' ',W'illTnf " 'w "Jifny.ir.-i ", " 4-iw -!yc'v35x , Tr t,v 1 L B V ! u S'J febe Dad? flebf '5 h a n f " Butlersweetr-best in tho City Fresh All kinds of Novelties Gaudies The Lincoln Candy Kitchen 1337 O Stroot The First National Bank of Lincoln, Nob. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital f 200,000.00 Surplus 100,000.00 Undlvidod profile p. 40,000.00 S. H. Burnham, Pros. A. J. Bftwyor, Vice-Prealdont. H. S. Freeman, Coihler. H. B. Evans, Aent. Cashier. Frank Parks, Aeat. Cashier. P. R. Eaeterday, Auditor. Dr. J, J. Davis ttraduBta Rclractlonisl spectacles and Eyeglasses Fitted to Relieve Headaches and Eye Strain. '232 O Strut Auto Plione S02 J , Rctfde.K 28 1 8 LINCOLN. NEB. Charles B. Gregory ( v. of n. '9i ) nasi" tht Coal Wan NO 1044 O STRBBT Columbia National 13f.. Op LINCOLN, ailK J NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 Sam Westerfield I'rojirU loi nf Sam's Cafe Little (Jem Hot WiifllcnnrtFluc Meals iiiul Lunches J 17-12 I North 13 Street Griff in-Greer Printing Company uS o street Wedding Invltstlom, Ball Program. t ,i a di ol Commercial PrmtlnS. Quarter Size COLLARS Iuiumi lo evrri (U.irlT ofaii iiu-l "HiN picrt one a tluuioc to M-cure tiint iM-rfci'l lit mid sit which murks. tho well inmic cnlliir uiitl the well (I rcssed num. 'I he lir h t ii I the Pure, Bi hfNH MsVh-V Quarter " """ ""sV orr !v P Collar 1 I I B I A1 1 1 VH I i m I xtuniiK-il ETp-trjr ClKett BsBsMBflBHsw r cuun oualton Arrow Aiuuiw Alcon two for J.i cents 'I he onl dln'ercnco is in the iirlit in all else thej arc allce. Cluctt.Peabody k Co. Makers of Cliirtl nntl Monarch Shirt-. Announcements Tho.o who have ordered Sophomore cai m:iy ohtnln them at Mill r & Pal i Hi's NO'IICE Parly taking men oat I mm Nobia Up hill Is known. Riini.i I i lull at oiHc or oxpe I (rouble I OST lri lla morning on the t mi pun, a l)i(jo(h net with pearl -t. Reiuin to i.'ulPlrai'K olllce. All piTHO.iH desiring positions as l n h st loo or urar e tcae Mors, are re i tf fiiesl (1 to .see Mrs Clark at oik e Clnislinas neat Ion begins Wed ties day. DeeemlKM' HI, (i p. m.; ends We.l nesda. , January I, S a. m. Rato on all uiilroads. All who wish to secinc toachois' i ei (Mcates at the mid-winter comment e inent should notify the chairman oT the lent hois' tommiHe" at onto All Scniois mut have their pit I nice taken at Townt-ond's hy Saturday in order to gel them into the Senior Annual COMMITTEE. Mr llamld E Monser will addic- all KiiU in Memorial hall on Kundu at :i p m Hi snlijet t will he "' t li Centurv Woman, Her I'lnee and Power ' Theie will lie a meeting ol Llie Intel (lass athletic comniitte.' in the Y M. (' A. room Tuesday morning at II c't lot k ICvery repiesentative ol eu i clm-.M hhouhl he pic.sonl as important I u.siness is to he transit led H the ret cut action of the Ministeis' a sotialion Sunday, Det emher 11th, is set apart as Priho.i Sundn In the I'h-ht Maiitiht, the pastor, Rev. Snmuel Zane Hat ten will peaih a Keiniou in the morning on "The Causes and Curt of Crime" All students of Social St i lne aie especiallj iinlted Scr.iie a It is eiy m iu h desiicd hi the toin- mittce in (harge of the Coinlius-kei hauquel, which will be held al the I in (tell next Monda .that those intendiiiK to go, puicli.'use their licketn al the (arlief-t possible moment, in ordri that tiid atiangements may he made Thkets will he on sale only a limited time. The usual (lite 1 ill relieais.il v . ill be held at 7,. p. in this owning in riDli. Thoie aie still .acant places in the bass, and as the noason is getting on, and new pieces are being learned, any applicants for positions in either liist oi second bass should hand in their names to Director Knme-. or Manager Williams at omo Dean HohiO asks e cr Senior in l ho lndustiial college who intends to giuduate i.i Fobruni to see him as syn as posnihlo. preferabl during tho "deans hour, uom ii .su io i-. in room 107 l'nln.-dt hall For those who tannot come al that time. Dean 15ess,. will tontei with them in his ofnVo in room IK" Nebraska hall Iliing join i:m onl (tredit) books Pii linos trained and liiTframcd. in Pastel. Oils, Water Colore, etc., etc. will b( sold at the Lincoln Hook Store AuU-lon this week. Rent a Kemlngton aijiLudeiit rate and keep jour notes in good form OrrUe Coiner of Oliver Theater Did? For Furs see Steele. 1 in S 12th St Oertoats! Our Ideal of wluu they should bo. See then when, you think of nn overcoat. Paine's. Chilstmas Thoughts-turn natuiallv io the fine line of Jewelry shown by V. Fleming. IClliotl's Suitoriuni, cleaning, dyeiyg and repairing. Prices reasonable, list? 0 street. Both phones. Erie B. Woodward, M. D., diseases of eye, ear and throat. 207-8 Richards block. Phone G6G. To a young man who is putting It off we mean his overcoat ard suit buying we ore prepared to gl.e him the best money can luy 11. 1.. Balne. Do "V O tl FRED Smoke Up,.,., Oliver Theatre Block fcO0Q0QQOKO0Oj'00'- Christmas Gandiis Allegretti Lowney Huylcrs Place your order now 9 k s. 2 RECTORS Sole Agents I o 0O0OOOOOO0OC'r'0 oooooooo-ooooc I Dance Programs Banquet Itlenus Look for This Slpi THE HEW Auto Phone I 616 ICEnTURY PRIBTERS I uncom N S t root 1241 D00000000O0O0 Shoes Made to Order REPAIRING Neatly Done. NULL & mcCOY, 1520 O Streot Includes in the New E.dltion 25,000 NEW WORDS, Etc. New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary Kdlted by W. T. H AUlllf , IMi.l). , T.L. D., I. H. C'oiiuniesiunci' of Education. 2380 Quarto Pages. New OUlM. 5000 Illustrations. Illrh lliudlnio. Mm. Wcbater'a Collegiate Dictionary nitii lllGptiL'r. UOOIIIuitratlout. Hlro : 7llUlJiiu. A Special Thin Paper Edition Dc Luxe I'rliitr.l from tauiepbttl rcffulir (Million It lini llinpcuMraund iuuimI ouiiiim. Nliu &44il jxl1. FREE, "A Test in Pronunciation,' iTutrnrt Ivo anil lotertnlnlnff. Alo IlluiratoJ pamiihUtj. G. 6 C. ME.RRIAM CO. Publishers, Springfield, Mass. K II O VA A. POWELL M& Sells Dollars F"or Nickels." We have always been known ax the ..STUDENTS' LAUNDRY. Tlili itaion wc art turning out better werlt than ever. W want your business. YULE BROS.' HAND LAUNDRY Auto 275 1 5 UO Street BeU7f4 Kbc jfratecnit 36uilMng Corner 13th and N StreoU Faulkner A Klmrp, Props. Sssclal Rates for Fraternity Daocea. TtUpUmu: Automatic J97-4, Bed 974 Residence, Automatic 1567, Bell 637 RIGGS THE Drug Cutter ..Special Piano Values.. Pei e into i y Sale New .Mahogany Upright, neat, plain tnsc reduced to..tlLT (Jiand Cabinet Uprights, in inahoganj case, Ivory' Kojk, wonderful alue at the now price of $l3ri Cabinet Grand Cprights, in hoauti fully carwd oak and mahogany cases; with man dolin attachment, reduced to 9175 Unliable Cabinet Grand Upilght, of eastenr make, possessing an unusually sweet tone $200 Celebrated make Uprights A few left over out of this ear's catalogues Reduced nearly $100. An unparalleled oppoi tunity Choice nt..n..$L,S5 Son oral ICiaborato Everett Up rights, in choicest fancy woods. Hoth now and usd instruments. A bona lido chance to obtain a lino instrument lor a er low price New' Odd Style Inots & Pond noNV offered at lower prices than we haNo oor sob! those stand aid instruinents. Anyone desir ing an Ivors &. Pond will do well to make an early n i.sit of Inspec tion. Easy .monthly payments may be arranged. Modern Stool and Handsome Scari included at abovo prices. Out-of-town pur chasers should nTso take ad-Nantago-of the above special of feiing. Freights are low and wo nlode ourselves to make a most cnrelul selectioifT In tho event of any of the above pianos proving not entirely satisfactory and on that account being re turned to us. we will chcertully pay freight both ways. Do not fail to make ah eaily lsit of inspection. PICTURE AND FRAME U R GA1NS. We aie closing out our entire s-ti.i U of pit tures and frames at a gioat- discount. lluy earlj and get the (list choice. ROSS P. CURTICE CO. U25 O Street W- K r i t i i S V J 4 i '.i. f c: ' .1.1 ( t. . -:t-V-,. "rfj&i. tx' - Ait . r ,v. t,v , : uftMwfe?; t. k . s s'i .h, toie&&&uUnte& e '4 i ' i' j ' 'Mm&& , .ia.. :--. .., If .'i