.' "psy -&?' ' w"" ! ' i 'i . '?. ft rv Zbe EaUs fU&raeft&n r i tbe Daily fiebraskan A conBolltlntlon of Tho UtwporiRn, Vol. Bl, Tho Nubnwikan, 7ol, 10 3onrlot nnd Oroam, Vol. 4. PubllHhM (Inlly, oxnopt flnnilny niul Mondny, at tbo UnlvorMty of Nohrankn, Lincoln, Nob. by tho Hwporinn PubllHhlnK Co., Doxno Or DinKOTOns ProfoHuorn J. I. Wyor, nnd C. It. Rtchnnlii: 11 P. I,'nvitt John Wcntovor K. II. Wnlton. Bdltorln Uhlnf Amoolato Kdltor HnnnRor Aw'k. Mnnngtir Clroalfttor Athlotlo AmUtnnt Athlotlo Nowh Htato Farm Frod A. Hwooloy A. M Lovy A. O. Solirolbor Frod Nnti(liton Wnltor K. StniidtiTon 3TAFP It. A. VimOrndol II. L. Hwan H. O Myorn A. F. Masrdnna Bdltorial ItoomH nnd Biwlnww Offlno U 21 IX Post Offloo Station A. Lincoln, Nnbr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic 1528 Automatic 2365. Bntxmrlptlon Prlco, 13 por year, In odvnnno ftntorod t tho pontofllou at Lincoln, Nub., a Booond-olam mall nmttor undor tho ant of ooarow of Maroh B, 1870. IndlrUtml notlrtra will Ikj churned for at tho mto of 10 oontw for onoh InHortlon. Knmltv. (Lopnrtmontnl and uulvni-Hlty bulloMiM will gladly lo pnbllHhod froo, an horotoforo. Tonight the varsity flvo meets tho banket-nail team from Baker Univor Hlty. Baker University is in Kansas. Wo always did llko to put it over any thing from Kansas. Wednesday even ing thero wasn't enough cheering by about four-fifths. Como out tonight and cheer, then If we are defeated tho team will have to take tho blame. Editorial Remarks Adhering strictly to tho resolve made tho first of tho year to not at tend any social function on a school night, tho Bororlty girls havo deckled to place under the ban the danco to be given by tho Gleo Club after the con cert next Thursday. Commendable as this action of tho co-ods Is In most casos, still in this particular instance there Is something to bo said on the other side. In tho first place, the date of tho concert and danco was decided upon long before tho action of the sororities was taken. A school night had to bo chosen for on no other night was tho theater available. Again, the girls waited until Iobs than a week be foro tho concert boforo notifying the Gleo Club management of their deter- "FOREIGN RELATIONS" COMPETI TION. Chancellor Andrews is in receipt of a letter from Mr. John Barret, Amer ican minister to Panama, inclosing the following: American Legation, Panama, Decem ber 14, 1904. President Nicholas Mur ray Butler, Columbia University, New York City. Sir: I havo tho honor to enclose my check on tho Tnlcal Na tional bank of Now York city, payable to your order, for two hundred and twenty-flvo dollars ($225), which I de sire to offer through you as prizes for the best papers on tho relations of tho United States with tho I atin Repub lics, to bo compoted for by young men and women now in tho regular course of any collego or university of recog nized standing In tho United States. In making this offer I am prompted by a sincere desire to do something for tho development throughout tho Unit ed 8tates of a wider interest In our political and commercial relations with I atin American history and in stitutions, political, social and educa tional conditions, material and Indus trial resources, and commercial pos sibilities especially as they affect the growth of closer ties of International comity and confidence. Beginning with my service as dele gate of tho United States to the Pan? American Conference in 1901-1902, and continued later by oxporlence as Unit ed States Minister first in Argentina and later in Panama, my study of Lat in American nations and peoples has convinced me that thero are no serious obstacles to the evolution of tho class and lasting mutual good will and filendly interdependence. Tho differences of languago and blood aro after all not so serious as often described, and can be entirely counterbalanced by cordial effort on tho part of tho United States to un derstand and appreciate I atin char acter, processes, and methods of life, business and politics. Tho greater barrier to achieving this end so far has seemod to mo to bo tho profound ignorance prevailing among tho greater portion of our educated men and women of tho United States as to the real I atin American. In a thousand ways this has been brought homo to me during tho past flvo years of my diplomatic service. On tho oth- Tuesday is February 14th Buy Your Valentines & at t & MILLER 4 PANE'S Valentines will bo Indulged in by ull sizes and conditions of peo, plo this year. The new ones aro not only pretty but havo Just the bright touch to bring a smile or a laugh with thom. Tho now kinds include tho imported tlssuo paper valentines which fold flat for mailing but open out into wonderful shapes, mechanical valentines, post cards, rag-timo valentines, sachets, etc., ranging in prlco from lc to $1.50. MILLER & PAINE Corner O and 13th Streets 9 H n n u n n n n n AINY DAY When you have an hour with no classes slip down town and look over our $2.50 hat line. THE $2.50 HAT STORE - 1140 O yy mination not to attond tho danco. This lntonosa of action was, of couso, not ureraorfitatod, but, nevertheless, it places others in a somewhat awkward position."" It-is conceded that tho absenco of. tho co-eds from the danco will detract greatly from tho evening's enjoyment, but tho dance will bo given. In re fueing to attend tho after affair tho girls seem to havo mado some koon discriminations. They aro planning to support tho concert proper with their usual loyal spirit, and thoy refuso to support tho dance, a part of tho con c( rt. ' Genorally speaking, this resolution of the sororities to keep school nights for school Work is an excellent one, but there aro conceivable cases when this resolution would bo lived up to to tho dotrlmont of all concerned. or hand tho avorago Latin American has a far better knowlodgo of tho pol itics, people, history and material pro gress of tho United States. Let ub, thoreforo, tako measures to reciprocate and so increase this in terest. Tho presont Is most opportune for inaugurating a new ora in tho Btudy of LaUn American, undor tho administration of President Roosevolt and his announced policy, In whom and which tho Latin states havo groat confidence, remarkable progress 1b sure to bo mado In ovolving bettor in- luruuuonai relations. I wish that tho students of our col leges and universities would tako up the study of tho Spanish languages as thoy do -French and German, and an other year I hope to offer correspond ing prizes to promoto tho study of that tonguo which in the future may bo more useful to tho young American than either French or Gorman. In submitting this offer, I deslro to name yourself, Dr. Albert Shaw, editor of tho American "Review of Re views," and Prosidont John H. Finley of tho Collego of tho City of Now York (if you and thoy will kindly servo), as a committee to arrange and promul gate the terms and limits of tho com petition. Whatever expense Is at tached to acquainting the various col leges with tho offer and completing ar rangements for a successful competi tion, I shall gladly meet. The sum might be divided, if you think best, into three prizes, respec tively of $100, $75 and $50, but I do not Insist upon it. Yours very respectfully, JOHN BARRETT, American Minister. Visiting and Address Cards Programs. Invitations and Correspondence Stationer GEORGE BROS. PRINTERS Fraternity Building We also manufacture Advertising Buttons and Mirrors. oooooooooooji Dance Programs Banquet menus Look for This Sign Auto Phone I 616 the new CENTURY PRIMERS uncoin N St root 1241 00000000000 Telephones: A349t 34 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOCOCO Fine Candies H 1 I 1 11 M"H"H"K-M"H"Hp ALLEGRETTI LOWNEY'S HUYLER'S Always Fresh at Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done NULL & MeCOY 1530 O etrt For Now Suits go to KADIS & MARX FINE TAILORING Suits to ordor $15 and np; Pants to or- dor $5 and up. Cloaning and repairing. 1444 O HTRKET AUTO 857f DIERKS LUMBER 1 COAL CO. RECTOR'S o Sole Agerrts OOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo T. J. THORPE Ck Qanar'l Maohlntat Lookcmltht m4 faltrt PlMM4 309S. Ilta UHOOUI srfC&fr For something artistic and up-to-date try our Platinums Rates for Students '029 O STREET i t r x WT . S. , - '"',':''' '. .ir -j. ,Jte J cA . nuJXkimk.ii'j. -.vrtiaiite. '-V -!v '..... r-.i ."t "'"."J ''! "HJ .' L' " J ' . 'l'.! V .i""i'JUl 'tafc" -" -