- fmyw &&v&vm mr- r1f" m T jp t - - y Gfoe, JD.atJg Tlcbrnelun j Campus Gleanings Quarter Size COLLARS !... n Jin nvnrv nnnrtr of an Inch. H. 0. Langley, ex-'05, was a campu visitor yeBterday. Junior basketball squad requested to meet In gym at 2 p in. today. ThU Riven one u chiuc to Becur thnt perfect lit ana mi which irou Iho well made collar itnd the wrll l return Tho University of Illinois hn.s rati fied tho one semester eligibility rule :' y in -t '9 man. Tho h e s t of tho Quarter Size Collar t arc utAtnpcd Cmjbtt Ciiaatoh AttBOW ALCOW Cluelt K cents or Arrow two for M cent Morse is tho only member or th' 'varsity's last year pitcher's squad bn k for work this year. Tho battery will begin to practice under tho training of Captain Ben der on Monday evening. U Thonly difference U In tho quality in all cUo they arc ante. Cluett,Peabody&Co. ' Maker of Cluett nnd Monorrh ShlrtJ 8am Westerfield Proprietor ot Sam's Cafe Llttlo Qetn Hot Waffles and Etna Moabi and Lnnohifi. 117-121 North 19 Strt Th First National Bank of Unoeta,Ne. UNITED iTATBI DEPOSITORY. Capital lt,tOM Surplus lM.ftt.9t Undivided areata . . MHJt B. H. BurnhUB. Fran A. J. Sawyer, Vlca-Preatdeat H. 8. Freemaa. CMfctw. H. ft. Erana, Asat Caaater. Frank Parks, AaaL CMfelat, P. tt. Eaatorday. Au4Uee. tbtrhsB. Gregory (o.tra.'ti) 'Z'" tht Coal man IfO 1044OSTRMT Columbia National Ba-t, OF LWQOLH Oatik a ' NEBRASKA atftauiootooojo HH tarn Inoludee Id the New Edition 25.000 NEW WORDS, Etc New Gaxetteer of the World New Dloiraphlcal Dlotlonary IMltod by W.T. n A11UI8, Ph.D.. IJ..D.. U. b. Commissioner of Education. 3000 Illustrations. ItWh lUml'nii aim Weeater ColUgtata Dictionary with iMft4. 1100 UlutnUtau. UUo i 1l9aHku A SpeclalThln Paper Edition Da Luxo Uiopomtmmi tvoni tontcn. Bin i titri'lS- PREB, "A Tat lo Pronunciation,' ' liroi haBttrUUUa. XUa UnatnUfel pwayhku. G. 6 C. ME.1UUAM CO. Publlahere. Sprlaafleld, aiaea. 2380 Quarto Pajoa. Nrwruuc. Sonior class will moot on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock In U 10G . All mombeis of the class are urged to be present. M. B. Townsond, a member of Jast year's loam, will roglster this Bemester and bo out for a place on tho base ball toam. Tho entire inflold of tho 'varsity bnsoball toam must bo picked from new men this year as nono of the old men arc back. Tho class In tho Btudy ot woods (bot any 34) 1b to moot In room 101, on ac count of tho crowded condition of the locturo rooms In tho department. All mon trying for tho battery ro port at tho gymnasium Monday at 2 o'clock. J. R. BENDER. Captain. CHANGE? IN TIME. Tho tlmo of tho Vcspor Services, to bo hold on February 12th, at which Chancellor Andrews Is to speak, hae boon net at 7, Instead of 7:30, an announced. Cl)e Rjgfyt Road BETWEEN Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Council Bluffs and Omaha. EQUIPMENT RIGHT, TIME RIGHT. SERVICE RIGHT. ITS ALL RIGHT, CITY TICKET OFFICE 1512 PARNAM ST. UNION DEPOT OMAHA. TTrV ,, , , M Car MIcmcflDtt. Qlctolomu. Liboratorr Oliti- vara, Chinlcil Appinlut, Chmlcals, rtala Itnii ind Shutter, flild GIjimi, rrojittlen Appiniui, ripio-nicro laramt trs uid 6r onionts tna ADDRESS ENGINEERS. Mr. Androw Roscwator, city rnglncer of Omaha, will address tho Engineer ing Society at 8 p. m. Friday, February 10. on "Sewerage." He will uIbo glo a talk on "Paving" on Saturday morn ing, February 11. There aro to bo no more Thanksgiv lng games for Purdue. Thtr -faculty havo docidod that tho Thanksghlng football game Interferes with students going homo, and should bo abolished Although nono of the eastern colleges havo Thanksgiving games, Purdue Is tho first western college to abolish tnom. IhtliidlniLsfc-. uoiir'ai Cfp'lil Eosnd lbt Wuld Catalogs Proo Bausch & Lomb Opt Co. l X'llBSTIUI. N. Y. N v w V01L Ch Itt'o Uc(un I nr.kfurt. f.'y : BO YEAR9' EXPERIENCE 9BBBj gmV' H Bp 1 bh '& ' I ' Trade MARne Dcstans A HwAvtA Anr1lnr n alrAtlt nA lMj"llMlmi rAltlf uioklr ascertain 011 r opinion fro whetaor ah liiTontlon It probably paenthhv tJoaimnnlca Uoru itrlotlr oonOdantUU. HAM HOOK on Patent sent f roo. Oldeat njceney for aocurtiispatcnts. fatonu taken tbrooRh Mann ft Co. recotT tjxeial nolle, without charge, la tho scientific American. The Junior class of tho University of California elected a woman president for tho second Bcmefltor. There the lower classes havo a set of offlcom each 8omc8tor. Tho present senior class Inaugurated tho custom last year of electing wotnon for tho clasB offices during the somostcr of tho Junior year. It Is bollovod that thl& precedent will be followed permanently. WELCOME GIFT IN ANY Horn; SONGS OF ALL THE COLLEGES Everyone lihci a college tonj,', and thh book ii an ideal gift to pbee on the piano for one's friends to enjoy, een though one lingo not at all himielf rLotit. ix TirrrrcL nniax roa ciaurv4a on biktiidat All the sru. levci'SI 60 postpaid' AH lkoC4 tone, AT ALL HOOK STORES and MUSIC DEALERS iir sent an affrjvtl ty tie PuMiikrt HINDS NOBLE 31 33 38 W 151a SL. M. Y. City, iiw'.Wii cf all fublitktrt t omt ittr A handaoroelr llloatrated weoalf. Ijinrost J culation of nnr adaottflo Journal. Tornia, 93 a twi four montha, L Bow brail ntmadaalenu Branch Office. V BU Waablaaton, D. C. GEO. A. WILSON Contractor and Builder Estimates furnished npon nppli cation. Job work promptly attended Us Tho following lines aro quoted from tho Jostor, tho comic publication of Columbia University. They aro enti tled' "Hamlet's Soliloquy on Cribbing." "There Is a crib for children. There Is a crib for kino. Tho crib occurs in crlbbage, It's tho frame-work of a mine. In lumbering It's also found It's UBed In building dams Hut tho place where it Is seen the most Ib In college at examo." Forbes' Sjtablea, llvepy, cab and bag iago service, 1125-31 P Blreet. UeP phone, 650. Auto phono 1550. Manifolding and. typewriting. Sec Ed Affolter, chectc room, basement Unl hall. University rates. The Good Health Cafe for the no mat monu. Ask our patrons about it. Get tho best Henderson & Ames' uniforms, at Armstrongs. Lincoln Local Express, 103 J N street Both phones. Twenty-one meals for $3. Dormitory Cafe, If you got It at Annstroiig's, It's right. flat at tho Unl Music Cafe. TUXRBIS WO Wticfc, ClocK or Article ol Jcvtlry WM. CANNOT REPAIR O. fkd Tucker, Jtutcler MS A AU-PUom. Bad til. Ajcm IftaV4 Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done, NULL fc McCOY, - 1326 O Stroot 84S Soutk lOth. LIKCOL.K, MKU, Auto I20a Bell 147 80UKUP & WOOD Expert Cleaners and Dyers New York . i! Bostonand The East 1320 M Street LINCOLN. Nit Grillin-Grccr Printing Company 1136 O STREKT VVUnt Iavltatlaaa, Bal Paacraeav aa4 aU kin. f CaaiocaM P&taa Fast daily train Chicago Sc North the double-track MlssourlRiver to lng at Chicago all points East. service -via the! Western. Railway, railway from tfc? Chicago ."connect" with all lines for The trains of the North-Western Line are most completely equipped for the safety and comfort of patrons. The Best of Everything Tket anj full Information on appKcarlon to It. W. McGINNIS, Agent 102i O Street Chicago & NorUhWettera Railway INW4C0 '!- -, u .-,, ."ii' V- ' -' ,rVtT --v;,' .!) ' ..'.' v tf. r'-fTPf- ' "tf "MrrtJtowatU. s, 1