',,- ?.". . . 51 1 v ' ' it A ff h a? Y I I ttltfii A h n wrwK,wv.-ra . Campus Gleanings Tho Graduate club will bo enter tained by Mrs. and Mies Franklsh at tho Woman's Building next Saturday evening. V . X r i i fl Kow'ttf been ihrounh thu VOU know how seldom one find a collar and a cravat that will go well to gether. The main reason for this u that tho collar U cither just too big or just too (mall. Quarter Size COLLARS do not bind either cravat or neck. Tho original and best are Cluett. 25 cents each Arrow, 15c each, 2 for 25c Bold ererywfcer. CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. Makers of Cluett and Monarch Bhlrta. Sam Westerfield Proprlotor of Sam's Cafe Ltttlo Own Hot Wnfllos anrtPino Mualfi and Lunohos. 117-121 North 13 Street tbrlesB. Gregory ' (v.tta.'fi) tht Coalman u 1.. KO. 1044 O STRRBT The First National Bank of Uacte,Nfc. UNITBO VTATBt DBPOSITOUVs Capital I tROtOJl Surpltu ll,tM UnoirMtd prat . . jm 6. H. Burnham, Fim . J. lawyer, Vloa-Frsatdaai EL I. Frsemaa, Caifcia. H. B. Utsm, last Oaaaler. Frank Parka, Asat Oaaalat, P. R. Bastorday, Auditor. Columbia National Rant- 4ft 0F LINCOLN, Dame: & Nebraska Capital, $1(XM)00.00 Includes In the Now Edition 25,000 NE.W WORDS. Etc. New Gaxetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary Edltod by W.TJtIAttUI8. Ph.D., LL.D., U. b. Commlsslonor of Education. Tho Department of Botany sont off ull of the Nebraska Algae to an expert In tTilB branch of botany for study and education. 2380 Quarto Pages. Hew PUUi. 5000 Illustrations. ltMi niodlnr. Abo Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with lUlpe. 1100 Itliutmloas. BUo i 710iiH1' A 8pecla Thin Paper Bdltion De Luxe Printed from unspUU M regvUr txlUlun. Iihas limp corcr and round cornrra. Bko i B)Ji8tl. FREE, "A Test in Pronunciation," instruct lr and entertaining. Alio UliutnUed pamphlet. G. 6 C. ME.RRIAM CO. Publlahers, Springfield, Mass. Hovoral of tho botany peorle read papers this week beforo tho Stato Horticultural Socloty which meets at te Farm. MIbb Ruth Rouse of London, repre senting tho World's Studont Federa tion, will 1)0 here January 28-30 as a guest of tho two christian associations. In Nebraska hall the plastering fell from the colling cf ono of the rooms a (few days ago while the workmen were moving some heavy logs In tho mu seum. It made 11 "nasty mess." Cliancollor Andrews history of tho United States nas boon translated In the Russian language and will soon appear In Russia. The translation Is doiie by Miss Eugenie Hourwlch of New York city. The "IDnner Pall" preacher, who produced such an Impression lost year will deliver the address at the Men's mass meeting Sunday next. "Who's Qveer" Is the novel title of the address 0 this- well known speaker, Mr. Geo. j McNutt. Thursday evening at 7:30 sharp in the First Presbyterian church Dr. Francis W. Russell of St. oLuis will speak to college men. Members of tho association and others interested In Christian worki are expected1 to be there. After a brief talk by Dr. Rus sell, the ladles of tho church -will serve refreshments. The Latin club met last Monday ev ening at the home of Prof. Barber. A constitution was adopted and offi cers were elected. Miss Ruth Wood small was elected president and Mr. Frank Peterson secretary-treasurer. Miss Mabel Sterling and Miss Alma Vanderveer were elected members of the executive committee. At tho first mooting of the club Dr. Johnson's latin classs -will present a latin play. Tills will be held the second Tuesday In February. On next Thursday evening at tho First Presbyterian church there will bt a gathoring of all student young men lnterostod In Christian work for the purpose of meeting and hearing Dr. F. W. Russell, of St. Louis. Dr. Russell is an alumnus of tho Univer sity of Nebraska and has been a pastor at Boulder, the seat of tho University of Colorado. Ho Is In sympathy with university men and understands their problems. Members of the faculties of the university are cordially Invited. Refreshments will be served and the meeting will be entirely informal NOTICE. All write-ups of Seniors and pictures must bo in tho hands of the commit tee by Saturday or they will be too lato to get In the Senior book. Fresh homo-mado candies at Max woll'B, 1426 O St. and 13th and N Sts. Union Shining Parlors. Shine, 5c. Chairs for ladles. 1018 0 street. Oyster stew 25 conta at Cameron's new Restaurant, 119 South 12th. Got tho best Henderson & Ames uniforms, at Armstrongs. Armstrong Clothing Company, prac tical hatters. 'Lincoln Transfer Co.; baggage. Phono 176. Lincoln Local Express, 1039 N street Both phones. If you got it at Armstroug's, It's right. Shampooing, hairdresslng, Tho Fo-mous. Chanln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. a BETWEEN Chicago, St, Paul, Minneapolis, Council Bluffs and Omaha. EQUIPMENT RIGHT, TIME RIGHT, SERVICE RIGHT, ITS ALL RIGHT, CITY TICKET OFFICE 1512 FARNAM ST. UNION DEPOT OMAHA. "in? Better Investigate the merits and advantages offered by the various railway lines before purchasing tickets. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. has elcctaic-lifjhted trains, solid vestibufed, steam heated, equipped with every modern aafety device, heavy steel first-class road-bed and many other advantages. Write to F. A. NASH, Benenl Western Agent, 1524 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo fltftf Mltffltrftna lltrrnlnmta I l ! aIk wsrs, Cbimlcal Apparatus, 'ctumlcali, Photo liuiii ynu millBfl, rilld UISSSSS, nojKllOU il 9i i j?' ' ri"S'ai-"' ctmtras sra usid by oraioriss and ihtleirflnfflnlt- .- . ,.. UOTSr'Dt Dip'ti Hcund lbs World Catalog H5sPres Bausch & Lomb Opt Co. IlOCMESTBR. N. Y. ,NwYork Chlcno Boston I'nnkfurt. O'v PROSandW COMPUTE. DEBATES Our foreign policy, the cuTcocy, toe tariff, Im migration, high llcenss, woman suffrage, penny postage, transportation, truaU. department stores. municipal ownership of enjua irancuises, government control of telegraph. Botktldtt of the abort) and many other qutt iiant completely debated. Directions forprganitlng and conducting a debat ing; society, with by-laws and parliamentary rules. Price, At. 50 Postpaid. Cloih 469 Pages. SIHDS & NOBLE 31-33-33 West Iflth Street, N. Y. aty Sckoelbeokt of nil ftMithtri at H4 ttort. 0M5 HM AND Ltt HI cons n "w Book fiospltal R. H. QILLE3PIK Phona J 140 124 O Street 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IjTjnjra Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyono sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an lurontlon Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HAMBOOKan Patents sont f roc Oldest agency for seoirtnapatanis. Patents taken through Mnnn & Co. recelre tpeciol notice, without ohame, la the Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated weekly. J.arKst clr culatlon of anr sclontlflo lournaL Terms. tS a year: four months, SL Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.881BN6W York Branch Offloo. OK F 8U Washington, D. 0. ROSS ELECTRIC CO. 5K dcttia 3oppfTes, Wfniew Ug htla Blswkla Sigtu, " CamWaa'Uea FZalum, Drna- m House mi Steri Whlnj Ait IsWs f KsvjitsRaj,,, LINCOLM, HU We luve alwaya been known u ttm .,STUDENTy LAUNDRYss This season ws ars Uanjng out bu wasti than vr. Ws want yeut bustnsaa, YUU BROS.' HAND IAUHDRY Auto 2784 (GUO Street aaII7M Griftin-Greer Printing Company im o s and all Bests of Commsrdal r&tSiJ. M 'A iV W 1 r If 1 iV tfojiygg;"""" ' ' ' i's,' i"r. '" """ ; "r!!J liiti ttthSMMftia liit-XJU-iMSii i.t ,M i.iu.i urn " ! i f.m.1 ,M.).nSVvr ,i;tL"v".'iw' fc laWasMJaihMisi)i i i .' ' 'u'll'.g''''.'il;Li-i-i.i.-'l-L'-,gfll.l.l'!l.'' i'i '