The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 18, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Cbc Dailp nebraehan
e Daffy Uebraskan
i j
A consolidation of
Tho Hwoortnn, Vol. 01, Tho Nebrjmknn, Vol, JO
Sonrlot nnd Grenm, Vol. 4.
Published dully, oxoopt Bundny nnd Monday,
,t tho Unlv'5rHlty of Nnbrnakn, Lincoln, Neb.
by tho Hesperian PubllrthlnR Co.
Ikunn Or DmKOTonfl
ProfHora .1. I. Wyer, nnd 0. It. Richards .
II. P. Lenvltt
John WcHtovcr E. R. Walton.
AH)lnt Kllto.
Ass't. MnnnKer
Anst Athlotlr
II U. MyotH
Frod A. Hweeloy
D P DoYounK
A O. Sch roller
Krixl Nnughton
Wnlter E. Stnndcvun
R A VanOrwlol
MIhs Minnie fllller
A F MnRilnn? Htnto Farm
tutorial Rooms iinri Business Offloo U 21 1
Post Office Station A. Lincoln, Nebr.
Night Telephone
Automatic 1528
Automatic 2365.
Subscription Price, U per year, In advance
Entered at the postofllco at Lincoln, Neb ,
as second class mall matter under the not of
conRress of March U, 1870.
Who contribute Just as much to the
prestige of the University as do the
athleteB, Bhould be awarded a debating
"N." at the end of each debating season.
Commodious and Artistic Merits
Patronage of Students.
Tho bulletin committee and the Tem
ple Fund committee wilr meet at tho
Y. Wi C. A. room on Tuesday at 11
The big cabinet meeting will be held
at the association room on Friday ev
ening, Jan. 20, from G to 8.
Miss Rouse, general secretary of the
World's Federation of Christian asso
ciations, -will visit the University as
sociation next week, Jan. 28th to 30th.
Individual notices will be charged for at the
rate of 10 cents for eaoh insertion Faculty,
departmental and university bulletins will
Kindly be published f rec, as heretofore
Unions we lira notified to discontinue,
tho paper for tlio second Homester, no
will continue to send it to all present
HulMorlbors during tho rest of the Hchool
yonr. Hubscrlhors arc earnestly requested
to co-operate with im In this mutter, and
ir the paper Is not donlreil for tho next
Homester, to kindly notify the manage
ment. Telephone Auto lftliH; night
phone, Auto 2 3IM. Ofllee, I'nl. Ilifll,
Itoom VilO, second Moor.
Editorial Remarks
A wao of social reform has struck
the University sorority girl. Formid
able edicts have been sent forth to the
effect that the sorority girls of the
I'niveislty will not attend any class,
University or fraternity function on
school evenings. And as usual, the fair
coeds are deserving of praise. To take
this stand, to firmly resolve not to go,
is asked to some of these perfectly de
lightful class or fraternity parties, re
quires no little stamina, and raises the
possessors thereof grently in our esti
mation. Seriously, however, the action
taken In very commendable The work
in the University demands all the at
tention that can bo given, and anything
tending to detract from this attention
Is harmful, and should be frowned
down. No -temptations should be
placed in the way of the girls to make
them fail to keep their resolution.
University students and' organiza
tions will be pleased to learn that the
Lindell hotel management has recently
h stalled In their hotel a banquet room
nnd also a grill room which are the
finest In the west without a doubt.
The old ordinary which was once used
lor banquets, etc ' has been cut up and,
now will be found In its place the cozy
banquet room and the grill room.
The banquet room Is shut off from
all communication with the rest of the
hotel and Is entered by a swinging door
through the dining room. The furni
ture nnd wood trimming is all In Flem
ish Onk and as one outers from the
dining room nnd steps upon the soft
Axmlnster velvet carpet, he is at once
struck with the beauty and comfort
embodied in all he sees. Silk wall
paper (overs the walls and is given a
bl rlklng contrast by tho dork Flemish
Oak plate rnll which cmirdes the room
with its gorgeous display of fine plate
waie. The electric light fixtures are
beautifully deuuated with Oriental
hangings and when the lights are turn
ed on a most beautiful effect is pro
du( ed
In a corner of the room hangs a long
distance phone and everything about
the place gives the Impression of
beauty and comfort. It is an ideal
place for a banquet where there are not
more than fifty people in attendance,
nnd fraternities and other organiza
tions will be glnd to welcome the
innovation, as there has been a long
felt want for something of the kind
Adjoining the prraeni cafe has been
placed the grill room, finished nnd dec
orated in the same elegant rich style
as the banquet room. It has four pri
nte (ompartments which will accom
modate four or five persons' eneh and
two of them cm be thrown together so
ns to accommodate eight or ten per
sons it desired On each table in the
several ompai tments is placed a lo
cal and long distance telephone which
can be used at will by the guests It
is as swell, but decidedly different from
the cafe which it adjoins, and for
small parties which wibh to spend an
hour or so, or even an ( veiling together
at a little "feed" it is just the place.
The prices are also reasonable and
people who wish to spend only a mod
erate sum will receive the same cour
teous treatment
Students are well acquainted witlj
the mannor in which the Lindell does
things and will be glad to patronize
the place, as they are always sure of
the same treatment The management
of the Lindell has always done Its
part in supporting University affairs
and well deserve the patronage which it
I .-? sure to be accorded them in their
new enterprise.
A paper in the January "Arena"
which merits the careful attention of
Intelligent voters and students of po
litical economy is the discussion of
"The Postal Savings-Banks of Great
Britain and How the Government of
England Fosters Saving Among tho
Poor," which constitutes the second
paper In "The Arena's" series of inter
national contributions devoted to the
progress of advance democratic move
ments throughout the world. Tho au
thor Is one of the most eminent parlia
mentarian authorities on postal sub
jects In Groat Britain. Another con
tribution of special Interest to stu
dents of economic progress is from the
pen of Eltweed Pomeroy, A.M , presi
dent of the National Direct-Legislation
League, and Is entitled "Really Mas
ters." In it we have a graphic pen
picture of the progressive democratic
legislation recently enacted on the Pa
cific coast. In "The Struggle of Auto
cracy with Democracy in the Early
Days of the Republic" the well known
historian, E. P. Powell, appears In the
fiist of four contributions on the strug
gles between privileged interests and
free institutions from the birth of our
nation to the present time. One of
many popular features of "The Arena"
Is the presence of several full-pago por
traits printod1 on India-tint paper in
deep sepia ink. Among these are the
frontispiece, Mr. Rudolph Blanken
burg; an exceptionally fine portrait of
Governor Folk; and a portrait of Mrs.
Spencer Trask, who discusses the di
vorce problem at length from the view
point of a Christian woman. Another
illustrated feature is the sketch enti
tled "A Pioneer Newspaper Cartoon
ist," embodying a pen-picture of Chas.
L Barthalamew, letter known as
"Hart." No persons interested in clean
government, piogiesshe democracy oi
social righteousness should fail to read
the January "Arena."
The edition for 1 905 of the famous
Pojje Calendar pad is now ready. There
are many improvements over previous
issues and every person should have
one A memorandum leaf for every
day in the year. These calendar pads
can be had free at the stores of the
Pope Mfg. Co., or by mail on receipt of
five two cent stamps.
Pope Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn., 113
Siegel St., Chicago, 111.; 223 Columbus
Ave., Boston, Mass.; 15 Snow St., Prov
idence, R. I.; 12 Warren St., New York,
N. Y.; Washington, D. C; 451 Mission
St , San rFancisco Cal.
Facial massage The Famous.
The Uni. School of Music .Cafe.
New York
Boston and
The East
Fast daily train service via the
Chicago & North- Western Railway,
the double-track railway from tho
Missouri River to Chicago, connect
ing at Chicago with all lines for
all points East. The trains of the
NorthWestera Line
are most completely equipped for the
safety and comfort of patrons.
The Best of Everything
Tickets anJ full Information on application to
R. W. McGINNIS, Agent,
1024 O Street.
Chicago & North-Western Railway
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You should have a Phonograph in
your home. Iet us sell you one on
easy payments.
Skates ground by electricity. Bicy
cle repairing. Athletic goods.
Girard Cycle G'mpy
J 304 O Street
At some universities the college let
ter, is. given as a reward for merit in
ilriobaMitKt Just as in athletics. Why not
give ''N.'s" to our debators? Surely
there Is not a branch of University ac
tivity 'that' has been more successful
' In the past few years. Since debating
' Was first placed upon the solid founda
' tion upon which it now rests at Ne
braska not a single victory has been
scored against us. One after another
our rivals' In Interstate debate have
gone dowu to defeat before arguments
which, in tho words of more judges
than one, have been nearly perfect.
Brain work, hard consistent brain
work, more wearing on a man, by far,
than any work in athletics, is neces-
sary to make a debating team, and it
Is no more than right that these men,
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
The Bible Study paity held at Mrs.
Hodgman's on Saturday evening anus
a jolly affair More than sixty girls
were present. After a few charades
had been played, four of the classes
gave stunts. Miss Brown's class pre
sented Ruth, Naomi and Orpah in a
tableau; Miss Nelson's class, the
"Three Wise Men" in a pantomime;
Miss Withers' class gave a short sug
gestive cantata, "The Ten Virgins,"
When the sliding doors were opened
for Miss Coppock's ( lass a screen of
daisies with face centers filled the
opening. "Sweet Bunch of Daisies"
wa ssung, accompanied by piano. On
being encored the girls sang "Te.i Lit
tle Indians," faces apearing and disap
pearing in the daisy centers as the
numbers In the song indicated
Refreshments were served and a few
songs were sung. The girls departed
feeling grateful to Mrs. Hodgman for
her hospitality and to the Bible class
committee for its work in planning this
good time for them
Noon leaders for this week are:
Monday Miss Elda Walker.
Tuesday Miss Withers.
Wednesday Miss Elda Walker.
Thursday Miss Watson.
Friday Miss Alice Agee
To California
In less than threo days from Lincoln what an agreeable chango!
Why endure throe more long months of winter weathor, when you can
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Every comfort and convenience asorgeous hotel on wheels If you
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Most southerly course quickest way to reach the realm of summer Ev
ery mllo Is a mllo away from winter.
Full Information about this train and other service to California
with booklet "The Golden State," promptly on request.