XT b c X)atl flebrnefean Campus Gleanings Delta Tan Delta will give a dancing party on February 24th. PK- Robert M. Carroll, '03, of Fremont, in pledged to Delta Tau Delta.- gfe ii Cluutt Calmrt Ahkuw Aliubom Quarter Size Collars TfUST be Quarter Size 11 Collars.thnt is they must Imj precisely riht and made of stuff which will not shrink. The Cluett nnd Arrow Col lars lire riirntly made of shrunk fabrics. Cluett, 25 cents Arrow, IS cents each or 2 for 2.1 cents Cluett, Pcabody & Co. Maker of Cluett and Monarch SlilrtH Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe Little Qtim Hot WnflloN niulFino Uoata nnd LuiioIivh. (17-121 North 13 Strt Hie First National Bank of Ltoceta. Net. KnjHs.val nnlt-J t IKLOOOJl) Surplus lMJOMt UndlvHtd n . . 4M0M f. H. Burn ham, Tvm. A. J. Bawjrtr, Vlc-Prellet. U. I. Praemaa. Ctahltr. H. B, Evans, Asit Casfclar. Prank Pftrka, Aaat. Oaaklat. P. E. Btaterday, Audita. tbirltsB. Gregory (o.trn.'tt) ttFtht Coal Wan NO. 1044 O STOUT Columbia National O-L OF LINCOLN, PaQK UP NEBRASKA CUrMUl $100,000.00 H i I ti Vi X twl M M i Jf!iii1 J lm atik fci t I Includes In the New Cdltlon 25,000 NEW WORDS. Etc. Now Gorotteer of tho World 'New Biographical Dlotlonary Kdltwl bv W.T. II AUUIH, IMi.D . I.L.D.. r. b. I oiiimiHSioiior cu tuui'umm. 2380 Qoirto Pates. Nrw I'Utrt. 5000 Illuctntlons. Hi.li ltln.l nr-. I. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary unl. illfll'S.tM. lUtllllaitratiom. Site . 7il0iiUi. A Special Thin Pnper Edition Do Luxe 1'nnUxl from Mine pUlr ai rirulr i JUii'iiJ ll Iim IiWipoovvniuid ruunI ctirurr. Buo : 64tt8 ' FREE, "A Test In Pronunciation," Instruct Ivo and entertaining. AUo lllulrted lumphlrt. G, & C. ME.RRIAM CO. Publishers. Springfield, Mass. Helon Dunham and Mabel MorriH aro among the new arrivals at the Dormitory. The Botany clauses aro having a hard Jtmo In getting rooms for lecture anl rci'itaton purposes. Fifteen Dormitory girls made up a theater party at Maxlne Billot's "Her Own Way" Monday evening. Tho class in tho study of woods (Botary 3-1) has been set to meet at 10 o'clock on Wednesdays and Fridays. On Fob. 17 tho Dormitory girls will give an elaborate Valentine party. In vitations will bo Issued tho first of next week. A fino collection of plants from the Selkirk mountains In British Columbia was received by the University Herb arium a couple of days ago. The Forest Club will meet Saturday evening, February 4, at 8 p. m. in N 102. An election of officers will be held and Messrs. O. A. Pearson antl H. J Pool will talk on "In the Woods of Minnesota." C. E, Quinn, '05, who has been act ing as ono of the assistants in the de partment of agriculture, has Joined the farmers' institute lecture force. He will return for the Juno commence ment to get his sheep-skin. V .rJtik minvimMmvm. m f, uniiui vamaMw wwmw , . L "TflD Professor Besscy is rejoicing over tho receipt of six parts of tho "Foiest Mora of South Australia," tho gift of V. W. J. Orlnstead of York, The TraTjuilElPtfl of largo, folio vrmi be Right ad BETWEEN Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Council Bluffs and Omaha. EQUIPMENT RIGHT, TIME RIGHT, SERVICE RIGHT. ITS ALL RIGHT, CITY TICKET OFFICE 1512 FARNAM ST. i iMirtM ncDriT omawa -s -v ' GERMAN C. Because of a conflict with another class the class In German C, reciting at 11:30, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, will meet in 204, U Hall. iany fine colored plates, with de scription text. All of the classes In Botany are now assigned to their particular recitation poriods. The last to be assigned was Donorology (Botany 41) which for a ccuplo of monthB will meet only twice a week, namely, at 1 o'clock on Wed nesdays and Fridays. After April 1st the class will meet four times a week. Military drill is ovldently becoming loo monotonous for some of the boys in tho second battalion at the farm. Tho other day when tho command to flre was given ono of tho cadets actual ly fet loose over the heads of his com rades. Tho explosion made the walls oi Machinery Hall tremble and. filled the air with B'mokc. However, It was o.-Jy a blank cartridge and nothing but a tittle cxiltement and a few demerits fo. lowed the discharge. "FAUST" PROGRAM. At the presentation of tho marble 1 i'st of "Margaret" at Convoxatlon thi1 morning Miss Howell will give a leading and Miss Elma Marsland and .Mr. George Johnston will sing two rffl!i!ffn"'rrm"11 SOMBRERO MOVES. With the, readjustment necessitated by the new semester the Sombrero of fice hns been moved from U 304 to tho Dean's room, U 107, on the first floor f the Jialn building. Office hours are from 2.00 to o.'M ; m Roller skato enthusiasts will be in terested to learn that the big roller skate meet which is to decldo who is the champion lady skater In tho state wi'l be hold In Lincoln Friday even ing. Fobruary 3rd. MIhh Dora Hell man, Llncoln'B lady champion .will race with Mrs. CuBoaden, lady cham pion of Omaha, and It promises to bo a fast and oxcltlng race. As a great number of Uniyerslty .atudenUi are much Interested In the sport of roller skating It 1b oxpected that many of tluni will attend the race. The gymnasium men aro piacliclng throe times a week for the try-outs on Feb. 22. This team, when seleetod will 'represent Nebraska at the Westorn Inter-collegiate Gymnasium meet at Chicago in the oarly part of the spring. This meet is under the supervision of Chicago University and invitations havo been extended to all wetstern col leges to send teams. No man has a place on this team cinched yet and every mau who do sires to make this team will havo a good chance to try. Every man is given individual attention in this work by either Dr. Clapp or his assist ants. Men are requested to report and try for a place. SO YEAR8 EXPERIENCE Ijjwra Among the Rhodes scholars at Ox ford there are twenty-threo fraternity men, as follows: Delta Upsilon, 5; Beta Theta Pi, 3; Phi Delta Theta, 2; Kappa Alpha, 2, and ono each from Sigma Nu, Alpha Tau Omega, Kappa Sigma, Chi Psl, Phi Nu Theta, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Alpha Delta Phi, Zeta PiiL-Pht Kappa Psi, Delta Phi and Phi Gamma Delta. Eight are mombers of Phi Beta Kappa. Trade Marks Dcsionb Copyrights &c Anyono Bonding n sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably ptontJtflic.;Conirouiilc. tloria strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent f roo. Oldest agency for nocuriiifr polenta. I'ntonU token through Munn A. Co. roccJrc tprclal node, without charge. In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Ireeet cir culation of any scientific Journal. Tonus, 3 s jmt: four months, L Sold by nil newsdealers. MUNN & Co.301Broh"'- New York Branch Office, 62JFBU Washington, D. O. GEO. A. WILSON Contractor and Builder Estimates furnished upon appli cation. Job work promptly attended to SMfl Booth loth. LINCOLN, milt. Y. M. C. A. BANQUET. University men are" requested to keep In mln'd tho All-University ban quet to bo held at the r.Indell Friday evening, March 3. This banquet Is guen under the auspices of the Uni versity Y. M. C. A. Because of the large number or plates laid, the asso tiation is able to secure on unusually reasonable rate. This banquet Is not restricted to any class or sect and is open to all University men. One jnom l,er of tho international committee and also of the state committee will be . pieseut. Manifolding and typewriting. See Kd Affolter, check room, basement Unl hall. University rates. Elliott's Suitorlum, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reasonable. 1136 O street. Both phones. The Good Health Cafe for tho no meat menu. Ask our patrons about it. Lincoln Transfer Co.; baggage. Phono 176. Lincoln Local Express, 1039 N street. Both phoneB. Cbanln Bros.. Florists. 127 So. 13th. Twenty-one meals for $3. Dormitory Cafe If you got It at Armstroiig's, it's right. Get tho best Henderson & AmeB uniforms, at Armstrongs. New York Boston and The East Fast daily train service via the Chicago & North- Western Nsilway, the double-track railway from the Missouri River to Chicago, connect- , injj at Chicngo with all lines for all points' East. The trains of the NorthWestern Line are most completely equipped for the safety and comfort of patrons. The Best of Everything Ti.rtcts anJ full Information on application to R. W. McGINNIS, Agont, 1024 O Street. Chicago & North-Western Railway NW4C0 Fat at the Unl Music Cafe. Eat at the Unl Music Cafe.