The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 06, 1905, Image 1

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    t-r h . s.uv u ii .u vrfysrrrp
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Vol. IVN6. 60
Price 5 Cents
Satto m
It ;
The Athletic Contest as Usual
ln!the Armory.
MciIhIn V lit be Awnrdoil the NiH-i-fnitrul
On Feb. 10 the annual charter day
oxouises will be held In the armory.
Dr. Qlapp expects greater enthusiasm
in thct exercises this yoar than ever be
fore as many candidates are out for
work. The events are -an Interesting
list tor Indoor work and .close competi
tion ii 'promised in each. There aro
Home bpeedy men out practicing for the
dabhefc. These men practice under Dr.'
Clapp three times a week rft 4 o'clock.
Prof. I ane Is coaching his gym classes
ouce a week in rope climbing and
prei aring ,Jhe men for that event.
Tlo cvoritathls yejir will be the satne
as last. TJjbytar.e: '2p yarddash(polo
Vault, running ".high rJu nip, running
high kick, shot put, rope climb, fence
vault and inter-fraternity relay rade.
Theee eight ,evei)ts will give the dif
ferent men plenty, df Chance, to show
whafthey con dQ. '
Problibly the irioBt: "Interesting event
of the list will be the inter-fraternity
relay race as.thorevlll be many more
entries! 4b this eVent&liattiany other.
?h&oYtttas wdsJhrtfappa, Psi
ar asu nwyare again in tne
Held re
;ady to uphold the chamnionHhlfri'Of tcr -oxperiqn
oh fast ye&r.' Il Tsiftxpected that evAl
ery l'raternlty will enter a team and
should, give keen interest 4ind rivalry.
, The prizes this year wi1'bovthe same
as rn previous years. The winner of
first place receiving a siler medal 1
and second place receiving a bronze
medal. The fraternity winning the in
ter-fraternity relay race will receive a
banner , designating the time, .niaobl
ana iraverni,ty.winnrag mo-race.
Dr. Clapp wishes to announce that
all candidates desiring to take up the
work in preparation for this contest
meet with the regular 4 o'clock: gym.
class today. From this time on the
class will meet three days a'wteek on
Monday, WJedneeday and Friday at 4
o'clock until jes:onteHt comes off. If
it bec'omea;necearyihe raon will meet
on Tesdavarid Thursday at $ o'clock.
It lias been pretty definitely settled
that the proposed dual track meet with
Colorado will materialize. The Colo
rado team coming to Lincoln for the
, .r I m a A- I
try to win for its fraternity fhose hon
ors. AstbfB Is tlie;fp1nly5dn.tor-tratcr-"
Uity con test of tne TJnrverfilty "year it
ir Dates Made.
ij Manager Wllllnratf'oi the Glee clubj
,hasrjust returned from ;a week's trip
lirough the-Btate-wnerdvhe has heen
tmnklng dates for the Olee club to ap
pear. ,As the spring- vacation is the
TjTnly time Tvhon iUe"club.cajn mako out
6f town appbarauces,vManager "William's
" iyas restricted, to. the jgno Week, but he
t-ftns "audssfuf In securing dates for
jjfvery evening aurlng vacation. The
fc'hib will 'Blng at Auburn, Teeumseh,
Aurora, Y6rH, Grahd Island, Hastings,
. nairlurjvBe.ajtrice, etc.
i Breparatloris for the home concert
jjiU the-.OHer "aro going steadily on and
r)iis ;event promises to be most .suc-
Fll"'r , . -
- , ' '
Westover is llh
Yesterday John Weatover was sud-
irdenlv stricken with a severe attnnlf nt
appendicitis, and- is now confined to
.illls room. When last heard from he
M'as suffering little pain, and feeling
Snuch better.
Everytfilnrr nosslble is
i';' " w - -
I FreshhommadQi,pandies at
leH'staVQStUfid ISthvand N-Sts.
f' r r I
jhoing dpno by his physician to make gently begun to swing out of the mists
Sn 6peTaftonv' unnecessary1, hut iris'nofbf a'bfe'fogglug past into (he'Uo'aVen of
rUnown-yftk whether the knife will have n newer, day. all these and vastly. motjo
to le,usedpr)not. ) v . I we enjoyed to our heart's full brim. f
m -LL2- v V v-..v5We apont aweekMn detlghtful old
$i,00 will pay for the f)AILY NE
BRASKAN for the rest of the school
year . . .
An Interesting Letter Received
From Germany, j
Chancellor Androws. is'jiibt'ln receipt
of ta following letterirom MfUWallac?
who wa3 a member of tliOfJJnlvoralty
faculty in the English department last
. My Dear Chancellor: I am taking
the. Hberty of writing you a "word, feel
ing conuuc.u mat you win no giau, es
pecially at this Christmas season, to
near fiom a distant member, of your
large family.
We have seen so much, done K).'' 8 apparent that the appoarance of
much, lived so much In theso nast three' Fooler's Materials for Practical Ger-
months-triat will-take a-life time
cea gvea t0...make
them seem old rtr stale to "us7 TCvpry
hour of our journey wns a Joy. Th
sea was good to us, and gave us all
the e.ould long for on a great
ocean voyager Mrs1.. Walloeo -has been
at my side every moment, of. the time
and the joys of the Journey have been
lnfiultely Inci eased thereby. Ileuies,
to "the sui pfise and great delight of us
both, bhe stood our loug travel with
out a pain or an ache. Just a delicious
weariness, ponittlmes lrom 'our. long
walks and ramblee,
. "V
We wore-nonrly two weclcs on the
ocean, three weeks amidst the autum
nal glories of England and havo been
the rest or the HmeJix tills "VI lyorslflel
land of Germany. ' Up and down-tng-land
with the past flooding to our feet
with Ita eternal sea-boom of deeds' done
and men gone, who could tell of that
In a word? Rare old Chester with her
monument of human aspiration stand
ing necure guar, over the souls that in
Saxon and later days aspired; with her
rare old Roman walls; with her quoIiA
buildings tliat speak as ma"n"ca1inot
speak or a time that is gone never to
come ngaju; with her Hawardan wood
and castle, the place hallowed by The
Grand Ohl Matt of England: with h'er
infinite coloring along tha waters- that
wash the "sands oT Dee"; with Jclngs'
towers and with battle scare, IJlfe 'a
'sword cut on a hutnan face, this alone
is enough for a long history. Shrews
bury with her Sh- Philip Sidiiey, FiiTko
GrevJlle and, hest, Charles i Darwin,
Kenilworth ruins, with Ivy and ro-
mance and history all alike, clinging to
every crumbling stone; 'Warwick castlo
wlth.all lis typmes of an age "dead and
done' with"; Guy's cliff, with 'the ro
mantic tale of -Guy -of Warwick' por
Pleating, penetrating, ramifying Uip
literature of England and France and
bpain and Italy and Germany Oxfor.d
nud her noble old university aggre
gated from old cloistered piles of mas'
filvo Ptruclure, her rare old Dodleiaq,
her unlquo (because ancient) customs
and laws,' with the blood of martyrs
upon her, the noble thinkers of the
time; London with her. treasures of
art and literature and antiquities and
bor peoplo, an Infinite study; Cam
bridge with .her coljegcs that have re
- - .
Max-fPtord, most or t,hg time wprkjng,in
thodlftir.uBhaJl IqhrtamQrntor-
)'PU liindhcsa in giving mo that good.
The New Book is Very Highly
Many students wish to acquire, In
addition totheir roading knowledge or
Gorman, a certain facility In sppaking
ii. i ne practical uses or the language
lor business or social pifrposes appeal
strongly to them. College and high
school cturicula and makers of text
1-ookH have rarely recognized this neod
and have offered few courses and-helps
calculated to satisfy It.'
Recognizing these statements as true,
man Conversation Is most opportune.
1 ,l18 ,)00 P' the work in n conversa-
uuh rfiiirre upon a systematic and ra
uouai oasis,
Hiirrounds the student
with nir atniosphero of "common evory
day Gvnnan, presents to him suitable
and Interesting material from the lan
guage as actually ppokcri. nud make's a
ready, and methodical use of such ma
terial possible. No shell book has ever
been published In America. The text
Ik for advanced second' or third year
classes lu high schools nnd for the
corresponding classes in cbllcgos.
The many students of Professor Fois
ler will iccognlze the book as the result
of years of study and elnss room inves
tigation. The success of the author in
teaching his subject bespeak a re
markable reception for (his-text. Pjo
ressor Philip Alen of the University of
Chicago who reads the niss. and who
is oae of the strongest teachers of
German lu America says, that the
book Is a most remarkable piece of
orlginnl work and as a text that It will
sweep -tho-eountro'.
The book Is from ' tliQ Athenaeum
pi ess of Glim and Company of Chicago,
and Is listed in their international
Modern Language Seiles at GO ceuts.
The mechanical makeup of the text Is
vt-r fine.
Palladian Program.
Friday evening, JahC. 1905.
ProBldont Miss PetnishckT-'Inaug-ural
Vice President Miss Boose, "Read
ing." ,.
SenatorMr. Peterson,'"Plano 'Solo.'
Vcirceapo:iuing aocretary Miss Bu
tin.fc''Rcilintlon.,j: v 7
Program Sec'tetary-MlEa-- Bennett,
"-New 'Year's Resolutions." k'
Alusic Secretary Mr. Horn, "Duet
Horn and Hadlock."
Sergeant-at-'ArniR-r-Mlss Moore; "Pa
per." uecordlng Secretary Mr. Smith, J
- apeecii griAttc.eptanco."- . ,
Critic Rfr.-O'Gara, A-ralk." "
The above piogrom is subject to
clmngo without notice.
Mr. Virgil Honshhw, notional secre
tary of tho Collego Prohibition League,
for tho middle west, Is to register. In
the University next spine3ter for his
master's degree In ecbnoniJea. Mr. Hen
sliaw obtained his A. B, degree at
Obcrlln cqlegq. ' '
miifAMw ,-Paprs; Shlme.
The Rurals Given Some Valu
able Information.
rltrlijr Iiifttruclor llmiull Knoti I
ln ii, lit "Curie.''
The Noithwestern, following the cx
nmpla.set by tho Burlington, In co
operation with tho department of ag
r!"ulluro of tho unlvorfllty.'on Monday
panning sent out a "aced corn special"
oh a five days' trip overlho torrltory
covered' by that road in Nobvaska,
The train consists oftwo coaches,
fifed jip with JllustraUvc charts and
specimens, In which lectures-arc given,
n baggage car and a dliilrig car and
sleeker Tor ttfdlwcoinnibthtlon of tho
train crow and loetnjrers. Besides a
f.-fnibcr pf Nortliwofltchf off.(ciahi there
aro on tho traltf'-Profesebrs 'Lyon,
Bruuer, HabckBr and AveryD. P. Ash
hum of the farmers' Instnte leeturo
ivi---u,,Aiin tvoyseo u. vv. r.ugsioy and
secretary B. H; Clark. Thirty-ml unto
stops aro made at tho principal sta
tions whero lectures are given on the
mejUlods, of.,cOra. lnprovemontr seed
seleefloii-,- soil cultlvatidh, -otc, In ad
dition Professor Brunor is glvlpg lec
tures on tho Hessian fly in insect
which Is one of tho most dangerous
enemies of the wheat plant and Is
making such .destructive inroads on
tho wheat Holds of this state. He Is
suggesting, praatlcal measures for de
stroying nnd prevoutlng .further dis
tribution of the pest. These lecturos
wore not given on tho Burlington's
specIaL Qhnncellor Androws also ac
companied the party on the first day'
and delivered a locture at one of tho
stopplqg places. Secretary Clark is see
ing to ft that experiment station lit
erature, treating moro fully tho sub
jects touched upon in the lectures, 1b
distributed among tho farmers who aro
I seeking practical and hclnful informa
tion, it is roported that the Union Pa
cific will bo next to follow Jn assist
ing the university to carry the good
work of. tho ngrlcultuial department
to the farmers of Nobiaslta.
Maxfield to Speak.
After 'an interval of.twa vceks the
Oliver raoetiags will bo rcsumod next'
Sunday. ClaroncO E. Maxfield of De--trolt,
Mich., will deliver; an address.
Mr. Aiaxfleld is an ommlnent lecturer
and has spoken before immonso audl
encos from one- end of the country to
the other. He is: a man of fine phslquo
and possessesw-a .pleasing personality.
He. has boen described- by-a-DTomlncut
reviewor as a man "whoscpreffenco is
Inspiring and hypnotical.". ?iJTfle of
.Scotch-Irish descent, ho has Inherited
tho -wit characteristic of this race.
Whero Mr. Maxflold Is known a broad
smile usually overspreads tho faco of
his audlonco whenever he arises to
SPeak-and their anticipation of a hearty
Jaugh Is not disappointed,
Prof, demons Movlns will render
soine choice vocal selections; '
Tho doors of the Oliver will oi)en
promptly at 3:30 p. m. You should be
on hnd .early to secure a .gpbdseat.
All. men are Invited. ...No .charge will
be made for admission.
Union Program.
inaugural Address Pies; Daughtera.
Duet, guitar and mandoJIVi Messrs.
Daughters and Wroughtbh. ' ' ?' v'
Reading yico-Pres. Elizabeth Sffot
Mell. " " . 't n. ty
Something Senator RoScoe J. An'
derson. v. ' ' " '
CJibrutf-Off leers. '" '" . .'
w - ! mm ' r
Former' Days Historian Scena Haff-
Storios 'Sorgoant-at-AYmB ' Frwl
Laird. "-' :;-lt'.,,)v-,
- Sejcted-Trcasuro Harry 'Ttllman.
.- Seleciod TntafitirAr TTrtWw Hni.'.,.
I -"fftrtiiicjK ' 5" laj 2r'f-i r i I
IGrtarSolb PreMderitrDftuAtera:
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