VK- t Cbe ID ii i I p Ticbrnofian nv i n r; tht Daily Uzbraskan A oonsolldntlon of Tim Hreprliui, Vol. 31, Tho Nl)mknn, Vol. 10 .- Sou-lot and Cn-nm, Vol. i. PuMithed dally, oxoopt Bundny find Monday, ,it 0 Unlvontlty of Nohmflltii, Lincoln. Nb. I.y Jho Ih-Hnn PubllnhlnR Co., IIOAim Or UniroTorw Professor .f. I. Wycr, and O. It. lUchnrd: H. I. Iy4'(iitt John WrUovor It II. Wnlton. Hlltor-ln ChW'f .WKi(U KNt0.t Manner A-w't. MtujiK-i ('Irvuliitor Axt. Athlotl Soojoly 11, II. Myorn. Prod A. Swcoloy D. P. DuYoung A. O. Sohrulbor Fred Nnughton WnlU-r E Btundcvt-n STAFF R. A. VanOmlol MInh Mlnnln Hlllor REPORTERS A. F. Magtlunz, 8toto Farm tyclitorliil Rooiiih ami Ilurtlna Offlco U 211jJ " ' i;lwt. CJffio SUUiou A. Lincoln, Nbr. Telephtfnr, Night Telephone Automatic 1528 Automatic 2365. HuUsoripUon PriMt, $2 W ''. In udvatico Kntcml nt th- postoflloo nt Lincoln, Noli , im micond fhw.s mull mutter under the not of J-onRcfctf of Mntvh a, IStt. IndlidunlnotloM will boclmrnfd for nt the mtu of 10 oontrt for rooh inmirtlon. Faculty, dupurtmi'ntnl and unlvorKlty lmllxlins will Kindly bo publlHbod f rw, uh hcrotofon. HUIIKCUIHKUH' NOTICK. (.JuIonr wo nro notlllnd to illMcontlnuo Ilia pnpor for Llio nncoml nomt'Htiir, wo will otitatlium to anml it to nil prudent AUtjAcrltmM lnrlii(j tlio rest of tins noIiooI yonr. Hubucrlborn aro rttrucHtly rQuealMl l co-or"'rrtto with uh In tlilK mutter, and If ttiu pxpor Ik not iloslrtMl for tlio iiext Nrmetlfir, to kindly notify tlio itmimco mnnU THoplionn Auto l.TJS; nlfilit Uhonc, uto 2303. Olnor. I'nl. Hull, ltfom U 10,.NOrontl Hour Editorial Remarks Today is the last day of the Ait In hibit arid it will doubtless bo the most largely attended ono. The people who bttvo'Htteudod thin week hava been up lO'theaverago and if tomorrow does not fUl below the expectation of the. B. F. Davls'Tho proposed confer ence ralo requiring ouo Bomcster col lege attendance before participating In collcgo athletics will bo dlsadvantage oub to western collegoR. Tho obpoct of the rule 1b to prevont 'drumming' up athletes. Securing the services of men for athlotlcs alone, regardless of whether the man will ever, or cares to ever, become a Htudent. "If tho adoption of the rule would prevent this, then all who stand for clean athletics would say adopt It. Bat It will not. The 'drumming' season would only be changed to January in stead of September. If such methods on employed at all tho 'season' will not have much to do with stopping them. Tho rule will also operate to keep out of college athletes who are good students bocaubc they are com pelled to stay, in college ono year be fore being given recognition and allow ed to participate In th"ir favorite col lege snort. Many men, prominent as students and as athletes, have entered college as a wort of an ex erlment. They ipuld not have been persuaded to enter had it not been for their love of ath letic s, and had they been compelled to sere an apprenticeship of one year, all efforts lo get them to enter would probably have failed. The fait that the college will have an opportunity to test a nnn's student qualities if the rule is put Into force, has but little weight, for it is difficult to 03timate a freshman's real worth in one semes ter. It often takes years. The rule will hit the western college the hardest breathe of the scarcity of small col leges and preporatory schools near at hand from which the college draws its best men. Men who are not only ath letes but students. The eastern col lege can enter these men at any time mid by having them in th college four and one-half months can play them on their college teams. I do not think that tlwre are scriou.s enough evils existing nt the present to warrant .such an experiment as this rule. How ever, if the Conference udopts the rule Nebraska should fall In line." OOCX)OOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXX Fresh home-made candies at Max well's, 1126 O St. and 13th and N Sts. it . ' it it n -H 31 it. n n it H Some now Brown Soft Hals in "nifty" shapes came in last week The kind sizzles at $2.50. 3t THE $2.50 HAT STORE 1140 O fr-iHfr-frfrfrfr management It will be tho moBt prof itable of all. This exhibit Is, Indeed, a grand beauty treat, paintings of all nature aro represented thoro and It will certainly repay auyono to take ad antago of this tho last day. January the Best Time of the Whole Year in Which to Buy a Cloak Cheap Nor do you have to eoloct from old styles but fiom the host tho sea son affords. Every garmcut in our stock, with tho exception of half a dozen, is this season's purchase. There nro fully three montho yet In which a winter coat will bo needed. Although wo cannot say in -what styles next season's garments will be shewn, it is certain that tho tour ist coats of thiB season will be good, as this was tholr first appearance and thr hundreds sold will bo worn another year. niack tourist and dioss coaU?, worth $7.50 to J6G.0O. Now $5.63 to $41.25 '": TouriwtK routs in plain colors and fancy mixtures, worth "$(P(o$6 Now $4.50 to $33.75 MILLER & PAINE Corner O and 13th Street XXDOCOC Visiting and Address Cards Programs, Invitations and Correspondence Stationer GEORGE BROS. PRINTERS ; ' ' ' ' i Praternlty Building Wc also manufacture Advertising Buttons and Mirrors, "clephoncs: A34O1 340c Gbe fraternity BullMna Corner 18th and N 8trts Faulkner A Sharp, Prop. Special RUs for PriUrntty Diaui, Telephones: Automatic J 974, BU 97 RMnc, Automatic 1667, StU 87 STEINEfi-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. WhUaU ani RataB "; . DRUGGISTS Aotaut Phane 1 707 1 144 O Stmt UHCOLN.NBB. Jjcfycfafr For something artistic aud up-to-date try our Platinums Rates for Students. . . ... 1029 O STREET KADIS, The Tailor Suits Made to Order $15 and up, . Cleonin, DyeliiR aud Preelnir Oui'- Bpoclnlty. Auto l'huno 2579 ' 1444 Q Street . LINCOLN MRS. J. W. PETRY BAKERY Wholesale and Retail . . . 23-1- So. Uth Street Boll Phono 56-1 Auto Phono 66-1 GEO. A. WIL30N Contractor and Builder Kitimatca FurnliW upon Ayfllcatlaa. lab Wotk Promatly AttciUM t 940 So. loth Lincoln. Mat, Tho result of tho basketball game uaginst Wohloyau, tho overwhelming triumph over a team that defeated the Highland Park team, camo as a pleas ant BurprjHe to thcbaBketball support ers. It was expected that the 'varsity would win, but such a score was not looked for. If the number of points Wesloyan scored on fouls, however, Is any criterion, tho men must play cloaner ball. Games ae often won or lost just- by fouling, and the cleaner tho gamu wo play" tho better chauco we have of winning. Tho team will start nor Oi, nowover, with tho complete con fldonco of tho Unlvorsltjr, The usual large Friday morning au dience heard Mrs. Raymond's organ re cital yesterday morning. A different musical program had been arranged but did not materialize, and1 Mrs. Ray mond, over ready, prepared her pro gram at the last minute. Tho pieces played,' well calculated to bring out her ability, wore well received, especially the light airy Andante, with variations, by Haydon. So well was hor audience pleased the encores wore called for something quite unusual at an organ recital. NOTICE. Glee club photo at Townsenld's this afternoon at 2 sharp. Standing col lars, white ties. Mayor Bros., charge Glee club. t Hh jlrX B Mrs. Franktsh will entertain the graduate club o ftho University at the University Woman's building, 12th and Q streets, on Saturday evening, Janu ary 21. To California In less than.tbreo days from Lincoln what an agreeable change! Why endure threo more long months of winter weather, when you can leave it all and go to balmy California on a train like tho C olden State.Liimitedl Every comfort and convenience agorgeous hotel on wheels, if you i loase expressly for you. Dally via El Paso and tho Southern Pacific through Now "Moxico Most southerly course quickest way to reach tho realm of suramor Ev ery mile is a milo away from wiutor. Full Information about this train aud' othor service to California with booklet "The Golden Stato," promptly on request. )R. H- BRINEc. F A. y u f. ! A Y Y " i I r ' mi T-- r,( "TV; ,. v rtT,. ..,- b ktTt --?.., .- ...i rU f&titifofJir.Js , -; iSi,-' . v .-sistl-1 . ,r" 4J.A, my, ' a '&Z,it$Ki!.'? A&mx, ihV-.iMl&il' -iW