-S3& fp!'?5?t!rj?T,M?S5 T,'-1 r , G b e E) a i I e Hebraeftan I 1 Ir Chi Daily Dtbraskan A coiiRolklntlon of Tho HcRporlnn, Vol. 01, Tlio Nelirnslcnn, Vol, 10 Scnrlot nnd Cronm, Vol. 4. PuliUnlied dnlly, oxcopt Bundn y nnd Monday, .it tlio Unlvorslty of Nebrnskn, Lincoln, Nob. by tlio Hesperian Publishing Co , Doxnn Op DntKCTonfl Profeniiors J. I. Wycr, nnd C. R. Hlchardii: II. P Lonvltt John Wostovcr E. R. Wnlton. Edltor-ln Chief Mnnngor Aflfl't. Mnnngor Amoclnto Editor Clronlntor Frod A. Bwooltfy A. Q. Sohrolbor Frod Nan gh ton A. M LoTy WnltorE. Stnndovon STAFF Athletic Amlntant Athlotlo Nowb State Farm R A'VnnOrsdol H. L. Swan H. G. Myora A. F. Magdans Edltorlnl Rooms and Business Office U 211K Post Office Station A. Lincoln, Nebr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic 152fi Automatic 2365. Subscription Prlco, 2 per year, In ndvanoo Entered at tho postoflloo at Lincoln, Nob., as Bocond-clasa mall matter under tho act of oongrcsa of March 8, 1870. Individual notices will bo charged for at Uio rifto of 10 cents for oaoh insertion. Faculty, departmental and university A bulletins will gladly bo published free, aa heretofore. NoticoB and subscriptions may bo loft at tho Dally Nebraskan office, or at tho Co-Op. Book Store OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Editorial Remarks The odltoiial office of the Dnlly No lirnsknn has been moved from the west end of the second floor of U hall to the east end, the west end being de wted exclusively to the business de uattment. Contributions flnancalj will bi tecelved at both offices, litciary a (lie east office only. The extra tax for the prhilegc oi "Htngglng It" at the band Infoimal Sat in day night proved more effective than was anticipated. The money (onsid e:ntion, in Itself, bad very little to do with the result, but the unwelcome "stag," finding that his presence has become so obnoxious as to cause the management to expiess dislike of him and his kind by giving him a special rate of admission, very wisely conclud ed to do his "stagglng" elsewhere. That this special tax .scheme is feasi ble those In charge of tho band Infor mal have clearly shown. A plan which v orksd so beautifully at the first trial should bo given a second just to prove its real worth. At tho next social func tion a similar opportunity ought to be given tho "stag" to make himself con spicuous In the only accoptable man- ner by his absence. Tho dehato hold by the Students' Dc "bating club Saturday night is caus ing no little after-talk, and tho amount of discussion it has raised has made some of the doubting Thomases ex press themselves as skeptical of the .good of uuch a contest. The idea as at first conceived, was to debate the military question merely as a weekly forensic contest by the club, but the outside Interest tho publication of the question immediately awakened caus ed those in charge to make more ex tensive preparations, and throw the debate open to tho University public generally. Thd question was stated faiily, the speakers on both sides wore fair minded and spoke as fairly as men could speak for or against an insti tution which 1ms personally affected them. Somo of the arguments and opinions expressed were not exactly fa vorable nor complimentary to the mil itary. Some of tho remarks were de cidedly In favor of the present drill sjstem. The attitude of the students in general was clearly indicated by the enthiisiaBnyfwIth. which somo of the re-marks against drill were received. But from an unprejudiced point of vilAv the supporters of tho present regime had the better"of. their oppon ents, and had a decision been rendered the contest would probably have gone in favor of the military department. The additional evidence of public sen timent can have little effect on the present condition of affairs, as has been shown in the past. The open dis cussion in a fair, straightforward man ner, of such a question as that debat ed Saturday evening can hardly have any regrettable results. The example set by the girls In forming a' tennis club should act "as' a spur to the men. For some time past the tennis association has been only an indifferent success and beyond a local tournament or two nothing in tho tennis line has been done. That there are men in school who can play tennis has been - demonstrated in matches held elsewhere and steps should be taken in the near future to start this season right. Already neigh boring institutions are looking to Ne biaska for tennis matches and it is up to us to meet them tis well on the courts as we have in every other branch of college athletics. Tho first serious effort by the Glee club is past but this does not mean that the club's work is over for the season. After training hard for a cer tain event a sort of relaxation is sure to follow and from this letting down it Is hard to pick up the old vigor. But there is a lot of hard work to be done yet by the club. The trip through the fctate, comprising seven or eight con ceits, is yet to come and it is for the club, as a University organization, to represent the University In the light manner A seiles of good conceits will mean a great deal to us, and a series of poor (oncerts will mean just as much In another way. Good faithful work must be given by every member of the club fiom now on. The girls are flist this year to or ganize a tennis club, and they have taken the proper measures in securing a (ourt of their own. Heretofore, while they were never ruled off the men's courts, yet the crowded condition made it practically impossible for them to get an opportunity to do much play ing. With grounds of their own, which will be enlarged should sufficient In terest be taken, the girls' tennis ought to bo on a flimer foundation this spring than ever before. There is good mate rial among the girls In the University and matches with other schools will doubtless be arranged If there is enough Interest shown to warrant That tho way of the sluffer is hard most of that class of students in the University of Nebraska are. coming to ltalize. The Registrar's office is con stantly looking up these students and making It known to them that their presence iiTThe University Is no longer desirable. Tho following notice is now being sent out by the Registrar's of fice to tho instructors with reference to certain students: "This Is to notify you Unit has been given permission to withdraw from tho University on account of his inability to satisfactorily carry the work for which he was registered. Please note accordingly on your class rolls. Yours respectfully, "REGISTRAR." Elliott's Sultorlum, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reasonable. 1136 O street Both phones. Lincoln Transfer Co.; baggage. Phono 176. Magee & Deemer KENSINGTON SUITS-Thcy Fit Stylish Spring Suits We are already showing many of the new spring; Styles. What are some of their good qualities? Examine them care fully. Collars fit close up at the neck, shoulders prominent, with padding ex tended and stay in shape fronts. Trous ers fit close over the hip points, full in seat and thigh and small at bottom. The tailoring throughout is faultless. We have been selling this make for years and never hear of anyone being dissatisfied. The new grays in almost every.conceivable pattern. SUITS, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.525 CRAVENETTES, $12.50, $15, $18 and $20 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXX)COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCX The Newest Popular Books The Prospector, by Ralph Connor $1.20 The Masquerader, by K. C. Thurston 1 .20 The Law of the Land, by Emerson Hough 1.20 The Simple Life, by Charles Wagner .25 The Clansman, by Thomas Dixon 1.20 at BROWN'S. 127 OIXX50000000000CXXXXX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXCOOOOO bssbbbsbsbssbsbbsbbbbi Intxited 7VY. G. WOLFF, Wedding Invitations and Announcements LOOK FOR THE FION mm curat The New Century Printers 1241 N STREET AUTO 1616 MRS. J. W. PETRY Kr.r . BAKERY C234- So. Hth Street Bell Phono 504 Auto Phono 2C04 Gbe fraternity SutlMiu, Corner 13th and N Streets Faulkner A Sharp, Props. Special Ratu (or Fraternity Dane. Tsbpsooui Automatic 1974, Bell 974 Residence, Automatic 1567, BeH 407 JM fL If JtxLiw If rcSwsssssfivwlFBa uwUHp - H-PsmssbbbWcMmbh-T'' o south Eleventh 8 ' ' You are invited to our store. Wo have the kind of Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, Cut Glass and Sil verware that we are proud to show. We hope to see you within tho next few days. i3p South 13th Street. H. N. TOWN Groceries and Meats Cornor 27th and O Streets PHONE 520 Our Motto: "Nothing but the Bost." Columbia National Bank o ofunka dplUUlOO.000.00 the First National Bank of Linooln, Nt. , i mirror otatrsi nnonarmDv ' Capital 1M.00M Bursitis loaaaaaa TTnAltrU.!. .!. ia ftff a I ft. H. Burnham, Prtis, Jl. J. lawyer, Vlos-Preaidsat. BL 6. rmmu, OafkJar. BL B. Brans, Asat Gassier. Frank Parks, Asat. Oaaalsr. F. R. Basterday, Auditor. Book Bospital R. H. GILLESPIE Phons J HO 124 O Street 4 M TO 'Wi y aL iji :e &-t&uto& &ja68m$ &,