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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1905)
S aih IRebraefcan Vol. IV, iSTo. 68 UNIVERSn Y OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. J5, J905. Price 5 Cents HCICtt? V v, B- THE SENIORS MEET Chairman Ramsey Reports Play Committee. Decision. Adherent of Fowler Win Senior An nnal to bo Dedicated to Him. The Seniors held a well attended class meeting yesterday morning in U 106. Chairman Ramsey, of the play committee, reported that this commit tee had Anally decided upon the Senior play, and that they had further decided not to publish the name of the piece chosen until a few days before its ren dition, in the spring. The try-outs for places in the play will bo held every evening during examination week, from 7 to 9 in U 106, and every Senior that can is urged to make a trial. The men are especially wanted, as the cast in the play chosen Includes more men than women. The dato of the Senior "Prom," was discussed, but It was de cided to leave it for March 17th, that being the most favorable date. The matter of dedication of the Sen ior Annual was brought up and it was decided- to limit the names of the fac ulty considered for this honor to full professors, or others of higher office, eliminating all assistant professors, instructors, etc. From the start Pro tessors Fossler and Richards took the lead, the ballot resulting in Professor Richards f being Itf-the lead by a. few votes. The choice, however, was to be made between, the two receiving the most votes on the first ballot. The en tire strength of the engineers was thrown for Professor Richards, but the fact that Professor Fossler was more representative of the lilerary depart ments gave him the honor, the final vote being in his favor by a small majority. JUNIORS OPEN CAMPAIGN They Will Stir the Political Pot Vigorously. That there is going to be something doing at the Junior class election Id no longer questioned ly those who have got a whiff of the whi-Mvind campaign that hasbeen inaugurated In the past few days. The announcement ot the Soph political activities laet week must have opened I he eyes of-the Juniors who, it seems, immediately "opened a vigorous campaign and are now" doing Btrenuous political work. As yet, so far as can be ascertained, but two fellows have a presldeullal hoe buzzing in their "bonnets," and from the present out-look they pern mi will Te the only ones to enter the race. However, this is still qv.'le early in the game and several ambitious fellows may announce their candidacy in the week or more intervening thia and the time for election. The Sophomore committee to ar range for the party as instructed by the actions of the class at the last meeting deliberated on several differ ent plans yesterday morning and final ly decided to givo a play after which they would give an informal for those who -washed to "trip the light fantas tic." The feature of the evening will be masquerading. FARMERS FARE WELL Sturdy Yeomans are Friends of Agricultural College. The meetings of Organized Agricul ture have brought scores of farmers from all parts of the state to the Uni versity farm, and together vii t le 287 students in the school ot agrli ul turo give the grounds a very h .e!y ap pearance, to say the least. The 2 men, Who represent the moro progressive cl ement in our rural population, are an enthusiastic lot enthusiastic o'or thrt interests their ariou. organizations are aiming to advance. They urc alo proud of the University and arc 'ount ed among the moat loyal friends of the Institution, for they realize that through the efforts of the department of agriculture especially their occupa tion is not only raised to a higher level generally but is a'po made more remunerative. The officers and in structors at the school are pulling forth every effort to extend to the visitors a hearty welcome. The association of agricultural stu dents held their annual business meet ing in the judging pavilion at the farm Monday afternoon and elected officers for the ensuing year. Ralph H. Searle, class of '05, was elected .president. Ar rangements were also made for contin uing the publication of "Agriculture." In the evening a meeting was hold in memorial hall wliere addresses were delivered by Joseph E. Wing, of the Breeders' Gazette and O. B. Brodfute, of Ohio. The former gentleman with characteristic humor, talked on the subject, "Why a Bronco Bucks." The students "who labored with the questions of the Rhode's scholarship examination yesterday were Paul Wright of Wesleyan, Walter Smith of Grand Island and Edwin R. Guthrlt of the University of Nebraska. The first part of the examination comprised the translation of Latirr to English this morning from ten to twelve; the sec ond part was the translating English prose into Latin from' two to four this afternoon and the last was a general test In mathematics from five to seven this evening. The examination board comprised Miss Louise Pound of this University, Prof. Albaltln of Wesleyan and Professor Gllmore of Cotner. Those who wish to lern more of the vorld-wlde movement -of GhriBtian Mislsons will have an excellent oppor tunity to do so when Miss Ruth Rouse visits the University Jan. 28-30 Miss Rouse comeB from England as Travel ing Secretary of the Student Volunteer Movement, and has had more experi ence In work among students of vari ous countries than perhaps any other woman. If you have any question in regard to Christian or Missionary work be ready to ask It when Miss Rouse comes. She will bo glad to help you. At the meeting of tho Athletic Board on last evening -It was decided to give sweaters to the scrubs who had played on the squad for two years. Dr. Lees was appointed chairman of a commit tee to chooso the men. to whom sweat ers would be given. The number of sweaters to be given was limited to fourteen.' CANDIDATES NUMEROUS Extensive Preparations for An nual Athletic Tournaments. A good number of men r?port to Prof. Lane and Dr. Claip every day for work In preparation lor gymnaHlum team exercises on Feb. 22. This is the week following the Charter day oxer cises. The program on Feb. 22 will be the rogular semoster gymnasium exhi bition while the tryout proper will not come until three or four weeks later The four men making the best showing in this tryout will comprise the Ne braska gymnasium team to ropresent us In the Western Intercollegiate Gym nasium Association meet at Chicago University In the spring. These oxorclses will comprise work done on the horizontal and parallel bars, side horse and tumbling. There are four points on which the contest ants are judged. These are approach, form, stunt and dismount. There will be no cups given to the persons -winning first and second places as have been given on previous years. The reason for UiIb Is that the Athletic Board must liear the expense of sending the team io Chicago but they will give badges for the first three places. The Idea of giving an entertainment before the men go to Chicago is under consideration. If this entertainmont ia given the proceeds will be used to defray the expenses of the team. If sufficient money is raised at this enter tainment to cover all the expenses of the teamf cups will bo glyen by the Board for the winner of first and sec ond places in the contest. There is a chance for anyone who desires to try for the team as no ono has a place on the team cinched yet. Tho3e who attended the Sunday meeting of the Y. W. C. A. had a rare treat In the address of Dr. Swearlngen whose exceptional eloqueuco and ef fective argumentation make his points Impregnable. ,Jn announcing his subject, "Tho Leadership of Jesus Christ," the speak er stated his desire to prepare for tho mislsonary noon meetings of next week with Miss Rouse. He showed that the two essential elements of true lead ership arjfe strength and sympathy. As illustrating this principle he quoted David who possessed a happy combin ation of both these elements of lead ership, but tho reigns of DavltPs pre decessor, Saul, and1 of his successor, Solomon, where failures, because each of them lacked one of these elements. -The former, who stood with the com mon people, lacked strength, while the latter, who had marvelous executive ability, was without sympathy. Special music was given by the Messrs. Wallace and Higgins. Loving sympathy for MIsb AOman in her bereavement was expressed by a chain of prayer. Fifteen colored studentB at Mich igan are planning to establish a Greek letter fraternity. This will be tho first of bucIi societies ever estab lished. Forbes' Stables, livery, cab and bag gage sorvico, 1126-31 P street. Bell phone, 550. Auto phone 1550, NEBRASKA WINS Basketball Players Win Laurels From Omaha Team. 8coro 4 to 31 Flrt Contest In North ern Journoy Well Knrnetl Victory. Tho Nebraska basketball team won their first game in Its northern trip at Dmaha last night in defeating tho Y. M. C. A. players by a score of 24 to 21. The game throughout was very close ly contested, the Christiana putting up a good fight at overy Btage, making tho 'arslty team earn tho laurels they will carry with them on tholr northern Journoy. The Nebraska playors, how ever, showed up good through tho en tire game which, of course, aids mate rially In encouraging the team In tho series of contests that Ho bofore them. MAY GO EAST Nebraska Basketball Team Will Meet Big Nine Teams. Manager Beers has been negotiating with eastern teams in regard to an eastern trip for the basketball team. If plans maturo this trip will be taken about tho first of March. Tho teams vtlth whom Nebraska would likely play on this trip are Lawrence University, Appleton, Business College, W&con Bln; Chicago University and Chicago Y. M. C. A. By this schedule Nebraska would meet two teams In the "Big Nine" and from the reports of the work of these teams this year they are exceptionally strong. In the Chicago Y. M. C. A. Nebraska would find a worthy opponent. It was this team that gave tho Sioux City Giants such a close rub for the championship at St. Louis last summer, in the basketball series. Should Nebraska make this trip it will bo over a now route and against new teams. A delegation of the most thoroughly representative University men which has ever attended a state Y. M. C. A. convention is in prospect for this year's gathering at Grand Island1 Feb ruary 16 to 19 inclusive. Full partic ulars may bo secured from tho general secretary. A. reduced rate on tho rail roads has been secured and the trip can be made at a vory slight expense Grand Island1 men who are Interested in this work would do well to see the general secretary concerning this big convention, and a trip to their home town. These university men who may be able to go to Grand Island, are asked to talk tho matter over with some of the association officers. There was some difficulty on Thurs day evening at the Wesleyan-Nebraska. game in rogard to reserved scats. Tho game was advertised for 8:30 p. m but from some mistaken ldea-a largo crowd was at the armory before 8:00. Tho ushers not being there to take care of the crowd as a result tho reserved seats wero all taken by these early comers. ' At a, meeting of the Sigma Chi fra ternity last night Messrs. L. W. Tur ner, John WestoVer, George Bates, W. S. Day and J. L. Hersey were elected to membership. JM P m W'l'' , . s&y SfeSsssa 1