3 iwanKBVP-Hr ;?- TTiT II 'H" . .V "1 l XT b Dfflg Be&rj&Mn I Campus Gleanings k w m tn. 0 K Lr -X t jL J Cluktt Calmkt Aunnw AldimoN Quarter Size Collars TVyfUST be Quarter Size Collnrs, that is they must be precisely right -and made ,of BtufT winch will not shrink. The Cluett and Arrow Col lars nre riirhtlv innde of slirunk fabrics. Cluett, 25 cents Arrow 15 cents each or 2 for 25 cents Cluett, Peabody k Co. Maker of Cluett nnd Monarch Shirts Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe Ltttlo Qom Hot WnflloiiuidFino Moivlfl nnd Lunches. 117-121 North IS Street CbrltsB Gregory ! I tbt Coal man NO 1044 O 8TUKT BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE IjmTrc Trade Marks Demons Copyrights Ac Anrono sondlng Bitot oh nnd desorlptteai may qWokly ascertain our opinion free wMttw an Invention Is probably notontahla ComaMuilciv Uons strictly confidential. HAND&OQK oaPaieaiU ont froo. Oldest amnoy for BeeatmoMUbta. .Tateuts taken throuan Munn A Ob. roootTe tpteiax notice, without charge, rn too Scfemlfic Htnericait. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.anest dr. eolation of any sclonUflo Journal, Terms. 13 a year t four months, f L Sola by ail newsdealers. MUNN & Co MiBd. New York Branch Office, 06 F St Washington. 1x0. JHIBQ Includes In the Now E,ditlon 25.000 NE.W WORDS, Etc. New Gaxettoor of th eWorld New Biographical Dictionary Edltod by W.T. HAUUIS, Pli.D., LL.D., U. S. Commissioner of Educutlou. 2380 Quarto Pages. New riatri. 5000 Illustrations. Kiel, Illnllnir AUo Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with lil8tt!. 1100 IUaitrationt. blw : 7ll)i5iUi. A Special Thin Paper Edition De Luxe 'llnt-J f nro aarao lnU4 rrifular edition. It ha limp ovi.n and round txirnor. Bra : 5)iSrsil. FREE, "A Teat In Pronunciation," hwtract Ivo and entvrtaiulai;. Also Uliulrntvd luuaphWU. G. & C. MEJUUAM CO. Publlahers, Springfield, Mass. ExtonBlvo preparations are being mado for tho second dormitory dance which will bo hold this evening at the University Women's Building. The following are among tho visitors from Omaha here for tho occasion: Mies Mablo Cheek, visiting Miss Pearl Fitzgerald; Miss Eunice Ensor, visiting her sister, Miss Nell Ensor; Miss Florence Kohn, visiting Miss Minnio Hlller. Tho Forestry people havo been offi cially notified of tho change of name of tho United States Bureau of For estry which is hereafter to be known an tho "Forest Service." All of the government forest resources, many of which have hitherto been under the Department of the Interior have been transferred to the Forest Service This moans a much moro scientific treat ment of the forest reserves and at the same time it will call for moro well trained forestera Tho College Settlement houBC was tho scene of a most happy occasion Wednesday evening, when a reception was given to all tho glrlB' clubs of the Settlement by tho Y. W. C. A. commit tee which has that work in charge. About fifty girls first Joined in a grand march, then seated themselves for tho program. This consisted of muslr and recitations by some University girls, followed by several Settlement girls who showed great talent When the piogram was ended tho Valentine box was opened and a joyful clamor arose vhlle the missives were being distrib uted. Then the children were taken to the basement where they Indulged in the best treat of all, candy making Altogether the evening was a great success, one long to be remembered by all who were there. In Oliver Colleges The Alumni of the University of Minnesota have offered $436 in cash prizes to be awarded to students suc cessful in contests in essay writing oratory and debate. H. H. Putnam, registered in the Med leal School, is ill at his home In Om aha with the Iagrlppe. The University of South Dakota gives tho debating team of that school its choice of opponents in debates. Tho most Important gifts to Yale during 1904, were as follows. $100,000 for a mine school: $40,000 to library funds; and a bequest of $250,000 for the construction and maintenance of a building as a memorial to Dr. Jared LinBly. Tho enrollment In tho Bible classes at the Y. M. C. A. reaches tho high water mark this year at tho University of Minnesota, three hundred men hav ing entered tho work. Thero has been a steady growth all year, and still moro classes are being formed. Tho legal department in Denver Uni versity has recently established a law office whore anyone needing legal as sistant may place IiIb case. It will bo turned over to the seniors who, In prosecution of tho case, will be under the direction of experienced lawyers. L. G. Wllklns, a freshman polo vaul ter at tho University of Chicago, has Invented a dovlco for Indoor vaulting which is expected to make possible as good records Indoors as outdoors. The device consists of a hardwood block covered with metal. Tho vaulter plants his polo on tho metal plate and It slides to the end of tho block, thus saving tho jar from the momentum until the vaulter is in tho air. A. Q. Spalding has taken steps to patent the device and it will probably bo placed on the market soon. Twenty-ono meals for $3. Dormitory Cafe. Hair dressing, shampooing at the Famous. For Furs see Steele, 143 S. 12th St Special (Announcement I "Rajah Silks" The &Cewest Thing in Sltks. 7ho80 silka will hold first place in tho ontiro silk dom. They aro mado in all tho popular shades and weaves. Many imitations havo boon attempted, however, you will find tho namo "Rajah" stamped along tho solvedge. Thoro is but ONE "Ha jab," None other genuine. Look out for imitations. vVo aro oxclusivo agonts for this popular fabric, sold at $I.a5 per yard. New York Boston and The East Fast dally train Chicago & North- the double-track Missouri River to Ing at Chicago all points East. service via the Western Railway, railway from the Chicago, connect- wlth afl lines for The trains of the Visiting nnd Address Cards Programs, Invitations and Correspondence Stationery GEORGE BROS. PRINTERS Fraternity Building: v7c also manufacture Advertising Buttons and Mirrors. "elephones: A349t 34 NorthWestern Line are most completely equipped for the safety and comfort of patrons. The Best of Everything TVets and full Information on application to H. W. McGINNIS, Agent, 1024 O Street Chicago & North'Westera Railway NW460 Book fiospltal R. H. GILLESPIE Ffcoa J HO J24 O Stoat Ca n you converse Intelligently regarding any book you may have been reading as it you had really stttd it u completely? Welles novel, a poem, a history, a biography a drama, an ora tion a sermon, or any other literary production, if read or studied as our nrw book I tells one how, becomes a subject which one can dis cuss or write about in ' a thoroughly Intelll trent and comprehen sive way. HOW TO STUDY LITERATURE Cloth, 75 ctnit, postpaid HINDS & NOBLG, rUOLISIIBRS 31-33-35 W. 15th St. New York City Schoolbooks of all fublitheri at ont itort fy iff To California In I0B6 than throe days from Lincoln what an agroeable change! Why endure three more long months of winter weather, when you can leave it all and go to balmy California on a train like the C olden State Limited Every comfort and convenience agorgeous hotel on wheols If you plooso expressly for you. ' Dally via El Paso and tho Southern Pacific through New Mexico Most southerly courBO quickest way to reach the realm of summer Ev ery mile is a mile away from winter. Full information about this train and other service to California with booklet "The Golden State," promptly on requost. ' MHThTm W w7 F H. BARNES G.VP. FK. t ,,..-a. 7 4 'lT Ml If you got It at Armstrong's, IV t right. r! "U' ?. - ( -v f ! v .1.- jif - - .-.-Aiujafc As &!&MMte&t&Jk&& fd&M- $BffiriiJtt