The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 07, 1905, Image 2
vrwr' Zbt H a i I Hebraeftan aDafy 12$raskan 'irt ..' r ii A consolidation of i Uuvcrtiu, Vol. 01,' tho KobrnHknn, Vol, 10 Scarlet and Oroam, vol. 4. Piibllaliod dally, oxoopt Sunday nncl Monday, iittbd University of Nobnwku, Lincoln, Nob. by khoHraporlan PuMlshlnif Co., Boaiid Of DlBltOTOIW Professors J. I. Wyor, and 0. B. Richards : II. P. iAJOVltt John WcHloror " E. R. Walton. IMItOT-lnOblqf-.. Afaolsta Editor ?, .inrr . Olrchlatbr AUtlotlrt AAjfitauV Atlffotln Notb ' - ' . Trod A. Bwooloy : - - A. M Lovy ' . A. - G. ScUrolbor J; Frod Nanghton Whiter B. ' RtAiidoTen STAPT -- - n. A. VanOredol H. L. 8wan ft. Ov Myers A. F. Magdansa KSMJfprinl itootnfl i and frwlncwi tyfflooU 211 W RoWi drrjco Station A. Lincoln. Nobr. " ' ' ' " ' : ! i -." ' " " Tefeplvone, - Night Telephone Automatic 1523 Automatic 2365. Hnlinorlptlon Price, fJ por your, in advance ii l ' : Kntqrod jf tt)o posjolllco ut Lincoln, Nob' rh socond-dlutJs.inaU' matter undor tho net of .oj of March 11, 18TH. r:iv: -n-T r li(dJv1Annl nqticcH will budhnrpod for. at tho rtvio Of Iff cohtfl for; cwoh lnnfrtlon. fScnltv. rfepAHmctifoil' and tiirfvorHlty.1nllHln will Rlidljr lw nnblluhod froo, oh horolofom. Editorial Remarks Aftor a considerable period of trial, tho nniries of H. 0. Myors, A. M. Lovy nnd H. .. Swan nre ndded to tho Daljy staff.. Hereafter Mr. Levy wjll act in tho capacity of associate "odi'tor; Mr. Van brs'dci;. athletic; Mr. Bwan, bb- HlBtan-atVgtic; and Mr.Myors, nows; iir. iso xouug-wno nan icon associate I'dltor, was forced to glvo up his pa per work because of lack of time, all hlB.sftro moments bolug now takon up witb.bls debating work. In announc ing Iho now names wo wish to urgo that tho student body co-operate with (ho staff to mako tho Dally a more reprvwntaMvQ college paper. Itonia of univorflKy.fnt'prcHt nro constantly com. ing to the attention of tho students, nnd thoso ltoniH nru what wo want. Our staff cannot bo everywhere at once, nor nnywhoio all tho tlmo, and tho only way that all thoso items of . UNIVB?RBfTY JOURJfXL. V "0 According to prosont plana tho .Jjrsij, l88tio of tho University Monthly Jour nal wil bo out about tho twentieth of this month. Tho Journal will rerfombld tho Outlook in apeparanco, will bo a two column oight pngo magazine, about ten inches long. Tho papor is de signod to ho a medium of Communica tion between tho University and tho secondary Bchooln of tho state. There will bo throe departments; ono for tho University proper; ono for tho School of Agriculture, and tho third for tho School of Music. Pictures of tho buildings of tho departments repre sented wil bQ published. Tho mogazlno will contain hints from tho Univorslty faculty as to tho proper high school methods of teaching and text rocotrimondatlons. This pamper will . bo sent to high school principals, high school superin tendents, hlgh( school teachers, presi dents and socfotancs of boards of edu cation, tho editors of tho stato papers, to ono thousand solocted addresses on tho part of tho school of .music, and nlsp to ono thousand addresses se lected by tho school of music. This will require a tdtal edition of about Bix thousand copies. Registrar H.. G..Shedd will be man aging editor and will have th'o follow ing assistant editors: C: B. Persinger, I.oulso Pound, A. O. Thomas, R. H. Hodgman, Mrs. Virginia Clark, A. E. DaviBson, Wlllard Kimball and E. H. Clark. SUMMER SCHOOL. Director Hodgman placed tho mate rial for tho summer school catalogue in the hands of Prbfossor M. Mi Fogg and Registrar H. 0. Shedd lAst Thurs day evening. Tho material was ulacod in their hands for revision. Tho di rector is planning to offer over forty courses and nearly that number of the University faculty will bo engaged eithor to Instruct or to .lecture n the Bummor session. This is tho most ox tenslvo program over offered to. Uni versity., Btudonts and public school teachers. Two innovations will bo noted In tho program, One a courao in school 'music offered by Mrs. C. B. Raymond and Miss Fanny Arnold, of Omaha Tho othor is a course In Motorology given by Professor Q, p. Sweezey. The latter course is planned to supplenlont the courso in physical geography given by Professor Cpndra. Tho medical collego has also decided lo offer a courso in Human Anatomy for the benefit of medical students. . This courso will bo given by Dr. Poynter Twelvo thousand catalogues will be lssuod from tho press during thlB month and tho matter of tho adver tising tho summer session will bo vig orously prosecuted by tho director nnd registrar; Eat at tho Uni Music Cafe. jmHJMH - m )K HHH- SHIRT BARGAINS.... it it "V-T it it it -.....- ought to have. :t . - This week: Shirts I don't want and you Mr V " n it it it it -A it it a tE$2.50 HAT STORE r 1140 0 TOiWiHl newt)" can bo had Is for you to gWo thorn to tis. '" Y; W. C. A. NOTE5. .Owincr to tho uu-lntornotional con flict ot date of tho V. M.C. A. rocep tlon given by tho Y. W. C. A. Fob. 14, with, th'o 'annual Sigma XI addrtJss, tho hoilr of the reception has boon changod to to lo'iV. 8nco th address Is to bo in MmlH-ial hall and tho roception In Arthall, tho studonts may easily go from" tho ono tothoothor. Tho reebp tloowlir,bb'anwfnfofnial 'affair and tho good tlmo Bplrlt of tho Valentino sea Mn will bo in ovldonoo. Tho Department of Botany receivod a Una poclmon of tho big root of tho Bush Morning Olory from Dandy coun ty, Nebraska. This plant is peculiar In dovoloplng an ononnous root In which it stores up a largo quantity of water for uflo during tho dry season. FOREST CLUB. R. J. Pool and Q. A. Poareon gave short talk before tho Univorsity Forest club Saturday evening on the forest cxnrditlonB of northern Mlnnosota and of a lumber camp in which thoy wore omployod last summer. At tho close of tho pjootlng tho following officers woro olocted: President B. R. H. d'Allemand. Vlco-Presidont E. 0. Siccko'. Treasurer O. A. Pearson. SecretaryP. R. Jones. A fow moro months and collego days and associations will end for many. Do not neglect tho opportunity af forded now to nrescrvo for tho future portraits that will recall many happy remlnlsconcoa. Townsond is produc ing offocta that surpass anything yet produced in photography. Studio 226 8outh Eleventh street. u t -!-'-T ''Vi-W' i K" v t ( i Uiit tsooks suitable raixcy ....For Valentines.... Instead of giving Valentines as formerly, somo find It more d'o slrablo to glvo books that aro especially design'ed fbr tho occasion, a list of very choice books which will make very appropriate I as well as momdried Rifts. ' I n ,.T . TS1.1 11... TTT ,, T I . -. ... . . ' . i-uvo ciuuh iuo wy mui Leicester ioru. illustrations by unrfsly. "In Love's. Garden" Cocil Clay. Colored iljustratlons on, every page: tied with a red ribbon with the' Valeritlrio (irbeltf& prlnlod Jif gold. - .... ., ... Olbson "Tho Weaker Sex." ' . ' "BccauBG,I.Lov,o Yqu" Anna Mack;. "For .Loyo's wpot 8ako" G. Hcmbert Wcstloy. B'eautifiiily bound In whlto and gold. "Tho Love Alalia" By Onoto WaUjnna, author of Japanese Night-J iiiguiu. juvuuiiiuny niuHiruiea ir japaneso art.. . "Cupids Game with Hearts" A new book. SOME OF THE NEWEST OOKS "Clansman" Thomas Dixon, Jr. ' "Man 6h tho Box" McQarth. "Millionaire Baby" Anna Katherlno Greene. "I aw of tho Lartd" McHough: . . "Ollvo Latham" E. L. Voynlch. ' I T. ! .. i t ii pBM To Speechify Thinking speaking on one's feet Somo splendid booLa to aid yotl 20 discount to ttadicra 'low to Attract nnd Hold tn Audience J 1.00 'mo'a bCiPuco und A t ci biwuuuu I 5 'i fa How To I o i lie Voice i i. How To (le.turc... 1 10 iiiuiun Errum In rlUujr. 8iKat iug fXJ : .l ford's onpoUlon aui lUietortc 0 J H'h atic.Wunn r Worn.... sWiot and Opponlii: (K)unnyriiiaiid ) M ' nruclor (epigrams ly liundirdn. ImitxnS)..., 1,S0 IVoj mid C-iidh (OoM'plftcdchatia) 1 M) i: iinnoncnincut Part, (nit occoaiuua).... ' XM I'luccs That llavo Taken lWrffl.,. ....; 123 Tit lieu AincrlcnaOratl on of Today l.tS How to Btiidy Mterature .IS JuntanUincouM l'arjlnuicnury Guide... 30. HINDS & NODt.G, Publishers. 31 -33-38 W. 15th bt. New Yorlc CUy Hchoolbookt oj all publishers at one store Oaot dud oat-kup youRstf loeUns ot1. Patrenlxt tx'H j, . h . ;' zwtorium Oaaahij. Prtaafni. Pylng, RtpaWlnB ani '" ' Automatic iys i-, "SEE ' . KADIS, The Tailor Suits Mado to Order $15 and up. Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing Our Specialty Auto Phono 2870 1444 O Stmt LINCOLN Waiters' Bureau W. D. 1RANT, Manager Fh'ht Class Sorvico Guaranteed at all Receptions, Parties, Colutiqna aria Banquots. . For infor mation ring np 1218 0 Strut Aolcttbene 2346 MANNj Ific prvggijt For PcTfume9 nd 3 i, i A ? Arti T L a.r - 117 N llthtrcot LlNCQnN THBRB IS HO a M Witct C16eK.or Article pi. Jcytlyy WB CANNOT REPAIR C A., tucker, Jrjiijilkr ' Mu-tmdu. BaU 0&&. A- IU STEINED-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. Wholaaala an4 Rml -ZZ- DRUGGISTS AutomaUa Paona 47.0 . , J44 O Saaat" UlcbLR.rB. iu 1$ a- -it it .a it it it it it it it it a a it it )MHMHMMiHM( Bfr!;4(tt alBBBBBBBBHBLBBBBnVBBHlBHVllHftBBH BBBBBHBLHalHBBBV'VIJrBBBBBB a - it i j r 'a 'it i Ai Your Booh Store. Pr$tt $o ctntu At it t it -it it a it a m mMMmmmmmm - m , . u . "fh'.'uiJivju'-'j m ... .-i ..vitjwuiiw-'-ti iiWfaiiii iarfSfc. "... . .. ':--SiAksfc,rj