The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 13, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Cbe all? Ti e b r a o h n n
Zhi Daily Ilebraskan
A consolidation of
Thn Hwiiorlnn, Vol. Bl. Thn Nebroflknn, Vol, 10
Scnrlot and Croam, Vol. 4.
PnliliRhod dally, oxcopt Sunday and Mondny,
At tho Unlvornlty of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nob.
by the Hcwporlan Publishing Co.,
UoAnn Or DinicoTonfl
ProfwworH J. I. Wyor, nnd C. R. Richard:
H. P. Unvltt
John Wcfltovtr K. R. Walton.
Bdltor-ln Ohlof
Amolato EditoJ
Ass't. Managor
Aunt. Athlotic
H. G. Myorn
Frod A. Bwooloy
D. P. DoYoung
A. O. Sohrolbor
Frod Naughton
Wnltor E. Standovon
R. A. VanOradol
Miss Mlnnlo ttlllor
A. F. Magdnnz, Stato Farm
Editorial Rooms and Bunlnora Office U 211H
PoHt Officio Station A. Lincoln, Nobr.
Night Telephone
Automatic J528
Automatic 2365.
Subscription Prioo, $2 pur yoar, in advanco
Entorod at tho postofflco at Lincoln, Nob.,
rh second-class mail niattor undor tho act of
congress of March 3, 1870.
Individual notices will w charged for at the
rato of 10 cents for cnoh Insertion. Faculty,
dopartmontnl and nnlvoralty Imllntlnn will
gladly bo publlRhivl f roo, aH heretofore.
Editorial Remarks
For tho Individual dooartments of
tho University, and tho University as
a whole, to do most effoctlve work co
operation Is necessary. It is natural
that Instructors In tho various depart
ments should think their own Bpeclal
phase of University work the most Im
portant, and that they should take tho
keenest Interest In their own lino of
work. But this Interest should not he
so great as to exclude a moderate In
terest In other branches of University
activity. Everyone must give a little,
and tako a Uttlo. Each must cater to
the other, and in turn be catered to.
Ever since tho present commandant as
sumed command of tho University
corps of cadets there has been friction
between that department and other de
partments, especially tho athlotic de
partment. Tho military drill Is an ex
cellent thing, and It is not the intention
to detract from hte merit of this de
partment. But no dopartmont is pre
eminent. No department is so neces
sary to tho University that the others
must always ho subordinated to It.
Yet this Idea of absolute pre-eminence
has permoated tho wholo military de
partment for tho past year. When any
concession has been obtained from tho
commandant it has only been after
bringing to bear ovory argument, and
thon tho concession has always been
begrudged. There are times when, in
the best interest of athletics, men
ought to bo excused for a time from
their military duties. To attain cham
pionship form in any branch of ath
letics takes a great deal of time and
labor and recognizing this all the de
partments, with the single exception of.
tho military are and have been will
ing to make reasonable arrangemonts
for the convenience of the athletes.
"When tho captain of tho basketball
team applied to tho head of the mili
tary department for a two days' leave
of absence from drill for two baskot
ball men, he was peremptorilly re
fused, and no pressure that could be
brought to bear altered tho command
ant's decision. WiBhing to publish
both sides of tho question, if there
were two sides to it, two of the Daily
reporters called upon tho commandant
yesterday morning for the purpose of
ascertaining his views. The views were
conspicuous by their absence. The
commandant's roticonce either means
that he has no reasons to adduce for
hib actions, or that in his military po
sition his actions as a "superior offi
cer" are nofto be questioned. But they
are being questioned, every day, by the
studonts not only among the cadets,
but among the others. By this time
Capt. Chase certainly should have
learned that his position is an unpop
ular one. By doing favors that he is
In a position to do the efficiency of his
corps of cadets would be increased
many fold, and interest in tho military
department raised to what it formerly
was. Now, however, instead of the ca
det corps of which we were once bo
proud and took a general interest, the
mention of tho military department
calls only to mind its unpopular head.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
The room committee will meet on
Friday, Jan. 13, trom 5 to G p. m.
Miss Howell leads the noon meeting
today, Friday. You are invited.
The Temple Fund committee- will
meet in the V. W. C. A. room on Tues
day, Jan. 17, at 11 o'clock a. m.
Be sure to attend
Special Sale
$2.50 and $3.00 Hats
$1.50 to $2.50 Shirts
Members of Bible study classes re
member the party to be held at Mrs.
Hodgman's, HUG L street, on Saturday
To ICalifornha
In less than three days from Lincoln what an agreeable change!
Why endure three more long months of winter weather, when you can
leave It all and go to balmy California on a train like the
C olden State Limited
Every comfort and convenience agorgeous hotel on wheelB, If you
plcaso expressly for you.
Daily via El Paso and the Southern Pacific through Now Mexico.
Most southerly course quickest way to reach the realm of summer. Ev
ery mile is a mile away from wintor.
Full Information about this train and1 other service to California,
with booklet "The Golden State," promptly on request.
Successor to
Tho P. D. Smith Coal Co. and Tldball-Marsh C.
Carry the be t grad t
of domestic
Amo whl h you
wil find tha
WYOMING LUMP at $8.50 and the best Colo
rado you ever used at $825. All kinds of steam
coal the best money can buy.
Office, 1140 O Street; Phones, BH 792, Auto. 3370
Yard, 6th and N Streets; Phone, Bell 329, Auto, 2339
Yard, 30th and N; Bdl Phone 382
For something artistic and
up-to-date try our Platinums
Rates for Students
In addressing the girls at the noon
meeting on Wednesday, Miss Douton
spoko of the necessity lor a Christian
to teed on the word of God. She sug
gested committing to memory spoclal
erses, or passages at definite times,
that one might have them in their lives
and ready to use as well.
KADIS, The Tailor
Suits Made to Order $15 and up.
Cloaning, Dyeing ami Pressing Our Specialty.
Auto Phono 2579
1444 O Street LINCOLN
The newest and finest Barber
Shop in Nebraska. Particu
lar attention given to face,
neck and scalp massaging, o
1206 O St., Burr Block
Drug Cutter
Dr. Swearingor, of the- First Presby
terlan church, will speak to Univer
sity girls pn Sunday at 3 p. m., U 10G.
Those who have heard Dr. Swearingor
need no special invitation. Be sure
to hear him. Mr. Hugh Wallace ,of
Omaha, will sing. Come, and hring a
friend with you.
Other Bargains see Bills
1042 O Street
On Thursday Mrs. Raymond urged
tho girls to cultivate a joyful spirit.
A healthy life is a joyful one. Keep
your ChrlBtlan life healthy. The lit
tle troubles of our lives are not worth
the unhappy time we give to thorn. Be
cheerful. These were some of the
thoughts sho gave.
Roller skating at tho Auditorium
still continues to interest University
people. Tho management Is always
ready to accommodate special parties
on its floors and if you care to have a
fine method of entertaining a crowd
see him.
Twice a year for the past 11 years we have given our Lincoln pat
rons an opportunity to wear a first-class tailor-made suit or overcoat
for a LOWER PRICE than they will a3k you for what they call a good
ready-made garment. On MONDAY, JAN1UARY 2 wo will again placo
our ENTIRE STOCK, any Suit or Overcoat in tho house,
made to YOUR measure, nothing reserved,
This is all that would ho necessary for us to say to those who hav
taken advantage of our sales In the past; hut we want to say to those
who have never yet given us a trial, WHY WE CAN SAVE YOU
MONEY. We have Three Largo Stores Lincoln, Omaha, and Cleve
land, Ohio. Mr. Herzog, is acknowledged hy mill men to he tho best
woolen buyer in the west. He buys large quantities and pays spot cash
for every yard of goods bought, which enables us to dress you for al
most us to dress you for almost one-half the price other merchant tail
ors ask you. Wo guarantee style and fit equal to tho best. Do you
know Jim Martin? He is our cutter. f
Fine Tailoring
1230 O St.
$20.00 P ,
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