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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1905)
SyimF'w" .Nrnirjiy t r -O "-wT - in f t ( .! n- A tDbe Bails flebraekan -S Vol. IV, No. 66 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, JAN. J4, J 905. Price 5 Cents '?&W' ' ' B v ' V, .,., SUMMER SESSI ON Some Professional Plans Have Been Announced. - ----- --- --- i ---- Tim Oatilur or Course unl Inttrurlur Olvni. The marked gain iu attoudaaco, var iety thoroughness of courses, and qual ity of students shown In last year's summer school of the University, liaH encouraged botl faculty and regents toward still groatcr advancement. The regents and chancellor wore so well pleased with the results that an in creased appropriation has been made and InHpector T. M. Hjodgman re appointed director. The plana are fully tiiatured ia most Instances and provl BlonQlly moBo. to the- minutest-1 detail, Briefly the lending features nro, the course In superintendents conducted by" Superintendent W. L. Stephens of the .Lincoln city achools, assisted by able superintondentH from within and without tho state. The problems of school management will be treated hy pnotical , school executives. Oub very helpful nhu very attractive feature of tnlB course- wll bo the lectures by Dean Roscoo Pound on "Nebraska School .Laws." Last summer this course received an attendance of over s&Jyr It?laiflaijn'cl pflmarlly to meet the heeds of prospective superinten dents and principles ana it is Baio to pay that no course can be taken by University studonts contemplating teaching, which will compare with this in practical holpfulncsa. The course Is unique In this western country and ta a pet project of tho director's, who has long flt and has recently been even more U. ssed during his inspec torship, that green University grad uate may be long on theories, facts and methods, but very short In correct knowledge of men and students in high school work. Theso practical su perintendents will give heart to heart co'Sferentca'' showing- jusf'tho way in which they havo met tho concrete problems of tno executive. Superinten dent Stephens, assisted by Professor l.uckel, Is overcoming tho weaknesses displayed In the initial course last year and is planning a sewes ot lectures-In which there shall be no Overlapping- of subpects and which shall bo .wisely supplemented by library' reudiuga and round table conferences. In addition to this course Professor Luckey wiil offer three courses from his department most in demand by students. An innovation in this year's, program is the series of Saturday morning lectures opon to all members of the summer school without regis tration. Theso lectures wllf'o under the title "Dominent Notes In Modem Education" and will aim to give the recent developments, approval methods and deslrablo ends In Important depart ments of high Bchool worlL It Is ex pected that. -Dr. Q. E. Howard will sound tho noto of authority in history' teaching, Dr. E. A. Ross in recont so cial movements. Dr. G. W. A. Luckey in Education, Professor G. E. Barbor in Ancient Languages and "Professor Lawrence- Fosslor In Modern Lan guages. Thege'loetures nro expected to bev especially helpful to teachers and students slnco they will furnish, In clear and untechnlcal language, the final word of theso departments. The course of Illustrated evening lectures, which proved' so popular last year, will b continued this summer on each Fri day even)B of the session. It Is oxpectbd that Dr. E. H. Barbour, Dr. J. T. LeeB, Professor Lawtonce Fossler and Professor G. W. Swezey will constitute the lectures In this course. All else is of course subordinate In Importanco to tho character and var iety of thtt. courses offered by tho facr ulty. An unBunlly large number of j General Z T Sweeney Men's Mass Meeting;, Sunday at the Oliver Ail Men Cordially Invited DISCUSS p RULE The? Athletic Board Gives Its Views. Thti ICfTcctM of tho Conferr ne- flute, if whom will assist in this important work. The number of courses offered and tho Instructors- will be as follows: Dr. Luckey will give throe courses, Professor Candy three, Profossor Cald well two. Professor Perslugor two. Dr. Fling two, Dr. Bolton two, Dr. Condra two. Profossor l!arbertrco,'DritA:lmy- one, ir. unies- two, x'rorensor ruHHir two, Professor Dann two, Professor Stan two, Professor Pijur two. Profes sor Smith and Lion ono, probably Pro fessor Conklln two, Miss Howell tVo, and two courses In physical education, one for men and one for women, will also be given. ASKED TO RECONSIDER Law School Members Request This of Dean Pound. Lincoln, Jan. 13,, 1904. Hon. Iloscoe Pound.Doan of tho Col lego of Law, University of Nebraska: Sir:. Inasmuch as you have tondercd jour resignation as Dean of tho College of Law, we. tho students In mass moot ing assembled, desire to express our hearty appreciation of tho valuable services you havo rendered to tho nrhnnl nrwl P tho miCnlllnf fHrncfhlT Altothcr coiirso-offerodlr0p.-BrKvincn-yoU havo-wlwsyir hHd-for us as- Raymond in school music will bo a popular one among. Nebraska teachers. Heretofore the opportunity has not only been missing, bnt the proper teachqr has-also bcon wanting fOfijut a word' 'of 'dissent all will "agree tnat Mrs. Raymond Is the proper teacher for Uiis ncedod now course. Mrs. Brock and Miss Mundy will offer courses In drawing and china paint ing, which will be free courses. The director has strong expectations of an increased attendance over any previous summer session of the University. Stu dents can materially assist In spread ing Information among their frJondB of the state, The complete cotaloguc will be ready early )n February and will bo frooly distributed from the office to all desir ing it. Cen. Sweeney to Address Men. Gen. 'A. T. Sweeney, one of tho most prominent lecturora In tho country, will address tho men's meeting at the Oliver on the subject, "The Power of tho Gospel." Besides being a lecturer. Gen. Sweeney is a noted author and deplomat. He is tho author of "Un der Ten Flags," n book which has had a larg' ae. He has been ministor to Turkey and has held other important political positions. He is a member of Victoria Institute, Loudon. Insti tute of Christian Philosophy, New York, and tho National Geographical 8ociety, Washington. I). C. He was also a member of the Advisory Com mittee, World's Congress of Religions. At present he is commissioner of fish eries and game- for Indiana Some fino special music has been provided. The tfoTed Dunbar male quar tet of Chicago has been engaged to sing. All men are Invited. Doors are opc.i at .1:30 shifnv Admission free individuals. We would oxpruss, also, our confidence in your marked- abil ity, not only in tho capacity in wblch .you have sorfeithfully served, but'alsVr 1n your well-meritod standing' as a member of the bar, and wo realize that in your learning the institution, loth the itato and the student body suffer a material loss. It is the unanimous w.nao of the stu dents of this college, that wo request you to roconslder your resignation, shoiild such a courso not cause too great a personal sacrifice. Respectfully, J. D. RINGER. A. G. ABBOTT, MERLE S. BROWN. HfeAdjtf-lssIc Basketball Men Get Suits. New suits have been ordered for the basketball team. Thcbo suits will be on hand the tlrst of the week so tho men will havo them before starting north. The monogram on the jerseys will be tho same as on tho old suits. The men who get tho suits are Moser, Hoar, Bell, Hagenslck, Burruss. Krako, and Beers. These suits will add a great doal to the appearance of tho team on tho floor. New Course in Entomology. A new course 'in Butomology will be offered by the Department of Entomol ogy next semester. Tho courso will bo Intended to fit students for positions in government and experiment station work. Tho course as outlined will be a slx.hour (credit) course. Almost allof the work of the course -will bo Indl idual study in tho Entomology labor alory and also Hold work. The course p.clud,es systematic study of tho life histories and habits of various insects. their diseases, parasites and other ene m I e. Breeding cage experiments will be performed for the purpose of noting their methods of transformation, etc. The clnss will also spend considerable tjmc In field expeditions for the pur pose of seeing insects with their nat ural surroundings and for the purpose of learning possible methods of fight ing the destructive forms and the pro tection of the beneficial ones. Tho sub ject of the relation existing between insects and other animal forms will also constitute a portion of the work." The course will bo Entomology 12. Dr. C'lapp has divided this afternoon l.n to threo periods for tho different teams that desire to practice. The floor will be given over to the class basketball teams from 1:30 to 2:30. To the men practicing for Charter day from 2:30 to 3:30 and from 3:30 to 5:00 the 'varsity basketball team. The committee appointed by. Pres. Wolf of tho Sophomore class' to tako charge of the party that was voted In the meeting has been appointed and are requested to meet in U HO noxt, Tuesday mdriilng. Just what plans they will attempt to make a class f i-notion that all members will attend Is a matter of speculation but with the following committee in charge as se lected yesterday, there Is little ques tion but that something out of the or dinary will be tho product of their co-pperatlon: Miss Camllo Hall, Miss JobIc Frazier, Miss Elba Booso, Miss Anna Quonechek, Miss Helen Huse, Mr. James Bender, Mr. Clarence John sou and Mr. Aubono Lott. A groat deal of Interest lias- been aroused among the colleger of tho West In regard to the now rulo under consideration by the schools of tho conforouce. This rulo if passed will exclude all men from participating- in athletic contcsta who have not been in school for six roontha provlous to tho contest. Thinking It might be of interest to the University studonU to know how NebraB4astandHln'rig6rd'totnT&que-' tion, we bavo Delow tho opinions of tho members of tho athletic board-. Dr. Pound "I assume that Nebraska will fall In lino with any action taken by the Conference." Beers '.'Under cortain circumstances I think It wolud be all right but thero arc cases when it would1 keep good moo off the team when they dcelro to be on." Woods "It it in adopted fflBdull schools would'm&Ko7aneTfo&toiorce It'I think it would' bV a move in the direction of purifying athlotics. I think Nebraska would fall In lino with the Conference schools." Prof. Richards "I think it would be a good tiling and would abolish some of the questionable evils existing undor the prcsont conditions. But do not think it should go Into otfect for at least two years." Prof. Chatburn "1 am In favor of it for it would prevent the rushing of high school men into school for tho sole purposo of playing on tho toam." Lane "Prevents men from attending school just for tho football season. jAIbo privents- tho rushing)'. oft; h' school men Into the University. ' It makes study In the University tun primary object of every student" Dr. Loor "I am not in favqr of tho rule. I do not sec why men entering at the Unlyorslty who aro u. fltil6tly amateur and bona flde students should bo deprived from making tho toam." Dr. Dales "Whilo I havo givon the mattcr but littlo thought it scorns as if the ruling wuold bar many good mon entorlng from tho high school. Bnt It would be a good thing In rogard- to men who make It a husinoss to mi grate from ono school to anothor." Dr. Clapp "Tho rulo would cut out all 'ringers.' Men who mako it a busi ness to sec that othbrs ortfMiaJd'pay on a football team or otlier' atbl6t!c teams. The expense of keeping theso inoji in .school for a year would be too great and would bo given up by those encouraging thlB plan." C. T. Bor "Nebraska has never been guilty of proselyting and hence i the rulo would crdato n.o reform here. It would, howover, hamper ua because It would not make the freshmen ma terial available, which, in our ease, would- work a greater hardship than in the larger institutions wkoro there is always an abundance of material. I think tho proposed rule liadvltaor4gin iu petty jealousies between tbo con ference colleges, not in tho Interests or 'pure athletics,' but to helfr 'number one,' for this reason It will probably never be adopted.. If it shppld be adonjted Nebraska will doubtlessly; ac qulesc aff it has to Conference fuies in the past." . Dr. Clapp received a letter from, Prof. S. H. Barton, of Illinois, secretary of the Conference. In this letter it was his opinion that the rule would pass the Conference Manlcuriug, halrdresalng, shampoo ing and facial massage. Special at tention to students. Tho Famous. Forbes' Stablca4ivcry. cab and bag gage service, 112531 P street Bell phono, 550. Auto phone lfSO. MA .' i i ' 41 "il A , .'' jtti I 4 1 VI i -I 1 VT? i . j