m Hr3fBREKSBvWwB r SttrH irW rafc-fcpf H ixte9gHygy "jLflw'T Rfei&f MP ,j ttbc ails fLebraeft'a-n ' t y y i. ir it- ' -,!' BUSINESS DIRECTORY Everv Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patroni2e these Nobraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing Eo. ART GOODS Ross P Curtice DARBICR SHOPS. The Arlstn, C.reen's Palace and Mogul BICYCLES-ATHLETIC GOODS Si dles, Oirnnl. nOOKS-STATlONKRY Co-op. Lin coln Bool Sloip, Uni. Bool? Store. Brown Drug Co BOOK HOSPITAL GillcspiP BANKS Coliinil.lii National. VrA Na tional BOOKP.INDL C.-C.illpppiP nOWI INO A LI KYCreseent. CARPENTER Gpo. A. WJlson. CIGARS Fred A Powell, Boyle & vValker, Lindsay. CLEANERS AND DYERS Elliott, Souk up & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong. Mngce & Deemer. Unland. COAL GrpRory. P. D. Smith, White- hreasl. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell. Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DISEASES OF EYE. EAR & THROAT Dr. Woodard. DRUGGISTS Stciner. Woemponer. Brown, Mann, Rector. DRY GOODS Miller &. Paine ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Rosa Elec ,' trie Co. EXPRESS Lincoln Loral, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS-Chapin Bro?. FURNITURE- Rudge & Gucirel. A M. DaIs, Hardy FURRIER Steele. GROCERS Koystonp. HAjiERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Slorp. HARDWARE- Rudge &. Guoivel, F E. I.ahr. HOTELS Llndoll. JEWELER Tucker, Wolff, E Flem ing. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. LUMBER DIerkB. MILLINERS The Famous. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. OiTICFANS Dr. J. J. Da is, . olff. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend, Hay don, Kennedy. PIANOS Ross P. Cuitlce Co. POOL AND BILLIARDS B. P. Pow-olI.-TJio Ideal. PRINTING -Georgo Bros., New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Reiev Press, Grif fin & Greer. RESTAURANTS Wcsterfleid, Home Cafo, Uni. School of Music Cafe, Good Health. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium. SHOES Sanderson. SHOE-JIEPAIR1NG Null and McCoy. BIuo Front Shop. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. - STENOGRAPHER Frank 'E. Leo. SUITORIUM Wobcr, . Elliotts. TAILORS Un. nd, Union College Tailors, I-udwig. TYPEWRITER Romlngton. For Sale Only at Harley's CHDCDLAflS " BDNDDN5 Campus Gleanings H. (' Jensen. '. X, is p'odgccl to Sigma Al ilia Epsilon HnriA Dildinp. of Kcaiiic, Is inlt-' lug at the I). V. hous-p this week C D Slaughter was Milled to Oinah.i jcstciclny In the illnes- of his mollici Mr Kiogeslck has loll .school on account of illness H will iolmhl return in a shoit time Rom in' If Davidson, ricilimaii law ot lust yeai, it. now working for th P. AL .M In Omaha. P It .Niiip-. iueiel i m-mmp Injiti.. to his nuklo while at hakct hall iuu ti r e-teida moi .ling The (lass in Englifli I it"iatuie ." und. r Piofeshor Sluff, licgnn work in (Jco'-ge Meicdlt'i jeste dn .Mis Pauline Bupc h "-to)ped off in I incoln lietwcen fialin jcsfewln on Iipi a home tioin Aikansas t Piolc-.sci Tos-ler went (o Cle u water I ' 1 1 I n to deliver an addicss on "Vn (I'llon Rainhles in Emopp." t 'hat i'n e 'I ne thesi- ol (Justus Elmer has le- ill l lieen iciehed for oi rei lion and will aitprar nVxt month in The Physi cal Re' iew Piolessoi Piiiihoui will he delated in St I outs lor about u week, ftking (aie ol Nebraska's mining elill it at the cpoltlon. The Sopliomoie class lo.it hall will he nulled oil among "he menihoih of I he hi- team today, ai.d the proceeds used to jay the expenses of photo tMaphs of the team Di (5 !:. Co.idra will gie a lantein It Mine before the te.uhein ol the city Fatiirda atlernoon In tue cha iel. The let tine will he on the subject of "The Phy.siogiaphh Regions ol t'ic United States As soon as the new Stadium at llai vaid is ( on pleted, Harvard students will hae liee admittance to all the athletic c cutest? Now it eos-ts a stu dent $(I or $8 to see the athletic ton tests. When the change Is hi ought about the association will be deprived of a lnrge html of monc , hut it Is be lieved that the advancement in thp spiiit of aainteurism and den101.ra.t3 in the athletics ol Haivaid will suf fu lentlj make up tor the financial loss. Can you skate? Ever try loller skating? If not, come down some evening and try, it you do skate, you will appi eel ate the effoits of the management In .novidlng this gieat spoil for the peo pie ol I Ineoln. The Auditorium Rol ler Skating Rink has a new haidwoQcl Moor and is equipped with Richardson hall-hearing skates. Admission altei noon, ladies free evening ladies l.rc , M'nts 2i)c. Rent of skates 20c -TJie. Hhovver baths in the men's gym nasium are giving a great deal of trouble, owing to the unequal distri button ol hot and cold water. Special attenu to iyaic.: a..d ow olry repairing. E. Fleming, 1211 0 street. Oyster stow 25 cents at Cameron's new Restaurant, 119-South 12th. Union Shining Parlors. Shino, Gc. Chairs for ladios. 1018 0 street. HIGH GRADE Drug. Store, Mth and O. ENDURING X Specials in Mission Furniture "$7.(0 lor huge Ann Roi Uc is with lei'lier seal like cut. i(!.00 foi Mli-slon Sewing Rocker, Spa nljh leather scat - like c nt. Jl.fJfi for Weatheied Oak Mission Stool wood seat-like cut. 2 ."id for Weathered Oak Diners, wood sent see cut $7.00 lot Magazine Rack. Weatheied Oak- Hive eat. $1., on 101 MI--ton Sell-". Weathered Oik, Maroon le.it her teal. Others, $25, $35, $60, $90 We show Complete Library Sets, Complete Din ing Room Sets, Complete Hall $ets, Den Pieces and hundrees of cn1cl and beautiful Crafts and Odd Pieces from 51 -ft5 to 5100 each. vHSiff K' lS7' A SIMPLE "CHAFER" We show oer fit) sizes and pat or a complcurchaftiiK dish outfit. terns from tho Individual to the whichever von orefcr. is tasilv r,e- lectcel from our line. They are made by MANNING. BOWMAN & CO, , . ,,,,, , COFFEE POT STANDS, and have tlu KitcM impmvemcim TJ plIt on Uu, lnljlet(J p inchulmg t'.cir .itc t ivoiv c.;.i:n- the coffee hot during the meal; nl- ek-d food pan and Perfect!.'., ic-.:- (,!!,0, ""JorH. ?2 00 ' 1 Fancy China Sterling Silver di lating l.mip. cntal Rugs. Rudac4 Guenzel U. 1041 O STREET ROSS ELECTRIC CO. 122 No. Uth 'Phooe 974 Bftctric SoppUei, Window Lighting, BUctrle Sfgni, Cm, Hlectrlc nd Combination Fixture, Dynamo 'ftJMot0W-- House and Store Wiring AU kind f Kcv lor Rtpuln LINCOLN, NEi DIERK8 LUMBER COAL CO. Bell Phone 35 AuHZ$l9 10 1 COAL, - MAS GIFTS CHAFINO DISHES, $::.2.r) to S22..V) EACH. We show 2i" dIlTrent finishes and stjlcs. (): r iic. Vapo. Alcohol Uuinei iMh one-ha!l lc, i :ili till jl give- moie heat and the aholic.l docs not eva lorate when not in use. CIIAFINC; DISH ACCESSORIES. Tiajs ii bi.i'-.s, Nickel Plate and lane y finishes with or vvitlioiui handles, .'fir to $4.00. Challng Dish Poikh, Spoons, SkimniPiH, Toasters, ('title t Pans and Coffee Pot Hangers, $1.2.") to $r..C0 each. Wood Alcohol We guarantee our Chafing Dish limners to work if j on use Mnnnliig-Rowma.i Chafing Dish Alcohol. Per bottle. 25c. TEA POTS, COFFEE POTS, INDI VIDUALS. "nrgo family blze. livery good Kind or style, 75e to ?5.00 pncli. M. & 13., Diinlap and Glass Clol. Peicolafors make a line Chtiklma-i gift; 12 patterns and El.es, $3.25, $4.(J, $5.00 up to $12.()(L 115 SOUTH Uth See Yourself as Others See You cA mHE Printed Stationery you use reflects your business Judg ment No fob U too common to , fee neatly done. Wfcar you vant when you want it. King & Zurbrigeu Tie Ivy Press Paintan " 125-127 Notth Twelfth Street .1 Vm "U I A i j -a l .1 4 1 . L. X ' Yi ' ' JJ A j .. v cL'-i: ( ,&A '