va-i t'jo -r .Vhl' -1 '.?. tf'i 'V' f -? A ttbc Datlf fle&i Aftan '1 'fr Pure, Buttersweet, best In the City Announcements L I iieo mTTT. 8. class, '04, will meet at I! o'eloo Icthls morning In' III 00. Fresh r- VW Junior in eel tills morning at' 11 o'clock In Memorial linll. LOST Friday morning on the cam pus, n brooch ret with rcarls. Return to reghtiur's office. All persons desiring positions an high school or graduate teachers, arc high school or grado teachers, are re quested to kop Mrs. Clarl at once. i Vi .1 All kinds cf Novelties Candies ISi ft I. i- & fr V rk The Lincoln Candy Kitchen 1337 O Stroot The First National Bank of Lincoln, Nsfci UNITED STATES DBPO8IT0RV. Capital I 200,000.00 Surplus 100,009.0ft Undivided profit . . 4,00fcW 8. H. Burnham, Prw. A. J. Sawyer, Vlct-Preldoat. H. 8. JProoman, Caahtar. H. B. Evans, ABBt. Oaahlor. Frank Parks, Asat. Oashltv. P. R. Easterday, Auditor. Dr. J. J. Davis CrMuata Iclrnctlonlsl 9 Spectacles And Eyeglasses Fittest to Relieve Headaches and Eye Strain. O Strttt Auto Phon 102 I , Rcttdtoc 21 1 1 LINCOLN, NEB. . Charles B. Gregory Christmas vacation begins Wednes uay, December 21, 0 p. m.; enda Wed nesday, January 1, 8 a. m. Rates on till railroads. All who wish to sec-tiro teachers' ( m tincatob at the mld-winier commence ment should notify the chairman of thp teachers' eommltteo at once. LOST Between Mechanlc'Art build ing and Library on Monday morning, a Zoological 1 note book. Plpaso leave at registrar's ofllco or return to me. STANLEY DAVIK3. Theie will be a meeting of the inter class athletic committee in the Y. M. i C. A. room Tuesday morning at lt o'clock. Every representative ot every i class should be present an impoiinnt business Is to be transacted. STsr. tht Coal Wan The University Pedagogical cluu will meet Wednesday evening, December 14, at 7:. '10 In room 213. The address of the evening will be given by V. A. Selleck, member of the city Bchool board, Lincoln, Nebraska. Subject "Personal Characteristics That Influ ence the success and Flmploymont of Teachers." , NO. J 044 O STREET Columbia National Batik & Capital, $100,000.00 OF LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA THE DEBATING WORLD. What is Happening in Debate Elsewhere. Sam Westerfield Proprietor of a Sam's Cafe Lit tit- (Iciu Hot Wufllr-snmlFltin llfnl iiikI Lunches 1 17-J2 J North J 3 Street flHt. firiffin-Grcer Printing Company An iinonj mous representative off some other college was seen on the am-pus a fevu dajs ago trying to get the results of Nebraska's Invoatiga lon on the "Compulsory Arbitration" question, which was debated a year igo against Kansas by Buckner, Lee ind James. The gentleman declined to tell who he was or what college he repicsented. He said bis college was rrcpailng for a debate with some other -ollege, but refused to tell what col lege or to whom the material was to be given. Ills request was politely de clined and he departed with little sat isfaction In the way of Information. 1136 O STREET Wtddini InviMtioni, Bill Program, and1 ji ! k i eti of Comnurcll Printtn. ta OLLARS ta arc just what a young man needs. O They tfivc him ti size between the one too big, or too little ; in fact, your size. They are made in Cluett 25c lirand or Arrow 15c Brand Ask any nj-to-dute; dealer Cluett, Peabody k Co. Makers of Cluett ami Monarch Shirts The question chosen for debate in the coming contest between the Unl versitles of Michigan and of Wist on -sin, is as follows: "Resolved, That paity candidates for state, county and city elective offices for the state and national legislatures should bcnomi nated by direct vote. Constitutional it ...iwwwl.xl Tlu ilnhntp will ! held at Madison, Wis.. March 24, 1D05. In j nrordnncp with the agreement between , the' Oratorical associations of the twt. universities. Wisconsin proposed the question this year, Michigan has the ihoice of sides. iCach university will be represented by a team com posed of three men who are supposed ly its best debaters. At Wisconsin these men are clioten by election; "at Michigan they are the "winners of a series of preliminary contests held among the members o the various lit eral societies. Wisconsin is trying to get a debate with Cornell university. Miss Elsie Fan-oil , who attended the university year before last, will bo married to Mr. Edward Thornton ot Chicago. December 19. There were no classes In Physical a OjelRjgt Iad BETWEEN CfiicagvSt. Paul, Minneapolis, Council Bluffs and Omaha. ECJLOfPMENT RIGHT; TIME RIGHT, SERVICE RIGHT; .ITS; ALL RIGHT; CiryAiicKET orncE 1512 farnawxst. . UNION DEPOT OMAHA.' 1) Better Investigate the merits and advantages offered by the various railway "Mines before purchasing tickets. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul By. has elcciric-lighted trains, solid vestibuled, steam heated, equipped with every modern safety device, heavy steel first-class road-bed and many other advantages. Write to F, A. NASH. Genera! Western Agent, 1524 Farnam Strait, OMAHA, NEB. XXXXXXXXXXXXX5COOOCX)CXDOOOCOOCOOOOaXKX CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ilSjIkE Trade Marks Desiqns copvriqhts &.c. Aiirnnn nenrttnir a Akctrh nnd dcncTlntlon mnr qnlrldr luiocrtnln our opinion free whether nn moil m pruDHDiT pim-nianin, t.onimumcn. on Patents Invention ta probably pntentahln, Comniunlcn tloimntrlctlTcontldontlHl. HANDBOOK oni'aten uiil nun. vMiicni nueucj lur Bocunniipniviiia. l'atcnta talcoa tbroUKh Ktunn & Co. rccct re sent fine f iisrtnl nHrm- imt hniif. rhnrtf In Ihn Scientific American. A hnndnoniely litttBtralcd weetttr. IJirKOflt cir culation of any eciouMUn Journal. Terms, 3 n vonr: four inontha, $L Hold brail nowndcalem. MUNN &Co.361B'o,dNewYorfc Urnnch Offloo. 625 F BU, Wnlilnton. 1). C. KADIS, The Tailor Suits Made to Order $15 and up. Cli'iiuinv DyciiiK untl PresninK Our Kpwiulty AuU Phtnie 2."iT0 1441 O Street LINCOLN A. F. Walton, '01, who is principal of the Auburn -high school, upent Sun day with friends in Lincoln. j. II. Nouton, '04, who is working for' the Burlington, passed through here yesterday on his way to Hillings. Montana. Dinners and suppers $2.50 per wools. The Home Cafe, 214 S. 12th. " - SEE MANNTthe Druggist For Perfumes and Fountain Pens 117 N 11th Street LINCOLN Can you converse Iiitelllcently reirardini; any ImkjIc you may hare liecn reading as if vm had really tiotd it u completely? Well, a novel, ajwenu history, a oiograpny, n uram.i, .in ma lion a sermon, or .my other iilcr.iry piodnctlcii, if read I or stitflietl as our nc:u bovk J tells one . how. hcuomci a Hubject which one can dis cuss or write about in a thoroughly Intelli gent and comprehen sive way. f; t- HOW TO STUDY Atf't, l.i civn I unc Cloth, 7J cents, faslfaicl HINDS & Noni.n, rUHLISKKHS 3-33-35 W. 15th St. New York City . SiuwIwj&s of all jmblidttrs at out store mi I W3tfl & H-lli '. . . StB K yr lialm' fhsLKBM V 1 miSfiij itft There's Not hi n in the Jewelry Line I cannot give you at prices lower than anyone. See CHARLES W. FLEMING, JEWELER 1311 6 STREET Auto Phono IU Bell Phono 1WH1 Get tho hest Henderson & Ames inlforms. at Armstrongs. If you got It at .Armstro.ig"s. it's right. , " THERE IS NO WatchClocK or Article,, t Jreckjr, . WB CANNOT REPAIR v. O. A. Tucker, Jwolr O Il.-Ptiti. BtIJ534. Aut tSU Llndsetfs Cigar Store CARRIES MAGAZINES AND PIPES RIGGS THE Drug Cutter a North nui st." Lincoln, nbi Crp Eiadsty's Wlxturt OF SMOKING TOBACCO UH &M l4V r- t ?l rri " 4i 1 i:-n . SO. J? 1 f 'j ?j WA '. -J $$' V - J i Ik n? - .,ni' -JE 1-. &jij&& V" lUiViMiSUtJ'-'-jj. fiLiii " "itf . .