.kjjv.t.i...'; hi tnr.i.1 iiiiMijii'JiMiwiwjlWWW '" '""t'l '"g'VJ 3H'' ,:Pv ' ; vl " V ,J tr kW, -h'M H ft be ft ail t n.e ftt, N Mil to : i' A, 4 H v It ' IT ! , l i 11 i. IV J i h ' i te 1 1 u foh - ... . . . "if a. ' -. .tJ KTi. - 13,.. T ; (-. r-rf vv .; ,' t f n Ay Quarter Size COLLARS luivc a alxc every tiunrtcr of nn Inrli "Ilita kWc one clmncv to wniro Ihntiierfci-t fit nml lt winch iniirkH tlic well mtulc H''"1 '",l tl, wrl! lroHrl trmn.Tlto lr k t of the Quarter .Si r Collar t on Hiiiinixcl Clueit r rent CUITT -ClIALTON Anaim Aixon Arrow two for ?3 fClltn 4 Announcements PioffW-or BoKBcy Is to speak on tho forc'Ht condUlonn in Kuiopo to the Forest club on Saturday evening nt 8 o'clock in 100m 102 of NebraHka hall. Forest club meets this evening at 8 o'clock in N. 102. Dr. C. E. Bessey will talk on tho subject "Some Kuropenn Forent Notes." The Y. W. C. A. will pie n party for the Illblo stud) student at 1420 1, htroot, Mis Hodgmnu'3 lesidonce, on January 14. Tho -meeting of the llotaalcal neml nar has been postponed until nevt Friday at 4 o'clock. Full announce ment will be mado lnUr. 'I lie only dlflcrciicc I in tlio iuilll In nil ele they nro nlkc. Cluctt.l'eabody & Co.- MnU;niof duett nndMonnn.-iiK' u' Sam Westerfield Pioii'('tor of Sam's Cafe Little lifliii Hot Waffle nnile'lim Meal ami Lunelle. I 17-121 North 13 t Strtt Tlic subjects for the Senior thomea which aro due Monday, January 23, must bo submitted to the rhetoric de pmtmont for approval not later than Monday, January 9. Campus Gleanings A Spanish club with 2fi memberH has been organized at Minnesota. Clark Uell, "01, last uai'H babeball mannger, is a campus visitor. J. It. Farnoy, 'OH ,1h visiting his I Delta -Tau brothers. CkarltsB. Gregory ( a. 0 n. '91 ) The Sigma Chid will give a darning party early In February nt Walsh hall. Airanguraenta for the Pushing Rilles Hop on Jan. 13th are now complete and the affair is an antuied suclch. !tS7.r. Chi Coal Wan HO 1044 O STRHBT The First National Bank of Uftceta. Neb. UNITED STATBt DEPOSITORY. Capital $ 2M.OO0JO Surplu 109.000.W UndlvMad profits . . M.MOt S. H. Burnham, Pre. A. J. 8awyr, Vlca-Pretldont. H. S. Freeman, Cuhler. H. B. Evttna, Asat Cashier. Frank Parks, Asst. Oaahler. P. R. Easterday, Auditor. Columbia National aHK t NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 .ilySMaigriiijigrAiw y aj Dr. Haibour lia.s rotiuned fiom his irit at the St I.ouls exposition and his doss in ideology 1 will meet in the rbapel a lusual "Klin" Ilnrnex is v Inking Lincoln li lends. Alter teaching for a year Kim Iihh beon reading law in his father's of- ti e at Norfolk (lood homes aie open tor "tudent help. See the Y Y. C A. secretary in the Association loom, 11:30 to 2-no o'clock dail. With thiity-four cnndldateK alieady out for appointment to positions on the debating squad, the members of the Dohating Hoard aie beginning to wonder how the judges at the prelim inaries are going to smvlve the lege The list does not. however, include an an ay ol poisons who could not In rea son he ;e to he appointed as used to be the case some yertrs ago when students made the priliminary debate a field duj to piac'tice on the long suffeilng judge-;. The average of the candidates. Fecre tarj Waldron sas. Is regaidtd a aboe that ot lecent years. Mr Derr, of tho Illinois State I'ni eisit. is a new instjuctor in the school ol agriculture. During the short co-use a rather strenuous life ib lorced upon the professors and lnstiuctors in the agi (cultural department and addi tional help is very welcome indeed. Minnesota has a faculty team of has. Uetball which can defeat any team of undei graduates in the university. Mlfcs Roma l.ovo and Mihs- Etta Sc-h nelder, both of Fremont, nic visit ing their Delta OammaKtsters. Included la tho Now E,dltltr 25.000 NE.W WORDS, Etc. Now Gazettoer of the World J9 Nca(v Blographloal Dictionary ZVIitolby Y.T.IIAUUIH, IMi.l) , I I..I)., IT. b. Coiumlssloner of Iiducuticui. 23S0 Qatrto Poees. 5000 Illustrations. N-TriU. Umn'n.lin- Alw Webster's Collesiato Dictionary n.iu t liiKXSt. ItW IliiutratU-u. 81;oi lilOlu. A Special Thin Paper Edition De Luxe lrfaa.irroinuitiUtci u retfnUr cdilUm. Ilbas fl tJMipyftrfTyaetliroqnJ coraw. 8U : Pig 1tc FllKBMATatLnPrtnunctatioa,"ln.trviol Iro oi cntrttnlo. 'AIM Uliutntcil jamptlMv a; 6 c, mekmam co. IfcUberjiaiJrlBgflcild. Mass. Zoological Club. The Unlvoraity Zoological club will nect this oening at 8 o'clock In the Zoological 1 ec tu re room, M 301. Prof .1. H. "Powers of Doano college, Crete, Nebr.. will discuss his experiments on the cauBcd and methods of the meta morphosis in salamanders. Profestor rowers' lecent piibllcatlons on this In tel eating topic have attracted wide at tention and his discussion tonight will undoubtedly bo of great value. Don't forget that the auditorium skating rink Js Btlll running In full blast. The floor la Qne. Lincoln Transfor Co.; baggag. Phono 17G. Lincoln Lpcal Express, 1030 N street Both phones. e Rjglt Road BETWEEN Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Council Bluffs and Omaha. EQUIPMENT RIGHT, TIME RIGHT, SERVICE RIGHT. ITS ALL RIGHT, CITY TICKET OFFICE 1512 FARNAM ST. UNION DEPOT OMAHA. ,.ft rf Better Investigate the merits and advantages offered by the various railway lines before purchasing tickets. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R.y. has electric-lighted trains, solid vestibuled, steam heated, equipped with every modern safety device, heavy steel first-class road-bed and many other advantages. Write to F. A. NASH, Gineral Western Agent, 1524 Farnam Stretf, OMAHA, NEB. )COOXXXCXXXXXXXXXXX)COOOOO Our MicrouoDii. Micrstctait. Liboralorr Glut- wart, Chemical Apparatus, Chtmlcili, fhalo itMit tna siunert, rttia uiosset, ItojocLon Afpirttjs, Photo-Micro Cimetat nro u:d b ihilttdlngUO-K- oritorlcTcnd Otm'Rt Dip'tiBWCT Bound the Werld Catalog Prea Bausch & Lomb Opt. Co. NcwYoiV. Chitao lSulii V-ian; fJtt. I y b ?j 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IjmTTn Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone Bonding a nketcb itnd doscr(ptlon may qnlcklr aacvrtnlti our opinion free whether an mmunk-A Patents itlon Is protmlily pntentRblo. Com strlctlrcontldenttal. HAHDwQK on froo. (Ildoat mronoy for KoctirTna p tonta tnken tliroutih Munn & Co. i( notice, without chanro. in tho Scientific American. na patent. k Co. reed re A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Spealdng of Speakers Most tic-ecr; one wool . , .!( l.f to -Ji-uLi.s '1 h' Ilrt Aim run t Ir.ilmn of 'li-i' . "l-.'i ) ulni) . Iiocu the l'-ipuLir NorU 15 1'mc 1 hut It itve 7 Arn l'rtzr J Jf) N.iI'kic lluil I! . 7,i. Ti.rh I-ii I'licsfor .' rt y Oiuiskhi ... 1 'Jil How to Altr.ul .tnc! Hi IJ an Aucllriic- ... 1.0 I I. r-.iiiint(, Uii '.nn.itluii- lur t ul!ei.r Mi i 1 U '1 h'er.Min itc Rr idint;fr Collej;i CuU 1 f II iilily l'i. to 'iptjL ( hi itfiitrale mr.i ) ' 0 A c ilet laiuati.iii Hook M) Kn' Somhcrti pruler IK' Nr.v UliIiikui i l'laj sffiui . hit , I r ) 1 oil Co nincm-tmcnt l'art iatittettit i niui'in) 1 fll I'fw jiul Cuns (niwff (-iiitl 1 fJI Inx'tthttniifti l'jrlumcntary Limit CO HINDS ft NOBLO, lubllhera '.1 'B'l Wni Ifiili ! Nr.w iiku C'nv .V ' oi'it-oi i 1 1 .i il,i s 'in s at i ne i.i ri Book Bospltal R, H. GILLE8PII Phon. JM0 )24 0 Street I.amcat clr- Tornis, J a niliitlon of niiT nclnntitin tournml ::77: .: " "'.r: .; .. . . :: 1 .'- yvar; lour nioniua, ti. boiu Dyail newmicaicni. MUNN 4 Co.8"""-. New York Uraucli Office, 025 F Bt WashlDRton. 1. C. T. J. THOBPE CO. Qenor'l MaohlnlBt IK(nWfer AU1 tpalra Locksmiths and Plates PVnccfU 309 So. Ith LINCOLN Auto 1292 Boll 147 SOUKUP & WOOD Expert Cleaners and Dyers 1320 N Stroot LINCOLN. NEI Gri!Rn-GrccrPrintii)a Company n 0 street .'rtll.Pww mrmm o uomaif rMst ftamt t(OaV i m s m r. M c A i' M ' e ..& i 1 y1 f W vj I Hi" t f I 7 '" 't r Mi' t V . i . -A &J t- - , la ' .JMH&.AJL$&Mk tU If' h .: t . J i . i..t.