U-'u- vm Vf rfMHp?9f (CWjiipW'Ww .iHfW,t'tf!rtW'1",Wi ii 'f 'fjiir?"fa -(.r-i2sr' '-.y",v7, rrspHJJisw ' Tl v ' fljr?' if r. & VI y' , . - - . ff (Tbe JDafl? fUDraflftan tbe Daily Jltbraskan 0OOCX)OOOO0OOOOOOO0OO00OOOO0O0O0OO0CK)O0X00O0OO0OOOO MAGEE & DEEMER A connolldiitlon of Tlio Hiorlat, Vol. Ill, Tho NnbraHlmn, Vol, 10 Scarlet nnd Cronm, Vol. 4. w to- d 14. s i i r i . PuullHhcd clnlly, except Snndny nnd Monday, at I hi! Unlvirnlty of NcbnisUn, Lincoln, Nob. by tbu Hupciinn PubllnhiiiR Co., IJo An i) Or UiriECTonH ProfiwHorw J. I. Wyr, nnd C It. IMchnrdH: II. P. Lciivltt John Wcilovcr E. It. Walton. Frod A. Swixiloy D. P. DoYomiK A. U. Sohrolbor .Fred NmiRliton WiiUitB. Stnndovcn Kditor-ln Chief AhhoIbIo Kdltoa Mnnnjjor Am't. Miuingi-i Clrculntor STAFF AkM. Atlilotl It A. VnnOrwlol Sooct. MIih Minnie Hlllor REPORTERS II. H. Mui'H A F. MiiKdnir.. Htuto Farm IfclHoriul Hooiiih nnd Biwlnecn Offlco I) 2I11S Post Office Station A. Lincoln, Nobr. Telephone, Night Telephone Automatic 1528 Automatic 2365. Subscription Price, $2 per yenr, in udvnnco RnN'rwl nt the postoftlcc nt Lincoln, Neb , nn scconrt-eliiHH mill I mutter under the act of cohosh of Murch II, INTO. Indivldvuil not lei will be ehniKed for nt the rate of 10 centu for enolt insertion. Kacultv, departmental and university bulletins will Kindly bo published free, as heretofore .SUIlSCIUIIKltH' NOTICK. I'iiIchn we n ro iiotlllnd to tl lucent lime tho pnpor for tlm notiond om'Htcr, wo wilt continue to noiid It to nil pronont HubHcrlborn iliirliiR tlio ront of tho school yunr. MuImrrlborH uro eurnntly roquoHUiil to co-opcrnte with in In tills matter, and ir the paper Is not lelrcil for tlio next 41'iiiostcr, to kindly notify tlio iiianaco iiient. 'I'eleplionc Auto 15H: ulglit liotie. Auto liiKU. OHIce, fill. Hall. Kooiii :;ifl. ki'ciiiiiI floor. Editorial Remarks Out of mcr one hundred dollars whiili tin Junior ( lass lias had to stand to pay lor tlio tun that had in lir.niiiitf tin' raps of '07, 'all hut about twenty-livo dollais lias boon lolleited. The committee holding the sack Is con siderably relieved for the more nearly full this particular sack heroines, the lighter it seems. However, there is yet tho sum of twenty-live dollars to he raised, and 'Ofi must not think that her fun is entirely paid lor. This last portion of the debt will be raised, soon, ...A Great Sale of Men's High Grade Overcoats,,, ATA The mildness of the early season leaves our G'Coat stock unusually heavy. It is therefore imperative that prices be reduced correspond ingly low in order to move a greater number of coats than usual in a short space of time. We call especial attention to the fine coats heretofore selling at from $20 to $35, of which we show good assortments and the prices are ridiculously low, as follows: $35 and $30 Coats . $22.50 $27.50 and $25 Coats . $20 $22.50 and $20 Coats . $16 $18 and $16.50 Coats $13.50 If you are interested in a coat, even for next season, it will pay you to see and examine tliesc coats and prices. one MLlW pF 6 9 be taken awtiy lrom the lanipus it will In to the gient detriment of the here tolore none too lurRe gate receipts. I'En.-U'.OGK'AI. I'lUini.EM. The last meeting of the Prdugogii al i !ub for the present semebiej" was hold last ecning in V Ulli. Dr. Wollo. of th l.inioln high si I'ool, was the spi akor. This is prohabh the last pub lic address of Dr. Wolfe before his de pal turo for his new position in the Knhersity of Montana. His sttbjei t was "The Management of the Lincoln High School." The following were his chief points: First There should be considerable freedom of i hoice in the matter ot studies. Second -Hvery suhjei t should be the equivalent of every other subject in time required of the average pupil and in b unfits derived. Third The main purpose of discip line is to secure a favorable environ ment for intellectual and moral de- --:-fc- riign priceu underwear, as well as the cheaper kinds all kinds at great big eat 'em up" smash prices this week. ' Why, you can get a good winter union suit for 89c. THE $2.50 HAT STORE 1140 O J- V tf xlr 1 U s..- without a date, and tho fair name of I!l0( be left spotless as before. Again the great need for a new ath li'tie field Is emphasized. No place teems a tillable for the season's base ball games, unless it be the presont Held, which is much too small. The siheduling of baseball games has be gun In earnest, and tho management is confronted with a problem difficult to solve. Baseball needs everything pos sible in ib; favor to make it self sup porting and if our home games have to velonment. When the control comes from the teacher alone there Is an en vironment for intellectual develop ment, only. Moral development comes only wjien control comes from the pu pil. Self control is a condition of mor al growth. The main thought in discipline in tho Lincoln hfgh school is government by public sentiment. Take advantage of our special sub scription price and subscribe now for the Daily Nebraskan. The rest of the year only $1.00. The Uui. School of .Music Cafe. THERE IS NO Witch, ClooK o- ArHclo ol Jcwtlry TTE CANNOT REPAIR O. A. TucRor, Jeweler Ai O fcr-PUou. BUI 334. AuU J&34 STEINER-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. WhoIcit and Retail DRUGGISTS AirUroatl Phone J 707 IM O StMt LINCOLN. NEB. GEO. A. WILSON Contractor and Builder Xattmatci Pumlihcd upon Application, lob Work Promptly Atttndd to. 245 So. loth Lincoln. Nb, Waiters' Bureau W. I). (1RANT, Manager First Class Sen ire (iuarnntred ;it all Kerrptions, Parties, ColuLions ami Ranijuets. For infor illation ring up 1218 s,r"t Autophoiie 2349 We Sell DOLLARS FOR NICKELS FRED A. POWELL Oliver Theatre Big., 135 H 13th Street SEE MANN, the Druggist For Perfumes and Fountain Pens 111 N llth Street LINCOLN MMHMMHMHMIHM To California Whv'omnfrn1!?" Uiree d?yS from Unconwaf an agreeable change! h- e n ii re !llor,long moMths of wlntcr weather, when you ran leae it all and go to balmy California on a train like the Golden State Limited zurvcnlGnco'nKovR,ous hotei wheo'8-if Daily via El Paso anil the Southern Pacific thronuh New Mevbn J .""lerly jourso-qulckest way to reach the realm of Himer & or mile is a mile away from winter. , v.t,FiUl,i,!lflt,1,n,)OUt this traIu 'HI other service to California v ith booklet "The Golden State," promptly on request. '"""na, F H- BARNES, O. R. J. v 2 V 1; l 4 X A 'J ' .v.A tl 'I in , BSSXZSS&gZX ijueT" WVJI-Vg lv&"W ? . iWJ i.l H ' "41' -A