The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 04, 1905, Image 2

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    :rrir"frfri'imrvv fjirrongfis, Jfn. ,,
a- -
be Dnll? Tlebmohan
C;e Daip Uebraskan
A consolidation of
The Hotpot-Inn, Vol. 01, Tho NlifMknn, 9 ol, 10
Scnrlef nivl Cronm, Vol. 4.
PuliUnhM dally, exoopt Sunday and Monday,
at' tbo Unlrondty of Nobnwkn, Lincoln, Neb.
by tho Hosprrion PuljlinhliiK Co.,
Do a ii u Or DiiinuTOim
Profnmoni J. I. Wyi.r, nnd C. R. IllchnnU:
II. P. Lcnvltt
John Wcfltoyor R. U. Walton.
Ansolnta ICdltOJ
Ain't. Mnnnger
Ami. AlhloUc
Prod A. Swcoloy
D. P. DoYounic
A. O. Sohrotlxir
Prod Nan Rh ton
Walter K. StandoTen
R. A. VanOredol
Mlwi Minnie Hlllcr
A. P. Mnndttiu, Htoto Farm
II. O. Mjm
Bdltorlal Roorao nnd Dtwlnowi Otflco U 211
Post Offlco SUUon A. Lincoln, Nobr.
Night Telephone
Automatic 1528
Automatic 2365.
BnbKoriptlon Prlco, (2 per yoor, in advance
Kntorod at tho poHtofilco at Iinooln, Nob.,
iu Roooud-clom mail niuttor nndor tho act of
cornrrcwH of March 8, 1870.
Individual notlowt will bo ohargod for at th
rate of 10 oontt for naoh Inwrtlon. Faculty,
departmental and unlrorHlty bullotint Till
gladly bo published trvo, as horotoforo.
Editorial Remarks
Tho following Is taken from the
Kansan, the official paper of tho Uni
versity of Kansas:
"lromlnent students havo been very
activo during tho past weok working
up sontlment In favor of rosumlng ath
Utlc relations with Nobrsaka If any
sort of terms honorable to Kansas can
bo arranged with tho eornhusker as
sociation. A petition has been circu
lated this weok which will bo present
ed to tho athlotlc board, urging It to
lake steps in this dlroctlon.
"Nobraska and Kansas aro logical
opponents, and thoro Is no reason for
chorlshing potty splto nnd declaring
everything off.
'Wrought to havo dobato as well as
athletic contests with Nobraska, and
Its up to Kansas to mako tho over
turca," On tho whole wo agreo with tho
-ff ,-.),( H()K)M
Today the Last Day of
The man without a Shirt must get busy to
day. Sale on all kinds of Men's
THE $2.50 HAT
feeling expressed. Nebraska and Kan
sas aro logical opponents and up to
tho last year or two tho riyalry bo
tween tho two schorls, whllo Intense
at times, was of a hoalhtful sort. No
braska usually had tho better of the
contests with Kansas, but tho Jay
huwkors usually made .us "go somo."
And It Is certainly up to Kansas to
mako overtures, to mend tho rent sho
herself has made, If sho can. The
break same after Nebraska had ac-
eded to every demand made by Kan
sas In tho eleglbillty question last
your, and Kansas is right in taking
fho view that sho must make tho ad-
wwiwua. jib iu mo pony-3piier-uioJre
is little or none of this feellmr at N
in... On ,h. o,er ,,, ,c M
llttlo feeling cither pro or con mani
fest. Thoro Ib an Indifference sort of
"don't caro' spirit. When Kansas saw
fU to sever relations with Nebraska
wo wero somowhat surprised, of
course, but tho feeling of surprise soon
died out, and that succeeding, nnd
still prevalent, Is ono of Indifference
not absoluto but ono of "wo don't
much care."
Tho debaters havo been ruu through
tho "preliminary" siovo and tho men
to coinposo tho squad sifted out, and
the machine with its characteristic
promptness Is already at work. The
test to which tho Nebraska system will
bo put thiB year will bo tho severest
yet brought to boar upon it. Besldos
the difficulties of the question to bo
debated a now and worthy opponent
has been taken on, to defeat which
will require tho utmost ulcoty of action
on tho part of tho machine. Tho pre
liminary trials convinced the men par
ticipating that they had not quite mas
tered the question and that an enor
mous amount of hard work must bo
done to bring foronsic honors again to
Nebraska. Dut obstacles, which seem
ed Insurmountable, havo boon over
como In the past, and wo feel that his
tory will repeat itself.
Candidates for tho baseball toam
will meet Monday. Owing to last of
facilities Nebraska Is later than most
of tho other Universities in gotting
baseball practlco started, and hard,
faithful work will havo to follow to
develop a winning team such as wo
havo had for tho last three years.
There ought to be a hundred mon ro
port to Captain Bondor Monday. Only
by every man at all capable of play
ing tho game reporting for practlco
and then practicing, can Nebraska go
through the baseball season with suc
"In recent cxcnvatlons was found a
"inplnl fnVinll mlltlnn ,if "C"..! r..
i , YT . "ioui-v,H-uuiiiiy in uoxing me opposing tackle,
tonnlal Petrograph," of which Homer whllo his brother, Castor, on tho other
was edltor-In-chlof. Tho narairrnnh nflwmc waa nnnniiu i., i .a,
was edltor-In-chlof. Tho paragraph of
moat intorest la reproduced belov
which deals with tho famous Pan
Homeric football team:
The lineup. Is as follows:
R. EL Pollux; ht. 8-ft.; wt. 370 lbs.
R. T. Hercules, ht. 12-7; wt. 835 Ms
R. G. Atlas, ht. lmI.-2-furlongs; wt
12 tons-4 stone.
the Big Sale
STORE - 1140 O II
C Cyclops, ht. -mi.; wt. 7Vi-tonB.
L. G. Anteana, ht. 21-mi.; wt: 111
tone. L- T. AJax, ht. &-ft.; wt. 750 lbs.
L. E. Castor, ht. 7&-ft.; wt 350 lbs.
Q. D. Ulysses, ht, C-ft.; wt. 210 lbs.
R. H. Hecor, ht. 7V-ft.; wt. 600 lbs.
L. H. Achilles, ht. 7 -ft.; wt. 650
F. B. Jason, ht. 8V&-ft.; wt. 800 lbs.
Among tho candidates for the pivotal
position, Potter Cyclops was unani
mously chosen because of his remark
able ability to keep his oyo on the
ball. Ho was injured early In tho sea
son by his own quarter-back, his eye
being temporarily, disabled, but ho
succeeded in getting hard Tfeto tho
gnmo before tho end of tho season.
Atlas, at right guard, though a trifle
,uimbersonie, displayed remarkable
JoiKL"'. Zn .X"
ability In carrying tho boll. Ho sel-
For Your Spring Shirt Waist Suit
A Very Correct Material
Is Mohair
Colored Mohairs and Sicilians arc presented for tho Boason in now
and unoxpoctcd variety. They aro to be extremely popular not only for
stroot and travel, but for house and dressy wear and aro appearing both
In the daintiest and darkest shadoo. Even their lustro Is vnrlod from
the hard and bright to tho silver and softly lighted.
Tho now weaves Includo plain mohairs, changeable effects, phan
tom chocks and plaids (yarns of tho samo color woven Into chocku
which como and go with changing lights), shepherd chocks, blue and
green chocks, melange or mixod mohairs, printed warpa, vldcscont or
illuminated grounds, mnnnish and tailor-made effects. Nearly ovory
popular wcavo is to bo found in this material. K
We have on hand 250 new pieces
45c to 2.00 a yard.
Corner O and
the required five yards
At left guard Antason was easily su
perior to anyono whom ho oncountered
during the season. Ho gained strength
at each down, and was. all luall, a
most formldablo antagonist.
Tho tackle positions havo boon ad
mirably filled by Hercules and AJnx
The former has been criticised on ac
count of undue roughness and his ama
teur standing was once questioned, but
on the whole ho put up a steady, rell
ablo article of football. AJax, his
team mate, whllo not as oxporiencod as
Hercules, was rarely outplayed, and In
all of his conteatB showed remarkable
running powers.
On the end Pollux sliownd Riwlni
ability in boxing the opposing tackle,
wing, was equally clover In cnitlntr
down tho field after tho klckoff.
As quarter-back and captain Ulyssos
was tho mainstay of tho team. His
clever hoadwork. eenoral nil mumi
ability as a tactician, and powor' of
running tlio team, havo all markod
him as ono of tho foromost quarter
back Hellas has ever produced.
Behind tho lino, AchllleB was easily
the foromost half-back of tho year.
His dashing end runs havo rarely been
equalley on tho Olympian field, and he
seomu to havo boon absolutely un
broakablo. Hector, his runnlngmato
Is secondonlv to Achilla fn hi.,
plunging buck ho' has ' been, unsur-i-
ijuaatju, wnno oy getting tho opposite
end out of tho way he has aided mark
edly in the long runs for which Achil
lea haB been so famous. Jason, at full
back, haa been a hard worker and a
steady ground-gainer, and morita much
prniso for the faithfulness with which
ho attends practice
Among tho substitutes, tho following
men deservo commendation: Porsosos,
Agamemnon, Theseus, Bacchus, Patro
lus, Dromedes, Aeneas and-Bacchon.
Tho last named played full on the
scrubs, but lost his position owing to
poor condition.
Mars haa proved an oxcc'llent trainer
and has instilled a groat amount of
fight into tho game. Nestor, as man
ager, has kept everything iniimooth
running order, and will, without
doubt, re-elected to tho position for
the next season. Poseidon, as wator
boy, Aeohn, as yoll master, and Or
pheus as band master, havo all con
tributed largely to tho preat aucce
of the team. Baron Munchausen Borved
"s official reporter, and It Is through
his kind offices that this wrltoup is
obtained. "-r-Beloit Round Tablo
On Friday Professor BeHsnv frnvo n
short lecture to his class in general'
botany on "How to Pass an Examina
tion." It was based upon his study of
tho papers handed in by tho class at
the close of the first semester,
ranging In prlco all the way from
13th Streets
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