L' - - . i i - '"' I W'lMllllHII ,m ( tt be tbsn Us U t) r aeft an Campus Gleanings Inter-fraternlty debates arc soon to he hold at the University of Kansas. Tho English club will meet Saturday night with Miss Mabel Hayes, 1820 Washington street. To I Ko'l renlhrouflh this y0 know how seldom one finds a collar and a cravat that will go well to gether. The main reason for this that the collar u cither just too big or just too small. Quarter Size COLLARS do not bind either cravat or neck. The original and best are Cluett, 25 centi each Arrow, 15c each, 2 for 25c Bold eYerywkero. CLUETT, PEADODY & CO. Makers of Cluett and Monarch Shirts. Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe UMlo Crom Hot WrtffloinndFlno Moals and bnnohos. I J7-J2 J North IS StMSt CbarltsB. Gregory (V.tO.'H) Opt Coal man MO. 1044 O 8TRSKT 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs CotvmoHT8 Ac. Anyone sanding a sketoh and dseorlpUnn may quickly ascertain our opinion free whotber an liiTontlon Is probably prtcnUble. Ootnmunlca ttons Rtiietly confidential. MaHuBOQK on Patents sont f roo. Oldoat aaoney for securinffpatents. Patents taken through Mann A Cfc. receive rpteUU notice, without on&nro, In tho Scientific Jimmcan. A handsomolr rtlnstrated wooklr. Ijirnest olr Ternis. $3 a culatloii of any sclontlflo lournaJ. vaar: tour niontus. IL HOI iour niontus, si. oia oy an newsdealers. MUNN & Co.30lB-dNew York Dranoh ornce. G26 F HU, Wasinnuton, u. J. Includes In the New Edition 25,000 NE.W WORDS, Etc. New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary Edltod by W. T. II AUUIS, Ph.D.. LL.D., 'J. b. Commissioner of IMucution. 2380 Quarto' Pages. 5000 Illustrations. Nrw Tat-. Hhh llimlirnr. AUo Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with lllOpap. MOO Illiutralion. Bite : "ilOiih'"- A 8pcial Thin Paper Edition De Luxe Printed from uuue plate a, regular edition. IltiM limp coven aud round aimer. Bite . & liSvtll1?. FREE, "A Teat In Pronunciation," Wruct Ito and entertaining. AUo Illustrated pamphlet. G. 6 C. ME.RRIAM CO. Publishers, Springfield, Mass. Hr i!iinliw J Phil King, the nowly elected football cdach at Wisconsin, Is to receive $3,000.00 with $500.00 additional for personal expenses. Miss Florence Kohn; of Omaha, who has been the guest of Miss Minnie Hlller since tho Dormitory party, re turned to her homo yesterday. Tho Medical Society of the Univer sity will moot tomorrow In M 301. Dr. B. B. Davis of Omaha has been se cured as speaker of the evening. Michigan track athletes who break lecords in varsity or conference meets will hereafjter receive medals. The trophies will bo given by the Michigan Alumni Association of Pittsburg. Northwestern has put into practice some rules which have been suggested forbidding any Freshman Ijiw taking any part in athletics whatever. The movement is said to be due to the- many desertions from the Law School at the close of the football sea jon last car. Botany studonts of the University of Chicago will tour Ireland and Scot land this summer as members of an advanced closs in research now being formed by Professor Honry C. Cowles. Plans for the trip include a six weeks' stay In the lake district of Ireland and the heaths of Scotland. It Is probable that Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Cornoll and Pennsylvania will form an inter-collegiate wrestling league. Efforts are now being made to arouse Interest In the sport and get out 'varsity teams at all of those col leges, with a view to making this sport a regular athletic feature in their win ter schedules. "'ho students in Dendrology are to use a new "Manual of Trees of North America" which has been written by Professor Sargent of Harvard Unlver t ity. The copies of the manual have not come from the publishers as yet but are looked for In the near future Professor Sargent Is tho author of the gieat work, tho "Sllva of North Ameri ca," which was issued In fourteen quarto volumes, at twenty-five dollars a volume. The new book is an abridgement of the Sllva. Forbes Stables, livery, cab and bag gage service, 1128-81 P street. Bell phone, 550. Auto phono 1550. Elliott's Suitorlum, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. PrlceB reasonable. 1136 O street. Both phones. Manifolding and typewriting. See Ed Affolter, check room, basement Unl hall. University rates. Erie B. Woodward, of eye, ear and throat, block. Phone 6G6. M. D., diseases 207-8 Richards Still selling goods, slightly damaged, at ridiculously low price. Uni. Book Store. A lunch at the city Y. M. C. A. Spa is just the thing for Uni. students. Oet tho best Henderson & Ames uniforms, at Armstrongs. Lincoln Local Express, 1039 N street Both phones. Hair dressing, shampooing at the Famous. Lincoln Transfer Co.; btggae. Phono 176. Twenty-one meals for $3. Dormitory Cafe. Armstrong Clothing Company, prac tical hatters. Manicuring at the Famous. Chanln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. California In loee than throe day a from Lincoln what on agreeable change! Why endure threo moro long months of wintor weather, when you can leavo It all and go to balmy California on a train like tho C olden State Limited Every comfort and convenience agorgeous hotel on wheels, If you please expressly for you. Dally via El Paso and tho Southern Pacific through Now Mexico. Most southerly course quickest way to reach the roalm of summer. Et ery mile Is a milo away from winter. Full Information about this train and other bopvIco to California, with booklet "The Golden State," promptly on request. F H. V STUDENTS The newest and finest Barber Shop in Nebraska Particu lar attention given to face, neck and scalp massaging, j 1206 O St., Burr Block STEINED-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. WTiaUaal. aU RataM r DRUGGISTS AsrtiBtUPhana 1707 1144 O Sums LINCOLN. NUB- Waiters' Bureau W. D. ORANT. Manager First Class Service Guarantood at all Receptions, Parties, Colations and Banquets. For infor mation ring up 1218 0 Stmt Aatephofli 2349 EYERY SUCCESS HAS ITS OWH COAL We have been very successful in catering to weddings and parties where something EXTRA FINE is wanted. Why can't we furnlah you with your Groceries lor all occasions? KEYSTONE GROCERY iai South 1 3 Ui Street H Our Mlcroicopti, Mlcrotomis, Laboratory Olasi-H H wirt, Cbtmlcal Apparatus, Chemicals, Photo H tsnsst and Shutters, Field Olassts, Projacllon M B theliadlngUb-..,, oratprlas and B H Oow'nl Dep'tsHBHn Bound Iba World H VSsmW - EMMS -JffMk J Catalogs am Pre H III lUaswfVlsRr I Bausch & Lomb Opt. Co. I I HtSS H ROCIIKSTKH, N. Y. H H . .. New York Chlcno lkton I'nmkfurt. O'yJ I M T -1 new lum Hibl iBostonand vmMaj(M i The East HQflHwHrai Fast dally train service via the UlByEKnBlCI I Chicago & North- Western Railway, w Tl the double-track BARNES O. F . Olrattaiattrma Literal, 5Jr Inlorl near, $1.50. 147 rols. irti0tiarte0 Ucnnan, Frcncli. Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, fj.uu, and 1.U). Completely Parsed Caesar, Cook L Has on each pace interlinear translation. lltenn translation, and every word t-ompleteltf parted. Long vuwcli mat Iced. $1.30. Completely Scanned-Parsed Aeneld, I. tt jo. Completely Parsed Cicero, Oration L ijo. HINDS & NOBLG, Publishers 31-33-35 W. 15th St. New York City Schoolbooka 0 all publishers at one store MRS. J. W. PETRY Who,eMl. ana BAKERy 3 3-4- So. Uth Street Bell Phono 504 Auto Phone 2034 Columbia National Bank OFUNmA CtpiUlf$(00tO0OM Fast dally train Chicago &. North the double-track Missouri River to ins at Chicago all points East. service via the Western Railway, railway from th? Chicago, connect- with all lines for The trains of the NorthWestern Line are most completely equipped for the safety and comfort of patrons. The Rest of Everything Tl.ets and full Information on application to R. W. McGINNIS, Agent, 1024 O Street Chicago & Norlh-Western Railway NW460 a. tiv . Msotbsm jwtZt ,.,& MiSsy &Md& t o t