nywin 1 1 mi wii;! miiii hi ipi iim n in i n Mini if in! ii i in in i mn fee 2at to 1R ebraeftan Yol.lVVNo.83 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN, THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1905. Price 5 Cents I t r. f ft-. v : A- CHARTER DAY University's Thirty-sixth Birth day Celebrated. Kventa of Vnnsnal Interest Are Well Attended. 1 Last night in Memorial hall the mid-winter commencement and cxer- Hr - " ciscfe in commemoration of the late JT Chancellor Edmund B. Fairfield, LL. ' D., were held. The program was as follows: MubIc, "March Bohadventuro (Loaey) The University band. Invocation Rev. Harmon BrosB, Chaplain of tho day. Music, "He Watches Over Israel" (Mendelssohn) University chorus. Biographical Address Rev. Harmon Broes. Charter Day Address, "Ideals in the New Higher Education" Professor Henry H. Wilson. Music Adagio from Concerto in D Minor (Max Bruch) Miss Silence Dales. Conferring of Degroes. Music, "America" By tho audience. Benediction The Chaplain. The principal address of the evening was delivered by Prof. H. H. Wilson, ' upon "Ideals in tho Now Higher Edu cation." After reviewing the history of the organization of tho University since Feb. 15, 1867, the date on which tho Charter was given, Prof. Wilson said in part: "We havo within the last half cen tury changed, tho alms and purposes of higher education. Fifty years ago higher education was denominational and tho control of the universities was in tho hands of the clergy. Higher ed ucation is today essentially secular. II has never been more religious than to day if religion be devoted to higher ideals and if it be to inculcate altruism end inspire self-sacrificing service for the good of mankind. . The second ideal of our now educa tion is its practicallzation. Fifty years ago higher education was out of har mony with the life of practical people. The college bred man was isolated. Thousands of young men refused to enter college because their practical minds could find nothing there to in terest them. Tho aim today is to make instruction offered as varied as the activities of our people. The stu dent Is now allowed to choose that for which he has taste and capacity. "The last fifty years has also wit nessed changes In the subject matter taught Previous to this time English literature woe taught by requiring the student to memorize dates of birth and death of authors. Too busy were they with these useless gymnosUcs of the, memory that they had no time to taste the literature Itself. "Chemistry was taught without tho laboratory. Today the Btudent Is brought Into direct contact with the subject matter of their study. The methods of the school are the methods of the practical world. "Tho older educational regome 1b largely responsible for the false no tions of labor. Tho educated men were not expected to work. We now educate them In order that they may work more efficiently. The new edu cation moreover dignifies work itself. "The University of tho future must stand for democracy in higher educa tion They will no longer reserve special honors for d particular courso of study simply becauso It Is ancient. "Tho third Idea which yro Bhould constantly aim at Is nationalization of our education. Hlghor -education should foBter realization of qur na tional greatness and opportunities. Tho systematic Btudy at our language and of our institutions will dp much to nationalize our education. If our higher education is to train tho Ameri can citizen, among Its chief subjects of Instruction must bo' tho English lan guage and American institutions. Higher education inspires patriotism as shown by tho large number of boI diers in the recent war that came from our universities. Grave responsibili ties altered the entranco of our coun try aB a world power. Our national character must bo tho product of tho highest national education. "The state universities largoly stood sponcers at the birth of tho now higher education. They are tho brighteflt hope of a thoroughly secularized, practlcal ized and nationalized higher education." DR. niLUECTURES Old University Man Speaks to Large Audience. Bigras XI. dire Dinner In Honor of the Lecturer. room. It would also greatly Improvo the appearanco of tho squaro which Is at proscnt an "eyesore" to tho Univer sity and tho surrounding neighborhood. Athletic Events. The Charter Day exerclseB held In the armory yesterday afternoon were very exciting and interesting to the large crowd assembled. Every ovont was hotly contested and In many cases records were in danger but none were broken. At 2 p. m. tho University Cadet Band furnished muBlc after which tho Persh ing Rides gave an exhibition drill. After a series of movements and drill In manual of arms, the mon formed In a line for a "spell down." The first event of the athletic con rnnta was tho first heat In tho Bomi finals of the twenty-five yard dash. This was won by Burruss with Bon der a close second. The second heal was won by Knight with Roddick In second place. This put Burruss, Ben der, Knight and Reddlck in the finals which was won by Roddick with Knight second. The" best tlmo in this ovont was 3 2-5 seconds made in tho finals. The next event waB tho fence vault and tho four men in this, Bowman, Copeland, Hagensick and Lucas, wero very evenly matched. It finally nar rowed down to Bowman and Hagen sick. Both cleared six feet, six IncheB but failed at six, seven. On the toss up tho ovont wont to Hagonsick. Lu cas won third place. There wore four men In the shot put, Wollor, Morse, Hagensick and Hauser. Wellor won, with Morse and Hagensick second and third respectively. Wellor's best put was 43 feet 3i inches. Burruss, Hagensick, Knight and Meyer entered in tho running high jump. Meyer won, Hagensick second and Burruss third. Meyer's Jump was 5 feet 9 inches, one inch from tho Uni versity record. Tho pole vault, with Hagensick, Morso arid McDonald entered, was won by Morse, who cleared tho bar at 10 feet 2 Inches. Tho next event, tho rope climb, with Purcell, Posplsll and Williams entered, was won handily by Purcell, with WI1-. Hams and Posplsll in the order named. The high kick was won by Bowman, who kicked the disc to the height of 8 feet 7 inches. Wallace was second. The last ovont and the one which aroused tho most excitement was tho inter-fraternity relay race. Tho four entries-were Phi Kappa" Psi, Delta Up sllon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Alpha Theta Chi. The first heat botweon the present holders of the pennant, Phi Kappa Psi, and Alpha Theta" Chi re sulted In a tie. The SIg Alpha through misfortune at tho start lost ground which they could not recover, Delta U winning. Alpha Theta Chi won the extra heat to decide the tie and then easily defeated Delta Upsllon, and winning tho relay championship. Tho events wore run off as rapidly as possible without a hitch. Tho offi cials were: Judges Graves, Allen and Hewitt. Time-keeper and scorer Anderson. Announcer Dr. Clapp. Dr. A. Ross Hill, Dean of tho Toachors' Collogo In tho University of Missouri, formerly head of tho De partment of Philosophy in tho Uni versity, delivered the annual address beforo tho society of Sigma XI In Me morial hall Tuesday evening. His subject was tho "Psychology of tho Scientist," and the speaker treated the scientist, his methods and resultB from the psychological point of view. The deslro for knowledge he said, origi nates in practical needs, and the scien tist, working along methodical lines, simply follows this Instinctive desire. While theory must necessarily play an Important part in scientific research, it is by no means the principal factor. Tho application of known principles constitutes a large part. The scientist develops tho faculty of close observa tion and logical deduction. He works under an impulse to know and to learn. The great good In scientific education, said Dr. Hill, Ib the gathering together of actual facts, arranging them logical ly, and then drawing certain deduc tions. After tho lecture a dinner attended only by members of Sigma XI was ljeld at tho Lincoln hotel in honor of Dr. Hill. Some twenty-seven members of the society were present at tho after affair. For New Building. A bill was Introduced into tho House of Representatives Tuesday by Representative H. T. Clark of Doug las county providing for tho appropria tion of one hundred thousand dollars for tho erection of a new historical so ciety building. Mr. Clark's father Is president of the historical society and was one of Nebraska's pioneer settlers. The bill Is H. R. number 274. The pro amble of the bill gives a short hiBtory of whit is now Hay Market Square, which was dedicated to the Historical Society by the legislature of 18G9 and vas subsequently convoyed In 1875 to the city of Lincoln for use as a market square. The preamble further states that the city of Lincoln has bargained for tho present postafflce building for a city hall and that It Is believed that public sentiment Is in favor of the restoration of Market Square for the original purpose. An appropriation of one hundred thousand dollars to build a wing of a fire proof building Is asked from the legislature, on the condition that the city of Lincoln will donate a sight suitable for tho erection of such a building. Tho friends of the bill have Hoy Market Square In mind as the probable site for the erection of the building but some other place may bo used as a store room for tho Agri cultural and Horticultural Societies. Should tho bill pass it-will be quite a benefit to tho University, ns well as supplying more ample quarters for the Historical Society. It would give the room now occupied by tho Society to the library which is badly In need of Panoramic Colorado. An audlonco much smallor than tho occasion deserved was present-at tho Illustrated lecturo on "Colorado, Past and Present," by Mr. Gilbert McClurg of Donvor, Monday ovonlng at Memor ial hall. Lt was originally expected, as Dr. Ward announced In Introducing tho speaker, that Mrs. McClurg would dollver tho first third of tho ovonlng's entertainment, "Prehistoric Colorado," and Mr. McClurg tho remainder, on tho industrial and political development of tho centennial commonwealth. A bad cold, however, proven tod tho pres ence Qt Mrs. McClurg, and both parts wero presented by Mr. McClurg. Tho prehistoric cliff-dwellers and pueblos, and tho transitional Puoblo Indians and their occupations served as an in troduction to a largo and varied array of splondld slides portraying historical sconic and other interesting Horns of Colorado's past and prosont. Tho il lustrations, wero thoroughly appreciat ed by tho audience, and tho only ex pression of regret hoard was that so many of the studonts and townspeople had unwittingly missed so pleasant an evening. Mr. and Mrs. McClurg travel under tho direction of tho state of Col orado, but wero brought beforo a Uni versity audience largely because of tho scientific value of Mrs. McClurg's slides dealing with prehistoric Colorado. Y. W. C. A. Entertains. Tuesday evening tho Y. M. C. A. boys wero pleasantly entertained by the girls of tho Y. W. C. A. in Art hall. Hearts and verses wero used In tho amusements and tho party was a genuine Valentino party. Prof. Hodgoman being well qualified by his "megaphono" voice acted as Master of Ceremonies. Mrs. Dr. Hindmon de livered a short address in which she praised tho excellent work that Is be ing accomplished through tho co-oppr-atlon of tho two Christian organiza tions. Dean Ringer, secretary of the Y. M. C. A., responded In behalf of the Y. M. C. A., thanking tho hostosses for their hospitality. All who wero pres ent testified to a most enjoyable evening. Addition to Program. Another addition has been made to tho Glee club "concert program for to night. Mr. A. C. Bates has been se cured to give a number of his excellent selections. Last year on tho out-of-town trip Mr. Bates' numbers wero invariably encored. Tickets for the concert this evening havo been selling well and a good houso is assured. The club held its final rehearsal at the Oliver Tuesday evening. We had a flro Sunday night. The water came down and slightly damaged some of our finest suits. Tho insurance agents havo adjusted our loss. Wo want to move every garment and start a sale at Just one-half price this morning. PAINETS CLOTHING STORE. For Furs boo Steele, 143 S. 12th St. 'H1 -. 4,,W stejr;1. I tov 3 .' Fu H" Iferfiiii ) j- .ikiStLyt-dit. iMik 7! -r Xht