The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 18, 1905, Image 1

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l&be 3Dail$ IRebraekan
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yoLIV, No. 85
Price 5 Cents
.University Republicans Meet
Committees Appointed.
They May Bond Delegate to the Inauguration.
"University republicans were pres
ent at the meeting of the republican
club hold atll a. m. In U 207 yester
day. President Ozman called the meet
ing to order and announced that the
president's Inaugural committee was
planning to have a large delegation of
representatives of collego republican
clubs at the Inaugural ceremonies held
In Washington, March 4, and that Ne
braska had been Invited to send repre
sentatives. Mr. Ozman further stated
that a rate of one faro plus two dol
lars could be Bocured and that this
would mako a cost of about thirty-four
dollars per man for transportation.
The club Is without the necessary
funds to send a representative and the
sentiment of the meeting was that no
member of the club could afford to at
tend unless his expenses were paid. It
was suggested that some of the Uni
versity students might bo In Washing
ton at that time or that some of the
alumni who are in Washington might
represent the club. A committee of
thrpo wtia appointed to find out If any
of the students of the University con
template attending the ceremonies and
also to secure a list of the alumni now
In Washington.
The members of the club seem to
feel that there Is a lack of enthusiasm
among tho republicans of the Univer
sity. A committee was appointed to
consider tho advisability of having a
club banquet to arouse Interest.
President Ozman announced the fol
lowing committees:
Inaugural representative R. A. Van
Orsdalo, chairman; A. G. Nelson, F. D.
Banquet committee H. L. Swain
chairman; Merles Brown, J. K. Morri
son. Speaks Tomorrow.
Dr. Franklin Plerco Jolly humorist,
Impersonator and lecturer, will be the
speaker at tho Men's Oliver Meeting
tomorrow. afternoon. Dr. Jolly la a
graduate of Lake Forest University
and spent four yoars in special study
at Northwestern University, Bvanston,
111. He has received oratorical train
ing from some of tho leading teachers
of expression in the country. This fact
added to hlfc natural abilities has
4 made him one of tho foremost lectur
ers on tho American platform.
: The special music wilt bo exception
ally flno. Mr. Claro Cornell, trombon
ist, and Mr. Loyd Rold, violinist, will
render soveral selections. Admission
free. Doors open at 3:30 p. m.
Miss Castor save a recital at Con
vocation yesterday morning to a largo
audience. T1 length of the program
prevented any encores which tho morit
of her work caused her hearers to call
Forbes' Stablos, livory, cab and bag
gage service, 1125-81 P street Bell
phono, 650. Auto phono 1550.
Got your Junior cap at Armstrong's.
Non. Com. Hop
Fraternity Hall, March 3
Traces of Outside Work is Dis
covered, Tho flre which caused considerable
loss to tho University book store seems
to have been the work of incendiaries
Mr. Gilbert, one of the proprietors, left
the store a half hour before tho flro
broke out, but returned to get some
thing he had forgotten. Ho found
everything In good condition and again
left, and not twenty minutes after his
departure the alarm of flre was turned
In. Investigation seemed to indicate
quite clearly that somo ono had fired
the building. There was no flre in tho
stove, and the box in which matches
wore kept was not even scorched, while
tho contonts of tho same drawer was
badly damaged. None of tho clerkB
employed in the store ever smoked
and no cigar ends could have been left
lying about. When the flro department
arrived the front door was found
broken open and tho money In the two
tills to the amount of some fifteen
dollars, was gone. There is ovory indi
cation that tho flre was not due to ac
cident. Inventory of tho stock is be
ing taken today and tho exact Iosb has
not yot been determined. Enough In
surance is carried, however, to Insure
tho owners of the store against any
financial loss.
Dance Successful.
Tho dance given in tho Art hall after
the Qleo club concert Thursday even
ing was a success. The floor was in
excollent condition, and Eddie Walt's
music was never better. The hall was
tastefully decorated In University col
ors and pennants. No programs were
used for tho dances, tho affair being
entirely Informal.
Last Wednesday a re-argument on
the case of Green vs. Wllko was held
In tho district court of tho Law
School. This case was tried somo time
ago but the jury failing to agree the
case was waived and argued to the
court. The counsel for tho plaintiff
in error was ClTarles Beavers. Tho
counsel for tho defendant in error was
A. N. Mathers. The court has taken
the case under advisement.
Erie B. Woodward, M. D., diseases
of eye, ear and throat 207-8 Richards
block. Phone G6G.
Lincoln Transfer Co.; baggas.
Phono 176.
Got tho best Hondorson & Ames'
uniforms, at Armstrongs.
Armstrong Clothing Company, prac
tical hatters.
Last Dance Before Lent
Tickets, $(.25 at &
To Erect Addition.
Superintendent Chowlns Is figuring
the cost of erecting an addition to tho
shops building at tho State Farm. This
addition is intended to make more
room for the storage of tho varloiiB
kinds of machinery which manufac
turers send to tho farm for permanent
exhibition. The present room, forty
by sixty feet in dimensions, Is only
about one-third largo enough, and Is
packed full of gasollno engines, bin
ders, mowers, harrows, cultivators, and
almost every other sort of agricultural
and dairy machine. The addition now
being figured on Is to be of the same
dimensions as the present machinery
room, but Mr. Choyins desires to
build this two Btorles high, and to get
the beat results from tho money so ex
pended, proposes to fit up tho second
floor Into a room whore lectures can be
given to tho farm students. LaBt sum
mer Professor DavlBson visited a
large number of agricultural imple
ment manufactories and tho various
merits and defects of tho different ma
chines are explained to the embryonic
farmer. Many of the manufacturers
will send their products to tho Farm
upon request, and almost any machine
mado con be had simply by paying the
freight from tho place of manufacture
to tho Farm. If tho figures are within
reasonable bounds this now addition
now being figured on by Superinten
dent Chowlns will undoubtedly bo
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
As announced at Convocation Friday
tho girls will bo addressed by Prof.
Condra on Sunday 3 p. m., U 106. Miss
Andrews will sing. It is hoped that
tho University girls will attend this
meeting, as It is not often that wo
have the pleasure of having a momber
of tho faculty address tho Sunday
- Tho big cabinet meeting will bo held
at Mrs. F. M. Hall's on Saturday, Fob.
18th, at 1:30 p. m. All chairmen and
sub-chairmen will please be "present.
This is the last meeting of tho kind of
this association year.
At- tho noon meetings on Monday
and Tuesday letters from '04 girls to
association girls will bo read.
Miss Paxon, Feb. 22-26. She will
have charge of the noon meetings on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
There will be lectures and intorviows.
Watch for bulletins.
Manifolding and typewriting. See
Ed. Affoltor, check room, basement Uni
hall. Unlvorsity rates.
Elliott's Sultorlum, cleaning, dyeing
and repairing. Prices reasonable. 1136
O street Both phones.
Manicuring at tho Famous.
Systematic Work Will Begin this
Charter Day Aletlnla Are Iteutly For
Tho first soml-flnal gymnastic con
test on Fob. 22nd wil bo divldod into
throo parts. It will be opened with
work on the horizontal bar. This will
bo followed by tho first pair of teams
on tho lnterclass relay raco. Tho par
allel bar work will be second and will
bo followed by tho second pair of re
lay teams. After tho third and last of
the gymnastic ovents, tho tumbling
contest, tho finals In tho relay races
will bo run off by tho teams winning
tho soml-flnals. Tho four classes will
draw for places In tho order of run
ning. Dr. Roycroft of Chicago has recently
written Dr. Clapp that tho Chicago
contest will take place about April 15,
and If this Is tho caso tho gymnasts
will lino up for tho -"long horso" tho
"sldo horso" and "flying ring" Btunts
the last week In March.
Tho physical education department
Is especially anxious to havo tho can
didates for the weight events and long
distance runs turn out In larger num
bers than they did Charter Day. Tho
exorcises on that day brought out a
promising and encouraging bunch for
Jumps, sprints, etc. Tho heavyweights
were "all there" as to quality but more
mon are urged to try-out In that work.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4
o'clock and Saturday from 2:30 to 3:30
Is the schedule of hours for tho regu
lar work of tho track team and on
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 4
tho gym. will be open for track mon
who wish to work.
The work begins today at 2:30 p. m.
sharp and until 2:50 tho entire squad
will tako gonoral exercise. From 2:50
to 3:50 the middle and long distance
sprints, -from 3:15 to 3:40 high jump
and hurdles, from 3:40 to 4:05 shot put
and pole vault will havo the floor and
at 4:05 the long distance men will be
gin a twenty-flvo minute exercise.
Tho Charter Day medals are ready
for distribution at tho office. Thoy'aro
sliver and bronze with tho University
seal and "Charter Day" stamped, on
the front. Each one is mounted on a
.red, white, and- bluo- rlDbon, which gives
a very pretty and tasteful effoct to tho
valuable souvenir.
Change Schedule.
Manager Beers has made a change In
the schedule as published in the No
braskan yesterday. One of tho games
in Wisconsin will be dropped and an
other gamo played with Lewis Insti
tute, Chicago. It is likely Carroll col
lege will bo excluded from tho Bchedulo
of Wisconsin games.
Tho mon who" go on the Eastern
trip aro? Forwards, Hagenslck and
Burruss; center, Moser; guards, Bell
and Hoar (captain) . Krako and Beers
will go along as substitutes and man
ager Beers will act as official referee.
Dr. Clapp can not acompany the team
owing to extra work, in his department
in connection with spring ahtlotlcs.
Tho team will leavo on Sunday at
1:45 p. m. over the Northwestern. -
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