The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 14, 1904, Image 1

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    - - "
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bftfflath IFlebraefcan
V '2
.Vol. IV, No. 53
Price 5 Cents
l"V .
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i -
Inter-Class Athletic Board Seeks
Way Out of Law Tangle.
An tZtillrc NiM Set nT Itult IiiI-I
The inttr-claHs nthltlc boa id met;
jestcrda morning at chapel time and
adopted the following constitution.
1 Student Athktii Hoard ot the
I -liver?! of .Nohr.wUa 01 Joe t To
formnlnt" a sot ot nil -s mid or wliiih
nil int-r- 'a" athletic contests shall
take rlae
2 Officeis-l'ieidoiii. vice pi cm
dent, htTf tary-treasuui. Piesldent to
l,e chairman of the Senior hoard, vice
president and sec rotarj-tioasmor-to ho
elected at largo lion tho athletic
hoard. Members of hoaid shall ho
lomposod' of three Seiilois, tluoo Jun
iors, three oph.oniorejj,jLliiee Fresh -nan
academies, all to ho appointed b.v
their various class 1 residents one
Senior, one junior, one Freshman 1 aw
to bo apoltited by class .presidents.
3 Four academic and three law
team are to tonte-jt for champion
ships. In football, track, baseball, bas
ketball an J- eros&-couutiy contests.
1 Champion academics are to plaj
( tiampion law for the championship
of the university.
5 Academies Senior vs. .lunioi;
Foobomore vs. FieFhui'in. Winners vs.
Laws FTeshiDfln b. Junior.-; Sen
iors vs. Winners.
G Whatever gate recclrts taken in
by one school "Trtinll be balanced in
amount by the other. Tho highest
amount to be the standard. This
amount is to be turned over to the
seerotary-treasurer to buy sweatois
tor the champion team
7 (Wiuit-.s shall go by default to the
other team if tho challenged team re
luses to pin in elthei the law or
acatUimic, school. In the university
championship .either school failing to
pat up the money or refusing to play
TorfeltB money and v-namplonship to
the other team.
Challenges fiom one aehool to the
other must be accompanied by tho
amount in full to equal gate receipts
ot the other school, deroslted in tho
hands ot tho secretin y-ttoasuror.
The hoard shall make a schedule ol
all geruvi to boplajod and In tootball.
all the univtislty championship games
shall be played Inside or two weeks al
ter TUankhghing.
AM gate iccelptb to be paid to sei io
ta r,v-treasurei ot athlel'c hoaid at once
alter each gamo.
8 Bligibilltv All "N" men -barrod
from competition in athletics in the
department in which their "N" was
leceived "All men having received
vareity signals during tho season are
In departments outside of football,
nil -men declared by Dr. Clapj to be
on l!n.t-tmm are barred.
y Clarification Academic FresTi
tnnn undr 30 houis rodlt; Sophomore
hotweeu 80 and C5 hours' credit; Jun
ior, between 05 and ftr houis' credit;
"Seniors,- between 05 and 125 hours'
frPtllt- ,
Law KTOfch man Under 20 hom-b
credit; Junior, between 20 and 10
hours' credit; SenlorW between 10 and
00 hours' credit.
A man can play on only ono class
team during the aso.i.
1C This constitution is to mo into
, effect at once. ,
11 This constitution may ho amend
ed in a regular meeting of the athletic
boaid b a vote of two-thirds of the
members-. 4
eniord will' order olasB i)lns
tho committee before holidays.
I rom
Lincoln Loea) Exiifess, 103J N street
Ioth plibJies.
All Engineering Students
Arc invited to the
Eng Soc Smoke
Sat. Eve., Dec. 7
Discuss '07 Cap Debt and Various
Other Matters.
The .(iiniois iuctoMfida.v morning
in Mnnoiial hall and disused plans
loi rai-iug the 7(npdebt. Thocoui
inhuo on t'ns joars aps s.ibmlttod
a sample lot the Inflection of the
la--.. which was accepted Tho on,
. ill lie light hiown in t olor. with led
k tiering. They will be secured by the
committee at wholesale piites and sold
to tho (lass at retail, the difference
uolng into the c lass tioaoiiry lor tho
'( 7 i a", lund.
It announced that Individual i
pictmes tor the Junior -gombieio"
will he taken at Ha.vdeiin' btudio this
yeai, and tha' those oidering before
Hntmdaj might have their photos ho-I
t(to tne Cliris-tmas holldnvs. A spe
cial late of $1 pei doen has been made
while the cost of th" engiavlng for
the book will ho a dollar more.
Tne suggestion was made that the
.lunioi Piom. be held In connection
with or close to the annual concert of
the (Mee club, in older that old stu
dents letiunlng to the university
might not be compelled to take two
trips to attend both functions. Nothing
d 'flnlt" was do ie on the matter, how
evei Engineering Notes.
Russell S. Han Is, eh II engln'eeiing,
01, Auife vlslti.ig on the campus eb-
i teiday. He Is at present with the Ne-
biaskii Hridgo and Lumber company
al Omaha.
The cm refit hsuo ot Kiiglnoei Ing
News contains an aitlilo by Fiofebsnr
-Stout entitled "Notes on the Computa
tion ot Etieaiii flaglngs," In which Is
ct tfutli some ol the piinclples, ineth
ocK and clovic c--which have-boon de
veloped iii connection with hjdro
1.1 a ihic woik in Nebraska dining tli"
last Ten-years
The nepuTment ot Engineering is in
receipt ot a publication Issued by the
Black Hills Mining Men's association,
which contain? u vuluaule article wi It
ten b Unite 'J. Yates, M. Am. Inst.
-Alin. K who completet'i the course in
cjvU-englneering a this univeiblty in
1802. Mr. Yates has chaige or a large
part of the ongineeiing work of the
Honiestnko mine, and it Is paper deals
ililoly with methods of timbering,
which he hnb-lavelor.ed and Intio
cluced on that property, with the lesult
thit the company has saved many
thoufand dollai-d ji.inually, and a na
tional reputation has come lo fr.
An interobtlng form br fungus which
U parisitlc on ap: le twigs was bent
to the Uotankal department a tew days
ago for Identillcation and advice as
to eiadlcatlon. It is a form which none
rt the lotanists had et seen. It will
lo carefully studied during the winter
nnd pprlng.
Mis-ilabel Doweete gavo a denting
party yosteula afternoon.
As to a cap we have somo flno
fhapea and this .eio -weaUior caps
aro In order. Paine's Clothing Store.
-- --
Mason Wheeler and A. L. Lott
Will Conduct Hop.
The non-c om missioned officer? ol the
cutlet lintalllon met last evening after
drill and elected ollleers lor the an
noal Non-Corn, hop Quite a contest
had Leon waged-for the positions, and
the fight was expected to be so close
that one of the candidates voted for
hlmFolt in order to cinch the plate
The leFuTt of the ballot proved this
piocaullon wholly unnooeytury, how
ever. Ahison Wheeler was chosen
chairman of the committee in chaige
ol the ariangoments, and A. 1 . I ott
mastci-of-ceremonles. Mr. Wheelei is
second seigennt In one ot the tadet
tonipa.ilts, and Mi. I ott a fllt'i r
Important Business Discussed at
Last" Night's Meeting.
The regents of the univcislty met
at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon for
their tegular December sobslon. As
stated In yestei day's Nobiaskan,
Regents Ernst and Rich were not them
but a quorum was present, and the
usual business transacted. At tho
hour or making up our forms the
meeting was not finished, but a full re
I oi t of It will bo publlEhed In tomor
row's paper. The matter of the Intei
communlcating telephone system,
which has been to much dhcussed of
late and the examination of i evince!
plans for the administration building
weio expected to taito up the gi eater
share of thp time of the meeting.
Mks Ada Winkler gave a Fudge
party last Saturday evening to a tow
or hoi girl trioads Those present
w mc- Mibses Luisj Simmons, Nell
Dave,' Clare, Augus-tn and I Mian An
deison, Uesbie Smith, I lies FrkM, Nell
Eusoi, Pearl Fitgoiald and .Jessie
Fail O. Eager will lopiesent the Ne
brisku t haptcr-or Sigma Alpha Epsllon
in their nntlonal convention at Nash
ville, dining the Christmas holidays.
Mis. T. R. Ahhldy, of Decatur-, Is at
the University Woman's building this
week. She Is visiting her daughter,
Mih Mabel Afchley. -
Arther 1. Myers, who was in school
hero last year. Is in Boston in tho-om-
ploy of the IJoji
company. TT
Pictmes iramc
luitnblo Life Insuiance
iiicd and unframed. In
Pastel Oils. Water Colors, etc.. etc.,
will hf sold at tho Lincoln Boole Stoic
Auction this week.
Klllott's Sultorium. cleaning, tlyelug
and repairing. Prlcea reasonable. 11SC
0 street. Both phones.
V . i .in.
Frank E. Lee, Public Stenographer
and Notary. Mh..2ographic letters;
perfect Imitation. 501-302 Richards
Blk. Auto 1155.
For Fins see Steele, 143 S.. 12th St
Men Who Rocoived "N's" An
nounced by Athletic Board.
'I Iiiinc Win. l'lnl In Mm. C.iniK
un llonori'il.
The lolloA.iig men have been award
til the varsity foot-ball ' N "
Maurice llenedict, J R. Bender.
A Uirta, L. II Haiwlck, ('. T Moig,
C IC. Cotton. II W Crnlg. E. O
Eager. F M Hunter, W. N. JohiiHon,
Olen Mason (' Mihoii, E I Mlllri,
.1 II Wei lor
A line had to l.o diawn at some par
ticular plnce in dlttri'Mitlng plates to
the ulayer- at the Coinhuskrr banquet
Monday night, and the numlKir was
limited to theme plavctrs who vvote
awarded "N's" Tho men who played
a rull hall In anj or tho thteo "'big
nine" games received tho "N's.
Ft othall manager and assistant man
ager will bo elected next Monday at
the tegular meeting of the athletic
board. Aj plications lor thege positions
muFt l,o made formully In writing and
In l)r Clapp's .hands before the olec
tloii. As vet It is not known JuH who
mo out rtir tho posittotiR,
Jeffersonian Club Planning Big
Time After Holidays.
Plans aie under way among members
or the Joffoifconian club lor a rousing
mooting shoitlj alter the hol
iluys, at vvlifrh Honorable W.
.1. Urjan will bo Invited to
Jefferson." Thote who word in the
university hibt vear will roeall the suc
ceosful meeting held undor the aus
pices tif this same club at which Mr
Bryan spoke. Tjils announcement of
his piesonce with tho club la expected
to prove a strong stimulant lu drawing
a large crowd at that meeting and to
be instrumental In creating a larger
amouut of Interest In the organization
which Is now being converted Into a
seml-llteraiy club Tho exuet date
will not bo. announced until a'ftor the
The students of Euronn histoiy
(l) will begin today some critical
Fouice work on the French i evolution.
The Bible stud daises In the Y. M.
C A. have been lecelvlng several ic
ti ults in tho paM few weeks.
Mit-s Mabel Clay of the- Conservatory
of Music, has gone home on account of
the sickness of her mother.
Mi. Hnvtj, tif St. -Iuis, is in the city
on business!. He x-jets this to ho his
last visit to I iueokn:1
Mr. Krajerek, who was abHent from
school last week, In again In attend
ance at hlB-classcB.
University men aro-entlng'Und drinlc
I'ng good things at tho city YrM. C. A."
Spa. They enjoy home-made plea,
broad and Himdwlches' of the best
Why get out-of-town Caudjes which
the dealer may linvo had oa hla handf?
tluec or tour moriths, when you can
got candies made fresh oVery day 'at
MAXWELI 'S, 13th and N.
Clnistnuis Thoughts turn naturally
to tho lino line of Jewelry shovn by
E. Fleming.
Erie B. Woodward. M. D diseases
of oye, car and froat. 207-S Richards
block. Phone CCC. ,
Clianln Bros.. Florists, 127 So, 13th.
' 'ft
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