident that, If tho desired standard Is to be attained, thero will bo a discrepancy somowhere. Now If a union of tho factions could be effected and but one dance glvon, what would result? Tho actual ex penses of tho dance such as rent of .Auditorium, music, programs, etc., f would be no more for both together than for each separate. Assuming that If two dances are given each will pay expenses, wore they to bo united In one, a largo sum would undoubtedly bo available for better refreshments or better decorations. Decorations at tho Pan Hell dance havlbg been, as a rule, not very elaborate. Or, as the dance Is most Informal the price might bo reduced from -$2.00 to $1.50 and-Btllt leave the committee a reasonable com pensation for their services.. Another element which should be considered, h the fact that each year a large num bei of old men come back for the com mencement season, and attend the Pan Hell dance, as the affair now stands, they must either miss the first one and thus perhaps miss some meeting to which they had looked forward with pleasure, or else they must return a week earlier than ordinarily. It has been said that at the meet ing of tho committee, held last Thurs day, each side admitted that both sides. should make some concessions, but neither was willing to take the Inla tlve. Inasmuch as the annual compe titive drill of the Cadet Battalion will Iv held on the afternoon of May 2G, it would seem that the antl-Tno faction have at present a slight advantage. Tl'en certainly without any appear ance of weakening they can afford to compromise. On the other hand the one faction, having a large active and alumni membership who will presum ably flock to the support of their dnnce, are confident as to its success i j r ji i j j t ( f 'W "i )H JfC 3)c j( )f(' f, jfc 3fC 3c 3f jh 3fc n jh jh jft jf n i r it it n it it it it it it it it H it it The Simple Life is helped by reasonable economy. The snappiest styles of hats ever at $2.50, is "intelligent economy." 1AHY PAY MORE? tHJDU - &2.5V natter - 1141 u it it it it it it it it it r if it it it tomorrow to show how superior we aro to tho naughty Kansans even In tongue holding ability. Any communications which are printed In these columns are printed for what they aro worth. Expression of individual opinion of a nature such as can be printed are solicited. All communications must be signed. Cprn munication. To the Editor of The Dally Nobraskan: Tho Pan Hellenic dance being tho most general topic of conversation In University circles, a few suggestions from ono who Is strictly a non-combatant may. be pertinent. A week has passed since the fight between the Tno and antl-Tno factions for tho control of tho dance began, and fi'om present Indications two dances and honce In compromising will show no weakness. Now would It not be proper for the heads of tho two committees to get to egther In a conciliatory spirit and sub mit propositions to each other? Such a course would certainly redound to the credit of the committees, the dance, afrtTthe University. "X." Some fifty people attended convoca tion yesterday to hear tho most excel lent talk on "Culture." Either wo aro so cultured that we do not need any additional pointers, or else we are so uncultured that wo do not care er condition Is deplorable. Eith- Thls Is the season everybody feels like sitting for pictures. Have you had that "feeling?" If not, see what Town send is producing and you will make an apoplntment Immediately. Studio 22(! South' lth street. , . ., - rj .,. There are Many. TMtdtidns of) Bakers Cocoa and- Baker's Chocolate Dottt be misled by them ! Our trade-mark is on every package of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker & Co.'s is en- H j H L 111 aaaarl I uyll aijM titled to be sold as " Baker's Lookfty.TdMk Cocoa" or "Baker's Chocolate Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America $18-85 L4c. ggj; The Missouri Pacific will soil tickets on February 7th, 21st and March 7th and 21st to many points in Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and return at $18.85, good for 21 days. This very low rate includes Galveston, San Antonio, Part Arthur, and is much less than one way fare. The Missouri Pacific has two daily trains from Lincoln to Kansas City and St. Louis and all points south, with electric lighted coaches and the best of everything. CITY UCKET OFFICE S. W. Corner ilth and O Streets F. D. CORNELL, P. 5 T. A. Wedding Invitations and Announcements LOOK FOU TUB WON Htuml The New Century Printers i34i N STREET : : : : AUTO 1616 STEINEB-WOEMPENER 'DRUG CO. M7hoita!e and ReUll ,- . DRUGGISTS Automatic Phone J 707 J J 46 O Street LINCOLN, NEB. $be fraternity BullNno Corner 13th and N Streata Faulkner A Sharp, Props i Special RatM (or Fraternity Dncu. Tlptiout Automatic J 974, Bll 974 Residence, Automatic 1887, Sell 457 "MMMMHMHrtaBB H. N. TOWN Groceries and Meats Cornor 27th and O 8treots PHONE 02O Our Motto: "Nothing but tho Boat" Columbia National Bank ol OFUNSgxA artaUSOQAOOJO The First National Bank of Llnotta, Net. UNITED 0TATBS DBPOSITOJIV Capital 1R00M9 Surplus lMLfMLlt UndlvMtd rlts .. M0Mt 8. H. BurahuB, Frta, A, J. Bainm, Vlos-PrABldtmt . . HL 6. FrMmu, CtoHtftt. H. B, Brans, Asat. Cashier. Frank Parka, Asat. Caakkc. V. a. Eaaterday, Auditor. R. H. GILLESPIE Phone JHO J24Q Street 1 ". . M