The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 21, 1904, Image 1

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VS." '1T . - V
, 'J
tyot IV, Np. 58
Price 5 Cents
The Inter-Class Championship
to be Decided.
S Cx
P,&hiag TW& Hop
alBaaaCBSBBa feaaacaaariarr-rr i I'liljimli nil " ) -
-, r
ttlketbair.Game With Mirinft-
s ota to be Played.
A. 7'HHris:r Hah Itron KernMril From
iV- Celorfttfo,
'The basketball men are practicing
(Wpy night and rounding into shape
farthe games with Minnesota on Jan
uary 20 and 21. There arc enough, men
outovery night to have practice
games and the varsity spends a great
Mloalcof time on team work.
It Is the intention of the mnuage-hncjit-to
play at least three other games
besides the Minnesota games on the
trip .north.
It they make the trip over either tho
Great Western or Nor th western railways-they
will play two games on the
way to Minneapolis. It is very likely
thajhthey will play the Sioux City
teaha on the trip. If they do, a hard
game la anticipated, as this team flg
furc(l very prominently in the race for
tho championship at the St. Louis fair
oh last summer.
JVhilc in tylttpeapoliB they will; lay
a city Y. M.C, A'.,ot4.hat place; or one
inJSt. Paul, it Joeing n question of
which one furnishes tho boat guaraa- Dr. Clapp will accompany the
team on this
trip and act aB official
Manager Morrison of tho trad, team
has not yet arranged any meets. Al
though there have been several insti
tutions after meets- wtyh Nebraska. The
manager of theQolora'dor team was in
Lfriooln on Satunlttyvfrying- to settle
upona, datoforfc meejL between Colo
rado ahtl'-NebraBlw -biifiojthfog defi
nite wntFflom). TTe';affio trlcniT'td sched
ule -a .football gan'for tfext fail 'but
wa;given,,B6 deflriitennswer. . "
Indications are that UiejDbarter Day
athletic exercise thlsYearwUt sur
pass aiiy performance ,hvel&Jn previous
years ThferoaVe. a-;good rjujnber of
men riu't every day'iR pre'paratjon for
the different eventaV These exercises
will Ib'o'hftld a fidrt- tljno afer the
Chris'trnae holidays arp -.ovorV"' Until
thatjjttme there will be practice three
tlmes"a weelcTconducted by 'Dr. Clapp.
The events will be the same' this year
as In previous years and rnVdah of sil
ver for 'first and bronze 'for? second
. places ,I11 be awarded. w '-
Railroad Rates HomA,
For students going home the rail
roads have made a rato of ono and
ine-thlrd far for the round trip. Cer
tificates must be secured at the rogls-
ir's office, and" then presented at the
(ssourl Pacific office on 12th and O,
lere.upon payment of 25 cents the
fcrtificafees are signed and are then
be presented to the office of tho
roa,d; to be used. .These tickets are
jqou going Wednesday afternoon and
ilbday Thursday, and the return limit
kxtends over vocation. For those not
ig advantage of this rato the rail
roads Jiftie offered another rate of ono
lare plus 50 cents for the round trip,
tqott December 24th, 25th, and 26th.
heao rates aro straight, not on the
er.tiflcate. plan.
Jutt a Suggestion.
There Ja .nothing you can give for
hrlBtmaft .that ttlll be more appre-
lated than an artistic Portrait. Money
pent in this lyay goes farther than
.any oiner nne. ,
See'fwfaa't we'are producing in line
odtfaithre and make appointments
f fcl 22G S. 11th street.
Lincoln " Transfer Co.; baggage,
h'one' 170. ' '
None so good, nouo so pure, none so
elicioue, as the Sommer-Richardson
hocolates at the Co-Ob.
Lincoln Hotel, January J 3
TICKETS, $2.50 t
.1 "k"
IX '. '
University Chorus Supporting
The program' of the "Me8Iah,, as
given in yesterday's issue, omitted the
name of Miss Graco Castor from the
list of sollsts. Resides the university
ciiorus, those participating in the ren
dition as given this morning will bo:
Soloists, Miss draco Cutter, Mu Ada
Cantor, Mr. Evere'tB'. Carder, Mr. B.
B. Gillespie; organi, MlsrStelta Rtee;.
pianist, THIsh' B3dltb Bufliagrin;(ll?ec
tor, Mrs. Carrie B. RayiBond: Stririg
iirtihcfltcal-accorapAnltnonL' The 1 1 : 30
classed will not bo taken up until thel
close or- the "MessIaJi."
New Course- Iri Ehtombiogy.
A new course In Entomology will In
offered by the department next semes
ter. Tjje coarse 111 'be. Entomology 12.
It will be a'special training- con r so Hi
tending to -prepare uttrdcnts for gov
oriinient antL experiment .station 1n
oetlgaton work. Tlie course cpmea as
a reEul( of a growing demand for por
tions to filf government positions in
thcr various jines of investigation now
being carried on by the government
Bureau, pf. Entomology. A? meeting of
aU'studentB who con temp'tnte ' talcing
the courao will be hold immediately al
ter school opens In January1.
Last "Saturday the "case or Smith vs.
Robinson; an ejectment proceeding,
was tried In, the supremo cotifrt!, The
case was tried by the lower court where
Smith prevailed, but tho attorneys of
Robinson brought it to the supreme
court on error. The counsels (or tho
plaintiff in error wer Meyer and
Ritchie; those for tho defendant in,
crrer, were Ringer And "bay. The
opinions -were taken by Chief 'Justlco
C. Yl. Sarge,nt and' Associate Justices
Ro.scoe J. Atiderson and H. G. Wcllon
sick, but will not be bunded down for
several- days.
Tjio argument wns bojun on Decem
ber 10, ad concluded at the nexF sif
ting on-t)ec6mber 17. It wa perhaps
the longest argument over held In
school, consuming seven and one-half
hours. However, the Importance or
the case and the thoroughness with
phlch it was worked up, fully Justified
'this unusual length.
. Tho counsels deserve high .commen
dation ton .the result, of thelr jvoijk.
uie.caso was wou.anaiyzed and all th
.law'upon the' Subject, both English
and American, were thoroughly di
gested. V
Why get out-of-town Candies which
the dealer may -have had on. his hands
three or four months, when you can
I get candies made fresh every day at
MAXWBUS, 13th and JN.
Sommer-Richardson chocolates. The
delicious flowing cream centers at the
Catyp. ' it
Solve that Christmas gift problem by
getting a fountain pen ut the Co-Op.
Oyster stew 25 cents at Cameron's
new. Restaurant, 119 South 12th.
Dinners and suppers $2.60 .per week.
The Home Cafe, 214 S. 12th.
Should Get '06 Lids as Soon as
Possible. -.
The Junior Cap committee, whose
duty It Is to sell a sufficient number, of
'0G inslgnas to lift the outstanding
Junior debt incurred Inst prlug at the
famousi Freshman cap bonfire, reports
a general apathy among their class
mates concerning this proposition. Ac
cording to the complaints ol this enm-
.-mitteo to wham the unpleasant task' of
soliciting cap orders' "1 asBlgnedthe
jinorsare-'verycnniy in tnelr sup
port of this measure, that was agreed
upon by the major portion of them in
a recent class meeting, as a means of
lifting this debt that has been a "bug
hear" to the class all year.
The order will bo held but a few
more days as the time in which to pur
chase them has already een oxtended
to a.i unreasonable length of time, so
us a warning to thupo who want a
Junior cap it will bo well for them to
biace-up and order a "head gear.
The following. Irom The Illinl, of
the University of Illinois, will be of In
terest In connection with the big corn
special now touring the state, and
which was described at length In a re
cent number of The Ncbraskan:
"Albert N. Hume,.lnEtructor in Farm
crops Ip off for a week':j trip with Pro
fessor l.yonB of Nebraska university.
The C. B. & Q. railroad Is furnishing
a free "corn train spoclul." which will
stop at all stations on that line In
Nebraska. At each stop Professor Ly
ons and Mr. Hume will make roar
platform speeches on "Up-to-date Corn
Farming', and kindred subjects. Tills
special trip Is made by tho railroad of
ficials and representatives of the Ag
ricultural Colleges in tho Interest of
better larm prn'-tlces in selecting, test
ing, planting and harvesting, with the
direct object of obtaining a larger corn
crop next year. Similar trips will be
made in Iowa, Missouri and Illinois. "
A very enjoyable time was expert
onccd by a number of university peo-
pie last Saturday evening on the lake
near the Fair ground). Tho Ice was
in an unusually good condition and tlie
calm weather, together with the beau
tiful moonlight evening, made tho con
ditions for skating ideal.
Secretary Barrett of the 8tate His
torical society wtent to Omaha yester
day on business connected wlm the
historical work.
Elliott's Sultorium, cleaning, dyeing
and repairing. Prices reasonable. 113C
O street Both phones. .
Kappa Alpha Thota will have their
annual Christmas tree tonight at the
chapter house.
PI Beta Phi Initiated last night at the
chapter house.
R. H. Jenno, ex-'OG, wns a campus
visitor yesterday.
Union Shining Parlor. Shine, 6c.
Chairs for ladles. , 1018 p street.
University Book Store for pins, burnt
leather, tenants, and bon bons.
Tfi Cunteit l'roml to l One at ili
Flerrrat TliU Kchhoii.
Tho much disputed football contest
between the Freshman Laws, and tho
Sophomores tp decide tho Inter-class
championship, will bo played tomor
row. This game promises to be in
tensely Interesting, not merely be
cause of Its significance In deciding
the class championship, but because of
tho'anirnnted spirit and tho long-drawn
litigation between tho two classes that
has been smoldering for the past two
weelcs. Both teams will enter tho con
tost with the strongest determination
tc win, which will .produce tho groal
ost oxertlons fronf both throughout the
whole game.
The comparative strength of tho two
teams is hard to estimate because they
have not beerr playing for 'some- tim
and any way it would be hard to
make a comparison of the two teams
that won tho championship in two en
tireiy44Kerdat .-fields; At any rate,
ther'o will be somo brlBk playing on
both sides. , '
Summer Session Plan
The Course of Study Committee and
the Inspector of Accredited High
Schools perfected arrangements last
Saturday afternoon for the next Sum
mer School session of the university.
The logents havo made increased ap
propriation for this Important wot I.
and prospects seem very hopeful for a
Inrgely Increased attendance. The di
rector submitted several Innovation
and was advised to work them out. Tho
School of superintendence was heartily
approved and will bo made" even more
prominent 'than last summer. This Is
an unusually practical course for su
perintendents and principals In our
graduating classes. It is concededly
worth one year of experience.
A Message From Great Britain.
Miss C. Ruth Rouse, who is from
Girton college, Cambridge England,
will visit the University of Nebraska
January 28-UO, 1905, In tho interest of
the Student Volunteer movement for
foreign Missions.
Whllo a student, .Miss Rouso was ac
tive in the Student Volunteer and
Christian association work of Great
Britain, and since leaving college has
been employed as traveling secretary
oi the British Student Volunteer Un
ion, and later in the same capacity for .
the American movement. She then
became one of the workers in connec
tion with the University Women's
Christian Settlement at Bombay, India,
and is now travollng secretary for the
World's Student Christian Federation.
Probably, no other woman has Worked
among the students of as many differ
ent nations as has Miss Rouse.
Through tho efforts of Mr. John .R.
Mott she has been secured for a short
visit to colleges of America, and Ne
braska is fortunate enough to be in
cluded in the small list thus prepared.
i i r . I
For those wishing to attend the an
nual meeting of the Teachers' associa
tion tp be held in Omaha just .after
Christmas, the Rock Island has mado a
rate of $1.10 for tho round trip from
Lincoln, providing two hundred can be
secured to take advantage of this low
race. If this number can be obtained
the Rock Island will furnish a special
train for the movement. At present
there seems to be no one at the head
of an organizing party, and tho rato
may be lost for lack of patronage.
There ought to bo C0.O Lincoln people
sufficiently interested In this meeting
to take advantage of this opportunity,
and It would be well if somebody
would take It upon hlmqelf to see that
the 200 is guaranteed,
' t
. 3
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