i m i in iT "1-1' "' ill' I' ' i'i i I it m N iiMrnnwnTr"" ' Aii. (T be Dailp Bebr aohan i mp.. fc Ce jDaip Uibraskan A conaolldntlon of Tho Hnrporlnii, Vol. 01, Tho Ntibnwkiui, Vol, 10 Sonrlot nnd Orum, Vol. i. Published dnllj, oxoopt Bxindny nnd Monday, At tljo Unlvornlty of Nobrimkiv, Lincoln, Not) . by tho HoBporinn PuhllHhlnR Co BoAnn Or lnnrcoTonfl ProfwHoni .T. I. Wyor, nnd C. It. Richard : II. P. Lonvltt John WoHtovor B. U. Walton. BdltoT-ln-Ohlof AMolato BdltoJ llanftRor Am't. Mnnngor Olroulntor Aflflt Athlotlo Soototy II. G. Myorn Prod A. Rwooloy D. P. DoYounff A. Q. Sohrolbor Prod NiURhton Wnltor E. 8tnndovon STAFF B. A. VnnOrsdol Mlfw Minnie Hlllor REPORTERS A. F. MttRdanE, Stoto Farm Editorial Roomn and Bunlnona Off Joo U 21 IX Pout Offloo Station A. Llnooln, Nobr. In deciding for whom to voto each man In tho flold should bo given considera tion. Personal -prejudice should bo put apldo, for tho time, and tho good of the class and tho University borno In rr.lnd. It quito often happens that tho candidates for president of one class .nro tho men choBon by certain factions or cliques, and arc not the men for the plnco. It quito often happons, too, that tho best' men In tho class aro some what averse to mixing up In class poli tics to tho extent of allowing their names to bo placed on tho list of presidential candidates. If tho bcBt men aro not In the flold It Is up to tho members of tho varlouB classes to see trat they got In tho field, and that they aro olected. A good class president can do his class, and tho University, an ln oitlmablo amount of good, but a class would better novor organize than put at Its hoad an Incapable man. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic 1528 Automatic 2365. Babaorlption Prlco, $2 por yonr, In advanoo Bntorod nt tho poRtofHoo at Lincoln, Nob., an Bonond-olow mall mattor undor tho act of oonRroHH of March 0, 1870. Individual notlcm will bo oharod for at the rate of 10 cunt for oaoh liiHortlon. Faculty, departmental and nnlvornlty bulletins will gladly 1)0 publlnhod f reo, an horotoforn. flUIlHOIUIIKRH' KOTICK. Unions wo nro notified to dlncontlnuo the paper for tho second HemoHter, we will oontlnuo to send It to nil proHent sabiorlbora during tho rent of the school year. Sabiiorlberit nro enrnoittly requested to oo-opornto with uh In thin ninttor, nnd If the paper Is not rionlrod for the next semester, to kindly notify tho imitiugo ii) out. Telephone Auto li'ZH night phone, Auto 2:t(15. OHlcc, IJnl. Hull. IComii 2 1 O, nitoihI Moor. Editorial Remarks This is the last issue of the Dally for the present semoster Tho next is kup will be Tuesday, .lanuaiy 31. Tho action of the Junior Laws in oting to take representation in the Sombrero shows the right kind of spir it. This year there has been moro or lees of ill feeling existing between tho men in the law college and the acad- At tho class meetings hold yesterday to discuss tho honor systom in its different lights tho solo objection brought up was tho necessity, if the mass meeting resolutions were adopted intact, of one student Informing on an other. Whero this honor systom is practiced with tho greatest success any cheating or other underhand mothods are immediately reported by tho stu dents. But it must bo remembered that whero these Bystoms aro most suc cessful they havo grown so by long practice. It must tako time and a far higher ideal than wo havo at present for ono of us to toll on another with out sovoro pangs of tho guilty con science of a "tattler." And yet what does tho silent passing by of cheating of ono student by another mean. It means a toleration of wrong; wrong to the cheater, and wrong to the Uni versity. That punishment Bhould fol low every instance of this evil is very doubtful. There may be, and often are extenuating clrcumstancos. But more often thoflo mitigating circumstances are wanting and the sin, at first small, grows to such proportions that it final ly cannot be checked. Often a word dropped, a hint given of what should be, Is of the greatest beneficial effect. This is tho ideal condition of things; the perfect operation of the honor sys tem. At Nebraska, however, these ideal conditions cannot be brought to pass In a single day. By the right kind of co-operation nearness to this ideal it it it n n n n it it n it UK itAittitildti iil(il(tilnlnlHt-H()l(jlnlntil( kkkkkkkkkkkk ttw k k kt ' 7 1 T T T T T i T T T T T T T T r f r 1 P I 1 1 'T I r n T m F i T "T "t I T T 'Ti Or f it it it I All Hats $2.50 INo More-No Less Every nobby hat that is originated is first shown at our store and for $2.50. THE $2.50 HAT STORE - 1140 O )( m m j(c m jh jh j r i r -r j jh jft jc 3f jic jf jc jc jic jic jfc j(c )f vtfC omica. By patronizing this academic! book tho law mon will add largely to tho gonoral interest of tho book and their action will go a long way toward re-cstnbl!8hing tho good feeling which should prevail. Tho first week of next semester thoro will bo four class presidents to bo elected, and already there aro moro aspirants for these; positions of honor than thoro aro positions. Campaigns aro being conducted by ardent support ers of tho various candidates, and close contests aro promised in most of tho cla8CB. Among tho various candidates tliere aro, of course, mon better fitted to servo as presidents, than others, and J state may bo attained, but It cannot bo by ono leap. Tho sentiment of every Btudent in tho University, with the good of his college at heart, sincerely favors reform, but this reform must grow to perfection. It cannot be forced In all tho ideality of perfection upon us. JOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO January the Best Time of the Whole Year in Which to Buy a Cloak Cheap Nor do you have to Belect from old styles but from tho best tho sea son affords. Every garment In our stock, with tho exception of a half dozen, is this season's purchase. There aro fully tnree months yot In which a winter coat will bo needed. Although we cannot say in what styles next seaaon'sgarments will bo shown, it is certain that thotour- jg 1st coats of this season will be good, as this was their first appoarance and tho hundreds sold will bo worn another year. Black tourist and dress coals worth $7.50 to $55.00, Now $5.63 to $41.25 Tourist coats in plain colors and fancy mixtures, worth $6 to $46, Now $4.50 to $33.75 MILLER & PAINE , rf-"k n. 4 14.U cz:.4-.. n .4.n fu .i (idi vy omit- ili on oia OOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXKXX55 30LSSmkJ jHH& i BV EVERY SUCCESS HAS ITS OWN COAL We have been very successful lo catering to weddings and parties where something EXTRA FINE Is wanted. Why can't we furnish you with your Groceries for ail occasions? KEYSTONE GROCERY 131 South 13th Street For something artistic and up-to-date try our Platinums Rates for Students 1029 O STREET KADIS, The Tailor Suits Mado to Ordor $16 and up. OloanluK, DyoliiK nnd Pi-ohhIiik Our Specialty Auto Phono 3579 1444 O Street LINCOLN MRS. J. W. PETRY BAKERY Wholesale and Retail . . . We Sell DOLLARS FOR NICKELS FRED A.POWELL Oliver Theatre Big., 135 N 13th Street SEE MANN, the Druggist For Perfumes and Fountain Pens 117 N 11th Street LINCOLN 234 So. 11th Street Boll Phono 504 Auto Phono 256-t Waiters' Bureau W. D. ORANT, Manager FiiHt CIiish Sorvico Guaranteed at all Rt'ception.s, Parties, Colations ami Banquots. For infor mation ring up 1218 0 Street Autcvhone 2349 It's "known as the best" tho Manhat tan shirt. Special sale on thorn closes Saturday evening at Paine's clothing store. A special pant sale Is now on a good time to buy panta. NOTICE. All write-ups of Seniors and pictures must bo in the hands of tho commit tee by Saturday or they will bo too late to got in tho Senior book. DIERK8 LUMBER COAL CO. BU Phn 8 ArtaUc 10 f Grif Kn-Greer Printing Company m o street Wedding Invlttin, Ball Program. nd all klnda of Commrlal PMnttna. R. H. GILLESPIE Phooe 1140 124 O Street Be sure to attend UNLAND'S Special Sale I $2.50 and $3.00 Hats $1.98 $1.50 to $2.50 Shirts $1.15 -Other Bargains see Bills 104:2 O Street J .m T-Sl mm C m ' t 4 I- 'i'T : g,toU, IWi it y ytiTi4Brfnfte.ijt',tr,ijay.rf'..,Tr.g5d v ..Jt i jjBBUt ;&,"- y irjw v ifL iii, .lE...g.;lltJlB9HgRfl..'jJ!l'.B'J.'lt;i