SSwk (" W9 ' Qhe Bath) IFlebraekan V Vol. IV, No. 80 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, FEB. JO, 1905. Price 5 Centi MONEY IS RAISED Maso Meeting Discusses Y, W. C. A. Pledge. A o ii nlrie ruble Amount la Yet to be Secnretl. About ono hundred and soventy flvo girls aasombled In Memorial hall yesterday morning at chapel time to arouse enthusiasm ana make an at tempt to mako up the remaining ono hundred and fifty dollars of the Y. W. C. A. pledge to the Temple fund. Miss Brewster presided over the meet ing. Chancellor Andrews, Professor Wyer and Miss Howell had been aked to address the meeting and all n-ade short talks. Professor Wyer was first called for and- stated that be tween $1100 and $1200 had been raised and considered It a -pity that they had aa yet been unable to raise the entire pledge. He stated that several of the 04 and '05 members of the Y. W. C. A. had pledged and raised fifty dollars each. Ho told of instances whoro some of the members had secured yrork down town to make tho money to pay their pledge. .The .Chancellor considered that rords could not express tho ubo and value that tho building would be to the University. He Btated that the Y. W. C. A. was a powerful influence in the University for tho good and the uplifting of the young women and wished It to continue to increase its work. Mies Howell discussed the ascetic side of tho question and thoirospects of the permanent home, for the asso ciation that tho now building would provide. A special appeal was made to the freshmen girls who will bo hero to enjoy tho benefits of the now quar ters that tho building will furnish. During tho time that remained Pro fessor Wyer gave a "black board" talk. Ninety-two dollars were raised in five minutes. Anyone desiring to aid the Y. W. C. A. in making up tho rest of the pledge should see Miss Brewster or Miss Withers. Baker Uni. Saturday. Saturday ovening tho 'varsity will lino up.agalnst Baker University for a game of basketball. This will provo to bo a very fast game as this Univer sity is playing good ball this year. After tho game thoro will bo a dance, music being furnished by Quick's four piece orchestra. Tho game will bo gin .at 8;00 p. m. promptly so tho en tire program may be carried out. Tho price of admission will bo 25 c-ents and 35 cents and tickets aro on salo at the Co-op. New Students. Fifty-four new students registered In tho University for work during the second semester. The registration cards distribute thlB number as fol lows: College of Literature 27, In dustrial 11, Law 8, Medic 4, Fine Arts 2, Domestic Science 1, Graduate 1, making the total fifty-four. Brie B. Woodward, M. D diseases of oye, car and throat 207-8 Richards block. Phone 666. it it it a it it it it it it it it it Address for Engineers Andrew Rosewate City Engineer of Omaha on "SEWERAGE" II Room 106, Uni. Hall it " nirlnir E7A,3nn- it nuaj i viuii, i )MttlM GIRLS' TOURNAMENT Inter-Class Championship to be Settled. Tho third annual girls' Inter-class basketball tournament will take place this afternoon. The exercises will commence at two and last until four. Intense excitement is oxpocted to be displayed by tho supporters of tho var ious teams. The different class leaders have pre pared class yells and songs and it is rumored that the renowned Ladies' Boston Band will bo present to give life to the meeting. This band first entered into prominence In Unl erslty life during the recent county fair held at the armory. Megaphones will be In order and every girl Is re quested, to come out and lend their support. The Senior team, which has won two years, expects to fight desperately to wrest tho pennant from Its rivals, tho Juniors, who won tho championship last year. Tho pennant Is a beautiful silk emblem and worthy of tho effort to be put forth by every team. The lineup of tho teams for tho tour nament this afternoon Is as follows: SENIORS. Forwards Minnie Jansa (captain), Adele Koch; Center, Alice Towno, Guards, Ruth Woodsman, May Thomas JUNIORS. Forwards Pearl Archibald (cap ttaln), Marguerlto Plllsbury; center, Ina Qlttlngs; guards, Inls Everett, Nellie Miller. SOPHOMORES. Forwards I.orrlne Hempol (cap tain), Anna Zwonechek; center, Cecel ia Foster; guards, Flossie Erford, Ima Briggs. FRESHMEN. Forwards Mattle Woodworth, Net tle Stevenson; center, Thyrza Stevens .(captain) ; guards, Mossle Kimmel, Gertrude Friend. Tho order of the matches will be: Seniors vs. Junlois, first half; Sopho mores vs. Freshmen, first half; Seniors vs. Juniors, second half; Sophomores Junior Prom Lincoln Hotel, Eddie Walt's Full If Mt. V. t 4 W W fe fato.L H H H H H it i( il it Public Invited j it Ca.,M, 1A Q it vjlm ucii j ivy, u S. ill. vb. Freshmen, second half. After those gumes tho finals between winning t6ams will bo played for tho cham pionship. Tho longth of tho halves will be fifteen minutes. Tho officials of tho afternoon will bo Mrs. Clapp and Miss Pound. An admission of 10 cents will be charged. Tho girls' tournament will bo off tho floor by 4 o'clock this afternoon so It will not interfere with track work and tho men preparing for charter day. Rose water Speaks. University students will bo glvon a treat tonight in the address to bo giv en by Mr. Andrew Rosowator under tho auspices of tho Engineering So cioty. Although tho address Is given for the onglneers, tho general public Is lnvted to attend, and tho lecture will in all probability bo of interest to everybody. Mr. Rosewater Is a master of tho subject ho expects to talk about, he having held the position of City Engineer of the city of Omaha for over twenty years. Ho haB also been Identified with the municipal engineering- problems of most of tho larger towns of Iowa and Nebraska and the western states, and on sowor ago, paving and hydraulic enterpriser he Is an authority. The engineers aro particularly anx ious to hear Mr. Rosowator on "Sow oi age," as ho has Just finished tho planning and construction of a now sunltary sewer In Omaha, which Is of the new Soptlc tank order, and Is something now to westorn onglneers. It Is hoped a large crowd will turn out to hear Mr. Rosewater, as It was with somo difficulty that tho engineers were enabled to bring him hero. Ho is a member of tho American Society of Civil Engineers. Professor Bessey is showing visitors a sample of a wldeTyadvertlsod instru ment for showing tho amount of mois ture In the air, which ho Tias found to bo absolutely worthless. It is ad vertised as indispensable for schools and yet it has no value whatever. Ho pronounces It a fraud. February (0 Orchestra Tickets, $2.50 LAWMASSMEFTING Committee Report is Heard. An other Appointed. Don Pound's Keslfftmtlon Probably to HtHnd. A moss mooting of all tho law stu dents was hold yesterday at 11 a. m., In U 207 to hear tho report of tho com mittee appointed somo tlmo ago to wait on Doan Pound, of tho law col lego, and ask him to roconsidor his resignation. Tho commlttoo reported that tho resolutions, commending the ablo work of tho Doan in building up tho law school and oxprosslng tho earnest desire of the students that he should reconsider his resignation had been presented to Dr. Pound. Tho coimmlttoo reported further that when asked to reconsider Doan Pound stated that ho had mado arrangements to en ter Into active practice and that al though ho would always do all that he could to better tho law collogo ho felt that ho could not change his present plans to Totum! to practice. The Bontlmont of tho meeting seem ed to bo that tho law collogo was at present very poorly provided for and that thla was ono of hto roasons for tho resignation of their esteemed Dean. After considerable discussion S. E. Black moved' that a commlttoo of mno bo appointed to dovioo somo means of bettering tho condition of the law college and that this commit too be empowered to act as they thought best. Two amendments wore proposed aiming to cut down the num ber of tho committee but both wero lost. Tho sentiment of tho meeting seemed to bo that this committee should wait upon tho regents and do whatever was possible to socure a bettor supply of funds for tho main talnenco of the law school. Chairman Lantz announced tho fol lowing committee: S. E. Black, chairman. Fred Lundin. George A. Leo. W. C. Parrlott. Charles Ritchie. L. P. Hewitt. W. C. Ramsey. F. W. Johnson. James A. Clark. The committee Is composed of three students from each of the law classes. Will Not Protest. There has' been somo talk on tho campus about disputing tho gamo with the OmahhTY. M. C. A., but Dr. Clapp says ncftfirfng will he done. Ho state that tho difficulty arose over a foul which ho called, and for which, referee Nelson would not credit tho 'varsity team. Nelson held that several points, had not been credited to'Omt&a pre viously on similar fouls as a reason for not allowing the point Convocation. Tomorrow Convocation program will , be of a unique character. Thoppomf. "Enoch Arden," by Tennyson, with, pau bicale setting by Richard Strauss, , will bo given. Mrs. C. F. Ladd will bo the reader. with Misa Nellie Griggs, at. the, Plano- ...i-.m V ' ii X, . I I l' ' 1 1 -. 'i ( mtto