The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 24, 1905, Image 2

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    - 4VV4KV
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G b e ID a f I e IRebraeftan
; 45?f .,
tin Baity Ylibvaskan
A conRolldntlon of
The Hwperian, Vol. HI, Tlio N.'brnBkun, Col, 10
Scnrlot and C'rcfim, Vol. 4
PnbllBlHl dnllj. except Bnnrtny and Momlay,
at tho UnlviTdlty of N'brafikn, Lincoln, Neb.
by the HeHporlnn Publishing Co ,
Boaut) Or brniecTonfl
ProfofrOrn J. I. Wyor, nnd C. It. IUclmrda:
II P Leavitt
John Wwtovcr K. R. Walton.
Bdltorln Ohlnf
Aimoctftto Editor
Aits' I. Manager
Amiikant Athlotlc
8tU Farm
Frod A- Swolay
A. M Lory
A. G. Sohrcibor
Fred Nnughton
Wnltcr E. Standoveii
A VaOridl
H L Bwan
H G Myen
A F Maffdanc
Editorial Room and Buninow Offlc U 11K
Pout Office Station A. Lincoln, Nebr.
Night Telephone
Automatic J528
Automatic 2365.
Bubncrlptlon Price, 12 per yenr, in advance
Entered at the postofllce nt Lincoln, Nob.,
m neoond-oluHB mall matter undtr tho act of
oonjrroRs of March II, 1879.
Individual notiflw will In; oharcwl for at the
rrfto of 10 oontH for eaoh ltiHortion Faonltv.
departmental and unlvornlty bulletins will
gladly be published free, iw heretofore
Editorial Remarks
The results of the Senior and Junior
class meetings yesterday seem to indi
cate that the University is to be fa
ired with two very superior class an
nuals this Bpring. The Seniors took
Httlpa which will make their book the
best Senior book ever published in the
University, and while the Juniors, on
account of the great extra expense en
tailed, could hardly afford to follow the
action of the Seniors, nevertheless
their production bids fair to abreast of
the best. Too much attention to the
contents, style and finish of these an
nuals can hardly bo given. They find
their way all over the country, and our
University is judged, oftentimes, sim
ply by the merits of such books. It
seems, however, that the annuals for
1005 will be excellent crlterions of the
There are times when class spirit,
evidenced by president swiping, etc.,
has the sanction of precedent and cus
tom. But there Are times when such
opportunities occur which do not have
this sanction. The Sophomore play
tomorrow night, while an affair of '07,
is given by that class to the University
public and therefore should be allowed
to go through uninterrupted. Class
spirit displayed at the right time is u
very desirable thing, but too much of
a good thing becomes a nuisance and
any disturbance Saturday evening is
apt to be too much of a good tiling.
C. W. Pugsley, one of the Junior
students who is giving a good deal of
attention to ngi (culture, has been asked
by Professor Burnett to accopmany
the "Seed Corn Special" the lutter part
ol this week.
The schedule of baseball games to be
played by the team on its eastern trip
is a good one and to win even a ma
jority of games will require a teum
fully up to. Nebraska standard. To
bring out the best team possible every
bit of baseball, material in school
bhould be available. Tho greater the
number out for practice the better i'i
choice that can bo made for men to
compose the 'varsity. Every man who
can handle a ball should ieport for
hn'-oliall print if o aiirl Uius do his sliaro
toward maldiiR tlif Icim lor l'J0r what
It filiould br.
Republican Meeting.
The Republican dub met yesterday
at 1 p. m. In Memorial hall and dis
cussed plans for a banquet to lie held
by the club at some time in the near
future. The prevailing sentiment of
the meeting was that some elaborate
affair should be ai ranged for and a
committee consisting of Messrs. Well
Inslck, Swan, Smith, Brown and Mor
rison was appointed with full power
to act as they think best. The com
mittee will make an effort to sell one
hundred tickets among the members of
the club and will make arrangements
for speaker, etc.
The committee on inaugural repie
sentatlve reported that they would
probably be unable to send a repre
sentative from Lincoln and that they
had written to Washington to ascer
tain whether or not any of the alumni,
now at Washington, in the employ of
the government, could be secured to
represent the organization at the cere
monies on March 4.
Senior Meeting.
Owing to the lateness of notices be
ing posted only a few Seniors were
present at the meeting of that class
held in U 212 yesterday morning. The
meeting was called, primailly, to dis
ci. ss final plans for the Senior Annual.
It was decided, upon explanation of
Manager Brown, to have Aluertypos
instead of the ordinary half tones used
In the book. A difference in price of
Borne $100.00 will result from the use
of the Albertypes, but already advance,
sales and advertising contracts nearly
cover this amount, and as yet not one
half of the class has reported by means
of the contracts sent out by the Board.
The material for the book was turned
over to the printers last night, and
will be ready for sale in about three
weeks. The book, from present Indica
tions, will be the best Senior Annual
ever Issued, and will rival, if not be
on a par with the Senior Law Book of
latt year. The Board urges that the
contracts for books bo signed and re
turned to them immediately in order
that they may know just what sales
to expect.
Chairman Ramsey, of the Play Com
mittee, reported that a tentative de
cision had been reached regarding a
part of the cast for the play. Of the
21 parts necessary to complete this
cast, seventeen have been chosen, as
lollows: Misses Wilson, Neilson,
Thomas and Stirling; Messrs. Keysor,
Stephens, White, Hunter, Beers, Hoar,
Ramsey, Mower, Clark, J. L., Roberts,
Campbell and Brown. Pour more men
aie needed to complete the required
number in order to get the play In
shaiMj for commencement week. The
committee, owing to unavoidable de
lays, is fai behind where other com
mittees have been at this time, and to
make this up the haidest kind of work
v. ill be necessary.
Mr. Wood to Speak.
Next Sunday's mass meeting at the
Oliver is bound to be a record breaker
In many ways. Mr. Morgan Wood, of
Cleveland, is the orator of the after
noon. Mr. Wood is Known by the title
"The Platfoini Magnet" and judging
fitiin his personal appearance and the
unusual press comments concerning
bis power and abilities, he will mea
sure up to the highest expectations He
is "without doubt one of the most
brilliant orators and popular speakeis
in the country today. He always cap
tivates, lias remarkable presence nnd
delivery, is scholarly and oratorical,
and is able to exert a peculiar magne
tic inlluence over tho masses the
laiger the audience tho better."
College men will find this meeting of
especial interest.
Forbes' Stables, livery, cab and bag
gago sorvice, 1126-81 P street. Bell
phono, 550. Auto phono 1550.
Elliott's Suitorlum, cleaning, dyeing
and repairing. Prices reasonable. 113C
0 street. Both phones.
Manifolding and typewriting. See
Ed Affoltor, check room, basement Uni
hall. University rates.
A lunch at the city Y. M. C. A. Spa
is just the thing for Uni. students.
Magee & Deemer
Men's Fine Furnishings
Stetson Hat Display
Ail the New Spring Styles
wide range of tastes because of the great variety.
We make a careful study of the proper styles suit
able to the varied faces and figures, and your hat
will be a becoming one if bought here. It is not too
early to select your spring hat and it should be a
Stetson, the standard of hat excellence everywhere.
$3.50, $4.0.0 $5.00 and $7.50
Take a look at our east window.
Cardiff Coal
Satisfaction Guaranteed or
Whitebreast Co-
Book fiospital
Vhoo IU0 J24 0 Street
Groceries and Meats
Corner 27th and O 8troote
Oar Motto: "Nothing but tho Best"
1042 O Street
Our Stetson Hat show
ing for spring is the
most extensive we have
ever made. The styles
and shades are very fas
cinating and merit of a
For the
Heating 8tove
Your Money Refunded.
no 6 o
are not a complete suc
cess without programs and
menues. Get them printed
nj6 O Street
For something artistic and
up-to-date try our Platinums
Rates for Students.
V7t have always been known as the
Thti itAion wc ar turning out better work
than ever. Wi want your buslntas.
Auto 2754 J 5 14 O Strict Bfl74
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-l"& .