5 ffs"?fc "f i. 3v S ; ttbe ID a 1 1 f IRe bras Kan 5- A V - K BUSINESS DIRECTORY Everv Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Mebrnskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. ART GOODS Ross P. Curtice. 15 RBKTt SHOPS. -Tho Aristo, Croon's Palace and Mogul. BICYCLES-ATHLETIC COOD9 Si dles. Cliard. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Boole Store. Brown Drug Co. BOOK HOSPITAL flillpsplp. BANKS Columbia Natlornl. First Na Honul BOOKBINDL C, -Oillospio. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. CARPENTER Geo. A. "Wilson. CIGARS Fred A. Powell, Roylo & Va1Uer, Lindsay. CLEANERS AND DYERS Elliott. RouUun & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong Mapo.e &. Dormer. .Unland. COM. Gregory. P. D. Smith, Whlte- hroast. CONFECTIONERY -Maxwell, Lincoln Candy K It'll en. DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DISEASES OF EYE. EAR & THROAT -Dr. Woodard. DRI'GOISTS Steiner. Woempener. Brown, Mann, Rector. DRV GOODS Miller & Pnine. ELECTRIC. .L SUPPLIES Ross Elec , 'trie Co. . - - EXPRESS Lincoln local', Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS -Chopin BroF FPRNITURE Rudgo & Guenzel. A M Dals, Hardy. FVRRIER Ste6l0. GTtOCERS- Keystone. JnERDASHKRY $2 r.O Hat Store C&RnWAP.nRiidsc & G-ten.ol, F K. I ahr. HOTELS LI ndoll. IEWELER Tucl er, Wolff, E. Flem ing. LAUNDRIES Yule. Bros. LUMBER Dlerhs. Mil I INERS The Famous. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. -O. TICIANS Dr. J. J. Davis, . olff." Y. W. C. A. Notes. ,iisF Anna Van kml, VI. ;o:ioinl se-rctai ol t'10 Ka isas Uniwintv Y I Y'. C A will iflt fur a--o int fem i ut t vo ... Bo Miro to , en- 1, ci a I th j noon moot Hi;.', and on Sum day The londfis for tho noon iiwvtlii'. for tho weol; houlnnlng Ooroiiilr r 2 are. Monday Mh;s I aura Wil Tr.rpday Miss Anna Moor. Wednesday (ioldcna I)onn Thuida , Anna Van 7, ml rrlda . ima Van Zan' . - Mr. Harold K. Mo.imci will nddios-. tho girls in Momoiial hall Sunda. at : p. in Mr Monsr h a giaduato ol BerKloy unl.oisUy, '!).") The add re-' he Iliads iioloic (ho V M. V A. at t li Ollwr two w eks huo 01 "Tra; V w.t- i most out luiHiastic ally recohod. Th' women ol Wosloyan unlc;,-it of Cotnor unloit.ity and ol tho (it) of lliuoln. I'.osido all stale uriei.sit girls are uigod to enjoy llio prl ilogc of hearing Mr Mo.itmI at tlijn Sunday meeting, HI' suhloi t will 'I i- 'The 20th Century Woman, iloi rla o and Power." ml '( J Smoke K up,.,., Invited , on aio linltod n oir-,tnir. V I n r tl c ! Ind "J.'e':v, WhIi'.oi D.:i I'.ofldg, Cut Gas. u ,1 $ iware tunt wo a:-' pi.uid lu pmo.v. lil-jio ti -.' win within l no .nf fov dnv. m. O. WOLFF, i:ioSmM li .i t li Street. TXZ kxsssst. SRC ZJimiMVix'Tt mnr.xi i .. ML. i. ...if -v, . -.HT.-.V 1 Do Yon Know FRED A. POWELL OllvorThentri? Fllocl Academy Notes. FihmK S Buriiham, ox-CV was o.i tnc (umpitH today. C. !' Biowu, ol Camlnidgii', i. visit ing j''y l.rothoi, Coorge. this week E. J. KmsiiolT le.'t for his homo at Mo Sells Dollnrs For INIckels." gpeofflffloeoo6,w; : :-:3C'-?s 4 TRY A TON OF Cardiff GoaS 9ivV Heating Stovo f s .i Auna t'odaV ovc1, Hunday- heic 1 e" will r.'UKiin Satisfaction Guarantee J or Your Money Refunded.' fr I. K Griffith. 'uit .who l now. p'in sipal o; tho Piwnoo City high hi ho'ul. i: in town tod a;. . " A. D. Pony, who hae lictMi out ot hc hool lor a few daw on at count .ol v,u Knot's, returned to hi.-. laso je3 ttid I'lie (l.'ll'itlllg (I'.ll) i-! to le SOOIgfl- niid tonight (Fiid.i)) and the academy ho aio jilanning' gipat things 0" this winter. Tho So lal ilO'ii (lnh will in 'Ct Willi Mis Hodgmau net Wedut-da.s ulteinoon and It Is hoped all the girls ("in le -re out in hoi .uw homo. . . t The lnmlu'thall girls aio s. hediilod to i luy the I imoln high school girlK next Friday and aio expoiting a hard (ontPAt on a Ftiangc field. THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE, to California, and Northwest ia Un ion Pacllh Millions hao keen spout h llio Unio.i lJaiitli in the Impiine aiont ot its lino, and I'll human in- 9. 'flflAJ M iS i wwniieureasi uo ' : I I O G O. K fa otrettY AUTO 'PHONE 0232 BELL 'PHONE 23 S-&MQfrZZ$ ::..t?. T IVf.S.'LSL'L''i.r.S.SlHi.H.l.Stg PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend, Hay-'Kenuitv has keen ado;ted to pruiuct , . its palio:i:i again-J accident Tho lino den, Kennedy. PIANOS Ross P. Cnrtire Cb. POOL AND RILLIARuS B. P. Pow ell, Tho IdeaL PRINTING George Bros , New Ccn- N i enow nod for its last trains and the goieial superiority ot its i'erie and equipment. By far t.ho quit host time to all points east oi wo-t Foi lull information liKiuiro ot E. ,11, S.I.OHSON. tury. Ivy Press, Review Press, Grlf- i - II n & Greer. RESTAURANTS Westerflcid, Home ! Laie. uni. acnooi ui. musn. vuiu, Good Health. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium. " S HOES Sanderson. SLLOJC REPAIRING Null and McCoy. JBluo Front Shop. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. STENOGRAPHER Frank E. Lee. SUITQIUUM Weber,' . ' Elliotts. -, . .- ' TAILORS Un. nd,' IJnion College Tallo.rs Ludwig. TYPEWRITER Remington. (Jonoial Agent U. P. Timecard Changes. I The Union Pacific will change time 1 c 1 I ........! ( I. .11,..,.. TI... OUllUil.V, I iei.i.111 ill I i, (in lUJIun. riiv tiaiu for Manhattan will leave at 7:30 a. m., lemming w ill ni rie irl S p. in. ThoHiain for Onialia leaeK Ut y.aj a in., loturnlng fioni Omaha tujiei at 8:0r li. m. Tlje Strbmshnrg train arries at 11 -Ik") a in . and will leao for Stronu ki'rg at (i:U() ). in. . - Special attention to wuuli n.i1 jew elry repairing. E. Fleming, 111 0 street. Union Shining Parlors. - SHfne, 5c. Qhairs for ladles. 1018 O street. . ty" w' mxt3ZtS&$ws 1 3 LMM i- - v II ATn LA B ? 1 HIGH (jRADF; w m t. FoivSaleJOnly. at Harley'a Drug Store, 11th and O.. STUDENTS! For first-class Tailoring at low prices, tec Union College Student Tailors. Phones; Automatic 3255, Bell J 209. J jt ffr Will Trade Union College Tailors South Tnl u cc ColUfC Building .S.H'.'.lU'tyfl 1C , v 1 i mmmAJfJfirS m TfeSTT L Blue Front JO Shoe Shop l. Kolbach J 1326 O 9tre6t tTT.r WtiiSlXMui Klt.,r, I rc- ou a Bio.wlo lor a aTJUlng Ma$ o oi a TalkliiK Aaohlne for a BJc.Io. All lie now ;oodp. , , Athlrtic roods of all klniltf.C,' Girard Cycle G'mpy 1304 O Street - ! ' Book fiospitel r R, H. GILLESPIE Phcnc M10 J24 0 Stcct Wc have always been known as the ..STUDENTS' LAUN0RY. ThU tcuon wc am .turning out better woifc 'than ever. W nt your biuliuu. YULE BROS.' HAND LAUNDRY Auto 2754 ISUOS'.Kit BU74 THERE IS NO Watch, Clock or Article ol Jcwjhy pyFDY llffF WE CANNOT REPAIR C . Tucker, Jeweler Sit O -PUo,,.BU534. JUu IfcSiS " "" 'ww i i iiaiufwwi' awn v , XUo't U rfed one-keep youreeH looking neat. Patronize tbt Ukbcv Suitorium HAS ITS OWN c6al fc I I f I 'Wchavc been .very successful -in rr catering to weddings and padfes 'j: -where something EXTRA FINEtl Is wanted. Why caq't we furnish you with, your Groceries for all?;; occasions? .' & Cleaning, Pre Bell 7oK r. Pressing. Dying RtpJrln2 nd Rf Uttm.of Fine Clothe. Automatic t70 73- . jKBYSTONE GRCfCBftV i M i i '3 i fl 51