The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 17, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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tb Dally fttbraskan
A connoltdaton of
T1io1IoctIo; VoLOl.'TbOKwbrniJmn, Vol. 10
Sonrlot noA Orwun. Vol. 4.
PnUtshud dnlly, exempt Bundny wxl Monday,
t tho Oulverwlty of Nebrfwkn, Llaoolu, Nib.
I.y tho Hwportau PubllHhlnff 0.,
Bo-ino Or LnnFOTOiw
ProfMrn .T. I. Wyur, nod O. H. IlicWdf.:
II. I. Lrfmvflt
John Warttover B. IL Walton.
Axiftt Kdlto-i
AHt- Manner
AfiRt. Athletio
11. U. MyOTW
Frod A. Swooloy
D, P. DuYounK
A- O. Oohrolbor
Prnd Nnaffhton
Walter B. Buindovim
H A VnuOmlol
MIks Minnie Hlllor
A F. Matfdanz, Btato Farm
Kdltorlrtl Uoonw nml Bwrituw Of f loo U 1
Ftwt Offlco Station A. Lincoln, Nobr.
other quallflcationH or disqualifications
the raon sought for may havo which
niny fit or unfit them to ontcr college.
A man that enters school for football
baseball or track nlono puts the best
ho hna, and quite often all ho has, into
athletics, and when the opportunity to
dlHplay his athlotic ability 1b past he
in uflunJly a thing of tho post, too. If
a man enters school and pays for tho
privilege of playing football, if it be
football, by ono semester's creditable
work in his studies the chances are
groat that ho will stay after his athletic
work At leant it is far more probable
that a man willing to -work bard for
this nthHrtle privilege will remain in
the school longer than tho man who
comes and is catered to and fawned
upon in order to get him to play for
two short months. This probability,
strongly in favor of the one scmeator
man, should be enough to warrant the
careful consideration of this rule.
Night Telephone
Automatic 1528
Automatic 2365.
AnbVaiHptfbn Prico. J p"or yuir, In ndvnnoo
ItntTwl lit tho iKtofllco nt Lincoln, Nb.,
iw Hueond-olik'W mull rantt-or under tho net of
eontrrosHof MnrchU, 1S79.
Inritvfckuil notlcn will bo ohnrpwl for at thi
5ihMJ0 Hnw foe xoo nymrtion. . i-tuj
c&iArtK5ilthl,'nndvinlvorH bulletin
unto foe xoh lnwirtlon. . Kiumlty.
Kindly bo publlHhtxl f rvo, im herutofore
UttloM vr ro notified to dUooitthtuu
the pupor for tho necoud nomoHtor, wo
will ontlnuo to iiund It to iU prtmnnt
unliworlborH tliirluif tho ront of tho ehool
your. HnbuorlUor ro eurnontly requested
lb eo-nperfttd tilth n lit thin rantter, und
If tho pit per It not donlred for the next
rtneolor, to kindly notify tho niuiiABo
mnnl. Telophoito Auto 152H; nlht
phono, Auln SUO.I. Ofllr-. fill. Hull,
Itoom UIO, Hi'ooud llnor.
Editorial Remarks
The article, which appeared1 in the
Dally last woek regarding Capt
Chase ' refusal to excuse two basket
ball men, seems to have placed the
commandant in a wrong light. Theso
men were not refused excuse, but wtere
asked to report to tho commandant in
porbon, which thoy did not do. Disin
clination on tho commandant's part to
discuss the affair caused the misstate
ment regarding this to bo made. It
seems that theso mon would have been
excused, had they reported, and their
fullure to report resulted in their not
being excused.
Ouo week, and then examinations.
One week Is long enough for those on
the 'pushing' fonco to dm ide on which
hide of this structure they are going to
land. Ono week of hard earnest en
1 avor will go a long way -with in-
About two hundred people attended
the closing program of the art exhibit
last Saturday evening In splto of the
loss of the Stato Teachers' association,
the unusual shortness of the session,
and the unfavorable weather during
the last wook of the exhibit It has boon
a ery successful one and the expenses
have all been paid and enough money
cleared to purchaso another picture
loi the association collection which Is
alieady well advanced.
A short program was given consist
ing of talks by Inspector T. M. Hodg
mnn, S. L. Golsthardt. Will Maupin,
and President F. M. Hall.
Professor Hodgman reviewed tho
history of the association and tho
struggle that it has made to conduct
an annual exhibit in Lincoln.
Mr. Oelsthardt gave a short talk on
January the Best Time of the
Whole Year in Which to
Buy a Gloak Cheap
Nor do you havo to select from old styleB but from tho best tho Hon
on affords. Every garment in our stock, with tho oxcoptlon of half, a
dozen, is this season's purchaso. Thorc oro fully throo months yet In
which a winter coat will be needod. Although . wo cannot eay In what,
styles next soason's garments will be shown, It la certain that tho tour
ist coats of this season will bo good, as this was their first npponranc
and tho hundreds sold will bo worn another year.
ninck tourist and dross coats, worth $7.50 to $5o.G0.
Now $5.63 to $4f.25
Tourists coats in plain colois and fancy mixtures, worth ?G to $46
Now $4.50 to $33.75
Corner O enA 13th Streets
For first-class Tailoring:
at low prices, see Union
College Student Tailors.
Phones; Automatic 3255,
Bell J209. jt j j
Union College Tailors
South Ft mcc Colltge BuOflng
For something artistic and
up-to-date try our Platinums
Rates for Students
KADIS, The Tailor
Suits Made to Order $16 and up.
(.'Killing DjciiikuihI Pi-awing Our Hptc intt v
Auto Phono JJV.t
1441 O Street LINCOLN
ft -tHi()Hff HMKe -HvjMtB()t-M( ft - -frft
Underwear Sale this Week
Ye students should go against some of
69c union suits they are not hard on
the skin nor on the pocketbook.
The newest and finest Barber
Shop in Nebraska. Particu
lar attention given to face,
neck and scalp massaging, o
THE $2.50 HAT STORE 1140 O f
206 O St., Burr Block
Wholesale and
Retail . . .
J23- So. lit It Street
Doll Phono fl(J4 Anto Phone f(M
Contractor and Builder
UroaUa FumUlxd upon ApfiUct)ea.
ffc Work Promptly Attended tt.
I4S Oo. 10th Lincoln, Nk
itructore toward success. One week of
neglect and Inattention to duty will
ko forthor the other way.
The opinions of tho different mem
bers of the Athletic Board,-regarding
-the ono somcator rule, which wore
printed In Saturday's Issue, while not
unanimous In favor of this rule's
adoption are practically so. So gen
erally do these opinions favor tho
adoption of the rule In question that
tho statemout made by a local paper
that Nebraska Is against this rulo is
lroon false. This remedy is aimed
directly at the evil of scouring the
muntry, in tho fall especially, Un
promising football material Men aro
induced to enter school solely because
of reputations they have attained as
athletes, because of thels big muscle or
somo of tho pictures In the exhibit and
gavo special attention to the water
Mr. Maupin recited ono of his re
cent pooms, "A Picture of My Mother
When a Girl."
President Hall ended tho program
with a short rovlow of tho flnancail
condition of tho association. Tho ro
relpts of tho association during tho
past exhibit has been approximately
$J500, while Us expenses hase amount
ed to about $1050.
It has not been decided yot what
picture will be purchased with the
proceeds. No voto was taken and tho
matter of the purchase was left to the
board of directors.
The University of Indiana will send
an expedition to Spain next August to
observe a total solar eclipse. '
President Roosevelt will be asked to
dedicate the new athletic field at
To California
In leas than threo days from Lincolnwhat an agroeablc change!
Why enduro throo more long months of winter weather, when you can
leave it all and gp td balmy California on a train like tho
CT olden StateLimlted
ISvoty comfort and comonienco -awgeoiiH hotel on whools, if you
please expressly for you.
Dally via El Paso aud tho Southern Pacific through Now Mexico
.Most southerly coursequickest way to roach the realm of summer. Kv
ery mile is a mile away from winter.
Full information about this train and other service to California
vlth booklet "Tho Golden Stato," promptly on request.
IF. H- BRINE, C F A. g&r
Hut no regard is paid to Northwestern. .
4ldlniM ,W0'..",''lW'l'
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Jk.Sf-F - !'
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hpeedy legs