The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 04, 1905, Image 1

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Uhe IDailp Iftebrasfcan
Vol. IV, No. 76
Price 5 Cents
He Stdps in Liticdtn on Hl9 Way
ttlve n Hhort bnt Intertutlnff Tulle nt
Ex-Chancollor J. H. Can field flopped
ovo? in Lincoln a few hours yester
day, visited Convocation and spoko.a
few words of reminiscence after the
Faust program. The thomo of hlB ro
marks was tho largness, the power, the
broadness of spirit which characterized
Nebraska whon ho was serving as
Chancellor, and which ho found un
changed each time ho paid Nobraska
a vtalt. Ho recalled with great ploas
uro tho days of his Chancellorship at
Nebraska, saying that those were tho
happiest days of his life. At tho close
of nls remarks Dr. Can field was given
a rousing Uni cheer.
Dr. Canflold held tho position or
Chancellor at the Unlvorsity of Ne
braska from 1891 to 1895, going from
hero to Ohio for four years, and thonce
to Columbia University, to assumo the
duties of librarian of that Unlvorsity,
which position ho now occupies. Dr.
Canfiold Is on a trans-continental tour
addressing Unlvorsity of Columbia
Alumni Associations at various points.
Ho was to nave spoken at Omaha on
Thursday evening, and 1b to speak to
Columbia Alumni at Denver tonight,
Between times he found time to stop
over in Lincoln and renew old ac
quaintances for a short time.
A full crowded chapel greeted Miss
UowolLJUiao Maryland and Mr. John
ston at" the'Faust program at CdhVdca
tlorf'yeBtorday morning. Miss Howoll
fully met (fn 6tfnectation9 of her hear
ers with another one of her excollont
readings. And tho numbors by tho sing
ers weW'W&l received. Mrs. Raymond
was at tno piano, i no r aust progruiu
was glvon as a' fitting schemti' for the
preseritatlon"'of the bust'of "Margaret"
to. h University.- During tho pro
grain ' ''Margaret," In hor simple dig
nity, occupied a prominent placo on
thoVpiatforra, tho admiration of every
one1, present. " ;
, Bender to Stay.
Rumor to the offect that Captain
Bonder wtll not -finish tho baseball
scasjon with tho University toam bo
cau,Bc he has slgricd a contract for the
summer with the Little Rock toam, ban
proven falBe. Johnnie will captain the
corjihuskers to victory tho whole sea
son,' his contract with Llttlo Rock bo
Jng of such a nnturo as not to make his
premature withdrawal necessary. He
wilt1 go south after graduation.
Qnc of the most Important cases in
tho supreme court will bo a latent
equity case to bo heard at two o'clock
this afternoon. Johnson and McMa
Jban are attorneys for the appellant
and Lee and Smith for appellee.
Fager Bros., transfer, baggago and
parcels, household goods and pianos.
Offlco, Windsor Hotel. Auto 'phone
Lincoln Transfer Co.; bacgage.
Phono 170.
Junior Prom
Lincoln Hotel,
Eddie Walt's Full
Famous War Bard Will bo at
Men's Meeting.
During tho dark day of the Rebellion
the boys In bluo wero charmed and In
spired by tho Gtirrlng songs of a com
rade. This old comrade, though 83
years of age, still retains the swcot
tone quality of former days aud his
flowing whlto locks givo added mean
ing and Impresslveness to his wonder
ful voice. Men In attendance at tho
Men's Mass Meeting Sunday at 4 p. m.
will havo ti.e unusual privllcgo of
hearing him In the p'erson of Mr. Jul
ius Lumbard. Mr. Lumbafd will sing
patriotic and sacred bongs and is stue
to please all who hear him.
Dr. F. S. Stein will discuss tho in
teresting theme, "Life's Opportunity."
Dr. Stein is so well and favorably
known in Lincoln that no words are
necessary concerning him. Doors open
at 3:30 p. ra.
Trials will be held In three divisions
of the Law school today. In tho su
preme court a caso Involving latest
equity will be tried. Tho counsels for
tho jilalnUff lu error will be T. W.
Johnson and M. C. Mahon; tho
counsel for the defondent In error are:
O. A. Lee and R. IL Smith.
The law division of the district court
will consider a motion to quash an
Indictment in a criminal caBO. Gibbs
will bo the prosecuting attorney fa
voring tho motion and Clark and
Rltch.Io will act as counsels for the de
fendant. A foreclosure case will b(g up In the
equity division of the district court.
The counsel for tho plaintiff In error
aro Matley and Vanburg and those for
the defendant In error aro Tellmau,
McDhffco, LInd, Sawyer, Warnke, Mar
tin, Beacmloy, Falknor, Grlffet and
Captain Pershing Here.
Captain PorBhing and his wife will
arrive In tho city tomorrow. They will
bo tho guests' "of Hon. O. O. Whedcn
while In the city. Captain Pershing
was lately married to Miss Frances
Warren, daughter of Senator Warren
of Wyoming. Tho wedding took place
in Washington and was one of the
leading social functions of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Whcden will give a
public reception for Captain and Mrs.
Pershing thlB evening from 8 to 10 p.
m. On Sunday morning they will
Heave for tho bride's hdhie In Chey
enne, Wyo. They will spend a few
dayii there beforo the Captain leaves
for his post of duty as Military Attacho
to the American Legation at Toklo.
Bat nt the Uni Music Cafe.
February J0
Tickets, $2.50
In Favor of Ritchie & Meyer the
Plaintiffs in Error.
Considerable comment has boen
caused among the law students over
tho opinion handed down Thursday by
Chief Justico C. J. Sargent of tho su
preme court of tho law school on tho
case of Robinson vs. Smith. The de
cision was In favor of C. D. Rltcho and
O. M. Meyer, counsel for the plaintiff
lu error over J. D. Ringer and V. A.
Day, counsel for tho defendant Jn er
ror. Tho caso was an ejectment pro
ceeding brought to tho supremo court
December 10 on error to tho district
court, tried below by Roscoo J. Ander
son, one of the Judges of the district
The opinion on this caso has beon
awaited with much Interost. It was
one of Uie most Important cases of the
year, Involving many technical and
difficult points and consuming several
hours in tho ,trlal. Although the opin
ion was In favor of tho counsel for
tho plaintiff tho honors of tho contest
ing lawyers are very ovonly divided.
The losing sldo succeeded In proving
to tho satisfaction of tho court five
out of six points in controversy. How
over, tho one point in which they failed
was very vital and resulted In the loss
of tho" case. The attorneys for 'tho
defendant have announced that a mo
tion for a re-hearing will bo filed.
The debating squad lias lost no time
settling to work. Last night In the
trophy room tho wheels' of an Intel
lectual machine were started and they
will only cease after columesr of ma
terial, for two strong cases, have been
ground out. At the first meeting of
the squad the new members wero Ini
tiated into tho mysteries of the work
and tho programs for the next two
months was arranged. From now on
no busier set of men will bo found
in thto University than the" fifteen who
havo been chosen for the squad. The
work Is on tho order of a semlnor
course and Offers an unlimited field tor
Individual effort.
The opinion of tho best universities
as to tho greatest number of hours ad
visable for beat work Is as follows:
Michigan 12, Texas 12, Iowa 16, Indi
ana 15,Kansas 16, Colorado 14, South
Dakota 16, North Dakota 16, Minnesota
16, California 11, Washington 16, Wls
cansln 16, Montana 16.
Elliott's Sultorlum, cleaning, dyeing
and repairing. Price reasonable. 1129
O street Both phones.
Erie B. Woodward, M. D., diseases
of eye, ear and throat 207-8 Richards
block. Phone 666.
Scheduling of Baseball Games
is Delayed.
ftfunnirur Allnn Kipocta nn Knrljr Completion.
Managor Allen of the baseball team
has not yet arranged only a few games
for tho basoball team this season.
Thero seems to bo the samo difficulty
In completing the basoball schedule
that exists in making out tho footbal)
schedule. Chicago has not completed
her arrangements with Michigan and
Wisconsin and hence will not sched
ule any othor games until this is com
pleted. But it is almost certain that
Nebraska and Chicago will cross bats
this spring.
Games with Wisconsin and Michigan
aro an Impossibility as those teams
have filled out their schedule. Minne
sota will not havo a team In tho field
this year owing to complications aris
ing from lack of studdnt support of
thlB sport. Theso games bolng cut
out It is very likely that Chicago will
be as far oast as tho team wlH go.
Games havo boon schedulod wltli
Luther college at Docorab, Iowa; Iowa
Agricultural collego at Amos; High
land Park Unlvorsity at De Moines,
and the University of Illinois. Two of
those teams were played by Nobraska
last year and very closo scores was
the result of each. As Illinois was not
Included In Nebraska's schodule last
year It Is hard to foretell the outcome
of that gamo. All theso teams have
played fast ball In tho past and proved
worthy opponents for Nebraska.
Manager Allen has also arranged
tbrco games with Omaha League team
for tho first of April. Theso games ftro
practlco games for both teams and
will not bo considered a part of the
University schedule. A gamo ofball
will also bo played between Omaha
and tho Chicago Nationals on tho Uni
versity campus. By this game- the
students will be permitted to see.ono
of the fastest profesional teams in tho
United States play ball.
Theso games are tho only onoo nr
rangod definitely but It expected that
other dates .will be settled Upon in tho
near future and the plan of work 'de
cided. All men intending to try for" tho
team aro requested to report Monday
evonlng In tho gym, Captain Bender
and tho men will" then take up tho
work In the cage. Thoro scorns to be a
wealth of baseball material1 this year
And many candidates aro expected 16"
be in attendance Monday evening.
Word was received yesterday "from
Mr. Chas. D. Hurrey, a graduate of
Mlphigan, to the effect that bo will be
present at tho annual Y. M. C. A. ban
quet to bo held Friday evening, March
3. Mr. Hurroy was very -prominent in
hs college and a recognized leader.
During tho past year be has served as
an International Secretary, traveling
among tho colleges and universities of
tho middle west.
The city Y. M. C. A. "Spa" furnishes
a nice place for atudonU ta get a good
lunch at a reasonable price, at any
time of the day.
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