The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 09, 1905, Image 1

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tlbe IDatl IFlebraskan
Vol. IV, No. 79
Price 5 Cents
The Omaha Y. M. C. A. Victor
by One Point.
Whirlwind 1'JnUh Full to llrinff Vic
tory for 'Vnrnlty.
The second gam of basket-boll on
our own floor resulted in another de
feat for Nebraska, the- Omaha Y. M.
C. A. being the victors by tho scant
margin of ono. The CUrlHlianH' work,
especially during the socond half, was
excellent, and the goal shooting of
their forwards at times sensational.
On the part of the varsity, inaccur
acy in goal throwing, long slow passes'
and considerable fumbling woro too
much in evidence.
Omaha won choice of goals and took
the east. The Christians begau the
scoring with a field goal, Hagonslck
evening matters Immediately with ono
for Nebraska. Both sides scored from
foul, then both missed a double foul.
After home tlmo of futllo foul calling
and passing, Burruss threw a field goal
and "Hagio" scored from a foul. For
a time our forwards seomed unable to
locate' tho baskets, centra and forwards
getting away from their men time and
again, but falling to score. Finally
Hagensick shot a goal and then scored
from foul. Nebraska began to cut
down the length of her passes and her
work Immediately began to improve.
Again several easy shots for goal were
missed and a good many passes were
fumbled. Omaha scored a goal, and
then one from foul after a lapse of two
minutes The llrst half ended with
both teams scoring from a double foul,
making tho score 12-11 in favor of the
At tho beginning of the second half
Omaha throw goal from tho foul line,
which tied tho score. For a short time
the score zlgzaged back and forth, first
in favor of Omaha and then in tho var
sity's favor. Omaha then took a brace
and pushed tho score up nino points
aboo tho Bcoro of tho varsity. With
about throo minutes to play tho var
sity changed tho tables and scored a
few. Never was there a bettor exhibi
tion of basket-ball seen on tho Armory
floor. By quick passes and sure goal
shooting the scoro stood 29 to 30 in
favor of Omaha and thus the game
Ono of the sensational plays of the
second half was a back pass from tho
middle of the floor which resulted In a
goal. This throw was made by Han
son of Omaha. Hagenslck was not up
to his usual form in throwing goals
from the foul line, while Clarke of
Omaha hardly let a chance pass to
scoro from tho foul line.
For Omaha the work of Hansen at
center was most worthy of commont.
In fact, Hansen was tho mainstay of
tho team. Nebraska's men-all did ex
cellent work, but were prevented from
their usual fast team work by the
number of fouls committed by the
Omaha men. Tho team work of Oma
ha was very good and several long,
sonsational passes were tho fcatuio.
For Nebraska, tho work of Moeer is
especially worthy of mention. Tho
line-up is aa follows:
Omaha. Nobraska.
Clarke Hagonslck
Wttlard, O Burrufla
Hanson Mosor
Willard Boll
Anderson Hoar
Substitutes Omaha, Harris: No
braska, Krako, Beers and Meyer.
Referee W. N. Nelson.
Umpire Dr. Clapp.
7 i
City Engineer of Omaha on "SEWERAGE"
tl Room 106, Uni. Hall
Friday Evening, February 10, 8 p. m.
Address for Engineers
Andrew Rosewater
t j f ff j rj s s fi p p rjK rfi sfTJf
Few Dances and Long Encores
the Ordor.
ArriMigemcnU Completed mid u Good i
Dnncn AmHirt'ri.
Now Is your, timo to buy swell,
snappy shoes choap. Sanderson's sale.
Mass Meeting,
A girls' mass meeting has beeu
culled at chapel hour this morning.
Chacellor Andrews, Professor Wyer
and Miss Howells have boon an
nounced as speakeis. An Injunction
of secrecy seems to have been put Upon
the purpose of the meeting. It Is under
the nusplccs of tho Y, W. C. A. and Is
pi-PFumably called for tho purpose of
considering mattors in connection with
the Temple fund. At any rate, ovory
1'niverslty girl who professes to have
tollego spirit should make It a point
to attend the meeting.
Rev. Batten at Chapel.
A falr-bled crowd assembled at con
vocation esterduy to hear Rev, 8. Z.
Butten talk ou "I .essenlng the Effort
and Doubling tho Power." The speak
er urged tho students to cultivate the
Lablt of concentrating tho entire at
tention cm. ll. r work when studying
and stati d that they might In this way
increase :helr power r.nd at the sumo
time lessen the effort. The spoaker
was Inclined to think that a habit onco
begun was seldom broken away fioni
and theretorc urged the students to bo
gin right at firbt .instead of putting
off the ( l.ango for the better until
some future time.
New Fraternity.
The Masonic Association, composed
cf Masons in the University, rocontly
organized in the University, lias been
granted a charter in the Acacia ira
teinity and tho chapter will be in
stalled next Friday night. The new
fraternity will have active members
in both tho fatuity and the student
The Sophomoreb hao bolcctod a
claps play and parts have boon given
out. Tho title of tho play has not
boon announced, but according to a
member of the caste, it Is a roaring
comody. The players havo beon care
fully Deleted, all of them having had
provlous experience before the foot
lights. Tho production will be rejuly
for presentation in about two months.
For Furs aee Stcolo,. 148 S. 12th St
Both 'Varsity and Scrub Players
The Athletic Board have secured tho
measurements and ordered the sweat
ers for the arsty players. These
sweaters will be mado according to or
ders and will be of a flno quality. Tho
men getting tho "N" sweaters, are
Barta, Barwlek, Bendor, Benedict,
Borg, Cotton, Cinlg, Eager, Huntor,
Johnson, Mason, Glenn, Wcllor and
Mills. A sweater will also be given to
Manager Davis. Tho men hod their
choice between tho vest sweater nnd
tho regulation sweater.
In a recout meeting of the Athletic
Board It was decided to give this year
substitutes and members of tho second
team who have played two years
sweaters. These are to be the regulation
sweator, but no "N" is to beawnrdod
with them. The men choson to lecelvo
these bweateis aro Blrknor, Burns,
Dcuslow, Droln, Fenlon, Frazler, Laird,
I-antz, Lundlu, McDonald. Marsh, Red
dick, Robertson. Shook Standevon,
Cramer and Assistant Manager Mor
rison These men have done hard
work on tho bquad and the Athletic
Boaid have shown tholr appreciation'
l giving tho sweaters. The measure
ments havo not all been takon for these
sweaters, but the onlei will bo sent In
a few dajs.
Two more games will be played at
homo before the team btnrts on Its
eastern trip. Saturday evening, Febru
aiy 11, at 8:00 o'clock, the varsity live
will meet a team from Baker Univer
sity of Baldwin, Kansas. At 8:00 p. m.
on Friday, February 17, the Kansas
City Y. M. C. A. of Kansas City, Mo.,
will bo on the floor of the Armory for
a game. The team will probably start
east on February 20.
If you got It at Armstrong's, It's
Manicnring at tho Famous.
Non. Com Hop
Fraternity Hall, thatch 3
Last Dance Before Lent
Tickets, $1.25 .
Tho Junior Prom, tho society ovent
of the year, comes tomorrow night.
From tho boginnlng of University
functions tho Junior Prom, haa rightly
hold tho first placo, and this dance
continues to bo tho most Important
the moHt elaborate, and tho ono looked
forward to most by thoBo In school
Boclally Inclined. ThlB year tho Prom,
promises to be as good as over. With
a social reunion in mind, tho commlt
teen has sent out Invitations to a largo
number of old Unl people and many of
tho old-timers have'Blgnlfled tholr In
toutlon of being prosont. Tho usual
decorative scheme, consisting of flow
ers, palms, Unl colors, pennants, etc.,
will bp followed out. Tho dancing hall
and promonadOB will both bo fully dec
orated In this manner. "Tommy," a
now almost uocossary adjunct to the
enjoyment of dances, will bo on hand
to prosldo over the punch bowl and
this part of tho affair will, thorefore,
bo well cared for. The music will be
furnished by Eddie Walt's full orches
tra, nnd will, of course, bo unoxcelled.
Mr. and Mrs M. M. Fogg and Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. E Matsou arc to cbapcrone
the dan co.
The committee has very wisely de
cided upon a short program; that is,
short In point of numbers, there bolng
only sixteen dances with two oxtras
From every point of vlow the short
program is tho more desirable. When
the tlmo lor dancing Is so limited' as It
Is here a greater number of dances
simply means a sortes of short, spas
modic circles of the hall, a wild chase
for a new partner and eo on. All this
hurry Is done awny with by a fewer
number of dauces, which allows for
longer dances and moro frequent on
coros, usually the best of tho dance.
The program of dances la as follow:
1. Two-step From Opera Woodland.
2. Waltz A Kiss for Each Day.
3. Two-stop Tho Troubadour.
I. Waltz Tho Mermaid.
r. Two-stop-r-Back. Back to Balti
more. C. Waltz Queen of Hearts.
7. Five-stop In tho Days of Old.
8. Two-stop My 8an Domingo Olrl.
0. Waltz From Sho Gun.
10. Two-step Bubbles.
II. Waltz From Fantana.
- 12. Two-stop Gallant Hearts.
13. Five-step Dainty Llttlo Ingenue.
14. Waltz Dream of tho Dance.
15. Two-tjtop Palm Leaf Rag.
16. Waltz From II Trovatore.
First extra Two-stop Tho Buglor,
Second extra -Waltz Poggy 'O'Neill
"Dancing will begin promptly at half
after nine.
In Moot Court.
Tho case of Josoph Moloor vs. Tho
Nobraska Tolophono Company will be
tried In the district court of the Law.
School Saturday. This caso was
scheduled for last Saturday but was
postponed. Tho counsel for the plain
tiff in orror will be B. J. Gibson. A.
Jennings will bo the counsel for tho
defendant. The case will be tried be
fore Roflcot J. Anderson, Judgo of tho
district court of tho Law School.
. a