The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 09, 1905, Image 1

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VbtylV, No. 91
wbe.S)au$ iFleotasftan
-. 1- ' II. ... ' . I
.On "The Engineer and His Work"
. . Monday Evening, March 13.
I k Prominent 1'rofeanor From Fnrdae
On Moffdny night, March 13, Profes
sor W. P. M. Go88, of Purduo Univer
sity will address' the students of Ne
braska University In Memorial hall on
"The Engineer and His Work." The
address is given under the auspices of
the Engineering Society, but the na
ture of his lecture will not be strictly
technical, and, will bo broad enough to
Interest all students In the Univer
sity.' Professor Goes Is Dean of .the
Schools of Engineering of Purduo Uni
versity and those who know of him
and' his work say that it will be a
great treat to have htm hero. The
Engineering students have gone to
considerable expense to bring him hero
and'it Is hoped the students will turn
out a large enough crowd to make
. them -feel Jthat their labors -were not
in vain.
At a meeting of the Engineering 6o
ciety last night Professor Richards
gave a talk on Professor Goss and his
work and the substance of his remarks
ProfKsfeor Goss is not a college grad
uate, in the strict sense, although he
has 'several honorary degrees, but
comes from the practical sido of an
engineering education. He was a stu
dent at the Boston Institute of Tech
nology which was the first school In
the country to Introduce tho present
system of manual training in connec
tion with the engineering studies,
which Byetom was Introduced into thlB
country from Russia.
Afters studying 'at -Boston two years
he went to Purdue and there intro
duced the system into the course of
that schdol. The scheme of shop work
which ho there Instituted Is the almost
universal scheme used by all tho En
gineering schools of today and he is
the author of a book on- "Bench
Worh" which Is tho text used here in
the woqfl working shops. He la. largo-
ly responsible -for most of tho latest
.improvements in the laboratories at
Pyrdile, and-, the Experimental appara
tus which ho designed for practical lo
comotives testing at Purdue has proved
Itself entirely satisfactory and has-
won for itsaUthor international fame.
The laboratoryjnentloned Is by far the
est in the country and serves tho
purpose better than oven the locomo-.
tivee in actual operation, which are
arways subject to' conditions which
makeli'inore difficult This feature!
maiie more difficult. nis feature
alone, bar been of inestimable vpluo to
Purdue -torn Ite advertising qualities'
aione. rroi. ujjhh is coBmaerea au
eminent au'th&flly oh this branch of
engl4$erjpg. not alouo in America, but
alecTfa GWat Britain, and an enormous
amoun(L of research is carried on by
him at this laboratory and many of
the great questions heretofore unsolv-
able havo been conquered here.
Professor Gojis 1b a member of all
the reading, engineering .societies and
tho author of many technical papers'
Presented by the University Dramatic Club.
Benefit of Uhl. Y. W. C. A.
Memorial Hall, March J J , 8 p. m
Tickets 25 Cents.
and books.and is highly regarded by
both practicing engineers and tho fac
ulties of tho leading technical schools.
Ho was one of the consulting engin
eers for the locomotive testing plant at
.the St. Louis fair.
Dramatic Club to Aid Y. M. C. A.
Saturday Night.
The two plays which will be given
by the Dramatic Club Saturday ovon
Ing will more than rival any previous
productions of that organization. Both
plays havo received an unusual amount
of practice, "Mr. Bob" having been
iven last spring. The very best tal
ent in the University has been secured1
Tot the casts and tho plays will un-t
doubtedly prove creditable to the Dra
matic Club. The proceeds of the play
will go to the Y. W. C. A. to aid that
organization in securing their pledgo
to the temple fund. Tho price of ad-
mission for the two plays Is 25c. The
casts are as follows:
Hatch Chas. McLaughlin
Grand Stand Harry.. Maurice Benedict
Reddy Leon Popperburg
Lucas, Chief of Police H. G. Wellenslck.
Alico Gardner Ruth Wilson'
"MR. BOB."
Phil Chas. Sawyer
Mr. Brown Harry Keysor
Jenkins Charley Weeks
Miss Luko Margaret Sterling
Marlon Grace Roper
Catherine Annie Nellson,
Tatty Nellie Smoyer
Prof. Danh on "Culture."
Prof. Dann spoko yesterday at con
vocation. The subject of his address
was "Culture." There are two main
characteristics of a cultured man, said
Prof. Dann. The first Is "inquisitlve
ness' not tho frivilous and reproach
ful InqulsltiVGBGSB, which Is always
the sign of unculture, but a disinterest
ed 'eagerness to 'know, "ltmust be the
passion for pure knowledge free from
any Bolflsh motives to bo a factor in
culture. The second characteristic of
culture Is a life for the esthetic, an en
joyment of art, novelty and- nature.
This fine .sensibility Is entirely absent
-in many men who care only for prac
tical things of life. College men are
hot excluded from this class. The pro
portion of mon registering for culture
'studies In the universities is falling off
every year and practical courses aro
being substituted. College mon are
n8MWfe too much In their work,,
th snould hav(J a taBiQ for all human
knowledge. A cultured man must have
sympathy for every side of life.
Present Status.
House Roll 109, the hill to empower
Ihe Regents of the -University to con
demn the land for an extension to the J
University campus, which passed tho
house some tlmo ago, is now on the
general Hie lb the senate. It will from
there come up for consideration -in the
regular .order (n which it now stands
on. j;be 4110.
Houso Roll No. 350, a bill for an act
Tickets 25 Cents.
to authorlzo the Board of Regents to
purchaso the south half of block num
bered twenty-flvo In the city of Lincoln
together with all Improvements there
in to be used for and In connection
with the University and to provide for
an appropriation of twenty-flvo thous
and dollars thorofor Ib now In tho
hands of tho committee of Finance,
Ways and MeanB In the house.
House Roll 260, tho salaries bill
which passed the house some tlmo ago
and which provides for an appropria
tion of three hundred and fifty thous
and for University salaries was signed
by Spoaker Rouso of the House of
Representatives yestorday afternoon
and Bent over to tho senate.
Tho February Issue of "Both Sides,"
tho now inter-colloglato debating Jour
nal, has appeared. It announces that
B. R. Buckner, who was put on tho
editorial staff of the paper a few weeks
ago, was lately given the office of sec
rotary of tho staff. Tho latest Issue
of tho paper contains an article on
"Debating at an English University,"
by an ox-debater from Oxford. "Tho
Triangular Scheme of Cornell, Colum
bus and Pennsylvania," "Review of the
Chlcago-MInneBota Debate on Railroad
Combination," "Review of tho Brown
Dartmouth Debate on Reciprocity with
Canada," and complete briefs and bib
liographies of the above debates. Tho
magazine is very valuab'le as woll as
interesting. Tho subscription club,
which is being formed in the Univer
sity, has not the required numbor of
names. Tho.llBt will bo,,cloa,ed in t
'Tew days. All students who desire to
subscribe at club rates should notify
the head of the Rhetoric Department
A game of basketball has been ar
ranged between tho members of the
Fftculty and the Commercl&al Club of
Lincoln. These two organizations will
have a team out practicing as soon as
tho weather permits.
The object of this gamo will bo to
raise money for the benefit of Col
logo Sottlement. Tho men should'
bo commended on their charity turn
of mind. This will make the second
benefit held for Collego Settlement this
school year.
Tho men appointed by the Faculty
to havo charge of this game uro: E.
. wuubiuru, joon mossier ana i. w.
Seacrest JThese men have not selected
a date yet for this event but they
think thatlho game will be played bo
fore the 'varsity baseball season cjjm
nieneea. There are miire n mimhnr nt mon
In thO'facluty and the CommexcJfh
Club who know the game and are ablej
to deliver the goods in good shape.
The meeting of tho college settel
hient committee announced on tho bul
letin board for yesterday afternoon
was an error. A meeting of the com
mittee will be held next week instead.
Manifolding and typewriting. Boo
Ed. Affoltar, check room, basement Uni
hall. University rates.
Fresh home-made candies at Max
well's, 1420 O St! and 13th and N Sts.
Girls Basketball Team Will Line
0f Against Haskell Indians.
The Game l JCxpectod to lie An Ex
citing One. . .
On tomorrow ovonlng tho girls' bas
ketball team lines up against the team
from Haskell Indian School, Lawrpncc
Kansas. Tho second team wlil llno.up
against tho Peru Normal girte on tiio
samo evoning. Thus two games of fast
and exciting basketball will bo th,o
program for Friday ovening's enter
tainment at the Armory.
The 'varsity girls havo beon prac
ticing hard this week and many prac
tice games have been played with the
second team. Tho second team givgs
tho first pldnty 'or wtork to scorn 6vor
them as this team Is mado up of a fast
aggregation of players. Tho coaches
have spent a good deal of tlmo on the
team work and havo dovejoped two
teams that play almost faultless team
work. Miss Mills, one of tho old 'varsity
players, but who now has charge of
ahtletlc work at tho High School, has
been holplng Mrs. Clapp and Miss
Pound with the team.
The officials of tho games tomor
row night have been chosen. Mr.
Fallls, Haskell's coach, will accompany
the team and act as official referee In
both games. Mr. R. D. Anderson, ah
old University man, will umpire the
Tho llnoup of the teams can bo given
with tho exception' of tne"Poru4Nop
Tho following is tho lineup:
Nebraska. Haskell.
Minnie Jansa (Capt.) Irene Sorter
Marguerite Plllsbury... Grace Wauken
Ina Qlddlngs Noll'lo Roberts
Pearl Archibald
Inez Everett , Ida Prophet
Alico Tbwno '.Cordelia Oaino
Fjorwards "" , . , . '
Nellie Stevenson.
Thyzra Stevens.
Adele Koch,
Miss Kimmel. f
Anna Zwanechokr-
Appoints Committee. .
Tho following cpmlmttee g gn
appointed to have charge if the' Junior
reception for -the Seniors:
Chas. HYPdrtfoii;chairlnan.
Fred F. Falrviow, master of cere
mohlfcs, Lillian M. Bennett.
Clyde C. .Wilson.
Pearl M. Archibald.
Tonight the chrnplon Lincoln -man
skater will meet Omahavs representa
tive, Mr. Higbey, at the 'Auditorium
Toller rink, A large crowd Is expected
ana a nne program nas oeen arranged.
.- i.
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