The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 17, 1905, Image 1

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Zhe Hatl$ IFlebraeftan
Vol. IV, No. 67
Price 5 Cents
Rapid Rise in Importance of this
Pitr.oHlnfl for Citri'jrlng on tliu Unrk
Hero Iualnnnt.
The rapid rise in importanco of the
engineering profession which lias tak
en place within a comparatively short
period, has nowhere been more thor
oughly aprpeciatcd than at the Uni
versity of Michigan. As the progress
of industry has every year attracted
more and more young men into the
various branches of engineering, the
University has kept pace with the de
mand for moro thorough instruction.
Tbc result is Hhown by the increased
enrollment in the engineering depart
ment, of which President Angcll, in his
annual report of tho Board of Regents,
speaks aa-follows:
"In the engineering department the
attendance rode from 009 in 1002-3
(which was a gain of 130 over that of
the preceding year) to 823, an increaso
of 114. And at this time there is a pros
pect that at least 1,000 students will be
registered In the department for three
or four years, the engineering students
will equal,-if not Surpass, those in the
literary department.
"And a similar tendency is obsoiv
ubie in all parts of tho country. Young
men are in great nurabors seoklng to
train themselves in the application of
the sciences to the practical artd, and
especially to those which we arc accus
tomed now to group under tho general
name of engineering. The stronger
technological departments in tho uni
versities are findwlng their resources
(axed to the utmost to accommodate
the rapidly increasing elassos. All this
ip due, no doubt, to the calls which
the recent extraordinary development
of our manufacturing industries Is
making for young men competent to
direct them and to the rapidity with
which the competent graduates of
thofe schools rise to well remunerated
and responsible positions in their pro
fessions. To niake adequate provisions
Tor the Instruction of these eager and
ambitious students Is a serious task for
uh and other institutions. For of all
education, that in science and Its ap
llcation is by far the most costly. We
have been, obliged to erect the largest
and most expensive building on our
grounds for the reception of these
hundreds of engineering students, and
tho proper equipment of it calls for an
immense outlay.
"To aid Jn providing for thin oujjay
would be one of the most welcome and
appropriate means in whieh some of
our great industrial companies, who
the ultimately to reap benefits from
this training of young men to assist
them- in 'their work, could supplement
the gifts of the state."
Since this report was filed Secretary
Wade has issued an official statement
of the enrollment for the present year,
which shows that on Oct. 8 there wore
955 students enrolled In the engineer
ing department. As the number last
year was 777, this indicates an lucreaso
of 178, tho largest Increase In any de
partment. The following is an article on Uni
versity of Michigan. Every statement
of this can be applied to the conditions
of all the engineering departments at
the University of Nebraska. The in
crease of students for the past live
yearn has been equally as rapid as at
Michigan yet no provision has been
made for taking care of this increase
Id the way of moro room or any great
amount of equipment.
Co-Ed's Coolness Prevents Great
The bravery and coolness of tho dor.
n'itory girls was severely tested yes
terday noon by a flit) which broke out
In a front room in the dormitory.
Miss Oomberg, who occupies this room,
had an oil stove lit and tho blaze from
the stove found its way to the curtains
and other draperies in the room. The
girls in the dining room below were
first aware of tho fire by seeing blazing
sola pillows, curtains, etc., falling like
stare from above. A fire alarm was
turned in Immediately, but tho blaze
was extinguished before tho fire de
partment arrived. Miss Harman, with
exceptional coolness, entered tho
burning room, and tore down the cur
tains, throwing the pillows, rugs, etc.,
out .of the window. Miss Herman's
hair was badly singed, but her efforts
woio successful, and the fire was put
out. Tho furniture pillows, pictures
and curtains in the room wero com
pletely destroyed. But for Miss Hnr
man'.s braery the flames would bavii
gained greater headway, and mudh
greater damage would have resulted.
"Auto" Demonstrated.
Last Thursday the class in Tele
phonos was favored by a demonstration
of the automatic telephone exchange
by Mr. 11. S. G. Hurlburt. The appara
tus consisting of two selectors and one
connector, kindly loaned by the Lin
coln Telephone Co., was set up by Mr.
Hurlburt and Mr. Smith, of tho above
company and demonstrated very clear
ly tho operation of the Strowger auto
matic system
The K. K. bon were benefited greatly,
bly this demonstration and are look
ing lorward to the time when there
will be a similar system upon the
campus to experiment with.
Of the present needs of the Univer
sity 'prehaps' none is more pressing
than the lighting problem.
At present, during the Art exhibit.
78 electrical house power are being
furnished which means that nearly all
of the available energy Is being util
ised. What will be done when the
lights are Installed In tho nejy. physics
building and chemical laboratory?
Obviouply new equipment is impera
tive. - --- --.,
Junior Prom
Lincoln Hotel,
Eddie Walt's Fll
Chancellor Andrews Scores The
Underhand Methods.
Hetrrc I'tti:l t l-f to lio M-mI Out lo tlio
dallt jr.
At Convocation yesterday morning
Chancellor Andrews discussed tho re
cent cases of plagiarism disclosed in tho
Rhetoric department. His earnest
words wore received with marked at
tention and ovident respect by the
many students who hoard him nnd the
applause when ho ended was proof
that the course of administration in
dealing severely with theso cases
moots the aprpoval of every honest aud
loyal momber of our University.
Dr. Andrew) first read an extract
fiom the "Michigan Daily" concerning
the expulsion from Iowa University of
a student on account of plagiarizing an
oration. He then went on to say that
a number of students at this school
have been expelled for the same cause
during tho past fow weeks and that
most of his time has been taken up In
llfteniug to tho pleas of them and their
friends. He said:
"Cribbing contains all the essential
moral turpitude and basoness of both
stealing and lying. It Is stoallng be
cause by means of it a student obtains
University credit, which is a tangible
commodity, a means wheroby many
positions are obtained as teachers or
experts. It is lying because it is an
attempt to make an instructor believe
that work has been done which in
reality has not.
"Plagiarism Is a social fault, injuring
the whole community. In a great Uni
versity such as ours written work has
to be dopended upon nlmost entirely
to show the progress and knowledge of
the student, and if written work falls,
the whole system fallB. I would rather
see incendiarism than plagiarism, for
tin latter is the most serious crime
tl'.at can be committed against the
"Uut this fault injures tho student
himself most of all. What arc you
hero for If not to lcar.i something?
And why-do you take Rhetoric if not
to loam to write your mother tongue?
Dy handing in copied work you pre
vent the Instructor from correcting
your faults, and thus make advance
ment Impossible."
Chancellor Andrews referred to the
excuses that had been offered by stu
donts convicted of plagiarism. One
joung lady said that she thought the
instructor would know enough to per
iole that the work she handed In
was not her own, and so there would
February 10
Tickets, $2.50
not bo any harm In it. Othenv said
that they had boon ruBhed for tlmo and
and had not had au opportunity to do
tin work thomHolvos. But tho Chan
ci llor admitted only ouo excuse to bo
partly valid, that Instructors in. refer
ring students to authorities hod- not
been sufficiently definite aB to whoth
er a reproduction or 'tho reAulU of the
mental reaction after reading the ar
ticle was deBlred.
The Chancellor rcforiod to the crit
icism that had been made of tbo sovoro
action of the administration In dealing
with these cases. But be thought that
r theso critics wore to place thorn
scIvob in his place, they would sco
that if the Univorslty was to strike at
any infringement of rules- or at any
moral dereliction it mint striko at this
fault first of all. And in conclusion
ho emphasized his position, andu said
that as long as he remained at tho
head of tho University no plagiarist
need expect any but the most sovore
mensures If detected.
The Basketball Men Leave This
Evening at 6 O'clock.
This evening at six o'clock thebus
ketball team leavos over tho B. &. M.
for Omaha where they will play their
first game on tho trip north. On
Wednesday they play tbc Fort Dodge
Y. M. C. A. at Fort Dodge, Iowa, and
on Thursday night against 8battuck
Military Academy at Falrbault, Minn.
On Friday night and 8aturdny after
noon thoy play our old rival, tho Uni
versity of Minnesota. Wo have never
been able to lower Minnesota colors
in basketball, and their team this year
seems to at least equal those of the
Minnesota is considered one of tho
strongest teams in the west and on the
trip last year defeated many eastern
teams. But tho showing made by the
'varsity on last Thursday night against
Wesloynn gives Nebraska supporters
every reason to bolieve that their team
will stand a better chance or victory
this year than ever.
Dr. Clapj) will accompany tho team
and, act as referee in all tho games.
Tliffe following men will go north: Hoar
(utipt.). Bell, Mosor, Hagenslck, Bur
russ, Krako and Manager Beers.
It lb possible that a western trip will
bo made- by the team this year, gome
of tho western schools seem vory de
siious of making dates jyith Nebraska
but cannot give suffTelenTguaranteo to
make the trlp-a financial success.
Cheyenne nnd University of Colorado .
have glvon Manager Beer every assiir
rance that dates can be had with them
foi gomes. These are UUth strong
teams, especially Cheyenne, which has
an aggropation that play championship
ball. If Nebraska should make a trip
west several strong teams would; be
played and doubtless sovoral victories
added to the Nerbaska list.
Prof. F. E. Bolton, head of tho-department
of education of Iowa State
University, will lecture before our
Pedagogical club at an opon meeting in
tho near future. Prof. Bolton Is woll
known through his publications, es
pecially his book on the German school
system. In the International Education
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