Merry Christmas Shoppers Quarter Size Announcements The English club meets tonight With MIbb Allco Towne at 1035 J street. u It COLLARS have n fllio every quarter of an Inch. Thin rIvch one n chance to secure that perfect flt and nit which rnnrk tho well made collar and the well l roused Find no end of suggestions at . The Gorman club will meet tho first Thursday after vacation, with Miss Lelst. ; r Zbt Datlf te) N ft a ft i fV l-i t- W .. . m . i- ) man. The best of the Quarter Size Collar t arc stumped Cluett 83 cents or Cliiitt- Ciialton Akrow Alcon Arrow two for S cents The only difference is In the quality In nil else thoy nro nlkc. Cluett, Peabody & Co. Makers of Cluett and Monarch Shirts Sam Westerfield Proprlotor of Sam's Cafe Llttlo Gem Hot Waffles And Flno MoaIh and Lunohos 117-121 North 13 Strict X.brhsB. Gregory iV.etn.'M) - ? the Coal Wan NO 1044 O STRHHT School Books in a hurry And at No- York pric. ltigly i b ilie r' ien. nay I ubuined it hil in, or ur.K , l)v nnv bo or pirl l'i the rrmolot liamUt or uuy , leather c r otrki.M .v where, and Delivery prepaid . Jlni 1 new. cnmrtlrti nlnlnli.nnl aul. uulrvf uMl wo booklet I fuoit tri, H you ll.Ullloh till a i LIHDS & NOBLE 91 -3.35 W. lilli m. Nw York City. WMIMHH II MB 1Mm liWMiHH Vfl M M IHIk n VI WW', PfP( mm Yy j H I Includes in the New E.dltlon 25.000 NE.W WORDS, Etc. New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary Hitd by W.T.HAIUU8, Ph.D.. LL.1)., U. 8. CouimlBsIonor of Education. 2380 Quarto Page. 5000 Illustration. AW.Webater's Collegiate Dictionary wuh lU8agf. ltoo lUuitnulotu. Hln i iiioiiHiii. A BfceeUl thin Paper Edition De Luxe ltWUAfrbmMBUuMrcmUrwlltk. lth U coteta an4 round coram. HI, i b Kigyjil . PRBB'A TettlnPronuncUtlpo," Utnct foaadcateHalalag, A10 lUajtratod framphkU. 6. d C. ME.R.1UAM CO. Publlahere. Springfield. Matt. J The Boction in Political Economy 1 will have an examination next Wednes day morning. Christmas vacation begins Wednes day, December 21, fl p. m.; ends Wed nesday, January 4, 8 a. m. Rates on nil railroads. All who wish to secure teachers' cer tificates at the mid-winter commence ment should notify tho chairman of the teachers' committee at once. Campus Gleanings Miss Farnley entertained1 Informally for a fow frionds on Thursday evening. MIbs Jesse Robinson gave an inform al Fudge party on Wednesday evening. W. C. Ramsey, L. P. Hewitt and John Dorrlngton are pledged to Phi Delta Phi. Mr. Will StevenBon, '03, who is prin cipal of the St. Paul publls schools, re ports a very favorable fall's work. A "spread" was given on Saturday evening at tho Dormitory in honor of MIbs Nell Ensor. Eight guests wero present. Miss Ruth Baker entertained the in structors and assistants in the Nor mal Training course at an informal party at her home last evening. The Lincoln High School alumnae give a dancing party next Friday even ing at Walsh hall. Many university students will bo present, especially stu dents of the Freshman class. A number of the Dormitory girls gave a Fudge party on Thursday oven lng in honor of Miss A. Furlong. Those present included Misses Ada Winkler, Nell Davey, Stewart Robertson, Farn ley, Brush, Douglas, Marvin, Harman. Some sixty couple tripped tho light fantastic at the Freshman hop last night at tho Lincoln. Tho attempts of the Sophs, to postpone eovoral arrivals only added excitement and' Increased the enjoyment of tho evening. Initiation was hold at tho Phi Gam ma house on Tuesday evening. Fol lowing the Initiation an elaborate ban quet was held. Messrs John Burkett of Lincoln and Clyde Bullock of Norfolk, were made members of tho fraternity. Doctors Ross, Batton and Jones assist ed in the ceremonies. The Students' Debating club of the university will meet this evening for the last time before Christmas. A good question is up for discussion and being the last meeting, an unusually large attendance is expected. After the general debate is over there will be an open discussion of the question by tho members. Miss Howell, of the Department of Elocution, will give another of her do ightfu readings at convocation Mon day. Sho will read "Tho Lost Word," by Henry VanDyke. -Hiss Howell has appeared1 too many times before the student body to need any further no tice. This will bo a rare opportunity to hear an excellent ronditlon of an excellent .piece. If you got it at ArmBtrong'8, It's right. Lincoln Transfer Co.; beggag. Phono 176. Get tho best Henderson & Ames uniforms, at Armstrongs. Why got out-of-town Candles which the dealer may have had on his hands thfee or four months, when you can got candles made fresh every day at MAXWELL'S, 13th and N. MILLER Boxes, barrels, bales, bundles, hav o been unloaded right herot You only have to look about and the inspirations come. Anything in Japanese is Popular Just Now. and for some reason cheap; besides it is as truly artistic as ever. Tho din ner gongs, the delicate portlerres of bamboo straws, various vessels, screens, ets., are here to meet this de mand. Brass Bronze vases and koras, artis tic shapes, $1.20, $1.50, $2.00, $4.50, $(5.00, $9.00, $13.50, $20.00 each. Fancy Lanterns, pagoda and house shapes, of metal or bank, $3.50, $3.75, $4,00, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 each. Japanese Brass Gongs, five-piece, $2.00, $5.00, $9.50. three and There's Nothing in tho Jewolry Line I cannot give you at prices lower than anyone Soo CHARLES W. FLEMING, JEWELER 1311 O STREET An to Phono 1291 Boll Phono lfil)D KADIS, The Tailor Suits Mado to Ordor $15 and up. ClnnuitiKi Dyolng and Proming Our HpeclaUy. Auto Phono ai70 J 44 4 O Street LINCOLN R. H. GILLESPIE Phone J HO J24 0 Street Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done NULL fc McCOY, 152W O Stroot Grif fin-Greer Printing I Company u36 o street Wedding Invltatlaoa, Bad Program, and all klnoa oi Commercial Prtntlnav ROSS ELECTRIC CO. ' 122 No. 14th Pho 174 'flUctttC SuppUta, Window Lighting. HUrtric Slgna, aa, BlactrU and Combination Flaturaa, Dynamo ad Motor. House and Store Wiring AllkWWKT.t.r Rapal,. LINCOLN, NE1 GEO. A. WIL80N Contractor and Builder Katlmate Furnished oppn .Application. I4 Work Promptly Attended to. 040 So. loth Lincoln. Nto. T. J. THORPE CO. - Qn-r'l Maohlnlt AH Kloefc ! lUyaka LekiMlttrt m4 PttttM SOf S. Hill rj3 Kafl DIERKS LUMBER It COAL CO. feeUPkoMM HI UlfMtV & PAINE'S Fancy Japanese Screens, . silk" and cloth, hand-painted and erobroldorod, $1.50, $3.00, $4.00, $6.00. Bamboo Portieres in clever and beau tiful dosignB, $7.00 to $13.00. Japanese Tables, $7.00. Oriental Moradabad, Benares and embossed brass vases, cups, pin trays, smoking sets, card trays, 50c, 90c, $1.00, $1.60, $1.70, $1.90, $2.00, $2.26, $3,00, $3.50, $4,00, $4.50, $7.75, $8.25, $9.00, $12 each. These goods are in tho drapery de partment, second floor. HOLIDAY LOW RATES To accommodate holiday travelers a rate of one faro phiB 50 cents for tho round trip has boon placed in effect by the Union Pacific Dates of salo December 24, 2fi, 20, 81, and Jan uary 1 and 2, with final return limit January 4. INQUIRE OF L. A. Simmons tpO$0$0)rO$03(OWO$0$0$OJt01(04rw Dance Programs Banquet Menus Look for This Sign wrw, THE HEW Auto Phono I 616 CEHTUIY N Stfw.t PRIITEt 1241! LINC0UI dooooooooooooJ A Few Things for Christmas in New and Fancy Designs at F. C RICHARDS 1 140 O Street in 'J t " X J . 4t For Furs see Steele, 143 8. 12th St , K, jrl 1V