',..'! ?'5 wPpsfl"5j r V'l 1 w tfbe Intl fU&raofean I - r t h It 1 1' bt Daily lltbmkm A oontolldntlon of The Hwporlun, Vol. 01, The Nbrnnknn, ?ol, W Scnrlot and Cream, Vol. 4. Pnbllihod dally, except Bnnday and Monday, At tbo University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Ndb . by the Hcwporliui Publishing Co., Board Or binxoToiui Profewora J. I. Wyer, and C. R. Richard: ir. P. Leavltt John Westover B. R. Walton. Bdltor-inChltif Manager Aan't. Manajjer AMoelato Editor Pircnlntor Fred A. SwecJef A. O. Schrolbor Wed Naughtoa A. M Lot? Walter K. Standeroo STAFF Athletic - R. A. VanOradrt AiwUtant Athletic H. L. Bwaa icws n. q. Mjtni BtoteFarm A. F. Magdaaa, Editorial Rooms and BturfnoHa Office U 2Mf Poat Offlco Station A. Lincoln, Nebr. M ii MC sc Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic 1538 Automatic 2366. Subscription Prloo, 2 per yoar, in advanoe Entered at tho poHtoflloo at Lincoln, Neb., aa ucoond-oln8 mall matter under the act of congress of March a, 1870. Individual notiflen will bo charKcd for at tho rrfto of 10 conta for oaoli insertion. Faculty, departmental and unlroralty bullonuH will gladly bo published freo, as heretofore Tho question "Resolved, That thill tary drill as In voguo at the Untveft which the Debating club haB chosen "toT debato Saturday night has aroused a good deal of Interest, so much, In fact, that the club will probably make this debato more public than usaul, and may hold It in the chapel which will bo none too small to accommodate thoso who have already expressed their Interest. It is possible, too, that other speakers -will be chosen, and the question, which is of keen Interost to Qvorybody connected with tho Uni versity, will bo probed to the bottom. Student Recital. r -m m r -w -w -w - Notices and subscriptions may be loft at tho Daily Nobraskan offlco, or at the Co-Op. Book Store. OCXOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXDOOOO Editorial Remarks The university school of music will give students' recital this evening at 8 o'clock in Memorial hall. The pub He is cordially Invited. The program will bo as follows: Bach Prelude and Fuguo, D majoi (W. T. C.) Mary Ward. Oluck-Sgambatl Melodio, D minor; MacDowoll, Czardas, A minor, op. 24 Loulsia Crcekpaum. Fielltz Silent Woe, Sprays of Roscb, Secret Greetings, Child Voices, Dreams of Roaming, Anathema, from "Ellland Cycle" Chas. Tulleys. Oodard Opnccrto, A mlnar; and ante, allegro vivace Mabel Marsh. (Orchestral parts on second piano, Mrs. Will Owen Jones.) Chopin Polonaise, op. -10, No. 1 Grace McWhlnnoy. Schumann I Murmur Not; Bartlett, A Dream Frank Hudson. Thomas Time's Garden Mrs Ad- die Jennings. Liszt Etude, D flat major Ethel Syford. Schubert Impromptu, B flat Jessie Emerlck. AVensky Fantasle,. E minor, op. 48 Claire Canom. (Orchestral paits on second piano, Mr. Eames.) MacDowell The Robin Sings in the Apple Tree Grace Mussettor. Rotoli Tho Dying Flower; Cowen, Swallows Lou Young. Mozart Double concerto, E flat ma jor; andante, Dondo (allegro) Nellie Trigg. Ethel McBeath. Three Che,ers. "The resovlo of the sorority girls of Nebraska not to attend any dance given on a school ulght was not an empty one. Recently tho Men's Glee Club of tho University gave a concert, and after tho performance it was an nounced that an Informal dance would be given. Tho girls got together and agieed to support the concert with all their accustomed enthusiasm, but a ban was placed on the dance. "The Nebraska girls deserve praise for their courage. If men of a Univer sity have not the foresight to Inter pret tho sentiment of the women on matters of this sort and act accord ingly It is Just as well to bring them t. an -understanding by some such he roic means. "This year at Washington has been remarkably free from social stunts on study nights, and It is hoped it will continue so. One thing is sure, Wash ington girls are composed of the same metal as the Nebraska co-eds and if tho time over" comes when It will bo necessary to quell tho sterner sex on a matter of this sort, our girls will do it." Tho Pacific Wave, University of Washington. "Nothing but one continual mund of pleasure" Is the order of the evening at the Seventh Annual Banquet of the University Young Men's Christian As sociation to be held n't the Llndell ho tel next Friday evening at seven-forty-flve. Out of town speakers will be J. P. Bailey of Omaha, Chas. D. Hurrey of Chicago, and Lucian J. Marsh of Grand Island'. Others who will speak are Dean Henry B. Ward and Mr. J. R. Bender. No matters of business will be presented and the evening will be given over to a rousing good time. Not one member of the association should be absent on this occasion, and oth ers who are In any way interested' aro cordially Invited to attend. Those who aro planning on being there should bear In mind that the banquot will be gin promptly at tho time advertised. Dramatics Tomorrow. On Thursday night in the chapel will be given "My Iord in Livery," by members of the Dramatic Club. Tho cast correct Is as follows: Lord Thirlmere Harry Mollck Splggott Homer Hunt Sybil Bess Smith Laura . Kathleen Llndermann Rose Ethel Haynes Hopkins G. Ward Cheney A nominal admission of lOcjyUJLbo charged-. This is tho first play given by the University Dramatic Club and should attract a good crowd. ' V ' I i id Yon Forget Our Fire Sale ?? it it n it a a n it it I t BARGAINS TODAY Wo muBt got ready for tho painters. Closing out all Box Paper and Tablets. A few paint and othor art supplies loft to sell at half price. There are many bargains Ln books Ask for them. Mechanical and Drawing instruments wo will soil very low. See us today or tomorrow. The Uni. Book Store a. M it ' it U n it it it it it it a it it it it it a it it it it it it 340 N Eleventh St. T p Jfl t n Wrn $ The Newest Popular Books The Prospector, by Ralph Connor $1.20 The Masqucradcr, by K. C. Thurston L20 The Law of the Land, by Emerson Hough 1.20 The Simple Life, by Charles Wagner .25 The Clansman, by Thomas Dixon 1.20 at BROWN'S, 127 south Eleventh CATERING AND SERVING For Dances and Partios, soo Thomas W. Coleman, better known as "1 TOMMY" at Rlggs' Drug Store Lady Attendant if Desired. Finest Punch furnished for all occa sions at reasonable prices. For New Suits go to KADIS & MARX FINE TAILORING Suits to order $13 and up; Pants to or der $3 and ip. Cleaning and repairing. 1444 O 8TKEICT ACTO K679 OOOOOOOOOOOQOQOOOOOOOOOOM Fine Candies l 1 Hi "H"H"H"t"i-t I I lih 'Noch Einmat." "In the minds of a majority of the students of the University of Kansas, there is little doubt but that athletic relations should be resumed with Ne braska. It Is Important, not only for our own welfare and the promotion of athletics hero, but for the promotion of athletics In this section of the Unit ed States.' Nebraska, we understand, U as willing as Kansas, and the only question now is Who will bear the flag and head the peace commission-" The Kansan. Stanford University and Waseda Un iversity of Japan, will meet on the basketball diamond the latter part of March. This Uniyersity won the cham pionship of Japan recently. Two games are to be played with Stanfprd and a series of games with other schools will probably be arranged by the Japs. ALLE6RETTI LOWHEY'S HUYLER'S : The Forest club of the University will meet Saturday night, March 4. An excellent program has been arranged by the program committee and a good attendance 1b expected. Professor R. H. Wolcott, of the Department of Zool ogy, and Professor Bruner, of tho De partment of Entomology, will talk on "Birds and Insects In tho Forest." See Uni. Book Store ad on page 2. Always Frfc at RECTOR pie AsenU f For something artistic and up-to-date try our Platinums Kates for Students io29 O STREET Electric Shoe Repair Shop 1220 O STREET Price list of our Electric Shoo He pairs. MEIN'S. Sewed Solos 76c Nailed Sole . . vr. 50c-75c Straighten Hoels : . . ,36c Rubber Hools, 1st quality iQc Patches 10c Pieces on Solos 15c Goring 5Qc-75c InBOles 10c Eyelets lflc Tongues 10c Heel Lining 26c Ripe 10c-26c Heelplates 5o-15c Re-Dyeing 26c Cuban Heels 35c LADIES' Wolt Sewed Half. Soles 50c Hand Turned Solea 86c Heels T.16c-26c Nailed Shoes 40c-60c Rubber Hoels 35c Pieces pn Solos 16c Patches 10c-15c Tips 26c MISSES' Half Soles 40c Heels 15c-20c CHILD'S Half Soles 3&e Our wagon calls for and dollvera goods. Wolf anger, Warthon & Ci, Auto Phone 3902 . 2 'V ?fi 1! " U - I i 'jv r '.',mJ -V ' v FT--5gBgCCCia . t -. A 1 .. " .1 "T. ,.ft" a jyj WJ&JSJLJA.LA 1,--JP.W