The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1905, Image 4

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    rwp f.
v'"" '73'rv,; r, f.
7i s '
ts 1..
P .
ftbe Batlp tflebraeftan
Mr '
1 f
are just what a young
man needs. O They give
him a size between the
one too big, or too little ;
in fact, your size. They
are made in
fMnf ? "Rrnnrl nv
I Arrow 15c Brand
I Ask nny up-to-date dealer
Cluctt, Peabody & Co.
Makers of Cluctt uikI Monarch Shirt
Sam Westerfield
Proprlotor of
Lit Ho Gem Hot
Waffles arulFIno
Moalfl and
1 17-12 f North 13
CbritsB. Gregory
(0. eta. '01)
Cbt Coal man
Trade Marks
Anyono sending n sketch and description may
nnicmy aacoruun our opinion pee wuuu
free wbeiber
liiToutlon Is probably pittonUbje. Oomsatinl
Billion is prooaoiy pjuontaj
u strictly confidential. HANI
t froo. Oldest acenor for sc
lions sirtciiT oonnaonuai. hahubuu on raze
out froo. Oldest agency for soeurujffpaUnU,
ntenta taken throush Munn k.
tvtciol notice, without cbanro. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated wookly. Largest cir
culation of nny scientific Journal. Terms. 93 a
yeart four mc
rear; four months, 9L Bold by all newsdealers.
Co.s""""-New York
Branch Once, mVBU Washington. D. C
nil y
1 ji
Inoludea tn the Now JLdltton
25.000 NE.W WORJ&S, Etc.
New GoscHocr of tho World
New Biographical Dictionary
Edited by W.T. IIAIIIU8, Ph.D.. LL.D.,
U. B. Oominifiatonor of Education.
2380 Quarto Pagos.
Ntw ruu.
5000 Illustrations,
Well IMndlnc
Abo Wcbflter's Collegiate Dictionary with
lUOpogM. ltOO Illoctnalooa. W i lilOtiHItt.
A Special Thin Paper Edition De Luxe
1 'rioted from tuoo ( n. regular edition, llha
lliop potcot and round ooroor. Bfoo i SiUil.
FREE, "A Teat In Pronunciation," Instruct
In and eatertetnln-. A1k UltttUated jNunphtoU.
Publishera, Springfield, Mass.
uUiir? Airf; Ar?jfaife,
Prom Visitors.
Tho Junior Prom, held at tho Lin
coln Friday night, was one of tho best
of dances over given. Among tho danc
ers woro an unusually largo number of
old Unlvorslty people. About eighty
flvo couples attended tho danco. Owing
to tho lateness of all trains entering
Lincoln Friday dancing did not begin
until a rather lato hour, being decayed
until all of tho out-of-town visitors
had arrived. Tho latoness of begin
ning cut down tho dances Bomowhat.
Tho refreshments and decorations,
whllo not elaborate, were tasteful, and
wero as oxtenslvo as tho committee
was warranted in making them.
Quito a largo number of old Unlvor
slty pooplo wero In tho city for the
Junior Prom. Tho following were en
tertained at the various fraternity and
sorority houses: Kappa Sigma M. B.
Lewis, Chicago; 8. K. Boghtol, Gothen
burg. Sigma Chi Ralph and Frank
Raney, F. M. Stawell, Omaha; Ed.
Drown, L. B. Stuhr, Grand Island;
John Kees, Beatrice. Pi Beta Phi
Grace Montgomery, Plattsmouth. Phi
Kappa Psi A. Hamilton, Omaha.
Kappa Kappa Gamma Jeanette Heln
shelmor, Glenwood, Iowa. Kappa Alpha
Theta Jano Douglas, St. Joseph;
Faith Hoel, Omaha. Sigma Alpha Ep
sllon O. P. DIedoch, South Omaha;
Leon Jouvenot, Petersburg; Guy Cow
glll, Iowa City; Ed. Funke, Connecti
cut; Loyd Killian, Wahoo; D. Dufatan,
Omaha. Alpha Theta Chi Guy Coop
er, Humboldt. Delta Upsllon W. B.
Bonokemper, Bonesteel, S. D.; R. C.
Pollard, Nebraska City; George Oner
ean, Koarnek; J. C. Cooper, Holdrege;
C. M. Barr, Ncligh.
Masonic Fraternity.
The Daleth chapter of the Acacia
fraternity was installed Saturday night
at the Masonic Templo. The new tra
ternity will have active members In
both tho faculty and the student body.
The organization is composed entirely
of Masons who are in the University
and Is tho outgrowth of the Maspnic
Association rocontly formed here. The
fraternity has the following sixteen
members: E. H. Barbour, G. R. Chat
burn, G. E. Condra, 0. J. Fee, N. G
Fitspatrick, A. G. Jennings, B. B.
Moore, H. H. Nicholson, C. K. Payne,
L J. Pepperburg, Roscoe Pound, C. W
N. Poyntor, C. R. Weeks, John West
over and Claudo H. Wilson. Tho chap
tor was Installed by Harlan P. Rowe of
the University of Michigan. Tills Is
the fourth chapter to bo organized, the
other four being at the University of
Kansas, tho University of Michigan,
and Leland Stanford University. H.
W. Emerson of the Kansas chapter
was to have been present at the Instal
lation ceremony but his train was de
layed by tho storm.
Tho following officers wero elected:
President, Charles R. Weeks; Vice
President, Jonh Westover; secretary,
C. K. Payne; treasurer, 0. J. Fee; ex
ecutive board, N. G. Fitspatrick, L. J.
Pepperburg, A. G. Jennings, E. H. Bar
bour and Roscoo Pound.
A banquot was held at the close of
tho meeting.
The law studont committee, ap
pointed last week to devise some means
1 of bettering the condition of the law
I nnllin hold twn enrrnt mdnHnro vnu-
torday and discussed' plans of action.
It is reported that the lawyers have
decided upon a definite outline of pro
cedure but they have so far refused to
make public anything In regard to tho
meetings yesterday.
Charlie Miller, Bill Miller, John
Dudgeon, and G. L, Hewlt were Ini
tiated Into the Kappa Sigma fraternity
Saturday night. Tho fraternity hold a
banquot at th,e Lincoln Hotel last
Manifolding and typewriting. See
Ed. Affolter, check room, basement Unl
hall. University rates.
Lincoln Local Express, 1,039 N street
Both phones".
Armstrong Clothing Company, prac
tical hatters.
Lincoln Transfer
Phono 176.
Co.; beggagft.
Twenty-one meals for $3. Dormitory
If you got It at Armstrong's, It's
In lees than three days from Lincoln what an agreeable chango!
Why onduro three more long months of winter woathor, when you can
leavo it all and go to balmy California on a train like tho
C olden State Limited
Every comfort and convenience agorgeoua hotel on wheels, If you
ploaso expressly for you.
Dally via El Paso and the Southern Pacific through New Moxico.
Most southerly course quickest way to roach tho realm of summer. Bv
ery mile is a mllo away from winter.
Full Information about this train and other sorvlco to California,
with booklet "Tho Golden State," promptly on request.
F H.
Faculty May Play.
Dr. Clapp has been sending out let
ters to different members of tho Uni
versity faculty expatiating upon tho
advantage of a systematic course in
basketball, and urging each and every
one of them to avail themselves of
this chance to obtain a little exercise
these sultry days when weak mortal Is
inclined to lie around the shady side of
a luxurious office In University hall
and jolly the fair Freshman who went
to the Prom and forgot to make up
her note-book. Last year about fifteen
membors of the faculty played basket
ball three nights a week during the
winter season and after long and hard
practice even played some half do.en
games with the Wesleyail and high
school rod-wielders. There is no ap
parent reason why as successful a team
could not be turned out again this
year, excepting that Arollo Congdon Is
not present to inspire his team mates
with divine ability.
At first Dr. Clapp met with an un
expected obstacle in tho wide-spread
disinclination on the pait of the profs
to place themselves In any position
where they would be forced to listen
to Engberg's Swedish jokes on the
"Two stones with one bird" order. He
attempted to persuade the humorous
prof, to discover something the matter
with his heart so he could not play,
but unsuccessfully. Then he assured
the others desirous of playing that the
rules of tho game would be suspended
Immediately upon the springing of any
jokes by Prof. Engberg, and a favor
able response was the immediate re
sult The wise heads will practice at the
same time as last year, from five to six
o'clock on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, In the Chapel, It being hoped
that tho sanctity of that hall will pre
vent all outbursts of profanity inspired
by tho elusive basket.
Delta Upsllon gave a smoker Satur
day night in honor of the visiting
members who wero In the city for the
Junior Prom.
A smoker was given at the Sigma
Alpha Epsilon house Saturday night
in honor of the visiting members who
were back for the Junior Prom.
Alvin Koyser is spending this week
In Missouri. He Ib one of the lectur
ers on tho Missouri Pacific seed corn
special which Is tourlqg that state.
Miss Ruth Scofleld, stenographer for
the Department of Entomology, Is un
able to attend classes this week owing
to a slight attack of the lagrlppe.
Reserved seats for the Gleo Club
concert Thursday night went on sale
at nine this morning at tho Oliver.
There are a number of good seats still
left, but Judging from tho demand for
tickets yesterday these will not last
leng. Reservations should be made at,
Hair dressing, shampooing at the
- -
G. F .
Our MIcroicOMl. Microhm.. I ihonfonr flln...
virt, Chtmlol Apparatus, Cbemlub, Photo
irons ana amnion, rwp UOIMS, ITOJSCUOn
Appsn.ui, rwio-micro caroms in used br
thi leading lib-,
i oriiorlos ond
Uortr'nt Dcp'lil
Bound tco World
Bausch & Lomb Opt Co.
Rochester, N. Y.
Jiew Yocle Chicago Doiton- Frmkftirt. G'y j
For first-class Tailoring
at low pricest see Union
College Student Tailors.
Phones; Automatic 3255,
Bell J209. j j j
Union College Tailors J
South Eat-Ance Cellc Building
New York
Boston and
The East
Fast dally train
Chicago & North-
service via the
Western Railway,
railway from tho
Chicago, connect -
with all lines for
the double-track
Missouri River to
ilng at Chicago
all points East.
Tho trains of the. I
North Western Line
are most completely equipped for the
safety and comfort of patrons.
The Best of Everything
TX-tetj and full Information on application to
R. W. McGINNIS, Agent,
1024 O Street
Chicago & North-western Railway
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