IfTiijwtipsflS -7 "T5vwyi. TPp 'M. """, ?.- 1M '-apr!!?.! v;v' $;?- f r r v tT l c D a i I p fUbraeftan f r V , I "3. -J I THE TO HCNM I no less than the gown I luiH learned to like the I I Quarter Size Collar I I Tho lcsl are the B H H "Arrow" H BB BB 1 bbI- ?r jT I H Clurtt Ciialton Aitsow Aicom H H Cluctt, 8."k- ntcli. Arrow, 15c each, H 2 fot I Cluctt, Poabody & Co. I H Makers of Cluctt onri Monarch Shirt H Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe Llttlu Gem Hot WnfllcHiuulIflnn MoiiIh nnd Lunches I 17-121 North 13 Strutt The First National Bank f Unoofa, Na. UNITED fTATBS DEPOSITORY. Capital IMJMJt Aureus UM UndlvMtd Bflta . . HJOMt ft. ft urabau FtfB. A. J. tmwftr, Vict-Prwldemt. EL ft. rrwmaa, CUltst. H. B. Bvana, Aflrt. OMkltr. Frank Parks. Aat Oaakftt, P. B. Basterday, AuMUr. CbirltsB. Gregory (. tn.'H) ZSA?. tbt Coal Ulan NO. 1044 O STRBBT Columbia National Bank ofa Include In tho Now Edition 25.000 NE.W WORDS. Etc. New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary Kdltod by W.'l'. II AUUIB, Ph.D.. LI..D., U. b. Commlsetonor of Hriucutlou. 3380 Quarto Pages. 5000 Illustrations. Krw rUU. Well lllndlntoi. AUo Wetntir's Collegiate Dictionary with llMpae. 1100 Illof r(uii. Slj tiKbtfJJln. A Special Thin Paper Bditlon Dc Luxo frijtUdfroMapl(tairecuUridUlbo. Iihu Ump cotot and rwnj cpnwm Hlio i biSil. FRUb,"ATatla Pronunciation," butrert. It. aU ortntalalaf. AUo Ututxe4 pamphlet. G. 6 C. MLRRIAM CO. PafalUtiera, SprtacfUld, Mm. BVflSCtfVrBVflVflVfll i I Collegiate Debating Journal. Intorcolleglnto debate has an organ of ItH own. "Dothsldes," a monthly magazine, has boon founded by the advlBoiy council of Harvard Unlvor Bity In rosponHO to suggestions from many partB of the country. The flrBt number of this magazine was pub llnhed In January. It ban adopted as Its motto tho words of Sir Roger dc Coverloy, "Much might be said on both BldcB." Tho Journal 1b dovotcd to tho IntcroBtB of college debating In Amorlca. On the advisory council aro mombore of debating teams from more than thirty Aihorlcan colloges and the permanent odltorlal staff, which will bo engaged soon, will bo composed of representatives of debating interests In various universities in tho country. Tho publication will thus bo froo from provinciality and .will represent the ontlre college world. The January Issue of "Bothsides" gives an Idea of what subBeqnont num bers will bo. It contains accounts and full briefs of the recent Yalo-Princeton dobato on tho American -policy of im perialism, and of tho Pennsylvania Virginia debate on tho Fifteenth amondmont. In addition it contains an article on "The Debating Method," by Lucius P. C. Garvin. The February Ibsuo will contain a unlquo historical skotch, "Debating at the English Uni versities," by an Oxford debater; re ports of tho Chicago-Minnesota contest and of the triangular debates -between Columbia, Cornell and Pennscylvania. Tho magazino will publish from time to time elaborate annotated bibliogra phies on current questions. "Bothsides" is to be furnished at dub rates to students .intoiesfnl in debate. It has already been recom mended as a text book for classes in argumentation and debate In more than a hundred colleges and ptepara tory schools, and nearly all the lead ing universities of the country are forming dubs. The dub rates are ex tremely low. Colloges taking 100 sub scriptions will receive them for $20, or 20 cents for a yeai's subscription. Colleges taking fifty subscriptions will receive thorn for $15, or 30 cents a sub scription. All colleges organizing clubsJ will bo given tho privilege of publish ing freo In "Bothsides" their dobating news and colleges ranking high In do bate will havo thoir Intercollegiate briefs published. A dub will be made up at Nebraska. All students inter ested in dobate and argumentation who wish to subscrlbo for thin magazine will hand their names to Iho head of tho Rhetoric Department immediately. VESPER SERVICES. A member of our frfeuTly and a grad uate of Brown University, of which Chancellor Androws was at one. time president, said that a Brown student never failed" to bo present when tho prosidont spoke. Our chancellor is held in tho samo high esteem by Nobraska Btudents and they will havo a chance to glvo expression to their loyalty by attending tho vesper sorvlces In Me morial Hall Sunday evoning nt seven o'clock. Many members of tho faculty, and students, were so enthusiastic in their praiso of last year's vosper ser vices that thoso having Uic arrange ments in charge were encouraged to have a like service this year. This is tho only chance which all University moil and women have to parti lpate in n service of this kind, and the hall should be completely filled. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION. An oxamlnatlon for engineering and hydrograpnlc aid wiH be held at vari ous points throughout tho United States on March 15. From the eligible list established by this examination names will be solocted -and appoint ments given for positions at $900 per annum and upward. The employment Will bo largoly in connoc.tion with the .construction of Irrigation works in the WesL An opportunity Is afforded for graduates of collegOH or technical schools to obtain engineering work In linos which may lead to future ad vancement. Facts concerning this ex amination can be obtained by applica tion to tho U. S. Civil Service Com mission. Washington, D. C. F. H. NEWEST, Chief Engineer. Manifolding and typewriting. See Ed. Affoltor, check room, basement Unl hall. University ratos. Fresh homo-mado candles at Max well's, 1426 O St. and 13th and N Sts. To California. In less than three days from Lincoln what an agreoablo change! Why onduro threo moro long months of winter woathor, when you can leavo it all and go to balmy California on n train llko the C olden State Urn! Every comfort and convenience agorgcous hotel on wheels, if you please expressly for you. Dally via El Paso and the Southorn Pacific through Now Moxlco. Most southerly course quickest way to reach the realm of summer. Ev ery mile Is a mile away from wlntor. Full Information about thla train and other service to California, with booklet "Tho Golden State," promptly on request. F H. Special Excursion to Omana. $1.10 for Round Trip. Roller skating enthusiasts are ar mnging to have a special excursion to Omaha on Friday, February 17th, to attend tho roller skating race be tween Miss Hellman of Lincoln and Mrs. Cuscaden of Omaha. A rate of $1 10 for- the round trip has been se cured and all who desire to take ad vantage should see the manager of tho Auditorium Skating Rink at ouce. In tho recent contest at Lincoln. Miss Hellinnn won, and the Lincoln sup poiters are confident of the ability of their representative to again j-how Omaha "how It is done." The program committee have an nounced the following question to be debated at the Students' Debating Club Saturday evening, February 12: Re solved, That the low birth-rate in American families Is detrimental to the national welfare. The speakers on the nfllrmativo will be M. F. Cos tello and V. L. Strickland M. J. Hughes and C. H. Kerr will respond for the negative. StanfordUnivorsity won the Carnot medal In the eleventh annual Carnot debate with the University of Cali fornia last Friday. The modal Is pre sented by Baron do Coiibertin in honor of M. Carnot, the martyrod president of France, and is awarded annually for tho best discussion of some subject se lected from French -political history. THo question debated this year was: Resolved, That the action of the Fronch government in closing the Catholic schools is prejudicial to educational welfare of the Fronch public. No dobating contebt In west arouses as much interest as annual Carnot debates. the the Prof. M. M. Fogg served as a judge at tho annual debate between Wes leyan University nnd Simpson College (Iowa) at University Place last night. The question dobated was on "Reci procity With Canada." A few moro months and college das and associations will end for many. Do not neglect tho opportunity nf forded now to preserve for tho future, portraita-that will rocall many happy romlnlsconces. Townsond Is produc ing effocta that surpass anything yet produced in'iphotography. Studio 22G South Elovcnth street. Erie B. Woodward, M. D., diBoasos of eye, ear and throat. 207-8 RlchardB block. Phono 666. Tho Good Health Cafe for the no meat menu. Ask our patrons about It. Get tho beat Hondorson & Amen' uniforms, at Armstrongs. Lincoln Local Express, 1039 N street Both phones. Twenty-one meals for $S. Dormitory Cafe. BARNES G. F. Pt. 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks Dcataro Copyrights Ac. Anyono Bonding n skotch and'doscrlpUon nut qutoklr nscortnln our opinion froo whether oli coniiaontlnl. IMUunOQX .on rtcnta sunt t rwoTOIdost aaohor for socunno patents. Patents taken throufah Munn A Ob. receive tptcial notice, without obaruo, in tho Scientific American. A hondsonieljr Illustrated woekly. largest cir culation of any noionUflo Journal. Terms, 5 n yxir: four months, L Sold byoU nowvdeatcm. MUNN&Co"JB"Hewjforfi Branch Offloo, 035 F Bt Washington. D. (J. STUDENTS The newest And finest Btxthzt Shop in Nebraska. Particu lar attention given to face. neck and scalp massaging. J 1206 O St., Burr Block New York Bostonand The East Fast dally train service via the Western Railway, Chicago & North- thc double-track railway front Mh? Missouri River to Ing at Chicago all points East. Chicago, conncct- with nil lines for The trains of the North Western Line arc most completely equipped for the safety and comfort of patrons. The Best of Everything TKxcts and lull Information on cppikulku to R. W. McQJNNIS, Ageat, 10U O Street. Chicago & NtrUhWestera Railway NW460 ijmTfna J i V r -. j ft- "' vg yrTfifov8ta7TaraTj?joy-,aBBr? .' tT - Ma.a j I. r&isaa&foai