tojghtaSSS tlbe 2aih ftebraefcan v Vol. IV, No 69 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, JAN. J9, 1905. Price 5 Cents Nt ik (i ' iT5ri :v REGENTSREPORT The Excerpts are of University Interest. Tlie InHtltutloit In OntBrowInu ' I'rcs- t Fncllltlc. Considerable Hpaoe is devoted in this issue to extracts from the Seventeenth Biennial" report of the Doard of Re gents of the University to the gover nor. This report la accessible to every student, in the general library, but the items printed here are of such interept at to warrant their publication. The fact that nearly every department is asking; for increased facilities proves the growth of the University to have been very rapid. There is hardly a sin gle department that has not reported facilities inadequate tQ properly pro vide for the work in that department. In some departments, notably the agri cultural and that of physics, adequate facilities are now being provided, and every pressure is being brought to bear to reliove the strain in other depait ments. "The health of students has during the past two years been unusually good only two deaths having occurred, one ot these by accident." "The bound volumes added to the li brary during each of the past five years ending on Nov. 1, are as follows Date. By Purchase. By gift Total. 4700 5100 3575 4575 402 1 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 4090 28C2 30S0 3792 3372 004 2538 539 783 052 17158 5110 22271 "University athletics cannot continue to thrive without a new athletic field. The erection of the physics building on the old area has cut down Its di mentions to such an extent that effec tive baseball can no longer be played here. Much of the 111 luck that has be set us in football the past fall Is di rectly traceable to the cramped and otherwise unfavorable condition of our grounds. The sojl of the campus is not suitable either for diamond, for track, or for gridiron. Players have been constantly ou our hospital list this year on account of injuries received through" the roughness and fllnt-llke hardness of the soil en which they played. The ground is too hard to per mit fast-time by runners. The dia mond has to bo worked upon constant ly Jo Keep It In any 3ort of condition for the Mmlted uses of which it, h ca pable." "The-electlve system, operative in the-College of Literature, Science and the Arts, is disclosing some incidental defects. Though tlesB, easygoing, and Immature students make 111 choices of studies. A nlan to obviate this Infe licity has been proposed requiring ev . cry studeut to have a faculty adviser Vnd to consult him both In regard to tho student's courses in general and In regard to his particular studjes se mester by semester. In tho samo In terest a classification of all courses as majors and minors, with Insistence on a certain number of majors as neces .sary to a degree, Is favored by some. Neither of tho palliatives suggested has thus far secured a majority vote In the .collego faculty concerned, so that the Subject must ho urged upon them for further study." "Another phenomenon occasioning some concern Is the decreasing propor tion of men. as compared with women, taking academic and general courses. In liberal studies women are rapidly winning tho ascendant. Some very Im portant culture courses have scarcely a male member apiece. It Is not clear that tho change results wholly from the popular tendency of the day to tho so-called practical and tho material. cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdooooocx:oooooooooooockx)ooooooooooo Officers' Hop Fcaternity Hall, Friday, Feb. 3 EDDIE WALT'S ORCHESTRA TICKETS, $1.50 OOOOOCKXXX)CXDOCOOOCO We must inquire If other factors are not at work. Have our programs or methods of instruction been growing effeminate, appealing to routine indus try and memoritcr proficiency, discour aging independent icfiection and deep thought? Does our teaching lack spirit and unction? Is it richer In mechan ism and details than in life? The sub ject deserves careful investigation by a faculty committee. If present ten dencies continue, two schools will re sult, one for women, monopolizing the speelnlly educational and cultural sub jects, hltheito regarded as of the great est possible value In the development ot choice humanity, and the other for men, teaching only "bread and butter studios." The University could haidly suffer a worse calamity than a cleavage like this, If complete or even pro- .,i.,,.w.,l " j"The time has come lor more liberal icmunerntlon to the University Fac ulty, many of whose mcmbeis are re gal ded by authorities the country over as anions America's foremost teachers and specialists. "Professors have worked In Nebraska till their reputations were made, only to leave us for other universities bent on securing able men. Such gentlemen usually prefer to remain here, remov ing only because with us their future stems fiscally unpromising, while of fers from other states are generous. Nebraska cannot afford to let this brain leakage continue. The best teaching talent In the land Is none too good to Instruct Nebraska youth. "Our University pays heads of de partments lower salaries than any sim ilar state institution, perhaps $500 be lcw the average. "Since 18G5 and the salaries of our professors were ilxed at a later date general wages In the United States have steadily risen. So lar as this ad vance was due to fall in general prices, fixed incomes shared in it, but so far an the advance has been due to rise In money wages, fixed incomes have not shared. "It is thus obvious that most mem bers of our faculties are underpaid. In fact our salary schedule differs lit tle from that on which professors taught twenty-five years ago, when the University was an experiment, funds were meager and students numbered only a few hundred. This year the at tendance will probably reach 2700, while good buildings and modern ap paratus, -with superior teaching, mako tho University one or the choicest in the land, jl .position attained largely through the influence and reputation of teachers "serving on very small salar ies. Such efficiency on so low salary payments of course can not continue. The situation betrays bad policy as well as Injustice, as It must have the effect of weeding out our best talent. "Besides some increase to salaries provision ought to be made at once for certain additions to the teaching capa city of tl University. "That ho College of Law may bo made the greatest possible credit and benefit to the Stat it should at onco have an additional professor as well as a much larger sum for tho purchase of books. "The valuable Instruction already glve'h In tho history and criticism of the flnp arts should be amplified into a full professorship; and besides this, a professoisliip of architecture ostab- lished." MECHANIC ARTS. "The crowded condition of the De partments of Mechanical Engineering and of Mechanical Drawing and Ma chine Design., together with the lack of sufficient assistance, has made Inexpe dient any attempts to extend the use- lulnegs of the School of Mechanic Arts during the past two years. In the shops we are unable to accommodate all ot the regular engineering students, and the drawing rooms nre altogether inadequate for present needs. The short course in mechanic arts was ar ranged to accommodate students who are unprepared to enter, or who had not the time to complete one of the regular engineering couises. It was expected that this work should bo done without encroaching upon the higher work. "That the work ot the school is of value and Is In demand there Is no doubt, as is attested by the character ot the students in attendance in the past, and b the work don 3 by them after leaving school. With increased facil ilcs for Instruction, the usefulness of the school could be extended. However, considering present conditions, It Is a grave question whether it is not wis er to abandon the work of the school unless it can bo given reasonable sup- prrt and opportunities tor growth. "To provide for this work It Is nec essary that there be a larnolv In creased shop and drawing room equip ment, with a corps of competent In st rutois to take charge of the several technical and general subjects taught. In particular It Is iniportaut that per manent instructors in mathematics and English be provided. In English a new Instructor has been assigned each year, and In consequence there has been no continuity of work or method and much of this Instruction has been of little use to these classes. While better instruction has bee provided In math ematics than in English the work could hi improved if one capable instructor were placed in charge of the work of litth-wyear8. "It is to be hoped that In the near future some of the work In the second years of the course may be made elec tive, In order that the requirements of the students may bo fully met." LAW COLLEGE. "Our law library facilities are still very inadequate. The matriculation and diploma fees will suffice tojjeep up a -library, but they win not sunice to procure one. It Is not merely tfint modern methods of legal study require full sets ofreports for the iinmedlnte use of students. Tho student, If he Is to go to the bar fully equipped and Is to bo of service to the community because of his legal knowledge, should know the literature of tho law thor oughly. Ho should know what tho books are and should have handled them more or less, and thus have learned tholr value and application. With our present meager library Jt Is often Impossible to do creaitaoie work. The State Library, which Is enniniete and un-to-date. hannlly miti gates this difficulty In part, but tho habitual use of that library by stu dents is an expense to the state as well as an inconvenience to those for whom It is primarily Intended, and cannot (Continued on page four.) A MASS MEETING Chancellor Andrews and Prof. Wyer This Morning. 1M ii (torn of ('iitvtTHlly IntorpMt Will It I'rcarnUMl. A mass meeting of the whole stu dent body Is called this morning at 11 in Memorial hall. JiiBt what tho meet ing Is to bo called for Is not known Nothing could' bo learned as to its purpose at the executive office. Chan cellor Andrews and Professor Wyor are to address the meeting. Tho' noth ing would lie given out regarding the purpose of this meeting the vory fact ot Its being called so suddenly and that Chancellor Androws'ls to talk makes It certain that matters Of no lit tle moment will be presented. Every thing should be dropped at 11 and the chapel should be crowded. DR. FLING TALKS Student Action Against Cribbing Advised. The spat Its of the reform movement, kindled by Chancellor Andrews In his address at chapel Monday morning, have begun to burst out Into flame and the students and faculty are dls ( using the subject with tho greatest In terest. How to keep the students who cheat tioni cheating Is the theme and It Is (crtalnly of sufficient importance to demand the notice thnUt doos. Dr. Fling, in his class of method work In European history, gave up his regular lecture to discuss the sub ject, and his talk was well received by more than a hundred students who lis tened eagerly to his words. He emphasized that the ovil was cer tainly a deplorable and unsatisfactory one and was of the opinion that the only sure remedy to cure It was by the strength of the student body. Ho did not think that the movement should come fiom the faculty as much as from the students themselves. He thought,, that they should not tolcrnto such dis honesty among tlrolr neighbors and c'assmates and that they should ex pel them from their organizations If caught .gaining credits by such under handed methods. Dr. Fling furthermore urged that tliis matter should bo given tho strict est attention and that It would be"a noble step, Indeed, If the class organ izations would assume sufficient re sponsibility to appoint committees for investigating such matters, throughout the year, and, to recommend tho with drawal from the Unlvorslty of guilty members, if necessary. A general sentiment like that ho thoueht would soon stamn out the evil. Tho talk throughout was good and was silently applauded' by tho mombers of the class. "Professor Sweezey. The scientific stereoptlcon lecture of Prof. Sweezy at chapel yesterday morn ing Was well attended, especially by a large number of farmers, who came In from the farm where tho agricultural meetings are being held, to attend the exercises this morning. Some of the views that he had wore very plctur- onnun indeed while the others wero Scientific views of plants and their measurements, all of which were amy ollucidated by the speaker. Forbes' Stables, livery, cab .and bag-, gage servlco, 1125-31 P street. Bell phone, 550. Auto phone 1550. Union Shining Parlors. Shine, 5 Chairs for ladies. iuit u street. H I ... M" . ...v zrl:.