Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1905)
Hi m-r ,-y: m&3tysj0im WWBWWBW ''-""- "? ' Ti - - l(i ' Cc tillf Debt Nfta Senior clnaa moetlnp; U 106 It n. in. today. Important business. Full nt londancc lmpcratlvo. John O. Oakloy Ih qulto aorlously Pick nt tho Church house. X Kl Campus Gleanings WSKP ( (OLLARS are just wlmL u young mnn needs. 0 They give him a size between the one too big, or too little; in fact, your size. They are made in Cluett 2.l3c Urn i id or Arrow 15e Brand Ask Jin.v iiM-lntr tlcnlcr I duett, Pcabody & Co. I MoUcrH of Cluett and Monarch SlilrU Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sara's Cafe Lit I lc Gent riot Waffle and Kino Mu&Ih mid LtinohcK 117-121 North 13 Street Charles B. Gregory &5Ltht Coal Ulan NO. 1044 O 6TRKKT The First National Bank of UNffTBO STATBt DBPOSITOHVi OmIUI I 1M.0MJI OuryMa ...... - lvvMM UndlvMl petti . . M0Mt t. H. Burnham, PrW, A. I. tmirrvr, Vloa-PrtaMeai H. I. frMtnaa, Caafclw. M. ft. Brmns, Aatt Oataler. Frank Parka, Aaet, O&aatf. 9. a. Eattrd7, Auditor. Columbia National OaOJI OF NEBRASKA Capital. $100,000.00 JTxf'FTWrTti'iiW'ij Inctudoa in the New Cdltlon 25,000 NE.W WORDS. Etc. New Gaxettoer of the World Now Biographical Dictionary IMlted by W.T. H AHUIS, Ph.D., I.L.I).. U. b. Commissioner of Kducutlon. 2380 Quirto Pages, 5000 Illustrations. Kiel, llln.llnin ai Webster's Collegiate Dictionary witu Illvlivajrt. lUMllluittattuu. HUo : 7il0xlri. A 8pecitd Thin Paper Edition De Luxe Printed from mine iUU rxfuUr i dlilim. It bin limp carer, mid round Hi.- , L '& 1,. FREE, "A Teat In Pronunciation," Irc and entertaining. AUo lllnitrated jKuophlrt.v G. & C. ME.RRIAM CO. Publishers, Springfield, Mass. R. F. Ptrry, '02, now with tho Cud nhy Packing Co., South Omahn, Ih vla ltlng University frlondfl. J. It. V'aRoy, '04, assistant principal of tho Pawnee City high school, visited the University yesterday. Ooo. D. SplUler, '01, now cngagod in the ptactlec of law at Ijiwronce, Kan., la in town on business. The Horbarlura received a couple- of packets of fungi within tho past fow dayH. One of these Is from Salt Lake City. A. J. Van Antwerp, an engineering student, left Friday for his homo at Broken Bow, whore ho has accepted th( deputyshlp In tho county super visor's office. The Cadet band, with August Mnge now lending, will play several nub bom at tho Olco club concorl February lGth, at the Oliver theater. The club is rehearsing threo times a week, and is gottlng into excollont shape. No out of town coucorts will be given until after the homo concert. Mr. L P. Tyuer, 1904, has resigned Lis position In the Univorsity library to accept a placo In Araorlcan National bank. Kansas City. His place on Uic library staff has boon filled by appoint ment of MIbb Mabel Brattle, a gradu ate of this university, and who has studied for the past year at the University. ORGANIZED AORICULTUHK. All classes have boon dismissed at the State Farm this woek on account o the program of organized agricul ture, which is being given this week. This program commences today and lasts until the 21st. Each day is set aside for the discussion of some par ticular phase of tho agriculture and stock raising problems. There are some very strong speakers on the pro gram, such as Chancellor K. Benj. Androws, Pros. O. S. Christy, Prof. A. E. Davisson, Dr. A. T. Peters and' Hon. Robert W. Furnas. These programs t&ke placo at University Farm with the excoptlon of the program this ev ening which is hold In Memorial hall chapel. Every student who has time to attend these will find the meetings very interesting. The Uni. School of Music Car Manicuring, hairtlresslng, shampoo ing and facial massage. Special at tention to students. The Famous Forlxis' Stables, livery, cub and bag gage service, llliC-31 P street. ill phone, rf0. Auto phone ir60. Fresh home-made candies at Max well's. Vr, O St. and 13th and N Sts. Union Shining Parlors. Shino, lie. Chairs for ladies. 1018 O street. 0stor stew 2I cents at Camcimis new Restaurant, 110 South 12th. Dinnexsnnd suppers $2.60 per week. The Home Cafe, 214 S. 12th. Got the best Henderson & Ames' uniforms, at Armstrongs. Armstrong Clothing Company, prac- ticannntoTsT Lincoln Transfer Co.; bf.ggas Phone 17C. Lincoln Local Express, 1030 N street. Both phones. " If you got it nt Armstrong's, it's right. Shampooing, hnlrdreusing, The Fo- ll'OUS. Chanin Bros.. Florists, 127 So. -43th. Facial massage Tho- Famous. The Uni. School of Music Cafe. Tt)e Rjglt Road BETWEEN Chicago, St, Paul, Minneapolis, Council Bluffs and Omaha. EQUIPMENT RIGHT, TIME RIGHT, SERVICE RIGHT. ITS ALL RIGHT, CITY TICKET OFFICE 1312 PARNAM ST. UNION DEPOT OMAHA. U i( Better Investigate the merits and advantages offered by the various railway lines before purchasing tickets The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. has electric-lighted trains, solid vestibuled, steam heated, equipped with every modern safety derice, heavy steel first-class road-bed and many other advantages. Write to F. A. HASH, Oineral Western Agent, 1524 Farnam Strut, OMAHA, NEB. CXXXXXXXXX)OCXXXX30COQQOO Oar MlcrtrtCOtlil. Mlrralnmx I ahnrttnrv nt..- wart. Chimlcil innr.ln rs.mi-.!. rt,i- ttnias and Shultef, FUld Obisti, Projection Apparatus, Photo-Micro Caraerat nrj uztii b IholewdlnRtab-,, oralcrUa and bonrni vep-tt Hn Round (he World Catalog EJ Pre Bausch S Lomb Opt. Co. Uui.iit.vri it. . Y. Nciv.iL CliU.ifo h tmi I rnkfiitt. I . y , PROS and CONS COMPLETL DF.DATCS Our foreiini ltulicy. the Turrcucy, tC- utitt.lin- inlgruiluu, Jicen.e, wotnau sulfr.vnc, penny Ktlaxe, tr.iiiM)rtntion, tmsU,tlcrurtiucn t sliu e, umuicipal owitctkhlp if irauchlnca, gotanntcnt control nl tvlcKniph leiii nitti nt t lie 4 bo mm mil ii v rlhtr mitt Horn completely deluteil. Directions lor orgaiiLLliiH and condudine ; deliat log society, with iy-lat and paillanurnt.iry i tiles. Price, $1.50 I'oiitpalU. C'lolfi -469 Pa km. 1INDS & NOBLE 31,33-35 Weit ICtlt Street, N. Y. City ScAroltocks of all jubiuktri at out ttort. HfY Tf hVl n m 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE jjjnjna Trade Marks Dcstans CoPVRfOHTS AC. Anyone bouoiuu n hkcicii ana aoeaipiiQn may acute special notice, without onnme, la tb quickly necortnln our opinion froo .111 nti sent f roe. Oldent naencr for Bccurlrur BatcnU. tavontlon is probnbly PAtentn.b& ComminAea. uoiiBniriciiroonoaomuu. mahUbwUL on latcma I'atouta taken tlirou Munn C. reocrtvc iO Scientific fltmrkan. A. handsomolr lilontratpd weekly. uuwuoii ui nuy ncionuuo Ijirycst Clr- Book BospitaJ R. H. GILLESPIE K"o 40 J24 0 Street lourn&L Vrmi. S3 a m . -.. ... -..; r: . " jnnr ; rour monma, f i. tjoia Dy rii nenaacuenu MUNN & Cor. New York llmnch Onico, 035 V 8U, WnghingtOB. P. C. ROSS ELECTRIC CO. S8J Ia.l Suppu,,. Windaw Llghtlrif ..HlMlric Slz,. aS ComWni FM.DraM ""--r House and Store Wiring All M f BlcvjrtR. uhcqlh, HBB We have alwaya been known u tm .STUDENTS bAUNDRY Thla aeaion nt arc turning out txttt -moA than ever. Wa want you, bualtuaa. YULE BROS.' HAND LAUNDRY Auto 2754 ISUOStrcat BU74 Griflin-Grccr Printing Company ostrert Wedding IarltaUaoa, Bait Paoauau f) 1 X i 9 jVCjl -!i. ' ri J IUk AV J i. I M ..-.I, ..I..., ... ' ,ft , '!'J. -. H"-.i,4Ji,HJfo?;"jr. qf t'i "t t1 J JS "f-- tm i.tfi.Mi'.".! " 'X ;a!..'.a. ""J . I A '.'' I I IH1MI r ',1