. iiw? f"i '-n'"1!'"'"'" r "nr ",, Vf rrMf v- Zbc 3) a i I s fubraettan I- tht Dally Utbraskan CHRISTMAS GIFTS & .m . ."frtPV1 rtrtw !fr ' -x k 1, A consolidation of Tha Hftporlnn, Vol. 81, Tho NbratHan, VL H Scarlet and Cream, Vol. A. ,.': '-' ' " TflyiiittM (lIlly,o)ont.1Jundy. una Monday, at the Uulrerilty of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nrt, bj the Hmpcrlnn Publlnliiag Co., Boaho Or DrniOTOB Profaosora J. I. Wjrer, and 0. R. Riolur&M II. I. Ltavlt John Wcatovar E. n. Waltan. KdttoHnChiaf Paul A. BfflBf Manager A. O. Sohrelbar (Mnralsttr Walters. Standards Xn't. AdY.lCanagar Frad Nan into ASSOfclATfc HDITORS Fred A. Swraftir Athletic Local Society Utararjr D. P. DaYoaaf Miss Mlnnlo mlm MUs LaUSietta tt Gold or Silver Paid for Baubles- Money Wasted Presents, useful as well as ornamental, arc not hid away or gone in a day, ? JJ? but are for years a constant reminder of the giver. We have a complete line of . Editorial Rooms and Broilneea OffloeU 8tl) Pott Offlca Station A- Lincoln, Nobr. Telephon, Night TcUphona Automatic 1521 Automatic 2365. Subscription Prico, 2 per year, in adraaaa rsae BE Kntcred at the poitofQce at Lincoln, Neb., s socond-olona mall matter under the act of con Kress of March 0, 1BT9. ' " HI .M Individual noticed Mill bo charged for at th rate of 10 oonta for caoh Insertion. Faculty, departmental .and unlreraltj bulletlna rrlM gladly be published free,' ns heretofore. tf tt ; ljAI)I&S' PUflBUfi WRIST BAT JS 1DKS' SATCIf Kl S OARTKR PtTRSES CHATKLAINTC DAGS SUIT CASES CARD CASES AUTOMOBII B HACKS DRB3SINO CASS LETTER CASKS CARRIAGE BAGS SI1 K. HAT BOXES POCKET BOOKS Ml'SIC BAGS- COLLAR AND CUFF BOXES BILL BOOKS OXFORD BAGS TOILET ROLLS PASS BOOKS CABIN BAGS TRUN.KS ANT) FLASKS SUIT BAGS LEATHER NOVELTIES Editorial Remarks To poiKOiiH who wish to study In the i liussioal llbrnry, the quietness of tho room, which is conspicuous by its din and upioar, Ih a source of great an noyance. No matter what time of the day a poison outer.; thin loom he Is lemlndett of th proerbiaI "confusion or tongues at the tower of Babel,' which must hao been music to the ear omparcd to the Jangl" which Is in i -r.santly heard in tho so-called kuk1 loom. In one corner two joung ladies are studying conversational Latin, or some other brancli of learning, which seems to depend largely upon the vo cal organs. In nnothor part of the i( Ladies' and Gent's Horn Alligator and Fitted Suit Cases and Bags Unsurpassed, h ft Umbrellas; self-openers and removable handles. Visit us before buying. Oj . - . p Jlf IFi . W tf M s . lii m uvincKS i runK r actory i M '. i Auto Phone 1396 1036 O Street aa3a33333a33aaa333a3 m 71 Bessey will confer with them in hh ofike in loom 110 Nebraska hall. Bring jour record (credit) books. A few Seniors hno not -had their pit tu left taken for the Sc.iior Book. This mufti be. attonded-Q immediately, or they will not mpear m the book. COMMITTEE Students from Iowa, not at present member of the Hawkeyo club, but in terested in the same, are requested to hand or send their names at onto to M1s.s Pres-dy or C. .1. Humphrey, Sta tion A. Amherst has recently established a chair of history and political and so clal science in honor of Henry M. Buckner, its most illustrious alum inn. It has an endowment oi H,00). STEINEB-WOEMPENER BRUG CO. WholMU nJ RrtaH "W DRUGGISTS Automatic Phnc J 707 J Hi O Strt LINCOLN. NKB. A do.en monibeTs of the t lass wz W hc-c WM If - !Ki:- Wt His Christmas &L in imM 'HHafl' .mm Right Prices To make him feel good you must give him something out of the ordinary and some thing that will suit HIM. I've got it! BUDD, at the $2.50 HAT STORE -iiHH f)jc-KiH4HH MHKteMeiejHtwtcK X iMK- 1 H ii ii ii ii ON WelBbacb. Welsbach Air Gymnasium Alautles, Burnor8 Suits, Track Suits, Sweaters. Bicycles and Repairs, Phonographs. Sidles cycle co. 1317 o St. STUDENTS The newest and finest Barber Shop in Nebraska. Particu lar attention given to face, neck and scalp massaging. J The r-istof J206 O St., Burr Block At Witt M ' r- .-4- Barney & Berry; i Skates i I 65c to $2.00 uwm.mmmmir I i t I I STUDENTS loom, another couple are. discussing the last Junior Prom., or tho ono to come,, and In other places other weighty subjects are being discussed In equally loud voices, much to the nnnoyanco of the unfortunate iiu'l vid ua! who s atten.,)tlng to absorb a lit tle kjowlecfoo. Why can't the persons In question adjourn to the elocution room or to the Y. W. C. A. room, there to de elop tholr conversational powers and allow the classical library to bo used for the purpose for vhich It was In tended,' (o study. Dean Besscy aslts every Senior in the Industrial college who Intends to graduate In February to see him as soon as possible, prolerably during tho "dean's hour," from 11:30 to 12, in room 107 University hall. For those who cannot come at that time. Dean Civil Government at Chicago uni versity, filled i.io seatH usually occu pied by tho jury In the juvenile court. The "gavel" was" frequently nocesflnry to restore order. "Occasionally pathet ic cases came up which played upon the tender sensibilities of the feminine jnroi3." and provoked their unio stiained criticism of the judge's "cruel and heartless" decisions. -Chicago Maroon. For first-class Tailoring at low prices, see Union College Student Tailors. Phones; Automatic 3255, Bell J 209. jt J- J. Union College Tailors Sotrth I at Jiki College Building Watemlle Pocket Knives 25c to $2,50 'nmmnttM H A L L S 1308 O A !! fc fc-fciftH. U.iherslty men are eating and drink ing good things at tho city Y. M. C. A Spa. Thoy enjoy home-made pies, oread and sandwiches of the brst quality. Why get out-of-town Candies which the dealer may havo had on his hands three or four months, when you can got candles made freshvory day at MAXWELL'S, 13th and N Chaoin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Lincoln Local ExpresB, 1089 N street. Both phones. CX5OOCKCKXOOX5OOOCOCK)OOO00CK Look Over Our New Book Counter... i Monnnh, the Mr, Heai, bv Seaton .. . i or, yl iwt) Old Gorgon Graham, bj Loiliner j 20 Ifytrni-tri frmn AiIhiik' fViii-v K m....i n- i.. - j "tij,iv ."in n 1 wuui jj5 rj Rebecca, by Kate Douglass Wiggins 10 In the Bishop's Cairiage, h Michelhon ion The Crossing, by Churchill 1 20 Q The Singular Miss Smith, In F , Kingsley j'o B .. . . :: ; g at BROWN'S, 127 south Eleventh w "- -wwwwwwwwwvwwwvvvVVWVMA?UggJQ r Y 4 it I. XV- V"1 w 1 JLiSf"1- h jrt ii -i