The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 17, 1905, Image 1

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    . t- s r-vwr i. "'Nnnr" '$w t-WW V" ' wjy 1
XCbe Bailp IFlebraekan
y Vol. IV, No. 84
Price 5 Cents
A Largo Audience Listens to a
Good Program.
Gleo Club's First Appcnrnncie l Com
plete Sucre.
Non. Com, Hop
Fraternity Hall, March 3
Before a good sized and enthusiastic
audience tho Gleo lub made its ini
tial appearance last night at the Oliver
thealer. For months Directors Barnes
and J.he membors of tho club have been
working faithfully and this con
sistent woik told last night. The
songs wero well sung and with ono
or two slight exceptions, smoothly
Lack of public appearance caused a
coup)o of unnoticeable slips but aside
from this tho club's part was well
taken. Tho first half of the program
was made up without any stunts, at
tentfon being paid moro particularly
to the finish of the pieces sung. On
the second part, however, many of the
stunts characteristic of the college
Glee club woro given and tho numerous
encores told that the Bccond was tho
moro popular part.
Tho quartet singing the very appro-'
priate "knocks" during intermission
was called back until all their knocks
had been used up. The chants by tho
Becond quartet wero as well received.
Between halves of tho program the
Cadet Band, with Mr. Hagenow as di
rector, played four numbers in their
usual excellent style. The band was
composed of 48 pieces and rendered
tho difficult selections in an admira
ablo manner. Mr. C. L. Meyers' rendi
tion of tho "Poet and Peasant" re
ceived the hearty encore it deserved.
In responso he played "I Love You
All the Time" and was again encored.
Mr. Fred Funnan accompanied him ad
mirably. Mr. Bates, in his inimitable
manner gavo two of his now famous
selections, "Wakln' the Yonglns" and
"Encouragemont," and was forced to
respond to two enthusiastic encores.
Tho stago decorations, which woro
quite elaborate, consisted of a scarlet
background, with "Nebraska" in large
whito letters thereon. University pen
nants of other collogeB wero bung rrom
drop curtains and formed a border for
the scarlet background. From the drop
curtain streamers of scarlet and cream
wero draped to tho upper boxes. Palms
completed tho stago decorations. Tho
boxes wero all draped in University
colors. Tho programs, thanks to the
untiring energy of Mr. Dirks, woro by
far tho most elaborate of anything in
that line ovor used at a University
function. Thoy wero in tho shape of
a booklet of thirty-two pages, and
contained ' besides tlw Iprogram and
the nomes of tho patronesses, a cut of
Chancellor Andrews for a frontisplcco,
cuts of prominent University athletes
and athletic managers. Tho follow
ing is tho program as given. Mr. BatoB,
whoso services as reader wore secured
too late for inclusion, appeared twice.
Alma Mater Song Eames
"My Lady Chlo" Clough-Leighter
Tho Huntsman's Farewell MendolBBohn
Arlon Waltz Song...' Vogol
Tho Gleo Club.
Fluto Solo Poet and Peasant Fan-
fasia 9UPP
Mr. C. L. Moyer.
Lullaby Brahms-Zander
Landslghtlng GrolB
The Gleo Club.
March "On Jersey Shore" Pryor
Reverie "Tho Rose's Honeynioon"
Selection from Opera "Amorlta"
The University Cadet Band.
Last Dance Before Lent
Tickets, $1.25 a
Another Invasion of Enemy Ter
ritory Next Week.
'Vnmltjr Five Htarti Hnndny for n flertea
of Guillen,
Mr. August Hagenow, Director.
Tho Phantom Band Thayer
Messrs. Brockway, Elliot, Conklin,
Williams and the Glee Club.
The State Farm Chant. The Co-Ed'B
Chant Quartettes
Messrs Henney, Johnston, Wild
man, Johnson.
The Glee Club.
"The Very Green Fields of Olan"
Tho Sword of Ferrara Billiard
Tho Glee Club.
Parties taking boxes wero Governor
Mickey, Chancellor Andrews, Beta
Tbeta Pi, Pi Beta Phi, Mr. Strode,
Mrs. McDonald. Organizations taking
seats in blocks were Beta Theta Pi,
Pi Beta Phi. KanDa KaDna Gamma
Delta Gamma, Delta Delta Delta, Sig:
ma Chi, Alpha Tail Omega, Alpha Omi
cron Pi, Alpha Theta Chi, Phi Delta
Theta, Delta Upsllon, Y. W. C. A.,
Lincoln Dental College. The following
ladles acted as patronesses:
Mrs. J. H. Mickey, Mrs. E. B An
drews, Mrs. L. A. Sherman, Mrs. E. W.
Davis, Mrs. C. E. Bessey, Mrs. C. A.
B Ward, Mrs. Willard Kimball, Mrs.
W J. Bryan Mrs. J. B. Wright, Mrs.
Burnett, Mrs. Roscoe Pound, Mrs. H.
A. E. Hargreaves, Mrs. C. F. Ladd,
Mrs. W. B. Hargreaves, Mrs. H. P.
Barnes, Mrs. S. II. Burnham.
No Quorum.
The second attempt of tho Sopho
mores to hold a class meeting proved
an unsuccessful one. A meeting was
called for yesterday morning at chapel
time and only about thirty-five of the
most faithful members of the class
put in an appearance in Memorial hall
at the appointed time. The officers
are unable to account for this lack of
spirit on tho part of the 1007 color
bearers. President Craker has called
u meetinc for next Thursday and an
attempt will be made to arouse inter
est in tho meantime In order to have
a quorum present at that time.
Unl. Book Store Almost A Total
Loss By Flro And Water.
Origin OfKlrelnknoMii. IliiililliiH Anil
HtucU I'urtlj' Iitmircd,
Fire in the University Book store
last night destroyed about three
fourth of the stock. Tho origin is un
known and the fire had been smolder
ing for some time when discovered.
By prompt action of the fire depart
ment the damage was confined to the
rear end of the store where a largo
stock o new books had just been
placed. The remainder of tho stock
was damaged considerably by smoke
and water.
The stock is owned by D. B. Gilbert
and II. C. Phillips and was partly in
sured. Damage to the store building
was slight as the tiro did not get
much headway.
Quito a number of students wit
nfsscJ th" conflagration as the re
ception given by the Gleo club in tho
Art hall had Just broken up.
On Sunday at 1:45 p. m. tho 'varsity
basketball team will leavo over- tho
Northwestorn for thoir extended oast
ern trip. Six games will bo played ott
this trip, flvo of these being played
with Wisconsin teams. Tho team will
bo away about elht days on this trip.
Tho first game will bo played on
Monday ovoniug, Fob. 20, with tho
Maroon basketball team of Port Wash
ington, Wis. On Tuosday tho 'varsity
will moot tho team representing Rl
pon college at Rlpon, Wis. Tho thiul
game will bo played with tho Young
Men's Social club of Monasha, Wis.
Thursday evening tho 'varsity will
line up against "Doac" Koohlor's colts
of Lawrenco University, Apploton,
Wis. Many of tho older students ro
member Koehlor as ono of Nebraska's
foremost athletics In '02-'03. It was
largely through his efforts that tho
trip to Wisconsin was arranged. On
Feb. 24th tho last gamo In Wisconsin
will be played against Carroll collogo,
at Waukesha, Wis.
Tho last gamo played on tho trip will
be played against tho Chicago Central
Y. M. C. A. This will bo tho hardest
game played on tho trip as tho Cen
tral team is ono of tho fastest teams
In the country. Little can bo Bald of
our prospects on this trip as wo have
no lino on these teams.
Nebraska has never met ono of theso
teams before. The length of tho trip
will be a severe handicap, but tho men
will start in good condition and should
win a majority of their games.
Republicans Today.
Today atr-11 -o'clock all republicans
will meet in U 207 to consider the mat
ter of sending a Nebraska delegation
to Washington to attend the inaugural
celebration on March 4.
The president of the Republican club
has a communication from tho inaug
ural committee at Washington and It
Is necessary to have a full attendance
that proper action may bo taken. The
Inaugural commltteo Is planning to
have flvo thousand collogo men in the
college section of, tho groat parade and
tho question Is, who Is to represent tho
Nebraska University?
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
The Sunday meeting will bo a musi
cal cantata entitled "The Man Who
Spoiled tho Music." A silver offering
will bo takon; tho proceeds will bo
used in procuring now song books for
the. Association.
Tho annual election of officers was
postponed until Tuesday, February 21,
at 11 a. m., In U IOC.
Miss Paxton, ono of tho general sec
retaries of tho National Association,
will visit tho University Association
from February 22 to 26.
The regents of the University have
voted fifty thousand dollars for the
erection of the north wing of a ptate
museum. The present museum Ib en
tirely inadequate and much of the
collection now In the hands of the
cuiator is stored in the steam tunnels
on the campus. Some specimens have
been in these tunnels for eight or ten
years. The steam pipes have not been
Bet up yet and when they are the mate
rial will have to bo taken out and
stored somewhere else on the campus.
Should this appropriation pass tho leg
islature it would be of groat value
not only to tho University but also to
the wholo state.
Ex-Regent Morrill will donate five
thousand dollars to be paid In install
ments of ono thousand dollars a year
for tho collection of valuable play
quarry products, soils, bosslls, etc.
when a suitable place to storo tho
specimens shall be provided.
Convocation Today.
The following musical program will
bo given at Convocation this morn
ing: Song Recital by Miss Ada Castor.
By the Murmuring Stream. In tho
Hour of tho Night Tschalkonsky
Spring ?..,.... Ganz
Tho Clover. The Bluebell. .MacDowell
Aria from "The Queen of Sheba"
Cuaoln Bros., FlorUta, 127 So. 18tk.
!Qet your Junior cap at Armstrong's. I For Furu boo Steele, 143 S. 12th St
Tho Women's Physical Training De
partment with Mrs. Clapp at its head
lias experienced great success in tho
past few years. The results of the
work have been most gratifying both
to the department and those taking
work in it. Many of the graduates have
finished to accept good positions In Y.
W. C. A. high school, college and Uni
versity work, and still requests come
for women to take positions in other
colleges and universities. At present
there are four graduates of Nebraska
in universities, four In colleges and
four in high schools and one in Y. W.
C. A. work.
Miss Stella Elliot, ono of the oldest
graduates, has charge of tho Physical
Training Department of Ohio Univer
sity. Shfr graduated In the nineties
Miss Heaton, who graduated a year
later, has chargo of gymnastics at Bak
er University, Miss Alberta Spurch and
May Edholm aro carrying on tho work
at University of Washington and Uni
versity of Chicago -respoctlvoly.
In tho college work are Misses Guile,
Whiting, Fowler and Wallace Misses
Gullo and Writing have both had
chargo of tho work at Doano collogo
and were very successful. Miss Fowler
carried on tho work at Nebraska Wes
leyan last year but was compelled to
glvo up the work. Sho was succeeded
by Mies Bptha Wallace, who is con
ducting tho work this year.
Tho girls who aro employed in high
schools aro Misses Gertrude Macomber
and Edith Hlgglns In the Omaha high
school; Miss Bess Dumont In tho Ro
chester high school, New York, and
Miss Spurch in tho Lincoln high
school. Tho Omaha Y. W. C. A. physi
cal training department is conducted
by Miss Mary Meeker.
There aro three women taking work
at Nebraska this year as a result of
recommendations given them by east
ern university men. About two weekB
ago a letter was received from Loland
Stanford University offering a posi
tion lq a woman In thoir Physical
Tialnlng Department.
" .,