The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 17, 1905, Page 3, Image 3
Cbc Stilt WebrMn V tf "L, h .r'.-. BU31NE83 DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraska Advertisers, and to Mention the 'Paper While Doing So. AH.T OOCfeB Ross P. Curtice. BAKERY Mrs. Petry. nARBHU8HOP8. Tbn Artfrto, Oreon'o Ialaco and Mogul. 11ICYCLB6-ATH! J3TIC GOODS Si dles, Olrard. BOOKS-STATIONERY Corop, Lin coln Book Store. Unl. Bool Store, Brown Drug Co. DOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANKS Columbia National, Firat Na tional BOOKBINDI. 0 Qlllospic. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent BUSrNEJSS COLLEGELlncoln Busi ness College. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPBNTERGco. A. Wilson. CIGARS Fred A. Powell, Lindsay. CLEANERS AND DYERS Elliott, Sontuip & Wood. CLOTHING Arni6troug. Mageo & Decmor, Uuland. CO Air-Gregory. P. D. Smith, Wliito-bronst. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell. DANCING HALLFratornlty -Hall. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR & THROAT Dr. Woodard. ' DRUGGISTS Stoiner. Wocropcner, Brown, Mann, Rector, Harley. DRY GOODS Mlllor & Palnc. ELECTRICAL STTPPLIES Rosfi IDlcc trio Co. EXPRESS. Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudge &. Gucnzel. A. M. Davis, Hardy. FURRIER Steele. GROCERS Koyslono. HAUERDASHHRY $2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE -Rudge & GuoDzel, F. E. I.anr. HOTEI Lindoll. JEWELER Tucfcer, Wolff. E. Flem ing. LAUNDRIES -Yule Bros. LIVERY Forbes Stables. LUMBER Diorlte. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend, Hay den, Kennedy. PIANOS Robs P. Curtice Co. POOL AND BILLIARDS B. P. Pow ell. PRINTING George Bros., New Con tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, Grif fin &. Green RESTAURANTS Westerfleld. Home Cafe, Good Health. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium SHAMPOOING The Famous SHOES Sanderson. SHOE REPAIRING Null and McCoy. Blue Front Shop. SHINING PARLORUnion Shining Parlor. STENOGRAPHER Frank Er Lee. SUITORIUM Weber, TAILORS Oiii nd, Union College Tailors, Ludvrig. Kadis. TYPEWRITER Remington. WAITERS' BUREAU W. D. Grant. t-i i an ItroCi For Sale Only at Harley's - . VWfc "- M H "Bulletin TODAY. Hear Chancollor Andrews at chapel. Seniors meet 11 a. in., U 106. Sophomore clasH party committee meets In U 110. Bulletin commlttoo Y. W. C. A. rooms at 11 a. m. Nebraska State 8w4no Breeders' as sociation 9 a. m. at Unh'orslty Farm. Nerbaslta. State Horticultural Soci ety 10 a, m. University Farm. Nebraska State Board of Agriculture 4 p. m. in MemoHal hall. Nebraska State Poultry association 7:30 p. ra. U 106. JANUARY 17. Rhodes Scholarship .Examination. JANUARY 18. Nebraska Improvod Livo Stock Breeders' association University Farm ai 9 a. m. Nebraska State Horticultural Socl etl University Farm at 9 a. ra. Nebraska State Board of Agriculture University Farm at 10 a. m. JANUARY 19. . Nebraska Dairymen'H Association University Farm at 9:30 a. m. Nebraska' Corn Improvers' associa tion University Farm nt 9 a. m. National Duroc-Jorgcy. Recprd Asso ciation University Farm at 10 a. m. Nebraska State Veterinary Medical Aff-oclation Unhersity Farm at 11 a. m Nebraska State Horticultural Socioty University Farm at 9 a. m. Nebraska Park and Forestry Associ ation University Farm nt 1:30 p. m. Nebraska State" Board of Agriculture General Session Memorial hall at 7:30 P. ra. JANUARY 20. Nebraska Shorthorn Breeders' Asso ciation University Farm at 9:30 a. m. Nebraska Dairymen's Association at University Farm nt 9:30 a. m. Nebraska Corn Improvers' Associa tion University Farm at 9 a. m. JANUARY 21. Graduate Club meets with Miss Fianklsh at the University Women's building. JANUARY 23. Senior themes due. JANUIARY 27. Phi Gamma Delta informal dancing party at Walsh hall. JANUARY 2S. Huth Rouse lectures. FEBRUARY 3. Officers' Hop at Fraternity hall. Phi Gamma Delta annual "Pig Din ner" at the chapter house FEBRUARY 10. Junior Prom at Lincoln hotel. FEBRUARY 15. Charter day exercises. MARCH 17. Senior Prom at the Lincoln hotel. APRIL 3. Subject of second junior theme must bo submitted to tho department. APRIL 17. Second junior thomo due. NOTICE! Changes or ndditions In the arious courses of study to bo made next se mester must be published this week. No paper will be issued during exam atlon week. Take advantage of our special sub scription prlcc-amt-mibBcrlbe now for ,the Dalljr Nobraskan. Tho rest of the year only $1.00. Elliott's Sultorium, cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Prices reasonable. 1186 O street Both phones. Twonty-onc menhj for $3. Dormitory Cafe. For Purs see Stoele, 143 S. 12th St The Unl. School of Music Cafe. HIGH GRADE r iPicnKtqrifssuDD. urn nun um ' "-rdl H-" U " Ot-3 M N J 1anP, Drug Store, 11th and O. & Invited ffSlsTS mm 7V. G. WOLFF, , Crescent Bowling Alleys 1134 N TRY A TON Cardiff Coal $7.00 Satisfaction Guaranteed Whitebreast Co. s AiftV mmMmm -&. uiw rnuntwa; Z&&&8&&b&$&8Q JACOB NORTH 1118.1122 Printers and A list of University Class aurl'vriiicl) Sonlor Annual 1898 " " 1899 " " 1903 " " 1904 Law Annual, TH.H.UOH COUnSCS IN Bu3iNrss, Shorthand, "t yp. writing, telegraphy and Preparatory h pcricuccil U.chers l'ine Kqtnp menu. Cymiuuihim uorK AssUlmict in ifcuriiif; ixvtitioiis WcrrK Ui ciitii txunl Individual instructi .11. Filter iiiij timv. l:oiii lv mnil A1v!uiLik. ot n capital city. Write forCilnlufttK. No Lincoln Business College LINCOLN, Nf.HH VKKA Right Prices ..ON.. Welsbach Mantles, Welsbach Air Burner Gymnasium Suits, Track Suits, Sweaters. Bicycles and Repair, Phonographs. SIDLES CYCLE CO. 1317 0 St. I Xj&r You arc Jnvljod to our store. Wo have the kind of Jowqlry, Watches, Diamonds, Cut Glass and Sil verware that wo uro proud to show. We hope fo soo you within tho next few days. Ug South 13th Street. STREET "M"?'? OF For the Heating Stove or Your Money Refunded STREET Hk m ..&. . . . bkll cnurib 234 g AND COMPANY M Street Bookbinders Publications printed by Ub sjienlr for us. Sombrero, Glaaa af t89S " " 189B " " 1Q02 " " 1904 1898-1904 Waiters' Bureau W. D. GRANT, Manager First Class Service (luanintood at all KecontioiiH, Parties, Colationt and Banquets. For infor ination riiitf up 1218 0 Street telephone 2349 We Sell DOLLAFS F-OR NICKELS FRED A. POWELL Oliver Theatre Big., 135 H 13th Street STEINEB-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. WhelU uti VUtxM "w- DRUGGISTS Automatic Pionc 1707 1 Ui O Su4t I LINCOLN, NHB- 4u& one-ktip yourtdf IvoSbif aut, Pfitrenlzt tbt Weber Suitoritim CUtafnjr, Puln. Dylnt Rtpai, j,,r j v KtntllnK of Fine Clothi IM1I 7 Automatic I7M Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done. NUJLL cfe McCOY, 1B29 O 8treot SEE MANN, the Drvjjgist For Perfumes and ' Fountain Pens i 117 HI 1th Street LINCOLN OG O ? '.t Ji -r s -a rs